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Thread: For the DEV...So I restart my account....

  1. #41


    My favorite thing of all time playing Horizons?

    Playing a dragon.

    No other game (that I know of) allows you to play a dragon, gryphon, centaur, etc etc.

    That draw is the reason I joined Horizons in the first place.

  2. #42

    Default Re: For the DEV...So I restart my account....

    I flipped back to COH. I love playing the villians. i have all of the Mastermind classes.. at your peak you can have up to 7 pets running around killing for you GO PETS. I hear they are bringing back CH in Starwars. Well they call them beast masters but it is sorta the same thing. Starwars lost alot of people when they took that out. i am not for certain never coming back to Hz. i pop in once in awhile to see if anything has changed. I look forward to HZ2 but i am not sure it will happen..In my Heart of hearts HZ is the best game out there but BUGGED!...(see all my pervious posts)

  3. #43

    Default Re: For the DEV...So I restart my account....

    I have popped back in to say HI. I am looking at the updates and all. I am just looking at the website and stuff. I have not started my account. I am still switching between COH and SWG. I like Starwars ok but seems very repetitive I have a level 30 jedi and i am starting a Beastmaster. Right at this moment I am playing COH and my MM is almost 50. I wish my computer was a bit faster. I bought it 4 years ago it still works ok but not as fast as I like

    3 gig processor
    1 gig ram
    256 video

    nothing special now

    well let me know what is happening in the HZ world


  4. #44

    Default Re: For the DEV...So I restart my account....

    Off topic sorry:

    How is SWG repetitive? If you don't want to grind on creatures, go do quests. Kash was fun. Heck, even space dogfights with NPCs now give you ground combat xp. Terminals are a good source as well. If you get bored with grinding take a break- go fishining, start collections, explore and see how many "hidden POIs" you can find. I've been playing that game for years and I am rarely bored.

  5. #45

    Default Re: For the DEV...So I restart my account....

    Holy crap.. Talk about resserrecting the dead... This thread is more than a year old bro

    Perhaps next time you could simply make a nice little "hello, I'm just here to say hi" thread

  6. #46

    Default Re: For the DEV...So I restart my account....

    Heh, I had the same thought Spartikus.

    *casts Dispell Undead V on thread*

  7. #47

    Default Re: For the DEV...So I restart my account....

    Well... it *is* his thread....

  8. #48

    Default Re: For the DEV...So I restart my account....

    Quote Originally Posted by tyrrlin View Post
    My favorite thing of all time playing Horizons?

    Playing a dragon.

    No other game (that I know of) allows you to play a dragon, gryphon, centaur, etc etc.

    That draw is the reason I joined Horizons in the first place.
    Shadowbane has (had?) centaurs, minotaurs, and a winged race that I can't remember the name of. (aracoix, maybe?)

    I remember way back when and how I was so looking forward to Horizons because of the non-humanoid races, interesting world, and design philosophy. I bought the box when it hit the shelves, started a dragon (as far from dwarfelfgnomehuman as I could get at the time) and had a lot of fun between server crashes, client issues, and corporate shennannigans.

    Rolling the clock forward 4 years I'm still paying a monthly fee for a game I don't play (Tabula Rasa is the belle of the ball right now) just because I want to contribute to that dream of four years ago. Maybe some day Horizons will achieve those grandios ideals that Mr. Allen had for it (14 races, dynamic world, etc) and if it does I'd like to feel I had something to do with it, even if it was only $9 a month.

  9. #49

    Default Re: For the DEV...So I restart my account....

    Quote Originally Posted by Shian View Post
    Well... it *is* his thread....
    yea and it is fun to see everyone's reaction when I do

    SWG is either go into (cave or building) kill something or get something or press some button. Or you can grind. At least in other games you get a nice reward but the rewards in SWG are not too terribly good at handing out unique items. Seems like grinding and I don't find the story line interesting. I find that I just run to the NPC pick up the quest and go do it. As usual this is just my opinion

    The problem with COH is that it is dying not a lot of people are playing it right now and with the upcoming of Marvel online seems like all the good Dev have jumped ship to do that project but still a solid game and fun. Biggest draw is when they do an upgrade it changed the game and makes it alot better. They call them Issues they are up to 11 and each issue bring in Great change feels like you are getting an expansion. I still love COH but I have a friend playing SWG. I went back when he had a creature made for me I have renewed interest in the game I am a level 20 Medic/Beast Master that was a 1 days ago when I was only level 12. See what I mean

    I miss Horizons alot
    Last edited by barmace; December 15th, 2007 at 12:07 PM.

  10. #50

    Default Re: For the DEV...So I restart my account....


    but I have this actual forum linked so I just pop in and do my thing. Ok here is what I want to know?

    what is happening in the game? Anything new exciting.. Anything that I should consider to get back into the game.

    I am back to COH and actually found a VERY large SG. I am moving up the chain and started a new controller he is 32 now in about 3 weeks...maybe 2 I forget I play alot!

    I love COH/COV...because it is quick and you can sit down for 15/30 and do a mission and feel like you have done something. SWG was fun I guess not my cup of tea. I have not played WOW in a VERY long time I just left LOTRO and I really liked it but again...for me it is about grouping. If there is no one to play with I get bored and move to another game. COH still is fun..I play with about 9 people every make it more fun because we play with Ventrillo (sorta walkie talkie) makes the game more fun. Well write me I would love to hear what is happening in HZ.


  11. #51

    Default Re: For the DEV...So I restart my account....

    there are nice threads here on this forum, which will inform you about all the
    exciting things, that are goin`on atm
    Enjoy reading

  12. #52

    Default Re: For the DEV...So I restart my account....

    If you look around the forums you can find out for your self. I do not know how long ago you played. But look at the news page linked to the top and check out the other threads in this forum and you should quickly find your answer.

  13. #53

    Default Re: For the DEV...So I restart my account....

    lol- doublepost^^^(look at the time^^)

  14. #54

    Default Re: For the DEV...So I restart my account....

    Did you miss me? I miss playing Horizons. Can someone give me a shout. I played Wow for a while. Actually started from scratch a bunch of time but found a server on LLane and I now have a 65 Hunter. I left because I got tired of hunting alone. I did most of the time. I am back a COH until Champions comes out.

    I will check out the posts and I will check out Horizons PROMISE

    I was on Light Shard but that was a few years ago. Is it still a great GAME??? I will be back I hope I will be welcomed?

    miss you


  15. #55

    Default Re: For the DEV...So I restart my account....

    sure you are welcome

    And its still a great game!! Greatest of all

    Come in and find out yourself!
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  16. #56
    Member Sigi's Avatar
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    Default Re: For the DEV...So I restart my account....

    Listen to LOWYRM!
    She is right

    Hurray! Mor
    rison is back at his house near Bristugo!
    And the wisps on wis
    p isle are moving again!
    If you can't see 'em, you know you've got proper invisible runes.

  17. #57

    Default Re: For the DEV...So I restart my account....

    i've used vent, cool program, im a fairly heavily multiclassed hunter, but with ventrilo, it's got to be the right group or it doesn't work. Same with a hunting group. Come back tho, check it out. Some more good things coming soon, and lots of good players still.

  18. #58

    Default Re: For the DEV...So I restart my account....

    Major update in the works, as most of ya know, lots of new content.

    As I see it, there is only one critical thing that really needs to be improved, from my point of view at least: Mob load distances. It needs to be increased somewhat, so that they don't appear when you're right amongst them. This is espesially an issue for the superior race, as we tent to scout the lands some distance above ground.
    Golems have that only-pile-of-rocks-until-close effect, but that one looks a bit silly. Tells you when they're around yes, but would like to see them full sized farther away as well...

    Oh not just mob load distances, but PC load distances as well.

    Oh, and please make us able to disable LODs in the settings again PLLLLEEEEEAAAAAAAASSSSSE!

  19. #59

    Default Re: For the DEV...So I restart my account....

    Holy crap how do people find these dead
    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
    Iea has returned.

  20. #60

    Default Re: For the DEV...So I restart my account....

    Quote Originally Posted by Frith-Rae View Post
    Holy crap how do people find these dead
    Aye... but at least the thread owner resurrected it.

    Welcome back barmace!


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