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Thread: Darkest of Nights

  1. #21

    Default Re: Darkest of Nights

    Well I see different. I know many who like to hunt satyrs like I do. Everyone has their own thing they like to do. Some hunt blights and level, some craft, and some hunt comps. And all do these things for different reasons. Money, fun, etc.

    I hunt and supply guild, I also stock connie or takes orders. Those who don't enjoy it can easily ask for help or pay someone to hunt them. And I know prices are fair, lot less then nadia was. I and others provide this service, no different then others crafting an item for me because I have no desire to craft and I don't enjoy it.

    I guess I'm not into having a crutch placed in game. If I were I would ask vi to place an npc next to nadia that just sold me already crafted weapons and resourses because I don't like sitting in game for the short time I play and mine for two hours.

    If you want fully teched t5, then work to pay for comps or hunt them: otherwise don't tech them. I also have even taken more then a few players to the isles and taught them how to hunt there. I do my best to help if asked. I have even gone as far and offered if copied to order to help teach and hunt comps there.

    Again not every class or character is suited to do every single thing in game. I personally can't pull and farm 30 beetles and wipe them out with a few spells or cot and gather tons of trophys doing so. So I don't, nor do I campain to get vi to give warriors the abilities to do so. If I wanted that I would be a Druid.

    I can see blight's point since the prices are so cheap, but for order and chaos, if your willing to work hard enough to pay nadia......well why not pay someone else or hunt them?????

    I believe LO stated to bring a solution to help blight, so if there are possible solutions then lets bring them up. I have no idea how the shards tie together, nor am i a programmer so any suggestion i make would just be speculation. All i can suggest is how to help from my side of things in game and I've done that
    Last edited by Jayne; April 28th, 2009 at 09:46 AM.

  2. #22

    Angry Re: Darkest of Nights

    Not to sound mean, though some folks aren't getting the message. I am going to use my experience as the basis of the example. (Oh, Jayne; thank you for the offer, I prefer though to try and do my own hunting. That is not saying I don't accept help, just it gives me a greater sense of accomplishment when I do it and eventually succeed.)

    Now on to the heart of the true message.

    I have, like many players, played many MMOs. I left them when my level of frustration grew too much for me. Istaria is the only MMO I have ever returned to. I enjoyed the game beyond the others, but now my level of frustration is growing rapidly. MMOs are suppose to be a fun challenge (solo or grouped,) this MMO is becoming frustrating and a negative drain.

    I enjoy a good challenge and then I know when something is not "probable." Such as soloing a raid boss. Yet when I try to solo a mob and 2 to 6 other mobs join in (not even of the same species as the one I am hunting) it makes that fight impossible, more like suicidal.

    Let's use my latest example: Island of Corvus, hunting the Kwellen in hopes of getting an energy node to drop. The first four times I pulled him, two veteran blights co-aggroed with him. The first three times I had to evacute. The fourth I was just barely able to defeat them. The next four times I tried to pull the Kwellen, I did not get just his two followers the veteran blights, but an additional 5 more veteran blights showed up. I evacuted again. That is what makes it frustrating. I am using every trick I know to separate him from the others, but to no avail. That was an solid example of frustration that should not be, but it is.

    Second example: I am fighting a Red Vexator. I kick his butt four times a I get a red fringe to drop. I feel I can continue kicking its butt, but it spawns like once every hour (if I am lucky) on the Island of Corvus. I have fought him were we both died and I did not get to loot. I found the death justified and not frustrating enough to make me hate it, but I did get extremely frustrated with his spawn rate. Same with the Blue Vexator and its spawn rate.

    Though I may not get the drops I want sometimes I got other drops that I felt gave the fight value.

    So in summary, Nadia provided a way to lose the frustration after exhausting myself on the mobs. Once a game becomes frustrating, people lose interest in the game fast. Many of us on Blight have other frustrations that have only come about recently (with some of the recent changes.) Many of us are trying to hold out in hopes things will get better, but when we are being "STONE WALLED" then it frustrates our group even more.

  3. #23

    Default Re: Darkest of Nights

    I don't understand your frustration. I went hunting last night on Alged and had no trouble pulling single mobs, Kwellens included. Never once did I get multiple mobs. I had several comp drops, no more or less than the live shards. I hunt the Satyr Islands all the time on Order and had no trouble using the same tactics I used there on Blight. I always hunt alone on those Islands.

  4. #24

    Unhappy Re: Darkest of Nights

    I wish I had your luck then. I can hunt many other mobs solo, but it seems the Kwellen and Vexators (Blue and Red) are like rare spawns. Then add in the factor of more than fifteen people on Blight and the spawn rate drops. I have been a victim of this, as well as others mentioning the same thing. I can normally handle multiple of twos and threes, but not more than that. I also see to get cooperative aggro from mobs I am not hunting (though not all the time, but only when I hunt the Kwellens.) I have (as well as a few others) decided hunting is too frustrating because of that reason and a few others.

    I didn't have a problem hunting mobs for coin to buy components from Nadia to supplement the components I may have already gotten or could not get. Nadia never gave away components for free. If peeps put the components up on a consigner to sell, again I don't have a problem buying them. Yet when no one hunts to place on a consigner or trade directly and I am having a hard time getting the components do to the mutlitude of factors, then my frustration (as others have informed me) becomes extremely high.

    Nadia has always been my choice of LAST resort.

  5. #25

    Default Re: Darkest of Nights

    Quote Originally Posted by Spelter View Post
    I enjoy a good challenge and then I know when something is not "probable." Such as soloing a raid boss. Yet when I try to solo a mob and 2 to 6 other mobs join in (not even of the same species as the one I am hunting) it makes that fight impossible, more like suicidal.

    Let's use my latest example: Island of Corvus, hunting the Kwellen in hopes of getting an energy node to drop. The first four times I pulled him, two veteran blights co-aggroed with him. The first three times I had to evacute. The fourth I was just barely able to defeat them. The next four times I tried to pull the Kwellen, I did not get just his two followers the veteran blights, but an additional 5 more veteran blights showed up. I evacuted again. That is what makes it frustrating. I am using every trick I know to separate him from the others, but to no avail. That was an solid example of frustration that should not be, but it is.

    Second example: I am fighting a Red Vexator. I kick his butt four times a I get a red fringe to drop. I feel I can continue kicking its butt, but it spawns like once every hour (if I am lucky) on the Island of Corvus. I have fought him were we both died and I did not get to loot. I found the death justified and not frustrating enough to make me hate it, but I did get extremely frustrated with his spawn rate. Same with the Blue Vexator and its spawn rate.

    Though I may not get the drops I want sometimes I got other drops that I felt gave the fight value.

    So in summary, Nadia provided a way to lose the frustration after exhausting myself on the mobs. Once a game becomes frustrating, people lose interest in the game fast. Many of us on Blight have other frustrations that have only come about recently (with some of the recent changes.) Many of us are trying to hold out in hopes things will get better, but when we are being "STONE WALLED" then it frustrates our group even more.
    To me this sounds like you should be fighting the fight to get the spawn and lay out of the Islands more then bringing Nadia back. Bring the challenge level down a little as everyone is not a super hunter like Hoberton. Or maybe to keep the supper hunters happy with the challenge place the spawns else where that is not so compact of a hunting area. Maybe up the rates of Component drops on the islands to compensate for the challenge. That would help the game over all and not hurt it by bringing Nadia back. Oh and so you know I am far from a super hunter. I do not have the pactince.

  6. #26

    Default Re: Darkest of Nights

    Well if this were a Chaos or Order issue I would say then use other hunters to suppliment Nadia.

    But since its Blight you can't. No matter how spawns are adjusted etc, Blight won't be like a regular active shard. From what I'm told it can't be. It can't handle increased mobs and such. Again I'm not a programmer.

    This brings up another question and don't take offense. If someone wants to play game and have fun why throw yourself onto a testing shard??? Why not a regular shard? Play on regular shard and when you feel like a conversation or actual testing then play Blight.

    My own personal opinion on playing is if I'm gonna throw myself on a testing shard then I need to realize that I'm gonna be effected by many issues that may or may not make things fun.

    As far as giving comps to Blight, rather then nadia, why not just have devs throw a bunch of free comps into a GH somewhere and all can just grab what they need..............

  7. #27

    Default Re: Darkest of Nights

    It is hardware issues for blight that limit the spawns and such. maybe they can upgrade the server sometime to help promote better testing.

  8. #28
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    le palais du fromage and industrial complex, cliffside, shepherd's mountain, blight

    Default Re: Darkest of Nights

    its not that much of a difference between blight and the live shards anymore anyway, jayne.
    we only seem to be getting the downside of things - we are subject to all the problems of a testing shard but have all the restrictions of the live shards - with no benefits to be found.

    no offense taken or meant, but if you have the answers to blight's problems, why not leave the live shards and move to blight? you could help us out and go back to the live shards when you felt like role playing or being with a crapload of other players.....

    home is home, i think we can all agree. i play on blight because i want to. if i wanted to play on the live shards, i would. does that mean that i should be treated differently from someone else who pays to play?
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  9. #29

    Default Re: Darkest of Nights

    I don't see you being treated differently. Thats the point. We dont have Nadia either.

    And I did try to come help last night. Logged in, said hi, ran to a port to port to Bristugo so I could get to morning light and I got disconnected. I think its more important to fix that then Nadia.

    As I said I am trying to help. I don't want the easy button.

    I went to Blight long ago and ran into SoG. I was not gonna take on SoG alone and had no intention to. But when I saw what his health was set at, something like "850". I ws like wow this can be fun, Knowing I would easily be able to one shot him, so I did. Was it fun, yes. Did I want him to stay that way forever so I could personally have fun? NO

    If we want fun then lets put Nadia back in, set comp prices to zero. That to me is fun because I have no desire to sit at a gem field and haul uncuts, cut them and sell to PB to make money to buy stuff.

    I hunt comps and sell them for my money. And for the most part I dont even charge if someone asks unless I need a little cash because there is nothing in game to even buy except a plot if I need one.

    I don't think we can have it both ways.

    If someone likes to go mine for hours to make a jewelry shop so be it. If thats not fun for me should they change game so I personally don't have to do that? Just let me get my Steelsilk taps free from some NPC somewhere.........For me NO. If the game loses all its challenges then why play? We can just call it The Chat of the Gifted and we log in to talk to people.

    The problem here is we added a crutch to the game and people got used to it. In the end it really just hurts the game. So when you take it away people freak out because of change.

    I did make a suggestion last post. Have Vi stock a GH with all the hard comps you have trouble hunting or dont like to hunt. Thats all I can think of that won't change game for other shards

  10. #30

    Default Re: Darkest of Nights

    Quote Originally Posted by velveeta View Post
    does that mean that i should be treated differently from someone else who pays to play?
    No, it does not, Velveeta. Which is why we try to make the experience on Blight as similar to the live shards as possible.

    Of course, anyone who plays on Blight is given things that someone who plays on just a live shard isn't.

    They get double the experience and double the coin award programmed just for that shard. They also get patches prior to anyone else and can experience the new content fully before anyone else because their home is there. They also can have as many alternate characters as they choose without ever having a character slot count. They also have more frequent contact with the development team, especially at patch time when I or another developer is logged in there helping with testing.

    I realize that to those who play on the live shards this often doesn't seem "fair" and that people on Blight get all the perks. But these differences are needed in order to keep Blight as a shard where testing can be used for testing. However, to balance it out and make it a bit more fair to those who are on live, we allow them to copy characters over to Blight free of charge so they can have those same opportunities should they choose.

    Oh, forgot one other thing that's different, Jayne's post reminded me. On no other shard do the developers "hold" plots that the community has built in what are considered important areas for resource gathering/refining. While there aren't many, there are some plots in various places on Blight where a "developer account" holds the plot free of charge for community use. Again, something that we as a team agree is needed for a testing shard to be viable.

  11. #31
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    le palais du fromage and industrial complex, cliffside, shepherd's mountain, blight

    Default Re: Darkest of Nights

    thanx for the responses.
    i really have nothing more to say, as whatever gets done gets so without consulting with me and such is beyond my control.
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  12. #32

    Default Re: Darkest of Nights

    We get double exp and double coin? And What is the Offical Max number of character slots and congruent login's to blight per sub?

  13. #33

    Default Re: Darkest of Nights

    Quote Originally Posted by Deth View Post
    To me this sounds like you should be fighting the fight to get the spawn and lay out of the Islands more then bringing Nadia back. Bring the challenge level down a little as everyone is not a super hunter like Hoberton. Or maybe to keep the supper hunters happy with the challenge place the spawns else where that is not so compact of a hunting area. Maybe up the rates of Component drops on the islands to compensate for the challenge. That would help the game over all and not hurt it by bringing Nadia back. Oh and so you know I am far from a super hunter. I do not have the pactince.
    Never said I was a "super hunter". I just know how to hunt on the Satyr Islands, as do many others. I only have three adventure schools to lvl 100 - Warrior, Cleric and Mage. If that classifies me as a "super hunter" then so be it.

  14. #34

    Default Re: Darkest of Nights

    No to me it is more of having the patience and ability to study the the spawns and how the mobs move and such. I personally do not have the skills and get feed up easily.

  15. #35

    Default Re: Darkest of Nights

    Quote Originally Posted by Tal-Maru View Post
    We get double exp and double coin? And What is the Offical Max number of character slots and congruent login's to blight per sub?
    Character slots do not count for characters on Blight, whether you play there exclusively or simply copy characters to there.

    How many times you can be logged in depends on the number of subscriptions on your account just as it does for any other paying customer.

  16. #36

    Default Re: Darkest of Nights

    Quote Originally Posted by Deth View Post
    It is hardware issues for blight that limit the spawns and such. maybe they can upgrade the server sometime to help promote better testing.
    I don't to pretend to understand the finances of the game, But I vote that my sub goes to a server upgrade. < I like my aoe's >

  17. #37

    Default Re: Darkest of Nights

    What about some sort of item = reward system for the comp's that are hard to come by, We could use the Imperial Bounty marker's perhaps? Just an idea

  18. #38

    Unhappy Re: Darkest of Nights

    Okay, I get the gist of this now.

    Though I would like to clear up one final misconception that has been thrown out there like "mana."

    What effects one world effect the others, I find that to be lacking.

    To my knowledge of computers/servers/shards, each are not directly linked together so what happens on one server does not happen on others. Each server can have modifications to it program/profile.

    Where is the proof? Below is my proof.

    Vista. It is on Blight, but it was not placed on the live shards at the same time. When Blight goes down for maintanence the other two shards are still up and operating. When a world project is developed on Blight it is not completed on the other shards. When resources or mobs are dealt with on Blight the do not disappear on the other shards.

    So Nadia could be place on Blight without her being placed on the live shards.

    So this brings the situation down to one or two reasons why Nadia was pulled out. This is not to be offensive to anyone, just it is the only logical explanations: The players on live shards would be unhappy that Blight has Nadia and they don't. Or. Game controllers decided Nadia should be pulled.

    Either reason or both could be behind that. Yet, I will continue to putter around with plot building so my frustration levels stays low and maybe I can find enjoyment in what was a good game.

  19. #39

    Default Re: Darkest of Nights

    Quote Originally Posted by Spelter View Post
    Okay, I get the gist of this now.

    Though I would like to clear up one final misconception that has been thrown out there like "mana."

    What effects one world effect the others, I find that to be lacking.

    To my knowledge of computers/servers/shards, each are not directly linked together so what happens on one server does not happen on others. Each server can have modifications to it program/profile.

    Where is the proof? Below is my proof.

    Vista. It is on Blight, but it was not placed on the live shards at the same time. When Blight goes down for maintanence the other two shards are still up and operating. When a world project is developed on Blight it is not completed on the other shards. When resources or mobs are dealt with on Blight the do not disappear on the other shards.
    That is just because what is on blight has not been pushed, or copied to the Live shards. They can not copy just part of a code from blight to the live servers. On world projects true. But the code is on blight and every shard for a world project to be completed. Just because the requirements are not met on a shard does not mean it can not be moved forwards. Case in point. No race was ever freed on Blight. Once the other shards freed a race, all the live shards I think, then The race was freed on blight. Why so the servers would match and testing could keep going on Blight.

    Quote Originally Posted by Spelter View Post
    So Nadia could be place on Blight without her being placed on the live shards.
    Sorry no. The code, when pushed from blight to live has to be the extact same. To do as you ask they would have to add Nadia back. test, Just before the image was pushed live. Take Blight down. Remove Nadia, bring teh shard back up, make a copy of the image of blight, with out the player data and such just the base code, push that live. Then bring Blight down again. Replace Nadia and bring the server back up.

    Quote Originally Posted by Spelter View Post

    So this brings the situation down to one or two reasons why Nadia was pulled out. This is not to be offensive to anyone, just it is the only logical explanations: The players on live shards would be unhappy that Blight has Nadia and they don't. Or. Game controllers decided Nadia should be pulled.

    Either reason or both could be behind that. Yet, I will continue to putter around with plot building so my frustration levels stays low and maybe I can find enjoyment in what was a good game.
    Your partialy right there. No we live shard poeple would not care if Blight has stuff we do not, because you do. But yes the Game controlers said "We do not want Nadia in game for the betterment of the game as a whole." That is not a direct quite, I think I could be wrong, But it is their intention.

  20. #40

    Default Re: Darkest of Nights

    Heya spelter been meaning to post under this topic. I think what a lot of live people are tryin to tell ya is there willing to help hunt down components. I've had to cut back my time on blight while i mend some ill feelings between me and my future wife otherwise i'd be out with ya beating down the satyr islands.
    We did take a big loss by losing elek, in the sense that andy isn't a part of the community anymore. As for the purpose of the toons that were on the account they can still be accessed and again i will do that when i have more time to help ya drop anything that isn't do-able between the players we currently have and us
    On a side note, its true we chose to play on blight test, some of us way back when it was an actual test server and quite popular. Rerolling our toons on the live shards isn't something anyone us really wants to do we accept that blight has its faults and lacks the big boy hardware needed for full spawns. We also know some areas are turned up on spawn and some turned down since we are on limited resources. Some choices that are made to strike nerves try and keep that in mind when responding to stuff like this. Don't fuel the fire, don't tell us what your able to do on live servers, and for the love of god don't tell us well we can do it and you can't. Rather try and offer ways he can do it, or offer to help. I know some of ya did thanks to the rest lets try and remember these aren't just words, there are real people behind them.
    Tal you've popped some great ideas to me in vent look forward to seeing some of them make their way to the forums.
    As far as fixing blight, i'd say lets assume everyone doesn't read the forums and have some uppers actually visit the shard and lets get some better communication going. Remember again that we did lose our main communication line to you.

    See Most of ya Visitor day... the rest in game

    -----Sabo Tage-----
    Sabo Tage

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