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Thread: Hello Order

  1. #1

    Default Hello Order

    Greetings Order

    I thought I stop in and re-introduce myself and my (rl) husband.

    A little background we played back when the game came out and had to stop due to the Accession for Helena's Quest line not being fixed and my husbands little hatching could not ascended.

    I was at that time the only Neon Pink Dragon, boy I was tormented every where I went, everyone called me the Bubble Gum dragon in all the towns I went to. And yes she really is "Neon" pink! And very very large! I had no idea we would be able to do an accession when I started so she is really unique.

    When I ascended they called me the Burnt Bubble Gum Dragon, but I was never upset it was all in great fun, the community was one of the best around.

    We tried coming back when a "Real" lover of the game got a hold of it, we were so excited and dived right in, but things had changed, all the Dragons had rules about when to do your accession and would not assist my husband who had worked so hard the previous years before, we begged for help from the other dragons and he was told he was to young, I tried explaining the above and he only needed the last part, to no avail.

    We finally got assistance from a Bi-ped who was in the dragon channel ( best person ever can not for the life of me remember his name) and my husband finally ascended it was not the same since all the dragons were not their for his ceremony. Once he ascended and he got to fly we logged out for good due to the shunning of the community.

    So we have been missing our dragons and would love to try this game again so we have some questions.

    We would like to make this our home again but we are a little hesitant for the above changes to the server, and would like to know how or learn how to join the community of Dragons Properly, like the Rp story line and guides you all set up for the Dragons in this community.

    We would like to start off right and be able to blend in a lot easier this time with out conflicts so any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you and we look forward to meeting you all! Please do not take this as a flame to the server it is not meant to be that.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Hello Order

    Ah its a shame to hear of another that had been harassed out of the game, due to personal play preferences. Rest assured that most if not all of these players who harrassed you (me and many others) have since left the game, thankfuly. There are many who now ascend when they meet the min in-game requirments instead of waiting, for the player-recomended, and many dragons who will happily help their fellow kin.

    If you happen to come back feel free to look for Lantua or Chryzhon, I'll be happy to help you out if need be

  3. #3

    Default Re: Hello Order

    I am so sorry you had that experience. (I chose to leave Order shard and join Blight (test server) as a permanent resident, due, in part, to that situation. Blighters are quite warm and inviting and I think it the best decision I ever made ingame.)

    Wherever you go, live or test server, I wish you the warm welcome you deserve and friends by the guild-full. As for a guide...I doubt there is one...but if there is, someone in Dragon chat surely could point you in the right direction.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Hello Order

    Ouch sorry you had to tolerate that. Rest assured things have changed, at least that has been my experience. Many ascend when they feel like it and there's plenty of help out there!

    In the end, it's a game. Play how you want to play!

    ICly some players may have different views regarding this but that is just that: ICLY and should not be confused otherwise.
    Order Shard - Atlanna Embergaze 100/100 Adult:
    A'Sasha Windrider - Member of Keir Chet k'Eilerten

  5. #5

    Default Re: Hello Order

    *serves sihera an [Imperial Urn] full of klava with a towel and a curtsy*
    welcome to istaria!

    do you lean more toward the lunus (does not care for non-dragons) or helian (considers bipeds worth associating with) school?

    i don't know a lot about dragons, but i do know there are some who believe hatchlings should not strive to grow up too fast (i.e., wait till at least level 45 to start RoP instead of at level 30 for gaining flight). if you don't mind biped support and there are no willing dragons available to help, usually in marketplace there are helpful folks willing to assist any hatchling that asks nicely.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Hello Order

    Well said awdz!

    Something else I forgot to add:

    This lists all the quests and where to get them as far as dragons are concerned. Now while not entirely accurate (as there has been some changes) I have found it very helpful in finding my way. Also download the mappack if you are able, that too will help you locate resources/mobs etc.

    And of course if you decide to make order your home, drop me a line on Atlanna. I will be more then happy to help set you up with gear, spells, and cargo disks!
    Order Shard - Atlanna Embergaze 100/100 Adult:
    A'Sasha Windrider - Member of Keir Chet k'Eilerten

  7. #7

    Default Re: Hello Order

    I wonder who would be that much of a jerk... geez. Sorry about the experience some people gave you, makes me upset to hear about it.

    On the other note, welcome back... I'm always happy to see new people come forth.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Hello Order

    I seem to remember a pink dragoness way back when... I'm just returning myself, and whenever the vista patch goes live I'll be on Order, until that time I'm hanging out on Blight. Blight does have a wonderful community, but I miss Order, and all the fun times that were had there. So whenever I get back feel free to look me up there on Mylanthia. Until then happy hunting!
    Mylanthia-Adult dragon Order, and others...

  9. #9

    Default Re: Hello Order

    Ebonwolf I thought that was you! How you doing? What character are you on Order? I am copying Demoness over till the fix and made a new one called Sophiera if you want to wander around like newbs give me holler.

    It was a bumpy start but we finally our up and running and all I can say is its great to be back in Istaria.

    And thank you all for the warm welcome and a special thanks to Tcei.

    To Awdz puts down some sticks and starts a warm fire. Thank you for the drink. I am Lunas but I was already a adult dragon I am in my mid 60's, it was my husband who is in the early 30's, before the times of change he was permitted to accession and his path was a long hard one he chose the path of Helian and we tried for months to no avail the quest was broken for a long time and he could not complete the last step so we left, so when we came back he had one more to go and due to his age the ancients and adults I think did not understand what had happened prior to the new ways, hence where the issue came up.

    But all that is in the past and we so look forward to one day hopefully being back to the live servers and start our adventures here with our real home.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Hello Order

    I'm doing great! I copied Mylanthia over onto Blight for the time being. I do also have a hatchie there, lvl 13 I think. I'm in Old Blight chat when I'm on. I'll look for you
    Mylanthia-Adult dragon Order, and others...

  11. #11

    Default Re: Hello Order

    wait... Demoness? O-o;

    I remember you!

    ZOMG, I remember you! its amazing to hear you'll be back!

    As for helping you, I am sure we would would happily help you out!

    Ri'ta'ra'thi Is'mi'nei: Season 100 ADV/100 CRA/100 BLK(former)/100 LSH/ 1.11 BILLION hoard
    Kytitia Pyrrithia: Unparalleled Rating 212 Saris Sorceror, Rating 234 Crafter

  12. #12
    Member peladon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Or somewhere else...

    Default Re: Hello Order

    Elder and wise... for I speak as I see, and as each eye sees it, so let it be to that sight.

    There are indeed those of scale who say that this thing must be, or that that thing must not. And, to the mind of a Fool, indeed they have every right to so speak.

    Even as I may say that water must flow up hill, or that the falling snow must burn .

    That this one or that may say a thing is only that they cast words to the wind, and that the wind blows. That another must listen, or that thing spoken be set in rule of adamant? Pfah. But that draku will set their wilful pride and prideful will against another's seeking and set aside aid or succour... this be no new thing, and no thing of joy, and a thing that brings the Aegis to mirth.

    If ye walk the lands of Order, then if ye need place of craft or store, or seek parchment of knowledge, ShadowGuard be open to any. As the skies are open, as the land is open. In Mia's Edge it lies, and it cares not what age any be, only that the land's need be served .

    Wake. Dance. Be. Or not... but let it be thy choice and only thine, and to fire and ice, to wind and wave and to the forgotten pages of unwritten tales with any that would have it else.

    Sephiranoth, called by some ShadowSeeker
    Nobody and Nothing ever, save The Five do Feast
    A Fool that walks among the Wise

  13. #13

    Default Re: Hello Order

    If you, or anyone else ever needs assistance with RoP (or anything) just ping me here or in game, and Nam will be glad to help!

    Big crunchy ancient dragoness of Order

  14. #14
    Member C`gan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Acul, Trandalar and Tagath's in Mala, Genevia Island

    Default Re: Hello Order

    Welcome back, Demoness.
    C`gan Weyrsinger, blue Tagath's rider, WorldProjects Team Lead Emeritus
    Tagath, blue Lunus "for the breath weapon"
    Located in sunny Acul on Trandalar, Order shard

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