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Thread: New player with a suggestion

  1. #21
    Member Zexoin's Avatar
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    Default Re: New player with a suggestion

    To allow to place attuned stuff in a structure which permissions are setup to "deny all", would be a great improvement, I think.

    (Please forgive my bad grammar, I haven't practiced english for a while.)

  2. #22

    Default Re: New player with a suggestion

    Quote Originally Posted by Sigi View Post
    You can't store attuned things at your plot, you have to keep it in your backpack or in your vault.
    Oh! I didn't know that. Don't have much attuned stuff lol

    Was there an in-game reason why this isn't allowed? Such as uses up too much in the database or something?

  3. #23

    Default Re: New player with a suggestion

    Attuned items are attuned to your toon and can only be in personal storage, which is your backpack and your vault. So once a item attunes to you it is always "on" you.

  4. #24

    Default Re: New player with a suggestion

    Saw some neat ideas in here. I also agree with what Amon said about it being a BIG change.

    Some have mentioned attuning on Equip...a good idea, but maybe limit it to teched items only?

    If decay, etc were possible, I think maybe a hybrid version might be wisest. Instead of decay/damage based on use, make it based on death (like EQII) and it only becomes useless after 10 deaths...if someone can't get it repaired before then...well then that's their loss for being negligent with their items.

    Along the same lines, repair kits...made by tinkerer, jeweler, armorer, weaponsmith, dragon...but with a special and additional resource that can only be bought by an NPC...still player made and can help the economy.

    Just my two cents...and I can think of a LOT of other things I'd like to see done before this.


    ps...made it to Alaska, arrived May 2nd...clearing land, got my driveway permit, waiting for the surveyor to come out tomorrow and then it's waiting for the weight restrictions on the roads to be lifted so I can have the gravel and CAT brought in.
    Spirit Brothers
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  5. #25

    Default Re: New player with a suggestion

    Quote Originally Posted by Deth View Post
    Attuned items are attuned to your toon and can only be in personal storage, which is your backpack and your vault. So once a item attunes to you it is always "on" you.
    Oh OK, thanks Deth - that makes sense, I didn't realise they really were "stuck" to you in that way.

    I still think it worth following up that teched items become attuned when you use them, but I think where you can store them would need to be relaxed so you can store them anywhere. You're just the only one that can use them.

  6. #26
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    Default Re: New player with a suggestion

    I don't think I'd ever like to see item decay. For me, just replacing my scales every 20 levels is a big job and I always neglect it. XD

    But just think: new items every 20 levels: when you get to 100 you're probably going to need multiple sets of specialised equipment, which you're then going to have to keep in shape when it decays... unless you could magic up a lot of money (which from what I've gathered, people usually craft to make) you'd be crafting constantly in order to hunt just a little. It's sorta like...

    'Want to survive while adventuring?


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    Want to hunt at all?


    No offence intended.

    I may be completely misinterpretating how this would work but... it's too much crafting for me. And I hate crafting. XD


  7. #27
    Member Zexoin's Avatar
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    Default Re: New player with a suggestion

    Well you can get some good money when hunting too
    Hunting blights, selling comps or crystals, ect ect. Probably not as fast as crafting, but still not bad.

    And for item decay, I'm wondering how many people have ever used blighted items. I did use them a lot, and could use them for a good while before they ran out of charges. And still, when they did, all I had to do was to find a kit to recharge them, which was not very difficult since I could craft one.

    I personally think the system is not bad at all. What would be helpful is, people testing the decaying system with blighted items, and note the pros and cons, see what could be improved, in order to fairly use that system on every crafted item.

  8. #28

    Default Re: New player with a suggestion

    i'm not in favor of item decay... i never get around to recharging blighted items, and i have plenty of crafting projects already. but that's just me.

  9. #29

    Default Re: New player with a suggestion

    I think one thing most of the nay-sayers are overlooking is that the purpose of the OP's system was to encourage more economy. That is, more cooperation and inter-dependence between players.

    If you don't like to craft, then under the OP's system you would just go to your local consigner and buy some recharge kits. Or bug a friend to repair items.

    Remember, this is a MMORPG so you don't HAVE to do everything yourself
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  10. #30
    Member Sigi's Avatar
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    Default Re: New player with a suggestion

    Quote Originally Posted by AmonGwareth View Post
    That is, more cooperation and inter-dependence between players.
    That all fine, but not if it is forced upon you. You can be very cooperative and interdepent now if you want.

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  11. #31

    Default Re: New player with a suggestion

    I must admit I haven't used many Blighted items that require a recharge... what happens when you run out of charge? Can you no longer use the item at all?

    I'm wondering whether all teched (therefore "magic") items should have usage charges. Removes the requirement to find "someone" to repair a decayed item, and replaces it with having to source recharge cells so people can recharge in the field. Means you just have to carry recharge cells with you, not too big an ask hopefully?

  12. #32
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    Default Re: New player with a suggestion

    I think one thing most of the nay-sayers are overlooking is that the purpose of the OP's system was to encourage more economy. That is, more cooperation and inter-dependence between players.

    If you don't like to craft, then under the OP's system you would just go to your local consigner and buy some recharge kits. Or bug a friend to repair items.

    Remember, this is a MMORPG so you don't HAVE to do everything yourself
    You have a good point... but I still dunno. It seems too much like work... you're either grinding for money to repair your items or you're grinding craft to repair your items. And what if you're hunting, break your stuff, and then need to hunt MORE to work up the money to repair the items so you can continue leisurely? And if the penalties are bad, you'll have to hunt weaker things which give less valuable stuff and you're gonna be stuck there gathering it for longer. Either that or craft yourself, which is just as boring.

    I just think it has to be taken into account that not everyone has hundreds of gold coins stashed away. :O And it's not always easy for everyone getting it. Some players are just... not as good as others. The most money I've ever ever had was 3 gold. 2 years play, 3 gold. Now I'm down to 1 gold (and that's my savings XD ).

    I dunno... I guess item rot just wouldn't work for me. :O


  13. #33

    Default Re: New player with a suggestion

    Depends on the item decay "penalty". Doesn't necessarily have to be "broken". IMHO it should be:

    - easy to fix, but at a cost (you buy recharge/repair items that can be instantly used in the field). I quite like the idea of schools creating repair items *for their individual skill* i.e. jewelry repair kit for jewelry, armour repair kit for armour, scale repair kit for scales, tool repair kit for tools etc. Also tiered repair kits for tiered items i.e. T6 repair kit for T6 and below items
    - items are still usable, but at a penalty (5% per tier? similar to death penalty? items becomes "normal" i.e. loses tech abilities until recharged?). There has to be a reason.

    If you could repair items in the field it means that (a) you don't have to trudge 30 minutes to find an NPC/player to fix things; (b) you don't have to cart around separate sets of weapons/armour/tools in case something breaks. It might mean you need to keep some room in your pack for different repair kit types potentially - lets say 5-10? armour/scales, weapons/claws, jewelry.

    This, combined with attuned-on-use items, would increase the reliance on crafters and could be a massive stimulus for trading. I know people don't like being reliant on others, but as has been mentioned before - it's a MMORPG.

    The main thing people don't seem to like is getting in the way of having "fun". i.e. "I don't want to waste time asking in MP to buy xyz", which I agree with wholeheartedly! If everyone had to buy repair kits no matter who you were then there is more demand, and more demand means more people making them and selling them!

    The repair kits might weigh little-to-nothing (they are magical artifacts after all!) so as not to impact pack weight too much. Then you could buy 50 of the things and not need to worry until a week or two (depending on how many of the WA you were mashing .


  14. #34

    Default Re: New player with a suggestion

    Since I hear it's not happening, I don't need to worry about adding my own two cents. Still, I'm definitely against it.... I played that system in DAoC and I know what it's like.

  15. #35
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    Default Re: New player with a suggestion

    i like your first point, stale - crafters should be able to repair the items they make, that's only logical. and the tier thing makes great sense to me as well.

    that this is a multiplayer game and is totally, by its very nature, cooperative in design, should be obvious! altho apparently blight takes it a little farther than most, it would seem....

    but really, i am just getting talked out of decay at all. don't really like it in the first place, and it would be very anti-horizons to have it, i think.
    so as unlogical it may be to not have depreciation and spoilage, i think i am glad that it can't be done in istaria.....
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  16. #36

    Default Re: New player with a suggestion

    I don't realy like the idea of adding item decay to the game to help the economy, although I wouldn't mind having teched items become attuned on equip with the possible exception of things that only have sockets in them.

  17. #37

    Default Re: New player with a suggestion

    Quote Originally Posted by jerk-o View Post
    I don't realy like the idea of adding item decay to the game to help the economy, although I wouldn't mind having teched items become attuned on equip with the possible exception of things that only have sockets in them.
    Maybe attuning teched items would be an "easy" change to implement rather than any sort of decay then? Definitely sounds like it is a big "no thankyou" for decay lol

    Attuning all teched items would work with current in-game system, no changes to client, change on server only, in theory would be quick to implement. RE adding crystals, the item itself could still be attuned as long as you could remove the crystals whenever you wanted to i.e. crystals don't get "stuck" in an item when attuned.

  18. #38

    Default Re: New player with a suggestion

    You forget with attuning that vet players have limited storage, and that you can not put your equipment in your house etc would be a mayor pain in the butt.

    Increasing valut would not be an option because players already have a very big footprint in the database and a larger valut with more stacks would only slow down the server more.

    And making the vets upset should be the last goal of the devs.

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  19. #39
    Member Zexoin's Avatar
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    Default Re: New player with a suggestion

    Not only veterans, but any new player who doesn't own a plot aswell.
    Item decay is not that bad, really ; I strongly encourage people to use blighted items to see by themselves.
    Allowing attuned items in storage is another option.
    Both won't fix a broken economy though. Maybe there are other options that would encourage people to trade stuff without penalizing others ? It's too late for me to think about that, though, and I shall go to bed hoping tomorrow to see more of a debate that I find constructive.

  20. #40

    Default Re: New player with a suggestion

    Im not that big of a fan of having common items be attune able, I never have been, in any game that i've played. Its just immersion breaking to me sometimes, why cant I give my old nothing special sandstone strength chest scale of thrashing to some other hatchling, or sell it to the connie because I wore it? Why is it all of a sudden "stuck to my claws"?
    I can understand it for something like one of the epic weapons, or some supper rare tech like Vengance. After all these are rare and very special and powerful items that, once worn, become "attached to you soul" or something similar, but not for common items that virtualy everone on Istaria can/has crafted.

    As for item decay, Im ok with it if its handled similar to the way Blighted items are handled. The decay is slow, most likely thru the lower levels you'll find something to replace it long before it runs out. Heck even in the upper levels its not so bad, I have one blighted scale that I've worn pretty consitently for the last 25+ levels, and I've only worn it half down.

    I think one of the main issues with the economy is the atmosphere of Giving that takes place in game, I can request an item to be made and 9 out of 10 times I get it for free even if I offer coin to them. Im guilty of doing the same as well. What we all need to do is become greedy old farts

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