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Thread: Travel Gates & Destination Pads

  1. #161

    Default Re: Travel Gates & Destination Pads

    if stillpossible a travel gate in heather would be fine.
    New Travel Gate
    Community Name: Heather
    Coordinates: 22750 / 26050
    Associated Destination Pads:Bristugo and Player communities like Selen and Parsinia
    Kharuum / Caramia Unity
    Whenever an Optimist sees a ligth which isnt really there, there allways is an pesimist who blows it out.
    Giovanni Guareschi

  2. #162

    Default Re: Travel Gates & Destination Pads

    I thought no more gates were going to be put in because they were working on Player buildable gates.

  3. #163

    Default Re: Travel Gates & Destination Pads

    New Travel Gate:
    Community Name: Carmo, Chaos server
    Coordinates: 1st Choice - 23899/14671; 2nd Choice - 23898/14618

    Associated Destination Pads:
    Abandoned Island
    Morning Light
    South March

    Thx in advance for the anticipated addition of a travel gate to our humble town.[:)] It will be greatly appreciated by our guild's members and other players alike.

  4. #164

    Default Re: Travel Gates & Destination Pads

    i would like to ask for 2 travel pads:

    1 in Elia north of Aiya; there is many still empty 45x45 plots there but nobody is interested in the because its such long walk from tha aiya pad.. this would make those plots attractive again.

    Settlement: Elia
    Location: 29088, 29928
    Gates: Bristugo, Settlements, Tazoon

    second a pad in the guild island crater near guild:cire and guild:kabale this because i heared the inhabitants have the same problem i had with my 2 plots in forest guard when there still was not a pad (after posting here we got 1 though and it made life so much more easy! thanks again for that)

    Guild: Cire
    Location: 23341, 14897
    Gates: Bristugo

  5. #165

    Default Re: Travel Gates & Destination Pads

    wow this thread is old... 2005...

    I think dragons lairshaper or crafter should be able to build their own travel gates and destinations gates (if not already implemented) and they could put them only in communities, at special spots, not in plains or forests for example.

    there could be a little fee to join to other pads, for each city/community

    also, Bristugo is kinda right now the center or "teleporting" maybe add some missing destinations to those portals?
    BlueFire Mertandel, angel of the blue mist

  6. #166
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    The Fortress of Solitude

    Default Re: Travel Gates & Destination Pads

    Forest guard needs a gate.
    Ignem Infernum - Abi in malum rem.
    Ixatchitxl the Defiler - Fafnir who? I was here first!
    Think! Its not illegal...yet.
    Adventuring: aka Genocide, Graverobbing, and Temple Desecration.

  7. #167

    Default Re: Travel Gates & Destination Pads

    Forest Guard now has the option to use the Selen Gate or the gate in South Gate.
    "Alea iacta est" -- Julius Caesar

    Toot shouted, voice shrill, "In the name of the Pizza Lord! Charge!" (Jim Butcher's Dresden Files)

    "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spends it whole life believing that it is stupid." -- Albert Einstein

  8. #168
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    The Fortress of Solitude

    Default Re: Travel Gates & Destination Pads

    I dont know my geography as well a I should, those are close eh?

    My bad
    Ignem Infernum - Abi in malum rem.
    Ixatchitxl the Defiler - Fafnir who? I was here first!
    Think! Its not illegal...yet.
    Adventuring: aka Genocide, Graverobbing, and Temple Desecration.

  9. #169

    Default Re: Travel Gates & Destination Pads

    The settlement morathaven is missing from nearly all portals that are not guild ones. Can you add it?
    It's pad is 24005 / 27589.
    At least in bristugo and new rachival there should be it's destination in portals.

  10. #170

    Default Re: Travel Gates & Destination Pads

    south gate has a gate??? heh ima have ta check that one out, it might even be a lil less laggy than selen:P

  11. #171

    Default Re: Travel Gates & Destination Pads

    I really like the idea of building an outgoing teleporter in a lair. Be cool if there was someway to add that lair to other teleporters as a destination too.

    I know there are buildable lair rooms with a teleporter in them, we built on under dralk and one on Drakul as well. (make both lava and water style versions

    If you can't do that, be nice to get an outgoing ring in Harmony on Saritova. I have a lair there with all t6 machines. There's a portal in, but not out.

  12. #172

    Default Re: Travel Gates & Destination Pads

    Add Destination to Existing Travel Gate:
    Community Name: Last Stand
    Coordinates: 26437 25510
    New Destination Pads for this gate:
    "Player" Towns (aka Morning Light, Harro, Lerena, etc.)

    It strikes me as very strange that a portal in a Player Town only goes to Guild Towns. This suggestion is to make the portal much like the one in Harro. Allow it to go to Bris, Guild Towns AND Player towns.
    SiLang Drag 100, Dcra 100, Dlsh 100 100M Hoard Ancient Dragon of Flight of the Order Shard
    Parcasta Storm Disciple 44, ARM 88, BLK 100, CRP 25, ENC 23, FIT 88, GTH 80, JWL 40, MIN 80, MSN 82, OUT 100, SCH 100, TLR 10, WPN 88, WVR 21

  13. #173

    Default Re: Travel Gates & Destination Pads

    Quote Originally Posted by Kartanos View Post
    The settlement morathaven is missing from nearly all portals that are not guild ones. Can you add it?
    It's pad is 24005 / 27589.
    At least in bristugo and new rachival there should be it's destination in portals.
    I'd love to see this fixed. So far the only places I've found the destination where it's supposed to be are Baker and Saritova.

  14. #174

    Default Re: Travel Gates & Destination Pads

    Having another travel gate around Shepherd's Mountain would help out quite a bit especially for the upper half of the mountain. I would like to suggest a travel gate around the Middle Cliffside area, for example in Lower Cliffside. It is central and there is no other portals on the upper half of the mountain and it provides a more accessible travel gate to those living in Shepherd's Home. There is some open space around Lower Cliffside to have a gate there.

    Also, I've noticed that on Shepherd's Mountain, any of the travel gates don't go to any places around Shepherd's Mountain. Many of them are a Bristigo only travel gates, with the couple of travel gates that actually do go to other cities and towns way down at the bottom of the mountain in the guild lands there. I would like to see some of these portals like the non-guild community portals go to other places around the mountain.

    Just some thoughts.


  15. #175

    Lightbulb Re: Travel Gates & Destination Pads


    In addition to the list of communities that don't have pads or gates, I wanted to start a new discussion related to this same topic.

    First, let me state for EVERYONE. This is an idea we are looking at, nothing more. The gate network is messy and for newer players (and probably some older players) confusing. And we want your input and suggestions and feedback.

    With the idea that there will be two HUBS (that is, locations where lots of destinations converge, like Bristugo) (the two hubs being Bristugo and Aughundell) what are your thoughts about reorganizing the destinations for teleport gates.

    New Trismus <--> Kion, Bristugo, Aughundell
    Bristugo <--> Aughundell
    Bristugo -> all t1, t2 and t3 destinations and all island player community and guild gates and all racial towns
    Aughundell -> all t3, t4 and t5 destinations and all island player community and guild gates and all racial towns
    Bristugo and Aughundell -> Trandalar (once attuned)

    Now, as far as porting costs... Lets discuss that too.

    High Cost - Travel to/from Racial Towns and NPC Gates
    Medium Cost - Travel from Aughundell to destinations
    Low Cost - Travel from Bristugo to destinations
    No Cost - Travel between New Trismus, Bristugo and Aughundell

    Now, obviously, these are just ideas. No changes are being made to this system at this time. We simply wanted to discuss this stuff with you all.
    Last edited by AmonGwareth; January 22nd, 2009 at 03:28 PM. Reason: forgot t5 destinations
    "Alea iacta est" -- Julius Caesar

    Toot shouted, voice shrill, "In the name of the Pizza Lord! Charge!" (Jim Butcher's Dresden Files)

    "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spends it whole life believing that it is stupid." -- Albert Einstein

  16. #176

    Default Re: Travel Gates & Destination Pads

    Mmm the biggest problems I have with this is suggestion:

    1 - the system isnt' optimized for porting - many of us have problems making multiple ports in a session with it slowing down the game and causing reloads (crashing as well for me when I try to port sometimes) etc. So this system, which at the very least adds an additional 1 port to everything you want to go to - could just end up frustrating more players due to the effects on the stablility of the game.

    2 - the high cost for using the port in a racial town!! I can't speak for most bipeds, but I'd say a large number of dragons are bound in their racial town - as this is where their lair is. Why penalize those people who live around a racial town with higher port costs to get to where they need to go?? Why force them to bind in other places just to save coin - doesn't that lessen the attractiveness of having your own lair bindstone or keeping yourself "around" your town?

    A better idea, IMO would be to have free ports TO Bristugo/Augh from NPC and Racial Gates - so that way players are not penalized for continuing to use their "home" portals. And then have the charges to leave Bristugo/Augh to go anywhere at all (back to racial gates, out to whatever town).

    Otherwise I think its great to have central hubs - brings life back into locations in game (I can go months without laying eyes on another actual player running around in game...) and provides places that people KNOW they can go to to hang out with others, find people just running around, start up RP, etc. Chiconis use to be that way before all the tiers got rearranged - whereas now the only place like that is NT...

    However, while I think it would be great to get the community located in 2-3 areas - the game stability with porting isn't great for everyone and the idea of charging MORE for using your home base - I don't like.

    Not at all.
    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
    Iea has returned.

  17. #177

    Default Re: Travel Gates & Destination Pads

    [quote=Frith-Rae;213957]Mmm the biggest problems I have with this is suggestion:

    1 - the system isnt' optimized for porting - many of us have problems making multiple ports in a session with it slowing down the game and causing reloads (crashing as well for me when I try to port sometimes) etc. So this system, which at the very least adds an additional 1 port to everything you want to go to - could just end up frustrating more players due to the effects on the stablility of the game.[quote]

    This is being worked on with every client update and continues to improve for most players, at least.

    Can you explain, too, how the design Amon suggested always adds one more port than what is currently in place? I sincerely don't understand.

    Quote Originally Posted by Frith-Rae View Post
    2 - the high cost for using the port in a racial town!! I can't speak for most bipeds, but I'd say a large number of dragons are bound in their racial town - as this is where their lair is. Why penalize those people who live around a racial town with higher port costs to get to where they need to go?? Why force them to bind in other places just to save coin - doesn't that lessen the attractiveness of having your own lair bindstone or keeping yourself "around" your town?
    That's easy to answer, at least for me... Because if your plot or lair is right near a racial town, you have all the benefits of having that town very close to home. You can port to there for free at any time (by binding in your home and recalling to home), ending up both right at your home and right near trainers, quest givers, pawnbrokers, vaultkeepers (without having to build one on your plot), etc. Anyone who doesn't live right near a racial city either has to pay twice for such services, or build extra structures to get them close to home.

  18. #178

    Default Re: Travel Gates & Destination Pads

    New Trismus <--> Kion, Bristugo, Aughundell
    Bristugo <--> Aughundell
    Bristugo -> all t1, t2 and t3 destinations and all island player community and guild gates and all racial towns
    Aughundell -> all t3, t4 and t5 destinations and all island player community and guild gates and all racial towns
    Bristugo and Aughundell -> Trandalar (once attuned)

    Will the current outlaying portal circuts remain intact, or will we now have to port into these hubs and then port back out? if I want to go from Ambato (my home) to Harro, will I have to go through Aug to get there? A central outbound hub is nice, but the network of circuts we have now is also nice. there are a couple ports that I have to scratch my head at the logic of (Harro, Last Stand) but I like how with a little thinking and planning I can get to almost any resource or hunting ground in only one port from my plot.
    *E* does the confusion come from the cross-over points for the various portal circles?
    Last edited by Trust; January 22nd, 2009 at 06:04 PM. Reason: new question
    Tempus fugit, memento mori.

  19. #179

    Default Re: Travel Gates & Destination Pads

    Well I havent had my morning coffee yet but, why increase the cost of porting? If i'm helping a friend build on his/her plot or even on my own it can get rather over priced as it is. If your going to raise the prices then i may as well pitch my dragon's big disk and get a biped one. The prices for those are up there as it currently is and I am not looking forward to seeing them at a high rate.


  20. #180

    Default Re: Travel Gates & Destination Pads

    Low cost = t1-t3 cities
    Medium cost = all communities
    High Cost = T4-T5 cities

    The system sounded fine for outbound porting; what about inbound? Would only the 2 hubs be available?

    As for porting improving for every client. I personally crashed like crazy with the last client, as did 2 friends of mine.

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