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Thread: Racial sequestered areas

  1. #1

    Default Racial sequestered areas

    Since the discussion about Drakul brought up that the island is for dragons only, I'd like to see each race have its own private area too, complete with resources and properties only members of that race can own.

    For gnomes, it could be the Rachival Research Institute.
    For dryads, it could be a sacred grove.
    For dwarves, it could be a special mine.
    For fiends, it could be icy caverns.
    For saris, it could be catnip fields.
    For half-giants, it could be a mountain tarn.
    For sslik, it could be the hatching beach.
    For elves, it could be an enchanted forest.
    For humans, it could be a farm.
    For satyrs, it could be woodlands with a stream.

    Each would be accessible by portal only, by members of the given race only. There would be a no-fly zone over it (red walls up around it). This would give each race the privacy and exclusivity to develop their own culture without interference by other races.
    Last edited by awdz; February 8th, 2009 at 02:38 PM.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Racial sequestered areas

    Im not so sure I agree with the red-wall-of-doom idea, if only for the emersion breaking aspects of it... that and arent there supposed to be red walls up around the sayter islands? I've never had any issue getting to them, never even seen a red wall.

    How bout a small chain of islands are discovered somewhere off the shores of NT (which is further than a dragon can fly) and each race claims an island for itself, with portals set up in their home cities or bristugo/tazoon?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Racial sequestered areas

    And let us not forget to add all the T5 resources, Mobs and Guild plots to these islands. This would be a wonderful suggestion.
    Last edited by Hoberton; February 8th, 2009 at 03:29 PM.

  4. #4
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    Default Re: Racial sequestered areas

    why not use the training islands? they are already there and nothing is being done with them anyway......

    but really, i am just so tired of the 'who's got more' discussion.

    i have no problem with there being areas geared toward one race or another.
    dragons should have a place to go where they aren't too bothered by peds and vice versa. but in the end, its a game and there are only so many resources to be given to it.
    anything that causes more disharmony can only cause damage to the game.
    some ideas just are not feasible.

    the above ideas would require new artwork, coding, design, etc......

    and really, how much of a difference does it make to your game play if dragons have places only they can go? so what? peds can get everywhere they need to go to, so how are they being slighted?
    geez guys, you want immersion and reality, right? there are lots of places in rl that i can't go, and i am not requesting access to them.
    accept that life is sometimes 'unfair' in both the real world and the virtual.

    you are right awdz, sorry - posted in peeveishness. however, the sentiment itself still applies......
    Last edited by velveeta; February 8th, 2009 at 04:48 PM.
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  5. #5

    Default Re: Racial sequestered areas

    Quote Originally Posted by velveeta View Post
    why not use the training islands? they are already there and nothing is being done with them anyway......

    but really, i am just so tired of the 'who's got more' discussion.

    i have no problem with there being areas geared toward one race or another.
    dragons should have a place to go where they aren't too bothered by peds and vice versa. but in the end, its a game and there are only so many resources to be given to it.
    anything that causes more disharmony can only cause damage to the game.
    some ideas just are not feasible.

    the above ideas would require new artwork, coding, design, etc......

    and really, how much of a difference does it make to your game play if dragons have places only they can go? so what? peds can get everywhere they need to go to, so how are they being slighted?
    geez guys, you want immersion and reality, right? there are lots of places in rl that i can't go, and i am not requesting access to them.
    accept that life is sometimes 'unfair' in both the real world and the virtual.
    training isles would be fine places to set up the biped only areas.
    yes, it would require significant dev time/effort. that's why this is a *suggestion* thread.
    and true, in rl there are many places we cannot go, but the real world is a lot bigger than istaria, and not designed to be a distraction from the rl stresses we deal with.
    Last edited by Amarie Ancalimon; February 9th, 2009 at 02:09 PM.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Racial sequestered areas

    The gifted are supposed to work together or? Drakul is just an housing island like Saritova or etc, there are some t5 mobs and ress scattered around, and the essence there is not worth mentioning because you can get it faster at the yews. (don't argue with me now about the essence please)

    I really don't understand the fuss all about, remove all t5 ress and mobs on the island. I could care less if there are ress on the island or not because it is a housing island with lairs for dragons. I have there a lair because I like the island, not because of the oh so shiney ressources.

    If I want to make t5 lair/craft stuff I go to harro area, if I want to hunt t5 wolves and beetles I go Fire and Ice Island.

    And Drakul is not a lunus only island, there is even a helian grandhall craved into the mountain.

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  7. #7

    Default Re: Racial sequestered areas

    I will support this suggestion for the races where there is lore which shows an isolationist tendency. If I recall correctly only dragon and possibly half-giants (why they live so far north) have this (feel free to correct this).

    This suggestion sounds like simple race envy: "They have it why can't I?"

    Seriously, dev's have better things to do with their time.

    If the dev's feel time is warranted for this they could surely come up with lore that supports it. In that case it wouldn't bother me in the slightest.
    Last edited by Amarie Ancalimon; February 9th, 2009 at 02:10 PM.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Racial sequestered areas

    It's a nice wish and one I would enjoy..but hey Dragons can fly and Peds can massively multi-class. Basically everyone has their cool aspects I guess

    I'd like to see this but I'd rather see new content added to attract new players...Istaria is known as a crafting game for the most part and I would like to see alot more adventurers like the bygone days of yore It would add more revenue for the game and they could go from there.

    This is just my 2 cp and in no way do I think we should dismiss this suggestion because it is a good one. It'd be a good use for the old training isles although New K has a place in my heart because thats where I started on the old twilight server

  9. #9

    Default Re: Racial sequestered areas

    I hope the old training isles are left alone. I grew up on New Vassarack and periodically go back and explore those old areas. Fond memories.

    That suggestion has been brought up before for various reasons. Last one was to put lairs on them, which I was also emphatically against. before that it was total deletion

  10. #10

    Default Re: Racial sequestered areas

    Quote Originally Posted by Hoberton View Post
    And let us not forget to add all the T5 resources, Mobs and Guild plots to these islands. This would be a wonderful suggestion.
    You should get out and explore more, such a place already exists: It's called Saritova Island, and it even has a dedicated teleporter ring in Bristugo. Middle west ring. Bipeds have always been able to get there.

    Port to Sem to be right next to the Geostone, as well as the pathway up to the Mithril, Marble, Emerald, Peridot. This is a pretty winter wonderland (much prettier than Drakul). Port to Saritova to be closest to Fire Opal. Port to Yewn for Yew (and Shining wisps I think). Don't think theres ironsilk anywhere but I could be mistaken. (FYI there's no Ironsilk on Drakul). There's even spawns of all the named for those resources on Saritova. But no named are present on Drakul. Saritova even has 11 destination pads and 3 (maybe more) outgoing teleporter rings.

    Did I mention that it is Biped accessible?

  11. #11

    Default Re: Racial sequestered areas

    A small note Monsoon is a named wind golem on Drakul.

    Drakul has Yew, t5 essence, stone, metal, gems, crystals and some t5 beetles and wolves. Well Saritovia has anyway more of those.

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  12. #12

    Default Re: Racial sequestered areas

    Quote Originally Posted by Guaran View Post
    You should get out and explore more, such a place already exists: It's called Saritova Island, and it even has a dedicated teleporter ring in Bristugo. Middle west ring. Bipeds have always been able to get there.

    Did I mention that it is Biped accessible?
    It should be mentioned that it is also Dragon accessible with Lairs and all. This is NOT a Biped only area. You can't even compare the two areas.

    As far as exploring Istaria. I have probably explored more areas than most anyone else in game.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: Racial sequestered areas

    The idea is nice I guess with a dev team the size of WoW.
    Let me tell you 1 thing. I have been to Drakul the total amount of maybe 5 times since its existence has become noticed to us, 3 times on seperate occasions to explore and 2 times for ARoP to kill Monsoon the named wind golem. It is really not so special in my eyes.
    To be honest I never liked it when suddenly the world of Istaria got twice as big and polluted so that all thebiped plots could be fitted.

    Why not just give the bipeds their portal to drakul and be done with the jealousy!
    Last edited by Amarie Ancalimon; February 9th, 2009 at 02:13 PM.
    Rvlion- LvL 100:100:100 - 59.3M - Lunus Ancient
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  14. #14
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    Default Re: Racial sequestered areas

    I think Dragon's referring to the idea of either lots of plots making lag or giving areas a developed look as opposed to a natural one--or perhaps just the idea of biped plots being splashed out over what was once a natural and peaceful place, you know? Development = ugly. :O

    Though, he can speak for himself, but that's what impression I got

    And for the 'jealous' part... maybe just referring to how bipeds envy dragons' Drakul and flight, while dragons envy bipeds usefulness and multiclassing, and end-game power. :P If there wasn't just a tad of envy over dragons getting a dragon-only area, why would suggestions to either a) let bipeds go there or b) let them have their own non-dragon areas, pop up time and time again? ;P

    Personally, I don't go to Drakul all too often so it won't really affect me. But as it is, I would like to see bipeds have their own non-dragon area rather than have them freely access Drakul--maybe they would have to get a one-port trinket to allow them to use the portal in the Dralk caverns?

    So they'd need to get a dragon to get one off of a dragon NPC, and then for that dragon to give it to them, they port to Drakul once, poof it's gone, and they need another for their next port. To kinda keep dragon lands in dragon hands. XD *rhyme*

    It does make sense really; dragons are isolated. They're seperate from all other races, for better or for worse, and they don't relate the same way. I think it's nice, too, that dragons have that little something they're useful for for bipeds--they are the only ones capable of getting the herbs that are on Drakul

    One little miff I have with the original post though is this:

    For saris, it could be catnip fields.
    I don't mean to be rude but... catnip fields? XD I think maybe the Saris could be given something a bit more dignified. Catnip fields to me seems a bit degrading. A lot degrading. XD They're not little fuzzballs that go chasing balls of wool and saying 'Meow! Meow!' (actually, no RL cats do or so I've seen XD )--these are a civilised and intelligent people that deserve respect. I mean no disrespect myself, but I'd have to give a big no-no for catnip fields.

    That being said, the rest of the suggestions were really great. :P

    Last edited by Amarie Ancalimon; February 9th, 2009 at 02:14 PM.

  15. #15
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    Default Re: Racial sequestered areas

    You know what I mean if you really think about it.
    There shall always be a massive difference between dragons and biped characters, Bipeds have plots, dragons have lairs. Bipeds have a dozen islands and halve of “normal” Istaria filled with player towns (ok they contain a few lairs as well, but a whole lot more plots).

    The pollution I mentioned is indeed what Galdethriel mentioned that in every location possible a new player town is dumped. Many places I used to hunt as a hatchling are now gone to make place for a player town. This is wat bipeds get and dragons had no use for (except for the few lairs they might contain).

    The Jealousy is the part that it I find it annoying that biped characters can go "almost" everywhere they want... Get plots were ever they want. And the 1 thing truly only for a dragon they either want to go there or want similar islands. That is what I mean with jealousy and truly I don’t get it…

    It is a lot easier to dump a few plots somewhere in the middle of freaking nowere and call it a player town, It is more difficult to place lairs in such amounts.
    Unless the devs are going to place them a whole lot closer together. That was the reason for Drakul. An island to dump a large amount of lairs on.

    I might sound more annoyed then I am and act more flaming then I intend to be, but I stick with my previous statement, want to see Drakul? Create a hatchling run all the way to the portal of Skalkaar, from NT go to Dralk and do the max 10 min attunement quest. Then use the portal in Dralk (since you do attunement there) and go see.
    There is an alternative off course... go swimming...
    Last edited by Amarie Ancalimon; February 9th, 2009 at 02:16 PM.
    Rvlion- LvL 100:100:100 - 59.3M - Lunus Ancient
    Gallinthus- LvL 100:42:41 - 6.9M - Hatchling
    Lohasbrand– LvL 4:3:0 – 1.0M - Hatchling
    Sslion- LvL 25 Mage, 25 Warrior, 10 Cleric, 6 Druid, 6 Monk and a few Craft Schools

  16. #16

    Default Re: Racial sequestered areas

    Myself I say give Bipeds an island that we dragons can no reach. I have no problem with it.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Racial sequestered areas

    Quote Originally Posted by Guaran View Post
    I will support this suggestion for the races where there is lore which shows an isolationist tendency. If I recall correctly only dragon and possibly half-giants (why they live so far north) have this (feel free to correct this).
    'In the beginning of the world, the gods cast lots to decide where each race would live. Dragons won the high mountains and deep fires, dwarves the places of stone and the depths of the earth. Elves won the great forests and humans the tall grasslands. Merrasat claimed the sun-warmed deserts and sandy beaches for the Saris. ….’

    I presume that the unnamed, and forgotten, Mountain God chose the northlands as home for the Half-Giants. At that time, the northern lands were cold, but not covered in a constant snow. Anyway, I believe that the lands were chosen, not for isolation, but rather because of the large northernmost mountain and the volcano Katja. The dragons may be won the high mountains as home, but, after all, the half-giants god was called the Mountain God.

    The Trandalarans (half-giants) weren’t isolationists at least in their dealings with others. They raided human settlements and the Saris homeland for several centuries. They sailed much of the seas and raided as far around Istaria as Feladan. Once the elves learned how to defend against the Trandalaran raiders, the half-giants began to trade with the elves.

    As far as the idea of the OP, a private area for the Sslik would be a little against current lore. To continue the opening paragraph:
    ’ So it went, until Istara had given all the world away. Kaasha, Maker of the Sslik, said nothing, and cast no lot. Istara came to Kaasha, saying, ‘No lands remain for your children, Kaasha. Why did Kaasha not speak? Kaasha bowed before Istara, and said, ‘The lands are Istara’s to give, not Kaasha’s to take. Kaasha’s children are strong, and will live where Istara wills them to. Kaasha and Kaasha’s children trust the wisdom of Istara. Where does Istara wish Kaasha’s children to live? 'Istara was delighted, for Kaasha was wise and humble. Kaasha's children shall have all the lands of Istara. To them is given the open road and the far horizon, and neither mountain nor river nor wall constructed by hands shall hold them bound, save they wish to rest a time.’

    And in another place:
    ’ if the Sslik knew how to build these stone structures, why did they live as nomads?
    The answer, simply, is that they did so because that was Kaasha’s will.’
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  18. #18

    Default Re: Racial sequestered areas

    Interesting... so by that, at least the sslik should be permitted to Drakul, etc.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Racial sequestered areas

    Aginst my better judgment im making another comment on this...
    I fail to see how that makes it sslik acessable, it shows that sslik are nomads who prefer to wonder and only settle temporarily but not that they should have access to everywhere.

    Quite frankly why is it so bad that dragons, who, some at least, by lore tend to prefer to live apart from the other races, have an island that fits said lore? Is it really the resorces/mobs? Just remove them, like everyone has said, with the exception of Monsoon who's for AROP, there's better places to hunt/gather resources. Why not just remove all that?

    If its because of the lairs, many of them arent acessable by foot anyways. Heck there's a lair that you have to be an ancient just to reach, an adult can neither fly or climb up there, I've tried. There arent that many occupied lairs there anyways do to its remoteness. Why not demand the portal (thats supposed to be coming to the live shards) to the dragon communites north of Trandalar Rift be ped acessable too? After all you cant reach it on foot unless you risk your life going thru the water, and there's lairs in and around Dralk, and Chiconis that arent easily ped acessable, too should we demand that the terrain be fixed so that peds can reach those lairs too?

    Quite frankly Im sick to death of this argument, its a stupid island filled with dragon only lairs, its not some nirvana that lets dragons get to level 100 just by sitting for 5 mins or say poof and have a lair instantly built. Its an island filled with jagged peaks, and very few flat areas, even fewer of which are connected. There's really no stunning views of note other than a waterfall at the port in and if you want that I'll happily supply a screenshot of it. Or you can make a little throw away hatchling and see for yourself.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Racial sequestered areas

    Also against my better judgement .. but..

    There should be no lands that are sequestered on the basis of race. But the whole dragon vs biped thing gets really, really, really old. Open up Drakul to the bipeds and have done with it.

    It would be no fun to go running up and down those mountains (not that I've done it) anyway.

    It is true that the best place for hunting mithriil golem fragments (IMO) and ice beetles is exclusive to dragons - that is not fair. So open it up.

    However contrary to the OPs position - I think that creating more exclusivity is not a good idea.

    If Istaria was a whole lot bigger - in terms of players - then I'd advocate a starting island for each race that showcased their race and racial tendencies - but I'd have them visitable by the other races to see what they looked like.

    As it is however, there seems little point in spending valuable development time on making something which is not accessable or important to most of the playing community.

    I mean how often do Saris go to Kion, Dwarves go to Aughendell, or Sslik go to Sslanis (for example) to visit their ancestral roots?

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