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Thread: Not Even Ashes

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Order Instance of Istaria

    Default Not Even Ashes

    Maurger left behind a steaming pile of goo near Chiconis after his rapid flight from the lair. His sister had insisted that he had the shadow of Maekrux all over him, and he felt rid of it now, finally, that the Blue Phoenix was dead and digested.

    His prize still rested inside him: the Egg of the Phoenix.

    It had been a strange experience, to form the internal functions necessary to sustain it another week to term; he came to understand how his victims felt a little better and it made him feel quite pleased with his work. The egg had undergone no small amount of trauma already, having been taken when Maekrux was crushed and then altered by the goo-dragon’s unique Dark Primal properties in order to fit through the air vents of Maekrux’s stolen lair. The life was still within it, though; Maurger could feel it. This would be his first child, one he would begin raising to adhere to the ideal society.

    His ideal society.

    Tirelessly, he had transformed Waere Ulhar Ausixen into his testing grounds, to learn what his society must need – huntresses, breeders, soldiers, guards, leaders, crafters – and all had played their roles perfectly. He learned that ancients reacted more strongly to the transformation and that male hatchlings were better off killed outright. He learned that loyalty could be garnered through special treatment and love to the loyal and cruelty to the disloyal. He learned how to turn his victims into his puppets by invading their brainstem and taking their nerves – perhaps what he may have to do with his future leaders.

    And of course, for the second time in his life, he felt what it was like to be the one in control, who called the shots, who got what he wanted, and had all the power.

    Had his experiment been completed, he’d probably have left Maekrux to live with his shame, but he wasn’t ready when Amethyr and Daza stormed the lair. This turned out to work in his favor, as he found that, within Maekrux, there was a great and untapped power that Maekrux himself did not even realize he had – the nexus energy of an entire world. Now he would master this power and he would be unchallenged in his own home again. He would have his ideal society.

    Nevertheless, he wanted the egg to hatch first. He’d complete the experiment on his own.

    At last, the time came. Maurger didn’t lay the egg, by any stretch of the word, but merely expelled it from his gel-like body, traveling through an arm and resting on the created nest. The fluids of birth followed shortly after, drenching the egg in them. Maurger leaned down to stare at its strange and wispy looking surface. “Daughter, you shall become the first of a great society…� he trailed off, sniffing the egg. He snarled viciously at it, roaring his anger to the heavens.

    It was male.

    He knew what he learned. He lifted his claw to smash it, as he had other male eggs. He loved the feeling of their gooey insides oozing through his fingers, the malformed life within, so delicate and crunchy when fried after being extracted from amongst the shells. This he told himself to make him strike with his claw. He could not. This had become his egg, in a way. He would leave it to die, exposed to the elements. He snuffed his frustration and took to the sky, leaving to begin study of his new-found power.
    Maekrux Vythulhar, the Blue Phoenix

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Order Instance of Istaria

    Default Not Even Ashes

    Amethyr looked at her son, then back at the pile of goo, "Trace elements indeed." Amethyr and Daza looked at the spoor left behind by their quarry, but he had long since escaped. The attention instead turned to what they hoped was the kill and its return. Daza didn’t say much as Amethyr began drawing a circle of runes around the goo. She sprinkled the circle with blood she collected from Kaevaeri; this would serve as a base for the recreation of a body. “Ready, son?”

    “I'm supposed to do something?” he asked.
    “Stand at the south point and face the circle. I want you to think solely about Maekrux - hold his image in your mind,” she said.

    Daza rolled his one good eye. “Alright.” He sounded so inconvenienced.

    Amethyr placed a paw against the circle and began to pour power into the runes, far more power than would otherwise be necessary. Perhaps she did not wish to take any chances. The goo had decimated Maekrux’s body and soul, the former utterly gone, the latter in tatters. The small shreds of it began to rise from the goo like little drops of water, floating upwards and slowly beginning to coalesce under the power of the spell. Between the focus of the two, Maekrux’s spirit formed into its correct shape and size but something about it, to anyone but those focused on completing the process, would have seemed a little off somehow. It was as if there was something still missing, despite the powerful runes, the blood, and the will of the two at the circle.

    At last, the blood was infused with the energy, and the spirit had formed. Amethyr cast her Primal Rebirth, and light erupted over the two, momentarily blinding as the spell activates. But Maekrux was incomplete, and all the energy of the spell filtered into him like a sponge. He reformed, but not as he was.

    Where an ancient should have stood was a small blue hatchling, holding his head which rang with such pain. He hissed like a feral at the two nearby, stumbling as if he had never used his legs before. Amethyr and Daza looked on with confusion at the hatchling, wondering what had gone wrong – she had poured enough power into the runes to resurrect an army! Daza denied any blame and suggested that Maekrux didn’t want to come back. But no, Maekrux loved his family and wanted vehemently to return.

    Maekrux spoke, though moments after speaking he couldn’t remember what he was saying. Everything was a blur in his mind, alternating between his past memory as an ancient and his current experience. He started at his paws again for the first time, wondering and marveling at them. They decided to take him to Daza’s lair and his son, Kaevaeri.

    Kaevaeri had missed his father greatly since he watched Maurger kill him. Perhaps it was at the hatchling’s urging that Maekrux be brought back. He was saddened to find his a’meo did not remember him and had lost his memory and perhaps his mind. Nonetheless, he brought Maekrux to his grandson, Ausixen, who Kaevaeri shared everything with. “Ausi! A'meo is back!” he proclaimed.

    Ausixen looked at the hatchling, initially confused. Maekrux smiled wide at his grandson, almost as if he had any idea who he was. Ausixen looked back to Kaevaeri. "That's not a'meo."

    “Use your nose,” Kaevaeri said.
    Ausixen shooks his head. He hated when Kaevaeri said that – it always made him confused and angry. "D'na. You always say that, you have since I first met you. It doesn't matter what I smell, he's not your a'meo."

    “He is,” Kaeveri insisted, “Daza said his mother brought him back, though something went wrong.” Maekrux was initially confused by the exhange, but then shrugged his wings heavily. He was no longer wearing any runes. He went to lays down beside Daza, churring lovingly at his son, though this only illicit irritated growls from the black.

    Ausixen sighed, shaking his head. "D'na... Ieo don't know what to believe Kaevaeri.” He paused for awhile, lowering his head. “Ieo am going back home.”

    Kaevaeri looked somewhat dejected at this. “I will bring A'meo home once he is ready...”

    Ausixen nodded, looking at the hatchling once more, who seemed hurt at Daza's tone and shifted away from him. "A'na. Ieo will do the same." With this, he walked out, returning to the now fallow Waere Ulhar Ausixen.
    Maekrux Vythulhar, the Blue Phoenix

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Order Instance of Istaria

    Default Not Even Ashes

    The plan to extract Maekrux would never have made it past the entrance if it were not for Maekrux’s purple grandson, Ausixen. He was born from Nidhogg and Maekrux’s eldest daughter, Aerioch. In some ways, he and Maurger shared much in common – both had lousy childhoods and both felt entirely abandoned by their sires. But Ausixen had always had something Maurger never did: his grandfather. He learned everything from his grandfather, who he adored more than the stars themselves: what it was to be a Dragon, the history of the race, the complexities of Primal magic, the joy of rending prey and devouring it, and even the traps and passages of Maekrux’s lair, where he had lived near all his life. Ausixen had lived comfortably without being detected by any, and he was pleased with it that way – he saw most of his kyn as having fallen from what it was to be Dragon, the only gift left to him by his parents who broke their Bond.

    Indeed, even when Maurger overtook Maekrux’s body and controlled his brainstem, forcing him to reset every ward in the lair, Ausixen continued to live there, only leaving to try to find someone who was Dragon that he could beg for help. Ausixen had settled on helping Amethyr, who was the only dragon who knew about him. He had disengaged all of the wards without Maurger realizing they were done – not realizing that another dragon would go marching up to the brood chamber and force the trap to spring.

    “Why was I so foolish… I should have trusted Maekrux to free himself. My grandfather was just waiting until -� Ausixen held a paw to his chest. His heart hurt, though it was not physical. “Until Kaevaeri and I were safe…� He could have done something to save Kaevaeri, and then it would have been alright. Everything would have been alright.

    It was no longer alright.

    No one knew Maekrux’s lair better than him, except perhaps Ausixen. In fact, Ausixen knew not only the secrets of what the murals did, but the secrets of what the secrets did. That is why, when Daza stormed the unprotected lair, he reactivated the ward in the foyer: the Runic Dragon.

    He stood before the mural again, placing his paw on it. The Runic Dragon erupted from the mural with a frightening roar of pain and anguish, its body a swirl of blue energy, rings of runic letters that were tiny and glowed, obscuring their form and making him appear as wires of brilliant blue energy. The Runic Dragon shook its head, looking down at Ausixen. “Grandson? I must have been killed and had the Gift taken, then,� the dragon said.

    “A’na Keir A’meo. Do you remember what happened?� the purple asked.
    “Everything except the murder. I last remember Daza facing down Maurger,� the Runic Dragon said. He looked at his wire paws. “I hoped would never have to use this.� Maekrux’s soul had been captured by the runic dragon mural – a failsafe in case the gods found a way to circumvent the Gift and kill him. “Strange – that shouldn’t happen.�

    “W-what?� Ausixen asked, fearfully. He couldn’t take any more bad news.
    “Part of the Gift has come with me. I do not need the mural to sustain this form.� Maekrux the Runic spread his brilliant blue wings and took to the air of the lair, flying around it and laughing merrily as the air rippled through the rings of his body. “Perhaps with this, I can do some good in the world.�

    “Keir a’meo?� Ausixen asked, not understanding.
    The Runic landed, smiling a glowing smile at his grandson. “When I died, I wondered if I had ever done any good with my life, and I feel like I haven’t. Now I need to do it. That is what is Dragon.� Ausixen looked up at him, confused. He had the soul of a Dragon, but no longer the shape. Did that not preclude him from being Dragon? “Secure the lair, Ausixen. I’m going to go out for awhile.� With this, the Runic left the lair.

    “Wait! I haven’t told you -� Ausixen’s words were too late. Ausixen knew he’d be back as long as he secured the lair, and so began reactivating all of the wards once more.
    Maekrux Vythulhar, the Blue Phoenix

  4. #4

    Default Re: Not Even Ashes

    Ooh... Rune Mae!

  5. #5

    Default Re: Not Even Ashes

    Nice Story

  6. #6

    Default Re: Not Even Ashes

    Fascinating. Utterly fascinating.
    "Ohoh...someone is actually trying to sell something, I see an attunement coming. LOL" - Teto Frum

  7. #7

    Default Re: Not Even Ashes

    wow... this is good...

    Ri'ta'ra'thi Is'mi'nei: Season 100 ADV/100 CRA/100 BLK(former)/100 LSH/ 1.11 BILLION hoard
    Kytitia Pyrrithia: Unparalleled Rating 212 Saris Sorceror, Rating 234 Crafter

  8. #8

    Default Re: Not Even Ashes

    Back into her lair, Biniki came to meet SombreNeige.
    Biniki knew her daughter; this summons must be important, because her daughter’s Lunus pride had weakened her relationship. SombreNeige wouldn’t accept that her mother would act as would any biped, living along them, amongst them, letting them be casual with her. But Biniki was nurtured by a Saris, until adulthood, and those years of growing and learning could not be so easily forgotten; in fact, she didn't feel any more superior than a biped, only different.

    "Glit'sita a'mea", SombreNeige said.
    "Hello, my heart. You called me here, so I am here."
    "Rawr a'mea, Iea grown since the time niea call Iea k'iea heart!" That pride was hard to ignore.

    Biniki grinned though; she rather liked ignoring it. "You called me here, so you need something I can do. So I’ll call you what I wish."

    Lowering her head, SombreNeige admitted "Niea know Iea well, a'mea. But Iea wish to ask niea something Iea d'na want any other to do. " Moving sideways, SombreNeige brought an egg into view. Maurger had given her the egg in an attempt to make amends with her; he had no need for more enemies. It had changed somewhat since Maurger had expelled it - mainly black, with some blue decals, forming strange designs. In fact, the blue stripes looked like broken runes.

    Biniki gasped from surprise, unable to find anything to say. She looked at the egg, and then to SombreNeige, with eyes full of questions, but none could find the way to her lips.

    "Ae is d'na k'iea,� said Sombreneige, "or more precisely, ae is k'iea egg but d'na from iea. This egg is the one *aeo* stole. Aeo let Iea take ae. Iea think ae deserves to hatch where it should have been laid and Iea wish niea as the guardian of ae. Being a clutch mother, niea know better than Iea what to do. I will ask Kaevaeri the right to use the room where it should have been laid, and i'll bring it there. But don't forget ae is k'iea. Call Iea soon enough so Iea can be here when ae will hatch." She waited a bit, then added "Niea know who that egg is from, so Iea am sure niea will take extremely good care of ae... for you know what ae means, having that egg to hatch."

    Biniki remained silent for a time, and then nodded. "You are quite right, my heart, I will take good care, for the egg is the only thing that remains of him nowadays." The silence reigned for several minutes, both drakonel looking at each other, their looks speaking more truth than their voices. At last Biniki spoke again. "I will guard the egg, but you must go, SombreNeige. Find your brother and do what must be done, for the pride of our family. For the sake of our world. We can't let your brother free to do it again. He must be stopped and you're the one to do it. I will protect you with my spirit."

    Lowering her head, SombreNeige answered, "Iea am sorry. Iea will not, A'mea. Iea already tried and could da, even with him sleeping under my paw. Those claws will d'na taste his blood, because their heart still sebet aeo and hopes aeo one day will change for better and come back. Iea will seek aeo; Iea will talk to aeo. Iea will show aeo the mistakes aeo did."

    "You speak with the voice of youth, SombreNeige. Never has a female changed a male. He will not listen to you. And if he listens, he will not change his mind, because he is evil, he already was when he was young, and he is still now. Only difference is his power. And now he has the energy he stole from Maekrux. He must be stopped and you're the one with strength to do it."

    "Maybe are niea right A'mea, but even then, Iea will d'na be able to murder k'iea own brother, unless aeo proves Iea there is no hope for aeo. Until then, Iea will make sure Iea can meet aeo when Iea need to talk to aeo. As long as aeo feels Istarian light on his scales, iea will be able to find aeo." With this, SombreNeige left the egg to Biniki’s care.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Not Even Ashes

    Biniki heard Sombreneige long before she stepped inside the lair's main room. She was as noisy as a storm and probably as dark as the darkest one.
    "I guess he said no?"
    "Not only aeo said da but aeo told the egg could be blighted, and ae would be a desecration to enter the lair. Aeo is so blind! Ae would be a resurrection if only ae works as iea hope."

    "Don't get so mad, my heart. They could not accept. They have revived Maekrux so they could not trust you. But he's not complete and I feel the missing part is in the egg.
    If we're right and he's there inside, he'll have all rights to go and reunite, but we have another problem... The drawings on the shell have been identified by Amethyr as the same that were on Kaevaeri's shell. As you felt, there is no goo or blight in the egg, but the hatchling is not safe. He will have to get runes, or be taken from Istaria to the rift, and we both know we can't follow him there. You should seek one that is able to draw that runes, while I keep the egg warm."

    "Iea will go. Iea will seek and find. Ausixen probably, or the rebirth Maekrux."

    Then she flashed out of the lair, making Biniki mumble "Using those **** shadows again."

    Rushing to the lair to meet Ausixen, she forgot the barrier, and plummet in a mess of paws and wings after hitting it. A moment later, she was on her paws, hissing and seeking the offender, then realized it was the barrier, once more blocking her way, but this time it would not block her.

    On her hindlegs, wings wide spread, she cast her huge shadow through the entrance, then jumped inside, at the other side of the barrier. "AUSIXEN!" she called, and then waited. No reply. She called again and waited quite long for a Lunus like her, but with no answer she decided to step inside.

    She did not go far. As she entered the foyer, the Runic Dragon trap on the wall sprung and she soon found herself encased in his forcefield, holding her, crushing her.
    Then before she could try anything, she heard Maekrux's voice "You are not welcome here, intruder."

    She transferred out of the forcefield but it caught her again in a snap. Again and again she played that cat-and-mouse game, each time getting trapped again, until she saw a wired form of Maekrux, and yelled to him "Iea saved your egg," and fled back to the access tunnel to the Foyer.

    The attacks stopped. Was she out of range of the trap or did her words get heard?

    Panting, bleeding from cuts and a wing broken, she stepped towards foyer again. The wired Maekrux looking to her, as if remembering who she was. "Iea were allied with kor murderer, k'iea evil goo brother. Iea should die for his deeds."
    “Give me a good reason why I shouldn’t tear your body apart right now,� the Runic said.

    Head lowered at the violent fulmination, she didn't move, not ready to face the magic trap again. She took a deep breath and continued. "Iea was not k'aeo willing ally. As others, Iea was used. Iea have been betrayed by k'iea own blood. But Iea managed to recover the egg Maurger offered then stole. Iea wished the egg to hatch in your lair but that has been forbidden. Iea know the hatchling inside lives and is yours, but I fear he'll die when he'll hatch because the runes of the egg will break. Iea wished Ausixen to rune the aorban at hatch, if aeo is able, but now everything is changed. The egg is kor egg, and Iea wish to give ae back to nieo, before ae hatch and it's too late."

    The runic himself could easily spare a few runes from his body to do what she requested, and the thought was sound. Silly – it was a spawm of Maurger and it made the Runic question her judgment. "Do niea realize that, even if niea give back what has been stolen, even if it's a step in the right direction, niea will not be forgiven?"

    "Iea know k'iea whole family is doomed by the deeds of k'iea evil brother, but Iea am not my brother."

    "Bring ieo the egg now, SombreNeige. Do ae and Ieo will listen to you. Ieo promise nothing more."

    Walking as her wing was broken, she traveled back to the lair of her a'mea, to tell her the news and get Maekrux's son egg back to him. Biniki was horrified to see how bad her daughter was hurt, but SombreNeige did only accept her heals for the time she needed to tell her what happened. Trying her somewhat repaired wing, pain visible on her face, Sombreneige also refused the offer of her a'mea to bring the egg. She packed it safely in several naka blankets, to keep it warm and safe for transport, then took wing back to Maekrux's lair. While flying she did not feel the egg move, nor did she feel the small one fight against his prison.

    But he was.

    He did not manage to break the shell a t first, as the blankets helped to keep the shell in one part. But she was holding the packed in a paw and the claws pulled on the blankets, so the upper part of the egg was more free and vulnerable. Soon the little head of the hatchling broke through the shell in an audible crack, seeing another shell around his head, a soft and velvety shell, with wind passing through, and the egg shell, now weakened, collapsed and the small one got wrapped in the blankets. Hearing the crack, SombreNeige closed her wings, then dive to gain speed, and spread wings again, roaring from pain as the winds bent her hurt wings, but the time was running short and the speed gained that way was invaluable.

    She grabbed the cargo gently, but stronger as a claw pierced the blanket. She felt soft scales against it and a small gnaw on her claw. She flew the fastest she could, her burning wing making her groan, but before she reached the lair there was a intense light growing inside the packet, and soon the weight disappeared from the packet, while an intense pain came from her paw as the claw was torn off, and she knew she was too slow. She had let others slow her and make her fail. She knew she had failed to bring the hatchling to safety, but still she had to go and explain.

    Stepping in the foyer, she carefully opened the packet, only to show broken parts of a shell, broken runes visible through the shell, and no sign of the hatchling. "Iea failed. Again. aeo hatched and had nobody to rune aeo." Lifting the unclawed paw she add "Aeo disappeared with a part of Iea."

    “Leave, Sombre. Do not return to the lair until I call you back,� the Runic said. SombreNeige was turned from the lair, wings burning with both pain and shame.

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