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Thread: what are tickets for?

  1. #1

    Default what are tickets for?

    im making this post for many reasons, i do have some issues of my own, all my quests have hit a wall and are unfinishable. but thats no big deal, my rant is quite simple. ok its agreed that those who play on blight has risks and no promises, and thats fine. but what pisses me off with the powers that be is the lack of helping them with weeding out bugs and such, i mean come on is this not what we are asked to do by playing on blight?, fix stuff, report stuff so its fixed for the move to live?. and by not willing to help us arent you in a way saying," we are not gonna help you , maybe after it goes live we will?", that is just ******** imo, so we do all this and when we need help you wanna wait till it goes live ?, we pay for this, if your gonna be so smug then why ask players to help test. as i see it you owe us a few coins, we are not paying to be ignored. take it as you will but its you who asked for us to help test new stuff and if you choose not to help us fix the bugs, all of them, then you have fun in the future with your "new" stuff. as i see it we should expect a better attitude being we are just trying to help the game. keep in mind we are all paying members just like anyone else, so answere tickets and dont post the crap about copies, as if we were a lesser, we are trying to help you.

    Gothos of Chaos, second Saris of Istaria to achieve adventure rating of 278

  2. #2

    Default Re: what are tickets for?

    Do a new character copy and you'll start out clean, and bypass all the bugs you got during the last 5 deltas.

  3. #3

    Default Re: what are tickets for?

    I'll agree with you, Gothos.

    It feels as though Blight has taken a back seat to the Live shards. Broken quests, missing quest monsters which remain missing even after a statement being made that they would be added back in, plenty of bugs, and minimal effort to display developer concern.

    As for tickets, I have submitted many and most have been replied to promptly but there is one significant ticket which has only been replied to once in the past week and it is getting annoying wondering whether there is actually any intention to fix the problem or if the ticket will simply rot in an indefinitely 'open' status with no further updates. If nothing is yet known about the status on that ticket or there is no new information then at least a reply stating this would be appropriate and considerate so I won't think my ticket and my problem itself are being ignored.

    Very dissatisfied with developer-player relations at the moment.

  4. #4

    Default Re: what are tickets for?

    its more than that G, as i said my quests are at a wall and i dont mind, its my guildie who cant finish arop, its onther guildie who cant get inventory copied , and the fact its goes ignored

    Gothos of Chaos, second Saris of Istaria to achieve adventure rating of 278

  5. #5

    Default Re: what are tickets for?

    so just start over? lol what about us who have done all our best here?, its like saying to a drag doing arop on live to just start over, dont feed me that crap.

    Gothos of Chaos, second Saris of Istaria to achieve adventure rating of 278

  6. #6

    Default Re: what are tickets for?

    I wish it was as simple as copying over an alt. But some of us don't have that option. The CottenCandy i play on Blight is far more advanced then she ever was on chaos. She has 2 quests that are broke and can't get fixed. and My dragon winterhart that i made the day blight came back up has a few quests that are broke. So what options do i have? start from scratch again?

    Things have gotta bad on Blight. We are expected to test the new content and give our feed back on the stuff. almost every Blight regular has 1 or 2 quests that are messed up.
    I also feel like your True testers are being put on the back burner. I pay just as much as anyone on live, but do we get treated the same? I understand you try to get stuff out as fast as you can but maybe listening a bit more to your testers and it would be nice to see someone on the team pop in and see what's going on.

    I will say i have been so upset that i have seriously been thinking about quitting. but if it wasn't for the fact i have 2 accounts that wont be up till jan. i'm going to stick around. I love testing new stuff but i'm to the point of why bother? it's not going to get fixed on my characters anyways.

    I hope things change soon and i know i'm not the only one that feels this way. We try our hardest to help the game out but it would be nice to see the same curtisy returned.


  7. #7

    Default Re: what are tickets for?

    well said Cotten

    Gothos of Chaos, second Saris of Istaria to achieve adventure rating of 278

  8. #8

    Default Re: what are tickets for?

    I should not have posted what I did.

    I am upset at having given up going to see my son "graduate" from Cub Scout camp to instead stay home and work in hopes of getting the final bugs worked out, and queries worked out with my boss to reset quests on Blight.

    I should have not come to the forums and for that I apologize.

    My "human" is showing.
    Last edited by Velea; June 25th, 2009 at 01:11 AM.

  9. #9

    Default Re: what are tickets for?

    very generic response. go figure lol, but being who you are its more than i expected. at least i got you attention finally

    Gothos of Chaos, second Saris of Istaria to achieve adventure rating of 278

  10. #10

    Default Re: what are tickets for?

    It's not so much the fact of the bugs Velea it's more the fact is we are left here in the dark. it would be nice mainly to have some more communication from you guys. i'm sorry but if you treat all your clients like this not many will stick around. I do have plenty of other places to play but i preferr this game. and I like playing on blight and i dont want to leave. Maybe it's the fact of the matter that some of us came to this game during it's dark age where we went a year without word/updates/bugs fixed/accounts fixed/ect that we dont wanna see that happen again. yes this is a rant but it is about the new bugs.

    I don't say this to attack the devs or anyone else. as a matter of fact i concider a few of you friends (sorry haven't met you all yet). I'm just asking to be kept inform.

    the main bug i'm upset about right now is the tempest ogres. i made a post on it but no answer but you were quick to answer this one. what does that say?

  11. #11

    Default Re: what are tickets for?

    Instead of asking how you can assist in satisfying frustrated and upset customers who are paying good money each month, we are told, "Don't play on the test server." How's that for public relations?

    And it is realized that we don't 'have' to play on the test server and that it is a choice; likewise, we don't 'have' to play on the Live servers. Whether we choose to play on Live or Blight, there is no excuse for the lack of concern for paying customers' problems.
    Last edited by Luthen; June 25th, 2009 at 01:07 AM. Reason: Afterthoughts.

  12. #12

    Default Re: what are tickets for?

    Bottom line, you ARE on a test server. That means things may be broken while we work to fix them internally. When we have a patch ready it will be applied to blight. We appreciate the efforts you all put forward on blight, but you have to realize that things will be broken until we get a patch to fix them.

    RE: Storm Ogres

    I posted in the thread the other day stating that we were going to fix it internally and it would be part of the next patch to blight. We haven't patched yet because we've been trying to fix some other last-minute issues that came up with Dralnok's Doom.

    I'm sorry if you feel that it is not satisfactory, but that is how it is. As soon as we can get the things fixed that we have to get fixed we'll patch it to blight. Our original plan was for earlier this week, but we've had a few setbacks.
    "Alea iacta est" -- Julius Caesar

    Toot shouted, voice shrill, "In the name of the Pizza Lord! Charge!" (Jim Butcher's Dresden Files)

    "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spends it whole life believing that it is stupid." -- Albert Einstein

  13. #13

    Default Re: what are tickets for?

    thank Amon

    Gothos of Chaos, second Saris of Istaria to achieve adventure rating of 278

  14. #14

    Default Re: what are tickets for?

    I tried testing some things on Blight, and I have to say, you folks who 'live' there are to be well commended for your patience in dealing with the bugs of development.

    I think right now, with the major push to get the labyrinth going (do any of us know what this initiative means to the business? i don't, but there was a poster suggesting possible advertising to along with it), the timing is unfortunate for getting the pre-existing things fixed that now need attention on Blight. As a consolation, I'd suggest that they need to fix the ARoP issues as well as the labyrinth quest bugs before rolling it all out.

    I'm making a lot of assumptions here, but VI has really come through for us before, and I think they do get your messages. I think the rapid response here is likely related to the number of voices speaking up, while the other they noted as an issue and are likely working as part of a queue of fixes.

    I know it's no fun to be stuck waiting, and heaven knows you already have to be patient to keep on testing. From this clueless reaper of the benefits of your input, thank you for being extra patient this time around!

  15. #15

    Default Re: what are tickets for?

    Quote Originally Posted by AmonGwareth View Post
    Bottom line, you ARE on a test server. That means things may be broken while we work to fix them internally. When we have a patch ready it will be applied to blight. We appreciate the efforts you all put forward on blight, but you have to realize that things will be broken until we get a patch to fix them.

    RE: Storm Ogres

    I posted in the thread the other day stating that we were going to fix it internally and it would be part of the next patch to blight. We haven't patched yet because we've been trying to fix some other last-minute issues that came up with Dralnok's Doom.

    I'm sorry if you feel that it is not satisfactory, but that is how it is. As soon as we can get the things fixed that we have to get fixed we'll patch it to blight. Our original plan was for earlier this week, but we've had a few setbacks.

    I'll i'm asking is an update it's good to know that you plan on it, and i'm glad you told us, but it saddens me it had to be brought up this way. All i would like is to be kept posted. yes we love helping and we understand that we get bugs and have to wait for fixes, but all we have been getting in very cryptic answers or none at all. how do you think that makes us feel? i can honestly say i felt like my account/toons and oppinion didn't matter becuase 1. my main is a copy and 2. I play on blight.

    Thank you Amon for giving us a proper and polite answer. we are not just players in a game but real people that care. some just seem to forget that some times from being over worked and stressed out.

    Thank you again

  16. #16

    Default Re: what are tickets for?

    Thank you for your reply Amon.

    However while I have encountered problems on Blight, the issue I am having is on Live. I submitted a ticket on the 18th, had to nag for a response, and received one, but that was the last I heard on my issue. It is now the 24th and no further responses have been made. The last reply I received was posted on the 19th. I have made three responses since then and the ticket is, as I perceive it, sitting there. I am extremely dissatisfied with the quality of communication as the issue is a serious one to me.

  17. #17

    Default Re: what are tickets for?

    thanks Amon

    Gothos of Chaos, second Saris of Istaria to achieve adventure rating of 278

  18. #18

    Default Re: what are tickets for?


    As far as I can see, there are broken quests on the live shards too, so I wouldn't be so quick to categorize those that inhabit blight to be 2nd class citizens.

    It's been a number of months now that Primal mastery 4 is broken.

    We are missing NPCs in the forbidden zone.

    Maybe there's too much emphasis/pressure on WHEN the new content is to be released.

    I know I would rather it get released as bug-free as possible and if that takes 2 weeks or a month, so be it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Random Poster
    I'm gonna post in this one too!

  19. #19

    Default Re: what are tickets for?

    Quote Originally Posted by Luthen View Post
    Thank you for your reply Amon.

    However while I have encountered problems on Blight, the issue I am having is on Live. I submitted a ticket on the 18th, had to nag for a response, and received one, but that was the last I heard on my issue. It is now the 24th and no further responses have been made. The last reply I received was posted on the 19th. I have made three responses since then and the ticket is, as I perceive it, sitting there. I am extremely dissatisfied with the quality of communication as the issue is a serious one to me.
    I am sorry that you are having the problem, I am not sure of the current state of the number of Devs, but at one time most of the Devs from the new company were just part time workers and that may still be true. They are working hard on the Blight patch, which may fix your issue and so might not have time to go back and post a note in every ticket that the blight patch once pushed out will fix. I do not know your problem but can tell you these devs, while still for the most part the save Devs that have worked on the game in the past are much much much more open and honest with us on what is going on. Even if they have taken a policy of no time lines. As in the past giving time tables, that they have had to break has caused problems and Devs have said things that they should not that have later proven to be wrong or even other things.

  20. #20

    Default Re: what are tickets for?

    Regardless of what the issue is, remember that devs are still people and running an MMORPG like Istaria is a time consuming process. While you may be pissed that you didn't get an answer so quickly, please remain civil because it always sucks to get flamed.

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