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Thread: WT- was the US goverment thinking !

  1. #1

    Thumbs down WT- was the US goverment thinking !

    Sorry I know this is very controversial, and most likely to get locked, but I just got to rant about this. i haven't Participated in many rants so thanks for listening

    Both candidates said that they would knock off Pork spending did they stick to their word? HECK NO in this Monstrosity of a bill that has passed no more than a Hour ago this little thing was included in it.

    they now have the right to masher carbon emissions on a Person ( Carbon audit ) a part of this HUGE Debt was allocated to that law ! what on earth was that doing in this bill .

    there was HUGE FAT PORK in this bill that was not needed and is going to cause more harm than good so my question to any one that reply’s

    Was and is. What in High heaven was the government thinking ? Where they even thinking?; and why did they ignore the People that put them in the position's opinion on this ?
    Sadly Both cannonades’ Endorsed this bill so much for “Change� and “the straight talk express�
    Face forward and you should be able to hear it now the only thing plugging your ears is your own fear. There is only one enemy and one of you so what is there to be afraid of ? Abandon your fear turn and face him, Don't give an inch. Now advance Never stop If you retreat you will age Be afraid and you'll die NOW SHOUT OUT YOUR NAME !!!

  2. #2

    Default Re: WT- was the US goverment thinking !

    they tried to pass it without the pork, but the Republicans would have had nothing for supper if they did.

  3. #3

    Default Re: WT- was the US goverment thinking !

    Ahhhhh the Democratic wanted 3mill for carbon Emissions on a person Most of the pork was Democrat related if i remember correctly the republicans wanted to save the wooden arrow industry
    Face forward and you should be able to hear it now the only thing plugging your ears is your own fear. There is only one enemy and one of you so what is there to be afraid of ? Abandon your fear turn and face him, Don't give an inch. Now advance Never stop If you retreat you will age Be afraid and you'll die NOW SHOUT OUT YOUR NAME !!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: WT- was the US goverment thinking !

    The "candidates" are still Senators. It's not like they can do whatever they want, they still represent the popular vote from their state.

    Same thing with presidents. THey're basically just a figurehead. They can't do much at all really without the houses signing off on it and even when they DO something it's usually done by their staff, not themselves. WHich is what kills me about the debates.. nobody cares about what the figurehead says. How competent is their staff? That's what makes all the difference. Everyone talks about change.. sure the president can suggest things and even pocket veto other things (not sign a bill and it won't become a law). But how will anyone affect REAL change if they can't have the freedom to apply those changes?

    Freedom is such a facade in that aspect.
    Mensarian state of mind: Being without one completely!

  5. #5

    Default Re: WT- was the US goverment thinking !

    Quote Originally Posted by Mensar View Post
    Freedom is such a facade in that aspect.
    I think Freedom in just about every legal and political aspect should be shown as 'Freedom' ... i.e. their definition buried in Chapter 761 Subsection 2097 Paragraph 12498 Sentence 54 Decryption sequence 17A-CB. Quote: "You're Free, except when we say you're not. And you're not. So Hahahahahahahaa. "


  6. #6
    Member Sigi's Avatar
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    Default Re: WT- was the US goverment thinking !

    Quote Originally Posted by Spirit View Post
    I think Freedom in just about every legal and political aspect should be shown as 'Freedom' ... i.e. their definition buried in Chapter 761 Subsection 2097 Paragraph 12498 Sentence 54 Decryption sequence 17A-CB. Quote: "You're Free, except when we say you're not. And you're not. So Hahahahahahahaa. "


    Haha indeed, although it is sad because it is true, this is very funny and made me giggle just like you first sentence in your US08 Election thread.

    Hurray! Mor
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    If you can't see 'em, you know you've got proper invisible runes.

  7. #7

    Default Re: WT- was the US goverment thinking !

    Quote Originally Posted by Sigi View Post
    Haha indeed, although it is sad because it is true, this is very funny and made me giggle just like you first sentence in your US08 Election thread.
    Yeah I had to start that thread. I'm surprised there wasn't one already to be honest. I hope the replies stay light hearted.

    They're pushing the US election over here since our economies and actions in the world are closely linked. I hope the result reflects the true opinion of the US people.


  8. #8

    Default Re: WT- was the US goverment thinking !

    Pardon the the thread Necro

    the Obamanashion of pain is now the president so this is a direct tie to him

    With in his first 100 hours he has stopped the phone taping on suspected (don't want to say that word hear but i will say the first letter ) T------- Release some of the Guantanamo Prisoners that are confirmed top alcada operatives and has all ready broken some of his own rules that he set forth for his term

    Fact with in 24 hours cnn reported one of the prisoners that where release was linked to an attack on a us embassy

    I am a Passivises at heart but ... there are some people in this world that should be subjected to hell on earth .Question where is he going to put all throws bad people (call them what you will i will not call them that hear just don't feel right about that ) that we spend billions to catch ?

    Alcatraz ? / sarcasm off

    what ever happened about bringing the people responsible for that tragic day to Justis

    Heck he has even reneged on his campaign promise to get his girls a dog

    yep hes on track to being just as bad as bush

    not the change the U.s Needed so far

    and beleave me i will give him praise when and if he deserves it
    Face forward and you should be able to hear it now the only thing plugging your ears is your own fear. There is only one enemy and one of you so what is there to be afraid of ? Abandon your fear turn and face him, Don't give an inch. Now advance Never stop If you retreat you will age Be afraid and you'll die NOW SHOUT OUT YOUR NAME !!!

  9. #9

    Default Re: WT- was the US goverment thinking !

    Fact nobody has left gitmo since Obama took office, that guy CNN is talking about was released to Yemeni custody almost a year ago released by the Bush administration, you know the hard guys on terrorism...the same guys that just spend the past six years bringing Bin laden to justice(if he ever dares set foot in Iraq, a country hes never entered). And those wiretaps he removed were all illegal wire taps without the courts authorization or consent, while were on the topic of justice. If not getting his girls a dog is the biggest lie hes told so far, im ok with that.

  10. #10
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    Default Re: WT- was the US goverment thinking !

    its prolly pointless to respond, teto - i have a republican mother and a democrat father, so i recognize hardened opinion when i see it.
    no amount of logic or truth will dislodge this.
    i have found it is best to just not get directly involved.......
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  11. #11

    Default Re: WT- was the US goverment thinking !

    Closing Guantanamo while binlodin is still at large is A Huge error on his part

    Pardon the sterio typing did not want to bring this up but it apprears its the only way to get my point accross

    Obama wants to spend money like its going out of style (yes i know this is what democrats do )

    we are looking down the barrol of yet another 800billion $ stimuli s package !
    what industry are they going to waist my money on now rubber dog dung !
    or keep giving money to aig (realy dont think aig deserved 1 red cent of it but that's my option)

    @Velveeta Dont get me mixed up with the political game players hear i am nether republican nore democrat i will call it like it is during the abnormally long campaign there where times i was shouting at the tube when Jhon puled Idiotic Moves to corny favor with a gender (Sara Pailen ) to name the biggest one

    I Use to be on the oboma ban wagon what really opened my eyes to the threat he is , is the issue with the League Document he signed and agreed to with John to only use "party money" or something of that terminology then as soon as he realized he could not win on his word alone he went out and bought every one

    Face it Folks John M's wife is owner of Budweiser she is the beer queen if he did not want to run a clean campaign the moment President Oboma reneged on his word and committed Breach of contract (witch if any one of us did and could be Proved our buts would be hauld off to Jail in a blink of an eye )
    i would have to say thats where he lost me committing that and then Lying to his daughters is Lower than Illinois slue

    and at Teto
    he has all ready reneged on some of his own rules that he set forth his first day in office He is showing characteristics of Tricky **** Nixon
    ( god Pleas don't let him be that bad )

    And oboma picking Janet napalitono was something i dreaded as well i live in her state i know how she works. scale of1-10 on the bone head meter that was a 5
    Last edited by lightning claw; January 26th, 2009 at 07:18 AM.
    Face forward and you should be able to hear it now the only thing plugging your ears is your own fear. There is only one enemy and one of you so what is there to be afraid of ? Abandon your fear turn and face him, Don't give an inch. Now advance Never stop If you retreat you will age Be afraid and you'll die NOW SHOUT OUT YOUR NAME !!!

  12. #12

    Default Re: WT- was the US goverment thinking !

    Quote Originally Posted by lightning claw View Post
    Face it Folks John M's wife is owner of Budweiser she is the beer queen
    Heh, no she isn't. She's the owner of Hensley & Co which is a beer distributor for Anheuser-Busch/InBev.
    "Alea iacta est" -- Julius Caesar

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  13. #13

    Default Re: WT- was the US goverment thinking !

    Wow... Never bring politics to game threads.. Even though this is a rant, but I understand where you are coming from LA, I am what you call an ' Indepentent. ' I don't agree with eather parties.. I strongly believe both were putting on a nice clean shirt only to make themselves look good. Once the voting is done, they show what their true colors are after words. Sadly this is only the tip of the ice burg and we have just now gotten started. Everything that Bush has worked for will be tared on down like it didn't exist. I don't know what future lies, but I suggest that if you are an American. Eather injoy life at this fullest while its here, or Prepare yourself for the future ahead. Eather way, Try to injoy life =)

    The Ice Queen has Awaken!

  14. #14

    Default Re: WT- was the US goverment thinking !

    Quote Originally Posted by Teto Frum View Post
    Fact nobody has left gitmo since Obama took office, that guy CNN is talking about was released to Yemeni custody almost a year ago released by the Bush administration, you know the hard guys on terrorism...the same guys that just spend the past six years bringing Bin laden to justice(if he ever dares set foot in Iraq, a country hes never entered). And those wiretaps he removed were all illegal wire taps without the courts authorization or consent, while were on the topic of justice. If not getting his girls a dog is the biggest lie hes told so far, im ok with that.
    Note he also told his girls that they'd get a dog in the spring.

    Living in the north-east myself and having gotten a dog in the middle of winter, I can tell you that it sucks... both for the dog and the kids. It's too fricken cold out for anyone to stay out playing for long. That's not a great way to encourage kid/dog bonding.

  15. #15

    Default Re: WT- was the US goverment thinking !

    Quote Originally Posted by lightning claw View Post
    Lying to his daughters is Lower than Illinois slue
    "Yes, you can get a puppy" does not mean "You can have any dog you want whenever you want it". It's the parents' job to make sure that they find the right dog and that circumstances with the family life are suitable for adding a dog. Spring is better because the kids will be out of school and will be home to play with and take care of a new dog.

    Anyone who gets freaked out over this small of a non-issue is never going to give the guy a fair chance anyway.
    Klaus Wulfenbach
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    "Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it."-- Abraham Lincoln

  16. #16

    Default Re: WT- was the US goverment thinking !


    As i said in the previous post i was for nether candidate the fact is when i turned on the radio this morning and heard the new stimulus break down and how little scene it made to what the economy needs and with all the pork ! good freaking god 825 Billion total with this mess we are in will caust 1.62 Trillion $

    He had (key word had ) some good issues but so far its not been good

    Like i stated when he dose something good i will be the first to offer praise
    but thus far he has made me look at all his actions and put them under scrutiny much like bush

    About the puppy thing when i was there age i had a litter of 7 Lab puppy's (new born ) wile in school raised all 7 with the help of my mom the puppy's mom its not something that you need to wait for it will teach them responsibility

    Note raising 7 lab new born's i would not triad that experience for all the money you can print but they are misgivious little buggers from the moment they can walk and open there eyes they will "Explore" and are great at hiding (that's a story for a different thread )but throw all there misgif they where adorable and when i got kids of my own i hope they can see that mirical of life i witnessed and in my heart of hearts Tazzy was more than my dog he was a Protector, friend , brother and always knew if i was safe or not again another topic for another thread .
    Face forward and you should be able to hear it now the only thing plugging your ears is your own fear. There is only one enemy and one of you so what is there to be afraid of ? Abandon your fear turn and face him, Don't give an inch. Now advance Never stop If you retreat you will age Be afraid and you'll die NOW SHOUT OUT YOUR NAME !!!

  17. #17

    Default Re: WT- was the US goverment thinking !

    LC, Id be interested in seeing the long list of promises hes broken since taking office, he's only been in power for five days when you seem to have decided he's no different. I'm not saying he won't turn out to be, and wont claim to be an unbiased observer, though im not an American i do follow world events very closely, and am certainly left leaning in my views.

    But He closed Gitmo- caimpaigned to do it
    Got rid of illegal wiretaps- caimpagned to do it
    More bailout money- again said he would want it if elected
    Getting girls a dog- CNN reported today, girls are getting a dog, choice down
    to two breeds

    Anyways id love to continue this dicussion, if your interested pm me with the list youve got of broken promises. Not sure about having a political discussion on here, but gladly listen too your problems with Obama, that in five days youve been able to determine hes as enept as Bush and as dirty as Nixon.

  18. #18

    Default Re: WT- was the US goverment thinking !

    Its not that he is as dirty as Nixon god i pray that wont happen the inept as bush is yet to be determined

    Political lobbyist there was a story nsnbc that he would stop it and he went for it or something of that manner

    Might want to read the bail out Most of it i do not agree with and i take it that he is moving the Us government closer to Socialism, government intervention will be come a issue with what he is planing ( Government health care )

    A i don't want the government to view ( hypothetical) when i get the flu or have, allergy etc

    The way he is targeting every thing is ... it Just dose not seem logical imo

    banks need to start to trust each other again Not quite sure how this would be done got a theory but not posting it

    Clean UP WALL ST there is just to much to say about that hear

    Morgage Mess
    i was in to real estate and i will be getting back in it again yes some shifty deeds where done but the most of this issue where people NOT READING THERE FREAKING DOC'S and agreaing to the A opinion arm lone

    the Us has a beloted government we need to put it on wight watchers or something
    Last edited by lightning claw; January 26th, 2009 at 11:57 PM.
    Face forward and you should be able to hear it now the only thing plugging your ears is your own fear. There is only one enemy and one of you so what is there to be afraid of ? Abandon your fear turn and face him, Don't give an inch. Now advance Never stop If you retreat you will age Be afraid and you'll die NOW SHOUT OUT YOUR NAME !!!

  19. #19

    Default Re: WT- was the US goverment thinking !

    He came into power with the white house looking like a tornado full of partying college students ran through it: trashed. The economy is gone down the pooper, the international image of the US damaged horribly, and instead of parents coming home to find the mess, they were always home and they're the citizens of the us, not parents. So now poor obama has a great big mess left for him by the bush to clean up... and he is the only one who can clean it up.

    You ever try cleaning up a party or event when its over when you got parents nagging, criticizing and scolding down your back? Yeck.

    I think he has his work cut out for him.

  20. #20

    Default Re: WT- was the US goverment thinking !

    Yea his two breeds - buit he's going to check "shelters" first...and given his two breeds made me want to laugh my head off at the idea that he'll find them in any shelters...

    Due to one of his daughter's allergies the two breeds are a labradoodle and a French Water Dog...


    Yea, shelters have those.... go for it .

    And sorry claw, maybe its just me, but I expect moving into the whitehouse and setting up shop in the first 100 days is just a LITTLE BIT MORE stressful with stuff going on than you and your mom decided to have a litter of puppies...

    One thing good he did - why just today - citibank was buying a 50 million dollar jetplane after receive 40 million in government assistance (and laying off thousands), well..treasurey secretary gave them a little call and let them know that wouldn't be very smart of them..

    ..whatdo'ya'know they aren't buying the private jet anymore..

    These wow...blows my mind how much they just aren't GETTING IT!! *smacks the lot of them*
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