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Thread: The rant to end all rants

  1. #41
    Join Date
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    Default Re: The rant to end all rants

    Quote Originally Posted by Takora Drakan View Post
    If you want to say with your post that I am a "yes sayer", you are wrong. I don't say that all is fine, but maybe you have to loose your char for more than a year to understand how grateful I am VI that they saved the Unity players and charged no extra costs for the transfer for it.

    The game has it's bugs and problems but the devs are no superheroes that can snip with their hands and fix the game. Patience is needed much for playing the game, and the developing. Most players that don't have the patience will leave anyway, and those "the sky is falling bye bye posts" are nothing more than hot air mostly.

    If someone thinks that VI is doing such a terrible job, they should do it better or leave it game be, but ranting all the time about the bugs changes nothing when the devs know the bugs and are working on fixing them.
    wrong, wrong and wrong

    1. Bringing unity back was a way to make money obviously.
    2. If the devs can't snap their fingers and make the changes, then they won't get changed, will they?
    3. Patience shouldn't be needed to play the game. It's a product.. it's meant to be shiny, pretty, perfect and fill a need which will, in turn, generate money.

    The problem with having a flawed product is that it won't sell or, in this case, it won't endure. But it's just that, a product.. not a teddybear, not a sand castle that you spent your entire youth on and now the tide is closing in and you're grasping at anything to keep it there just like it is because if it gets washed away, so does 5 years worth of justification for having no life while you built it.

    The fact here is that this is a game. It's meant to be fun. I shouldn't have to work around bugs, or quirks, or issues, or not play for a week because I can't do what I want to do.

    You may not be concerned with the bottom line, which is to make money.. you're just worried about your sand castle, and that's what they want. But in order to keep the rest of us cherishing our sand castles, they're going to need to built a little wall, or a point break, or something to give us a little more longevity and maybe some new tools, a nicer shovel.. that type of thing or we're going to be bored long before the tide gets us anyway.

    Anyway, long alliteration aside. This game is a 3 legged dog. It's interesting and somewhat unique, but the novelty fades when you realize you can't really do much with it after a period of time.
    Mensarian state of mind: Being without one completely!

  2. #42
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    Default Re: The rant to end all rants

    Quote Originally Posted by Xoshara View Post
    You think they can fix more if they charge less?
    That sounds like an excellent question to ask them.. because they are getting less and less as folks leave.

    But that's on them. I'm just ranting
    Mensarian state of mind: Being without one completely!

  3. #43
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    Default Re: The rant to end all rants

    Quote Originally Posted by Teto Frum View Post
    Than you Creme and Frith for your support. No one posts why there leaving to try and get others to join them. No one leaves hoping game collapses. Anyone who posts their reasons for leaving clearly cares about the future and the game in my eyes. They are letting it be known why theyve departed, hopefully theres a chart, VI uses to track departures and why, so that certain things are known and perhaps may get some attention sooner.

    I by no means ever mean to offend VI though i know i have a few times. Leaving something you used to enjoy is not easy, as it sits right now there are several things that need addressed before i would ever consider returning full time from my current visit twice a year plan. I don't think im being selfish or insulting to anyone by joining any thread that i think might further those goals, its just me hoping that by adding another voice to a thread perhaps things might get moved up the priority latter.

    VI has always been very honest about their size and that they can't work on everything at once, therefore there clearly is a priority list, I'm grateful people take the time to post why their leaving, because i think somethings have been done that are less important then somethings left undone. Im hopeful threads like these may place more importance on issues VI may not think are as important.

    Before everyone jumps on me, im not implying that VI is doing anything wrong. But they are not players, even if they were at one time, they are not now and might not see certain issues in the same light as a current player.
    Nah, I did this to rant. It's annoying to me that I spent so much time on the forums typing out well thought out and logical "suggestions" (fixes really) for issues in the game only to have them DOUSED with negativity by the same people every time.

    Of course I get hostile at that point. And of COURSE I'm going to leave.. good grief. If you can't get something FIXED without someone telling you it's working as intended because (insert random lore here) then it's time to move on

    And, believe it or not, this rant post is a compilation of just a small representation of the suggestion and game bug posts I made while I was here. And not a single one of them were implemented or fixed in a year. Now, granted, some were long-range suggestions that I wouldn't expect to see in a month or even two. But a year?

    Put it this way, when I was playing WOW, I made a recommendation that they change the loot system to include an item quality filter.. It was implemented in a patch a week later and I was given credit. Now THAT'S what large companies with good support do. Can we expect the same? Of course not. But there's a limit to the waiting game especially when it involves something that fixes the game or, at the very least, makes it better.
    Last edited by Mensar; December 17th, 2008 at 01:32 AM.
    Mensarian state of mind: Being without one completely!

  4. #44
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    Default Re: The rant to end all rants

    Quote Originally Posted by Frith-Rae View Post
    Well Teto going on your last few paragraphs there - and I think the big message/point overall whenever we get into these discussions (We as in the community and the devs)

    Is it basicaly comes down to a "agree to disagree - we see your points but you can't deny the truth" type of answer. Which makes noone happy - but unfortunately is the "way it is"

    Kinda like when two friends are having an honest and truthful discussion about something and realize that they are just in two different places, or wanting two different things, or have two totally opposite viewpoints. Neither one may WANT or LIKE that the other person is that way - but at the same time there's nothing to do to change it - it just "is what it is."

    At that point each person on their own has to decide wether its something they can accept and live with and keep in their life - or something they can accept but no longer wish to have in their life.

    It can be "answer you don't want to hear", as much as it is 100% true - and you can wish it wasn't that way. But in the end - each person can only decide for themselves if its the truth that, in this case, they wish to pay for.

    I hope that made sense...Its a sad situation in that neither party is usually happy with the end answer, or the truth - and realizes it "sucks" - but also realizes that it is a truth that for the time being - we can't do anything about.

    And people have a hard time with those types of conversations and truths...and people get very very upset at hearing answers, or dealing with a truth, that they just wish wasn't so.
    It's cool that you have the Negative folks, then you have the really positive folks, then you have the fence sitters.. then the folks that keep the peace no matter what, and the ones that just need some Zoloft..

    and I'd classify everyone if I knew my post would endure without being edited or deleted (yes, even in a rant thread).. I'm sure you'd get some laughs though. Who doesn't like a good player-roast?
    Mensarian state of mind: Being without one completely!

  5. #45
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    Default Re: The rant to end all rants

    Quote Originally Posted by Xoshara View Post
    Actually it's not unique. There is at least one other game where players are often accused of being "anti change".
    I relate "anti change" to "anti grow". For a service that's the end of the road.

    If you can't keep up with the competition, you die. Maybe not with a bang like hellgate did, but definitely with a whimper.
    Mensarian state of mind: Being without one completely!

  6. #46

    Default Re: The rant to end all rants

    Im glad i was following along before the editors got here.

    I think if you read closer Mensar, Takora was refering to me as the whiner, or maybe you, but certainly one of us villians of istaria who wont sleep till its gone.
    Last edited by Teto Frum; December 17th, 2008 at 01:57 AM. Reason: addition

  7. #47
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    Default Re: The rant to end all rants

    Quote Originally Posted by Mensar View Post
    and I'd classify everyone if I knew my post would endure without being edited or deleted (yes, even in a rant thread).. I'm sure you'd get some laughs though. Who doesn't like a good player-roast?

    you could always just pm peeps you think would be amused.....
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  8. #48

    Default Re: The rant to end all rants

    Id certainly be amused, would gladly accept it in a pm form, and even if its insulting, dont care if its posted here, id not complain and would hope this invitation leads to no censorship of it . Shouldnt theres been no shortage of insults hurled my way across these forums, pms or even ingame that havent been edited, give it your best Mensar. I volunteer to go first.

  9. #49

    Default Re: The rant to end all rants

    Quote Originally Posted by Mensar View Post
    in before moderation, page-saved for Great Justice.

  10. #50

    Default Re: The rant to end all rants

    I sure was hoping that this didnt become an exercise in name calling, im aware that can only ever be modded one way, as history insists.

    I was just curious why when the veteren population is dieing for more players the minute anyone of them has anything bad to say about game, the immediate response from the core group is insults followed by leave if you don't like it.

    Eventaully as you run off all the negative newbies, and after 4 years thats not me, whos going to be paying the bills to keep game running. Istaria is in trouble fropm my viewpoint, ive gone from 12 months a year too two, Mensars left with six accounts, folks with vista cant get in ETC.ETC.ETC...., games population is shrinking, and whenever anyone leaves, no one cares why...just tell them how many hours vi works, or the mess they started with,... this list goes on.

    HZ needs help, just dismissing why everyones leaving and staring at them in bewilderment and calling them fools, telling them to go ahead, leave, we dont need you. Well trust Hz day of reconning is coming people are leaving in the drooves, i know at least 8 more accounts that are currently in new game with no chance of a hz return.

    All this talk of being grateful, well im grateful istaria is still alive because i love to still visit. But im no more impressed than with the guy at McDonalds that screwed up my order the other day. Hz needs bugs fixed before adding new content or itll be a revolving door for all but a handful of folks that would still play if they turned it into pong.
    Last edited by Teto Frum; December 17th, 2008 at 03:56 AM. Reason: addition

  11. #51
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    Default Re: The rant to end all rants

    before this thread gets locked or deleted, i wish to apologise if anyone has been offended by my stance on the real life side of istaria.
    it has almost never been my intention (there have been exceptions, yes) to insult anyone.
    i, along with many others with different views, have been thru quite a bit with this game (and others have been thru worse, i understand) and at this point, i am simply happy and content with being able to play it.
    this does not mean i am not looking forward to a better horizons, it does mean that i am happy the game is in the hands of peeps who sincerely seem to want to improve it, which is a vast and unspeakable change from the previous peeps.......

    my viewpoint is: it ain't perfect, it ain't big, it may not even be much, but it is better than nothing.

    should that viewpoint change drastically, i will leave the game.
    if you do not like to play, you should leave to find something you do enjoy.
    i do not think constant reminders and (let's face it, as long as we are being honest) denegrations of the efforts of the devs will hurry things along and [complaining] about things that may not happen for a long time if ever is not productive.

    that is what i mean when i say if you don't like it, leave.
    Last edited by Amarie Ancalimon; December 17th, 2008 at 05:22 AM.
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  12. #52

    Default Re: The rant to end all rants

    I really attempted to give everyone a chance to get their say in. However, with the sudden influx of player baiting you were all correct in assuming the thread would be locked.

    A kind reminder to every poster: if you EVER think that what you're about to post is going to get edited, deleted, modded, locked, etc then you may want to consider sending a PM to the person you're responding to instead of posting it publicly.
    Last edited by Amarie Ancalimon; December 17th, 2008 at 02:24 PM.

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