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Thread: Origins of An Elder

  1. #1

    Default Origins of An Elder

    OOC: I've been meaning to get a story about this particular hatchling together and have finally completed it! So for those of you who enjoy reading stories... I hope you like it ^_^
    This, as with all of my stories, is a third person-perspective, enjoy!


    Origins of an Elder

    Lightning crackled across the sickly, tainted sky while rain poured in a torrential flood veil; the black poison that contaminated the very world itself was evident in the roiling green mists. How one survived in this toxic realm was beyond anyone’s guess. Ri’ta’thi stood outside of her lair, looking over the blackened and darkened realm and loosed a sigh as she viewed the once-beautiful lands. The skies of Ralgol were cloaked in an eternal darkness, evinced by the power of Nox and the Darklings, not even the moon or stars could easily shine through, though often, one liked to think that they were too frightened to gaze upon this almost lifeless land.

    The war with the Darklings had not fared well in the years since Nox’s revival, despite all the best efforts of the Alliance, Ri’ta’thi had been there at many battles and seen friends and loved ones fall before the might of the dark, poisonous armies at Nox’s beck and call. It was only a matter of time, she mused, before the Alliance would fall. Nox had, at her command, eight supremely powerful creatures of destruction. There were nine in all, but Nox had failed to capture the ninth and captive within the Princesses of Corel, Ai’ka’fi’na, and Cu’pi’la. As long as Nox did not gain the power of all of the Gigas, perhaps the Alliance would stand a chance, but to Ri’ta’thi, it seemed that too was also a matter of time. It was not because the Princesses were under protected, or unskilled in battle, but because of Nox’s unbearably powerful magic.

    As she looked over the wastelands from her lair, Ri’ta’thi heard footsteps behind her, turned to see her mate, Ta’ra’ni, and rumbled in welcome.

    “Greetings unto thee, mine heart, methinks there be trouble on thy mind.� He spoke to her with concern, noting her consternation.

    “Greetings unto thee, Ta’ra’ni, there be much on mine mind. The war fares ill for the Alliance. Only the morrow before last, Nox’s forces didst attack Gargantua, methinks ae be ill omen for da one but many.�

    Ta’ra’ni, who was a gorgeous white dragon, with brilliant blue eyes and sky-blue, swirling decals walked over to his mate and nuzzled her lightly, his tall, muscular frame dwarfing Ri’ta’thi’s own, lightly wrapped his neck with hers, rumbling softly, “Ae be bad for Alliance, aye, but ae da be the end, mine love. There be much fight left for the other dragons and allies, aye, even the bipeds. One canst da give up hope for final victory, forsooth, this be the start. Gargantua didst da fall, aye?�

    Ri’ta’thi, resplendent in her silver scales, highlighted with violet and blue spots nodded her lithe neck, her crystalline blue eyes glittering, “Aye, mine beloved, ae didst da fall, thanks unto Ai’ka’fi’na’s brave act to save ae, but ae still troubles iea. Methinks ae be only a small matter of time before Nox shalt push past and conquer. There hast been da much good news recently for the Alliance.� Ta’ra’ni studied his mate for a time, looking her over, “This be da thy true worry, aye?�

    She nodded in response, “Iea fear for our clutch, Ta’ra’ni, if Nox canst break through, the realm of the Elders shalt be vulnerable unto kor aea attack. Numbers and clutches for ien kind hast always been few, methinks we canst da stand against Nox for long, and iea wishest to see mine clutch be da one the Darklings claim, as so many for others wert.�

    Ta’ra’ni looked back into their lair, nodding lightly as he looked over the marvelous construct of rare metals, gems, and crystals, “Ieo agree with thee, mine heart, but mayhap thou shouldst be with thy eggs instead of troubling thyself in the rain.� He tilted his head and glanced to his mate once more, “There be ways to make the clutch safe from trouble, mine love. Ieo shalt seek conference with Lady Dra’ki’ne’shi’ne’re’thi, methinks aea canst help us keep ien clutch from Darkling claws.�

    At that moment, there was a flutter of wings and an ivory-white dragon with two pairs of wings settled on the couple’s terrace. She was a strikingly radiant dragon, and energy seemed to ripple from her as the two turned their heads to gaze to her and then dipped their heads respectfully towards her.

    “Greetings unto thee Dra’ki’ne’shi’ne’re’thi, thy visit be most fortuitous, ieo wert thinking of seeking audience with thee.� Ta’ra’ni spoke.

    “Greetings, Elders Ta’ra’ni, and Ri’ta’thi.� The dragonelle spoke with a musical lilt to her voice, “It was mere chance that I was coming through here, but I think it is necessary for me to speak with you as well.� The two Elders looked bemused and tilted their heads to listen, giving her the cue to continue speaking.

    Dra’ki’ne’shi’ne’re’thi nodded her head and began to speak, “I bear ill tidings, unfortunately, but I wished to warn you so you can have time enough to prepare yourselves and take appropriate actions to safeguard yourselves and…� She looked over to the nest within their lair, “your clutch. Nox’s forces have pushed through defenses at the Teeth of the World Mountain range, which, as you know, is the gateway to the Elder Retreats. It is imperative that you marshal all your forces and prepare defenses, we shall, of course lend you our aid, as we have been allies for many years, but indeed, we are suffering badly from our near defeat at Gargantua only a couple days ago.� The dragon queen looked quite tired and worn herself, as if she had been fighting for days on end without decent rest. “The Princesses are in the City of Corel, to recover from the battle in Gargantua, but we have received word that Nox also marches her forces towards the Imperial City, we cannot spare many to aid you as we have in the past, we must fight to keep the Imperial City under our control.�

    Ta’ra’ni nodded grimly, “Ae be a multi-pronged attack against the Alliance, methinks, to cut ien off from allies and friends. Ieo bid thee, Lady Dra’ki’ne’shi’ne’re’thi, keep thy warriors at thy Imperial City, thy daughters be most important. We Elders be last of an old breed, mayhap ae be time for us to fade from this world and let the younger seize reins and guide ien unto the bright future.�

    “Please, Elder Ta’ra’ni, its not time for any of us to go yet, accept our aid, where we can provide it, even if it is limited… We cannot just abandon those who have guided our races for so long…� Dra’ki’ne’shi’ne’re’thi looked troubled.

    Ri’ta’thi took that opportunity to speak up, “Lady Dra’ki’ne’shi’ne’re’thi… if thou wouldst offer thy aid… this be how thou canst aid ien…� She paused so Dra’ki’ne’shi’ne’re’thi could listen, “Seek da to protect the older, but the younger… mine clutch and the clutches of many more be of this, if thou wouldst offer iea a way to save mine and many hatchlings, that wouldst be all the assistance thou wouldst have to offer the Elders. Ae shalt be glorious battle to defeat Nox’s forces, but spare mine and many hatchlings.�

    Dra’ki’ne’shi’ne’re’thi paused for a time and then nodded slowly, “If you would not accept my aid in warriors, then this looks like the only way I can assist the revered Elders, I shall teach you and all of the others how to send your clutches and young to safety, far from Ralgol, but there is one catch…� She paused for a moment.

    Ri’ta’thi urged her on, “Please, tell ien.�

    Dra’ki’ne’shi’ne’re’thi nodded, “They will be unable to return, until they gain the full strength of an Ancient, or in your case, the powers of an Elder… it may be many years before they can return… can you accept that?�

    Both Ta’ra’ni and Ri’ta’thi nodded vehemently, “Aye, that be trifling price to ensure a clutch’s future.�

    The ivory dragon then nodded, “Then gather your people together, and I shall teach you.�

    Ta’ra’ni nodded and turned away, but spoke to his mate, “Thou shouldst stay with thy clutch, mine heart, and ieo shalt gather the others.�

    Ri’ta’thi nodded in agreement and proceeded to curl around her nest, cradling the unhatched eggs within her embrace, as if saying good-bye.

    The mother-to-be looked to her old friend and addressed her friend by her normal name, “Mystia… this may be the last stand of mine kind… but thou shouldst da let sorrow break thy heart, ae be the future which shouldst be preserved more.�

    Mystia nodded and approached her long-time friend, “Luna…I pray that it isn’t… I really do… I know how grim things may seem, but please, do not give up, no matter the cost.�

    Luna smiled lightly and nuzzled her, “Mine hatchlings shalt be safe, that be mine most pressing concern, mine old friend. Ien shalt devastate Nox’s forces for thee; they shalt come unto thee broken and weak and thou shalt be able to crush aen. Iea hath faith in thee, mine old friend of ages bygone.�

    Mystia smiled warmly, “I know, Luna, I have no doubt about that… One day, we shall stop Nox, and the world will be bright again, just as it was when we used to adventure together.� She gazed out into the miasma of blackness outside the lair, “The sun will shine over Ralgol again one day, even if it isn’t us that makes it so. Our children shall bring light to our world once more.�

    “Thou dost feel as if ae be a hopeless battle, like iea.�

    Mystia nodded solemnly, “I have a bad feeling, to be honest… but we cannot give up, no matter what.�

    “Aye, mine friend, ae be hope that shalt bring triumph unto the Alliance and thine, and mine hatchlings shalt lead dragon kin and bipeds unto final victory.�

    Mystia nestled with and joined Luna, as the silver dragon crooned and hummed to her eggs, passing on knowledge, tales, and history to the unborn children. Mystia sang with Luna as well, passing her own knowledge and tales to the hatchlings. A melodic song issued forth, as both Luna and Mystia sang in harmony, complimenting each other with their voices. The tale told of great warriors from ages past that had once before defeated Nox and her creatures with valor, gallantry, bravery, and unyielding resolve and fortitude. The tale spun a web of sorrow, pain, and loss as both dragonelles told of their experiences along with those of their ancestors. It bespoke of triumphs and defeats, noble sacrifices and friendship, love, and fulfillment of hidden destinies.

    The two sang for a time, until they told everything that they could remember, or recall. When the song ended, the two friends nestled together, curled around each other and Luna’s eggs; pearlescent tears streaming from both of them. They did not know how, but they knew that they would not be the ones to be able to bring peace to Ralgol; everything would rely upon their children… the next generation.

    The two slept together for a time, until the return of Ta’ra’ni woke them; he had brought all the dragons he could with him, and his massive lair was quite full by the time everyone settled in.

    When everyone finished making themselves comfortable, Mystia pulled herself from Luna and stood where she could see all of the gathered dragons. Inwardly, she winced, the Elder Breed were so few, even though they were quite revered, for they were the oldest, most knowledgeable and powerful dragons in Ralgol, it was a shame that Nox had still more power than even they…

    Mystia surveyed the group for a time before speaking, “I have come here today, to impart a secret, alien to all except those of my own kind… It is a way to cross dimensions, a way to safety, a way to the future, a life, and a continued existence.� She paused for a moment before speaking again, “We have received intelligence that speaks of an attack upon the Elder Retreats, by none other than the Darklings. This is not intended as a way to say that your kind are not willing to fight, by any means. It is instead, a way to provide a future for your clutches, hatchlings, and younglings. There are too few left and all of us need to ensure the survival of our young, to ensure a future for us, and for Ralgol. Nox cannot kill all of us, and she will not kill any more of our young either, not while we can do something about it.�
    The group looked at each one another, nodding and agreeing, so Mystia continued, “This is ancient, powerful magic, but I am certain our esteemed Elders can manage it. It is a rune gate, a portal to another realm, we cannot, unfortunately, determine exactly where our young will end up, but we do know that it will be much safer than here and there is a catch to this too. Our young shall have the knowledge to use such magic, but not until they are older and have mastered the power of Ancients, so when they finally return, they shall be more than able to crush the Darklings and Nox. Now, if you will pay attention, I shall show you the runes to make this gate.�

    Mystia did not wait for anyone to speak up and instead began to draw upon her magic as she held a claw in the air, shimmering with a blue light. With a claw tip, she traced a half-arc, which looked like an upside down ‘U’ with a starburst nestled within the arms of the ‘U’. She traced another sigil, which formed a five-pointed star within the starburst that touched all parts of the inner arms of the ‘U’ while runic script appeared on the arms of the ‘U’, which they were able to translate to read: “Ancient mists, rippling time and worlds, thus shall open gates to hidden realms.�

    Mystia finished her rune-script and then addressed the group, “Those very words you saw are the words that power this magic. When the spell is complete, the portal shall remain as long as you will it… all you have to do is step into it, or rather in this case, put your young into it; do not worry, for the landing, where ever it may be, shall be soft and safe. Fi’ah’ra’on’iz and I have tried it out a number of times and I promise it is safe. If you wish to have a future, put your future through there.� Mystia glanced to the group, who nodded sagely, none of them had questions about how to summon the spell, being as they were Elders, they understood many things more easily than others.

    Ta’ra’ni stepped forth and bowed his head before Mystia, “Mine eternal thanks unto thee, Lady Dra’ki’ne’shi’ne’re’thi, for thy knowledge and passing such magery unto us.�

    Mystia dipped her head in turn, “It was nothing, Elder Ta’ra’ni, and we all know our future lies with our children, thus it would behoove us to ensure that future can survive.�

    There were murmurs and rumbles of approval throughout the group as Mystia again dipped her head to the dragons, “I thank you for your time, and prepare well. I wish safe journeys to each of you and your kin. I must take my leave now, as I have my own daughters to tend to, farewell.� She glanced to Luna and nuzzled her again, “Take care my friend, be safe.�

    Luna nodded, “Iea shalt, Lady Dra’ki’ne’shi’ne’re’thi, as thou shouldst.�

    Mystia smiled and then suddenly vanished in a swirl of white light and energy, the portal dissipating upon her departure.

    Ta’ra’ni approached his mate and nuzzled her, “Dost thou feel better now?�

    Ri’ta’thi nodded as she curled back around her nest, “Iea do, thank thee, but please… wouldst thou tend to the defenses? Iea wishest to spend as much time with ien hatchlings as possible, for iea feel that separation shalt be sooner than iea wouldst wish.�

    Ta’ra’ni nodded and then walked out of the lair, proceeding to tend to other matters of importance, while Luna nestled with her eggs, warming them with gentle breaths of warm air, as well as her body. Rumbling softly as she again sung to the eggs, she soon fell asleep once more.

    The next few days passed sluggishly by, as everyone at the Elder Retreats were quite on edge, given Mystia’s warning about the Darklings soon coming to attack Elder’s Retreat. Luna did not, for a moment, leave her nest, because she wanted to spend as much time as she could with her eggs, given that she felt that she would lose them very soon. Ta’ra’ni understood how she felt, and brought her food when he was not organizing defenses against the upcoming attack; he too would spend time with Luna and their eggs, until duty called him away once more. Luna, in the interim, was advising expectant dragonelles and mothers on how best to shield their eggs and young with wards that would help protect their eggs or hatchlings against the elements of whatever world their children would end up on. They were a busy few days, and the Elders made certain they had everything in order to better protect their city against intruders.

    On the fourth day after Mystia’s departure, the pregnant expectation was broken when a scout dragon rushed into Ri’ta’thi and Ta’ra’ni’s lair with a bugle of warning,

    “Kier Elders, the Darklings hath been found! They be on the attack!�

    Ta’ra’ni nodded grimly at the news and glanced to his mate, “Thou shouldst stay here and guard thy clutch, so thou canst prepare thy portal spell, ieo shalt fight with the others. Ae be ien time to fight now.� With that, Ta’ra’ni swept out of the lair, following the messenger dragon, while Ri’ta’thi set herself to checking upon the wards and protective spells over their lair and then coiled possessively around her clutch even as she began weaving the spell of teleportation that Mystia had taught her.

    Quickly, the magic portal opened and radiated with blue energy, but Ri’ta’thi did not set her clutch into the portal; she wanted to spend, as much time as she possibly could with her eggs before she had to send them away. Far below her lair, she could hear the sounds of battle and she nervously awaited the outcome.


    Far below his lair, Ta’ra’ni battled against the legion Darklings; he had flown quickly to the spot where the Darklings had attempted to penetrate into his lands. In a valley, surrounded on multiple sides of the path, he had set some of his warriors upon the mountaintops, armed with massive boulders. They had let the Darklings come about a quarter of the way into the valley, luring them into a trap. Once enough of the evil creatures were within the valley, he trumpeted loud enough to cause even the stoutest dwarven warrior to quake in fear. His voice echoed through the valley, which was the cue to the dragons atop the mountaintops to rain multiple avalanches of boulders upon the dark creatures, crushing them into pulped, black messes of organs and body parts. The initial attack was remarkably effective and the Darklings suffered heavy losses. Yet, it was as if they did not care what happened, as long as, they could eradicate those that would stand in the way of Nox. They came in endless numbers and Ta’ra’ni’s warriors unleashed a few more avalanches upon the critters, crushing countless more.

    Ta’ra’ni surveyed the scene for a time, and wondered why the critters were continually pouring through the canyon when they had already suffered large losses. However, he did not have time to pause for long, for there was a cry of alarm as they began to see the Darklings swarming OVER the mountain too! He paused for a moment in surprise and then bellowed an order, “Dost da let aen enter the lairs! Ien must keep aen from the lairs as long as possible to let thy mates prepare the teleportation spells for thy young!�

    Some of the dragons rallied at the mouth to their village and attempted to stop the Darklings in the valley from advancing, but the Darkling numbers were too many and they drove the dragons back into their village, which allowed the Darklings to surround and attack them from all sides. The Elders fought valiantly, but could not stand against the unrelenting wave of enemies. Those with families then pulled back to attempt to keep the Darklings from entering the dragon lairs and fought courageously against the evil critters, but again, the Darkling numbers were too great and the dragons were pushed back again before they were felled.
    Ta’ra’ni grimly surveyed the scene as he hovered some distance from the battle, he had been hurt badly and had to take to the air for a moment; his voice boomed throughout the dragon city, “Protect thine loved ones and thine clutches! Retreat to thine lairs, thou must give thine mates enough time to complete the teleportation spells!�

    The dragons quickly retreated to their lairs, and Ta’ra’ni did the same; he HAD to give Ri’ta’thi enough time to make the spell!

    Within her lair, Ri’ta’thi could hear the sinister cries of the Darklings echoing up; it would not be long before they came to her lair and she bristled at the thought. It was only a few moments later that she heard wingbeats and Ta’ra’ni landed in their lair, cut, bleeding and worn.

    “Ta’ra’ni? The city?�

    “The city be lost, mine heart… the Darklings be too many, there be da much time… thou needst to send thy clutch away now! Ae shalt da be much time before the Darklings come to ien lair and attempt to slay thee and ieo.�

    The two suddenly felt the radiance of dark energy assault the wards of their lair and Ri’ta’thi coiled protectively around her nest, “Iea love thee, mine aoretan…Remember thy roots and thyself… Iea sorry iea canst da be with thee now.� She rumbled softly as she gently nuzzled each of her four eggs and Ta’ra’ni did the same.

    “Ieo love thee too, mine aoretan… safe journeys unto thee and care for each of the other.�

    The lair shuddered horrendously and the entrance to their lair blew open, which immediately prompted Ri’ta’thi to scoop up her eggs and quickly put them in the portal, which pulsed and rippled as she used her power to activate it.

    “Fare thee well, mine aoretan!� She held up her last egg and nuzzled it once as Ta’ra’ni pounced upon the first Darkling to show its face in the lair.

    “Ri’ta’ra’thi Starlight…. Moon’s Gift, Aeona Starlight… lead thy siblings well and remember ien, for Ralgol shalt da forget thee, even if thy memory canst da remember ien quickly, grow strong and save thy world.� She put the silver egg with blue speckles towards the portal and it was almost as if the egg understood her, by shaking a bit. Without another word, Ri’ta’thi pressed Ri’ta’ra’thi’s egg into the portal, released it, and then closed the portal as she turned to face the Darklings within her lair and bellowed a roar of challenge as she jumped to her mate’s side.

    “Iea love thee, mine heart, Ta’ra’ni.� She spoke as she tore into a Darkling.

    “Ieo love thee, mine soul’s song, Ri’ta’thi.� He spoke as he bit into the neck of a Darkling himself.
    Last edited by Litarath; December 23rd, 2008 at 02:21 PM. Reason: To cut the size of the post down

    Ri'ta'ra'thi Is'mi'nei: Season 100 ADV/100 CRA/100 BLK(former)/100 LSH/ 1.11 BILLION hoard
    Kytitia Pyrrithia: Unparalleled Rating 212 Saris Sorceror, Rating 234 Crafter

  2. #2

    Default Re: Origins of An Elder

    +Time passes+

    The silver and blue-speckled egg traveled for what seemed like an eternity until the blue light of the portal gave way to a white light that quickly grew brighter as the egg burst from the air into a completely new realm. This realm appeared to be a forest; it fell for a good three minutes, but soon slowed, landed on a grassy knoll and rolled gently to a stop, lying well hidden within some foliage that was well off a beaten path and quite concealed to any outsider who may not have been paying attention to details. Yet, it also seemed that this area was slightly volcanic as well, for the heat from the nearby volcanic lands often found its way into this forest. Given the egg’s proximity to the heated lands and its rather thick cover of plants, it incubated for a couple months.

    It soon hatched, which became evident as the foliage covering it shook and rattled, scaring a couple of exploring hatchlings away. The egg fractured and chips of it began to fall from it, which allowed a small head to poke through the encasing. The head was small, triangular, with silver scales, and blue speckles that oddly resembled the stars in the night sky. The egg shook more and larger pieces fractured, falling free from the hatchling’s body, which had a strong build, also with silver scales and blue speckles, which also resembled the stars in the sky. The under scales were a soft silvery-blue color, which accented the rest of its color. The hatchling blinked and looked around with eyes a deeper blue than the purest sapphire, eagerly absorbing the new sights. It squeaked as it pulled itself free and rested for a time, preening its scales to get rid of the hatching-gunk that hung on its body. The hatchling was soon able to walk and run around easily enough. It proceeded to explore this odd, new land and soon found another hatchling.

    “Greetings Gifted One! I am Spitfyre, Emissary of the Gifted Hatchlings.” The young dragon, apparently male spoke. The hatchling tilted its head quizzically and surveyed Spitfyre, but did not answer.

    Spitfyre cheerfully introduced himself again, “Greetings Gifted one, I am Spitfyre, Emissary of the Gifted Hatchlings, who might you be?”

    It took the hatchling a moment or two to figure out how to speak like Spitfyre, but it managed to do so without much complication, “Iea be Ri’ta’ra’thi Starlight. What wouldst thou meanest by ‘Gifted’, hatchling?”

    Spitfyre blinked for a moment, he apparently had some trouble speaking Ri’ta’ra’thi’s tongue, but he was, at least, able to identify that Ri’ta’ra’thi was female, but the use of the noun ‘iea’, “Hmm, well, let me explain the Gift to you then, Reetahrahthii. It is the effect of a spell cast many years ago, which had the effect of making one so ‘Gifted’ able to return from death. Those like yourself, who find yourself on this Island are ‘Gifted’, because the only way one finds out if they are Gifted is if they are killed at least once before.”

    That explanation seemed to puzzle Ri’ta’ra’thi, but she chose instead to correct his pronunciation of her name, “Iea be Ri’ta’ra’thi, ree-tair-rah-thi, da Reetahrahthii!”

    Spitfyre blinked for a moment, “That’s what I said, isn’t it?”

    Ri’ta’ra’thi snorted, “Thou didst da, mine name be Ri’ta’ra’thi.”

    He paused for a moment, tried to pronounce it again, but got it wrong once more,

    “I am sorry, Reetahrahthii, I can’t seem to pronounce your name right… do you have an easier one for me to say?”

    Ri’ta’ra’thi rumbled in mild annoyance, but paused as she thought through her memories, “Iea be, Aeona Starlight.”

    Spitfyre smiled, “Ah! That is much easier, very well, Aeona. Did you understand my explanation of the Gift to you?”

    Aeona shook her head, “Nay, ae makest d’na sense, iea be living as thou dost see iea. Iea be new-hatched hatchling… mine egg be merely here, let iea show thee.”

    Spitfyre nodded in confusion and followed Aeona. She showed him where she had come from and he blinked again in confusion.

    “How did that happen?”

    “Iea knowest da… iea hatched here, iea wert da slain.”

    Spitfyre nodded again, “Hmm… as odd as it is… I cannot be certain if you are Gifted then, but just the same, I think you will find such advice useful. Well, I suppose then, happy hatching day. In the mean time, I should take you to see two other dragons that can help you get familiar with our land, Istaria.”

    Aeona paused for a moment, “Istaria? What be Istaria?”

    Spitfyre looked at her quizzically, “Well, Istaria is the name of our world… titled after the goddess of creation, Istara.”

    Aeona tilted her head and glanced back to him, “This be da Ralgol?”

    “Ralgol? Hmm… I can’t say I’ve ever heard of that place…” He looked puzzled and then shook his head to gather his wits, “Anyhow, you should see Karkath and Jemenoth, they will help guide you and get you familiar with Istaria. You will learn much from them, without a doubt I am sure.”

    Puzzled as she was, Aeona decided to follow Spitfyre to the dragon he called ‘Karkath’.

    Spitfyre cheerily greeted the older dragon, which was standing next to a massive scarlet crystal and looking down a small knoll, “Good day to you, Elder Karkath! I have found a new hatchling in need of your guidance and instruction.”

    The larger dragon looked down at Aeona, affixing her with a stern gaze, “Another Gifted?”

    Spitfyre, however, answered, “Well, I’m not completely certain, Elder Karkath, but she says she was hatched here… so, I don’t know. Gifted or not, I think you’ll be a great help to her on understanding what it is like here.”

    Karkath nodded, “I certainly will.”

    Spitfyre smiled cheerfully to Aeona, “Well, listen to Karkath, he’ll teach you about hunting on Istaria, and Jemenoth will later teach you to craft. Pay close attention and you will finish in no time, Aeona. For now, I have to return to my post and help other hatchlings that find themselves on Skaalkaar.”

    Aeona watched the hatchling leave and then turned to Karkath, “Elder? Thou art an Elder like iea?”

    Karkath looked puzzled for a moment, “You aren’t quite worthy of that title yet, young dragon, you are just getting started on your journey.”

    Aeona blinked in surprise, wondering what he meant by that. Of course, she was an Elder! Her blood-song told her so! “Iea be an Elder, mine blood-song tells iea that iea am.” She stubbornly resisted.

    Karkath shrugged, “Okay, whatever, now, let’s get you started on hunting in Istaria.”

    A bit disgruntled and somewhat annoyed, Aeona acquiesced to the trainer’s requests and thus began her training. She trained with him for four months, as she got familiar with the land. Much to Karkath’s surprise, she hunted as well as if she had far more experience than he had thought she would have at her age. She quickly completed any tasks he assigned her to and soon enough did the same for Jemenoth. On her days off, she would read the massive dragon tome located near a ‘shrine’ as Spitfyre had called it. From that text, she learned a good deal about dragons on Istaria, such as how one would go about becoming an adult, what their capabilities were, and of course, more information about this ‘Gift’ that Spitfyre seemed to go endlessly on about. In time, she learned all the things Karkath, Jemenoth, Spitfyre, and the tome could tell her and so she approached Karkath one day.

    “Instructor Karkath, be there more for thee to teach iea?”

    The older dragon shook his head, “No, Aeona, you have mastered everything I could teach you, I think it is time for you to leave this island. At the far west of this island, a portal gate will take you to New Trismus where you should speak with Kerian, and Avariatus for further instructions and training. In addition, if you would say hello to Millicent in New Trismus for me, I would appreciate it. She is rather fond of dragons and will be happy to help you however she can.” Karkath gave Aeona 50 copper pieces as a parting gift and waved her off, “Now, go and learn.”

    Aeona looked at the coins for a moment and then decided to pay Spitfyre one last greeting. “Greetings unto thee, Spitfyre, iea shalt be leaving this isle now. Thank thee for thy assistance.

    Spitfyre merely smiled, “Certainly, I’m a hatchling emissary, its’ what I do.”

    Aeona nodded and then quickly scurried away, “Fare thee well!” She also did not forget to offer her thanks to Jemenoth as well. It did not take her long thereafter to find the portal Karkath had mentioned and then hopped into it, vanishing from Skaalkaar and going off to learn more about being ‘Gifted’ and Istaria.

    After a few gut-wrenching moments, Aeona found herself staggering about the portal pad from Skaalkaar, trying to orient herself, but she was hopelessly lost. However, a voice called from a nearby lair and she followed that, which led her to Kerian’s cave. Again, the older dragon welcomed her warmly, but then set to putting her to work once more, only this time, training her craft. She later met Avariatus after Kerian introduced her as well, and then again, the older dragon welcomed her and then put her to work, doing small hunting tasks for him here and there.

    One day while on an errand for Kerian, creating sandstone bricks at a place called ‘Pratt’s Pond’, a beautiful white dragon with deep sapphire eyes, much like her own, soft blue under scales and black touches of color at its wingtips found her and stopped to speak with her.

    “Glit’sita, aorban.” The dragon spoke, which caused Aeona to pause in her work to find the origin of the voice.

    The hatchling looked around and soon found the white dragon resting on top of the stone working shop, Aeona set her disk down and ran up a wooden ramp to be able to get a better look at the dragon addressing her. It was resting on the roof, and Aeona decided to try to jump over the gap below to land on the roof to get a closer look at the dragon. After a couple of attempts, Aeona managed to get across and glanced over the dragon, “Who art thou?”

    The white dragon smiled and nuzzled her gently, “Iea am Shymmer, and who might niea be?”

    Aeona listened to the musical lilt of the dragoness and found she quite enjoyed hearing her voice and proceeded to introduce herself, but decided not to use her draconic name, granted that Spitfyre had so much difficulty with it, “Iea be Aeona Starlight.”

    Shymmer then rolled her over and snuffled Aeona again, tickling her under scales, which caused her to giggle, “Niea are new to Istaria, a’na?”

    When her giggling fit settled down, Aeona answered Shymmer, “Aye, iea didst just come from Skaalkaar but twice upon a yestermorrow.”

    Shymmer smiled and pulled her head away with a musical laugh, how Aeona loved her voice! “Then iea have something for niea, iea think it will help niea on kor niea journey.” Shymmer then rustled in her scale pack and pulled out a brass crown along with five silver coins and then gave them to Aeona, “Ae be a small start to help niea in Istaria.” She nodded and set the coins and crown at Aeona’s feet.

    Quite thrilled at the unexpected gifts, Aeona pounced upon the crown and scattered the coins, as a young hatchling was likely to do, but her curiosity won out and she settled down to put away the coins and crown, “What be aen for?”

    Shymmer again laughed her wonderfully musical laugh and spoke, “The crown is for kor niea hoard and the coin is to help niea get what niea need from Millicent.”

    Aeona remembered a lesson about hoard from Karkath and smiled brightly as she took out the crown and then proceeded to happily hoard the glimmering item; she also remembered the fifty copper coins that Karkath had given her for clearing out a pest problem of brown spider hatchlings and stored the coins in her coin pile.

    She beamed to Shymmer, looking quite ecstatic, “iea thank thee much Shymmer! Methinks this shalt truly help iea!”

    Shymmer nuzzled her again with a gentle laugh, “A’na aorban, ae would da do for a young hatchling to have d’naya to start aea journey on.”

    Aeona sized up Shymmer again and was able to tell she was a quite well traveled adult, so she took the opportunity to ask Shymmer dozens of questions about Istaria, the Gift, and many other things, all of which Shymmer was more than happy to explain to her. Shymmer even told Aeona of a few choice places for hunting, trophy seeking, and crafting hotspots, all of which Aeona eagerly listened to. Shymmer spent time with Aeona and guided her through everything on the Island of New Trismus, getting her familiar with the area and many other things. When Aeona was strong enough, Shymmer provided her with some scale and claw reformation techniques, which would help her in her adventures. Shymmer also showed Aeona to Kion and explained that Gerix would have some tasks for her to accomplish when she was stronger and then Shymmer showed her where to find each of the instructors Gerix would send her to, as well as the crafting instructors.

    After the tour, Shymmer showed Aeona to a spot to hunt some sand beetles which were about Aeona’s season of six. However, while Shymmer showed her the hunting spot, an Aegis Lieutenant by the name of Khar decided to attempt to make Aeona its next victim.

    It caught the two of them by surprise and set fire to the young hatchling, which made her yelp in pain as she ran to try to escape it.

    “Run aorban, iea shall handle Lieutenant Khar!” Shymmer commanded and Aeona was quick to obey. The hatchling got to a safe distance and watched Shymmer cast a powerful bolt of primal energy at the skeleton, killing it one blow, much to Aeona’s surprise. After Shymmer took care of the problem, she approached Aeona and cast a healing breeze to soothe her burns.

    “Are niea alright?” She asked and Aeona nodded in response, “Come with iea, aorban, iea will show you a spot where niea can hide if niea run into or find Khar again.” Aeona obeyed the older dragon and followed her to an old, abandoned lair;

    “Niea can hide in this lair if Khar tries to hurt niea again.”

    Aeona wandered into the lair with Shymmer and the two of them lie down to rest for a little bit, “Canst Khar come in here?”

    Shymmer smiled and gently nuzzled Aeona, “D’na, aorban, the lair is warded to keep out harmful creatures, niea are safe in here.”

    “Ooh! Iea see!” Aeona nodded emphatically and nuzzled Shymmer back.

    “If ever niea are in danger, niea can hide in here to let kor niea wounds heal.”

    Shymmer proceeded to tell Aeona how there were many lairs scattered across Istaria and that she could always run to hide in them to get away from danger; she also told her that each city had guards that would also help her if she needed it as well. The young hatchling took all this into account and made sure to remember it all.

    Unfortunately, as is needed from time to time, Shymmer soon had to rest and the two said their goodbyes, and thus Aeona’s true adventures in Istaria began…
    Last edited by Litarath; December 23rd, 2008 at 02:19 PM. Reason: reducing clutter for readability

    Ri'ta'ra'thi Is'mi'nei: Season 100 ADV/100 CRA/100 BLK(former)/100 LSH/ 1.11 BILLION hoard
    Kytitia Pyrrithia: Unparalleled Rating 212 Saris Sorceror, Rating 234 Crafter

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