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Thread: An Outsider Looking In

  1. #1

    Default An Outsider Looking In

    ((At first I thought of writing a long story, but I think keeping it like reading through countless scrambled and confusing memories would be more suiting to the character, leaving a portion of what she is really still a mystery. The memories tend to jump and blur sometimes, and it is intended...))

    Runos never knew that Azaraen, as strong willed as her soul is, could look through the memories Runos' soul held. She had seen many things beyond the blue drake's knowledge... and although she sat in the tavern of new trismus, pondering over them, she couldn't bring herself to tell the blue. Perhaps Yukii has seen everything too, the same, when she looked through the runedrake, to demonstrate it never hurt to Sssargon to have a cloud of light wander within.

    With a sigh, sitting in the chair, her food in front of her going cold, she sat back and reflected on everything she knew, but the memories she shared were always so chaotic, reflecting the spell she loathed to admit was now attached to her soul too...

    Darkness... Voice outside, actually, many of them... This little space always so comforting and warm, filled with water or fluid... And the voices outside always seemed to speak and echo softly, but only one held a great attachment... as it never went away, it always was there outside... and through a long time of sleeping and waking, voices, silence... the world changed forever as somehow the warmth and embrace of the tiny universe left, draining away, but from where is unknown... Light? So bright... voices so happy... but so bright... Whats happening?! Everything is different! Where did my little place go?! the thoughts ran through the little one's mind, and it screamed loudly like all others normally do, just as the new world and new experience was frightening to it...

    "Renos! My long lost friend, how are you today?" a voice sounded behind. Turning to meet it, white platemail attempting to resist her from rising with their sheer weight, but she had been trained and conditioned to move in it effectively. In shock, she drops the book she had been reading verses from, meditating upon them and their meaning.

    "Oh, hello! I have not seen you in some time. Where had you been?" she asks... but the memories blur...

    Screaming, lots of it. "Ruin'osun! Help!" the villiage is burning, raiders on the backs of horrible black beasts slaughtering the peace... "Help! My children! No!!" the great white wolf that this life granted the soul was trying... everything it knew was being destroyed. With a howl, the dragon-sized runed silver worg charged forth with howling words in a frenzy, devouring and killing the raiders that stood in its path, reserving the most brutal acts for the most brutal of the murderers and their beasts. And all the while around it, the flames licked closer and closer... An inferno, a firestorm that would never be put out... And at last... a flash and a howl of pain.

    "Renos? Are you okay?" the man behind her asked. "Oh .. nothing." she smiles. "I'm just trying to think, there is a bit on my mind it feels like, but I can't get at what I feel is there, to find out what it is. I'll have to meditate some more later on."

    Laughter, playing with other young ones... throwing a ball, frolicing in the grass. It is interruptted by a giant cat, a cougar, stalking from the trees nearby... it takes down one of the children with ease... In shock, she grabs a stick and either through bravery or stupidity pursues the giant cat, hitting it everywhere. Face, paws, body, legs... anywhere to try to get it to drop the friend... finally with a little thrust the stick landed in the eye socket of the cat, and in agony it dropped its prey, fleeing. Screaming in horror at the blood, the parents finally arrived, crying and embracing the little ones. "Osanor..."

    "What did you do to yourself this time? My word. You always do the stupid things..." she said, holding some kind of healing rod over an individual who looked like he was mauled to near death by a fearful beast. The wounds were closing, but the warrior could only smile. "Well I'll finally admit, mabey I like to do stupid things, just so you'll patch me up again like new with your talents, Suranos." he said, reaching a newly healed arm up to her face.

    "Ruin'osun..?" a little child tugged on the creature's leg, the parents of the child looking mortified for something like this. Leaning down to gently sniff and lick the child, the wolf asked with its voice, something that sounded always like a rough purr: "Yes?". The child looked up curiously. "What are all the lines everywhere on your fur and skin? They glow funny!" he giggled. "Oh, they are special. I wish I could get rid of them, but I cannot remove them." the wolf purred, gently nudging the child back toward his family.

    Standing up and shaking, spikes bristling... the creature was ready. The spearhunters of the shadows were too many in number... if only... "Die, truranus!" ...a spear ran through its chest, distrupting runes that they had hoped to take as a prize victory, the white runed beast, empress of the race she was now... a giant flash and a roaring scream, hunters scattering in horror...

    "TRAITOR!" she screams, talons risen and feathery wings folded out. "You... you were a rider... but... You killed..." the winged thing screeched. "You killed your companion. You killed my rider. My friend... And for what, an empty promise of immortality and power from a demon we are trying to lock up?! LET JUSTICE BE SWIFT ON MY WINGS!" the giant screams, coming down upon the deserter.

    ((OOC: Yes, this is what meetings end up being for the gaming clan I'm in. Means I never try to miss one, they're hilarious.))
    "Is everyone here?" spoke the behemoth of a warrior, his "clan" of sorts arranged around him, kneeling to their "khan". The clan had gathered in an isolated location of the world, a cavern deep below the frozen northern wastes of the world, one impossibly hard to get to so that their gathering could only be disturbed by the odd wandering monster. No big deal to a mass of trained heroes. "Yes Khan, looks like all have arrived at your call. Let us begin." speaks one of the council members of the clan. Pointing at one who was formerly one of them, the khan speaks. "This one was one of our brothers, but he, thinking the grass was greener on the other side, left us... Now he wishes to return to our embrace. Speak, deserter." The deserter speaks his case... to gain favour of a mass of individuals who really wondered if it was worth it. They are at last allowed to roast him what whatever questions they may think of, to try to test his loyalty. At last, the one sitting at the side of the room is allowed to speak. "I question you... are you just polishing **** to gain our favour? Good thing I don't have the ranking yet to take a bondsman, you'd find me to be hell." the quick tongued druid snorts. The initiate manages to survive the roast. Turning away and huddling to vote in secret, those of an appropriate ranking. "One to let him in, Two to deny him, in fingers..." the khan speaks. "... Three if you want that guy to fluff the khan..." one of the council members jokes, a few members in reply holding out three fingers. "Ah I hate all of you..." the khan laughs jokingly, turning to the deserter. "They have voted in your favour. My descision is final..."

    "...Suranos, look... the sky... how is it you can control the weather, do all these things? Is it the marks on your skin?" her mate asked. "I don't know how it works, I know I can just do it. Mabey it is the will of gods... why I was born like this."

    "Renos, lets go. The horses are ready and have their barding on." the trainee said. "I hope we can learn a lot on this trip!"

    A tower... a wizard... so angry... but why? What did this person do? The ground is glowing, something catches her four legs, they can't move... as it creeps up, the field of time that was stopping to catch and restrain her... in an instant the tower changes, as the field decays. The tower is dilapiated, the wizard she had been so angry with for some reason gone... her skin... it burns... pain! lots of pain! the room stinks of searing flesh and smoke as the pattern carved onto her soul binds forever. Looking around, she could only remember the town... but looking out it wasn't there anymore, only a grown city. Wandering in, and asking around the townsfolk who were helpful and friendly, she was shocked... 700 years had passed by before the timefield had weakened enough to free her, and all in an instant.

    This town... after many years... a flash... and nothing. She wakes somewhere new, and always a flash, and agony in the end every time.

  2. #2

    Default Re: An Outsider Looking In

    Quote Originally Posted by RuneDragoon View Post
    keeping it like reading through countless scrambled and confusing memories would be more suiting to the character, leaving a portion of what she is really still a mystery
    I think you succeeded... I follow portions but then am left trying to figure out how it fits with the rest. Generally well written aside from being so confusing; will there be more to tie together and clarify how those pieces all really fit? Or just this teaser? *wants to read more*

  3. #3

    Default Re: An Outsider Looking In

    Quote Originally Posted by awdz View Post
    I think you succeeded... I follow portions but then am left trying to figure out how it fits with the rest. Generally well written aside from being so confusing; will there be more to tie together and clarify how those pieces all really fit? Or just this teaser? *wants to read more*
    Still working on the rest.

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