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Thread: Hypocrytes...

  1. #41

    Default Re: Hypocrytes...

    Thoughts for Community improvement/making it friendlier

    Disclaimer: I am not intending to Insult or Infuriate, This post is being dedicated to possible helpfull ways to make what has been my home for the past 10 months better/friendlier/closer weather I an in it or not. The catalyst issue has been talked out but the underlying problem needs a bit of assistance still?

    When someone comes in with a new character that RP wise goes contrary to what you feel is benificial to the community, first cehck if it's a new player or an old player. If it's a new player, In a kind and helpfull manner offer help in their roleplay or assist in helping them with the character if they are unfamiliar with roleplay... do this in OOC /tell.

    If it is a new character of an older player, and you know they are versed in roleplaying, your choices are a bit more limited perhaps. You might wish to consider the character "crazy" and that which they are roleplaying that conflicts with your view to be their delusion.

    For Example, with my ancient Soraii, I once had a hatchling come up to the ancient, claiming their tendrils could kill me outright, I looked at this hatchling, from ancient standpoint.. laughed and then promptly considered the extreme powers they were claiming to be their own delusion.

    The other players roleplay only extends into your view of the world in the ammount you let it.

    Vampires? Well there are people in the real word that claim to be vampires, that drink blood, that stay in the dark... do you believe they are really vampires? Probably not, you are more likely to think they are delusional people with unusual beliefs that dont matter to you... unless YOU are a vampire in real life *peers* But the same thing goes for the blight dragons and demon dragons and golem dragons and.... you get my point. If you dont want to ignore the character, make your RP consider their rp their own make believe. I mean, if there were really blight or demon or evil dragons.. do you think the empire would let them sit around in a town nonchalantly without attacking them and getting rid of them for the best of the empire?

    All these new Gifted "special dragons" Maybe you could consider it's a fad the new gifted are going through to try to explain their gift? Maybe the gift is giving them selective dementia? If this new special dragon is an experienced player playing it... it's your right to decide how you wish to percieve their character, and their right to play the character how they wish.

    But if it's a newer or older player, offering rp assistance is much better to increase the quality AND quantity then abrasive and unhelpfull We dont like that character you need to change because it has been done before... maybe they were proud of that rp? You might have just shattered their views. On the other hand offering helpfull suggestions and hints, might not shatter their hard work thinking up that rp, but might actually improve it. Heck and you might just make a friend? Being gruff with someone who doesnt know you... likely wont make a friend, but damage their views of you.

    Considering other issues of constant conflict on this server, new players (and some old players) that dont bracket their words... Generally a new player that stays on the server eventually learns to seperate the IC/OOC and it becomes second nature. Often, however, when they first start, they are inundated with trying to figure things out, these new players deserve a bit of leeway.. they are trying to learn, with nurturing they could one day add to that quality, and increase that quantity. As for the older players... well they likely arent going to listen to you anyways... Try reminding them a few times, nicely, then just mentally filter out what they say.

    If you are a master roleplayer, and people consider your roleplaying quite highly, perhaps lending out the experience to try to better someone else would be benificial?

    This community is our protegy, let us nurture it, instead of beating it and having social services called on us.

  2. #42
    Join Date
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    Buffalo, N.Y. (Order)

    Default Re: Hypocrytes...

    Coming from a free-form roleplaying channel at mIRC before Horizons was in existence, I was used to all sorts of things "coming into the inn" where all the RP took place. Animals that walked on two legs, Dragons, talking foxes, Vampires, werewolves, walking brooms, 900lb women with dresses made of boat sails, dragons with fur, etc. My portrait is actually one of my RP characters. She was the original Kodey. XD

    The only rules that they had were, no futuristic technology, no GOD-PCing and make sure you're able to even fit into the inn's door or you'd get a lot of looks. Because of RPing with an incredibly wide range of humanoid/animialistic beings, a vampire/blight/fish/tree is hardly anything out of the normal. :(

    It makes me wonder how my second dragon would be treated. Since Kodey is a runt and raised by Ssaris and a human, it was my 'normal' character. My other dragon is mostly normal, but with her extensive backstory that I've fleshed out years before horizons ever came out, which has left her with a few oddities, I would dare anybody to tell me I can't play her. >:( It would be funny too, since my second dragon was one of the most "normal" "evil" characters that was brought into that Inn.

    This seems outrageous that someone RPing something they put effort into is having backs turned to them, whether or not they belong to anybody's RP continuity. I would roleplay with anybody, doesn't matter with who, or what, or when. I know my friends here would think otherwise but I really have trouble seeing why this is so bad at all, if they offer good and entertaining RP, disregarding how they look or what they're made of.

    But I've never had problems with what people roleplayed. Found it odd OOCly, but it didn't stop my character from approaching them. :P

    "Normal" is VERY relative. :P
    Last edited by Kodey; August 4th, 2009 at 12:05 AM.
    __________________________________________________ __________

  3. #43

    Default Re: Hypocrytes...

    Quote Originally Posted by Xoshara View Post

    LOL that scene is SO silly - he could have walked through that door upright, but does a Shatner instead

  4. #44

    Default Re: Hypocrytes...

    Your experience may differ, Kodey, because of the freeform nature of that IRC RP, but in my mainly MMORPG-based experience people who choose to play abnormal characters are usually of low roleplaying skill.

    Personally, I have no problem with bizarre characters played well. I interact frequently and closely with two demons, a...thing, another thing, a couple of dragons who have fur, et cetera. Their players are brilliantly skillful, and I respect the hell out of them. I can only hope to learn from their examples, as I'm quite beneath their aptitude. But collectively they're an exception to the rule.

    Generally I feel well-founded in suspecting an abnormal character to be made out of laziness, a misguided sense of "cool", and a desire to have something powerful, heroic, and/or frightening. Single-player games, movies, and books inculcate an expectation for this type of character to be the ideal, to be viable in any setting. But in roleplaying, much more so in a massively multiplayer online environment, everything ought to be designed with the other players in mind.

    In a small community like Order's, the mere existence of a character causes ripples. Maybe it's only directly involved in a specific group at first, but then associates of that group get drawn in somehow, rumours spread, and soon even the most removed persons must acknowledge it.

    It's been suggested that one can simply have their character disbelieve an anomalous ability or condition. How often does that actually work in practice? The players who do choose to let their characters believe and be affected will vastly outnumber you, and when a dramatic RP arises centred on the freak, things quickly complicate and become impossible to rationally deny.

    I don't like having to tell people I'm trying to recruit into the game "the wider RP community is mostly crap, you'll have to stick to channels X and Y and make generous use of your ignore list".
    "Ohoh...someone is actually trying to sell something, I see an attunement coming. LOL" - Teto Frum

  5. #45

    Default Re: Hypocrytes...

    Soraii, it's throw-down time. If you are serious about leaving I'm fully prepared to buy the Bristugo lair off you and take good care of it - perhaps even finish some of the things you never finished on it. You have until end-of-day to get back to me on this. If not, I will take that as an indication that you really don't intend to quit after all.
    TIGRIS EUPHRATES and TEKKA RUNECLAW. Istarian Veteran, The Original Order Shard Herald, Herald of the Spirit Shard. Storm Disciple, Flame Disciple, Spirit Disciple, Ice Disciple, Monk, Ranger, Healer, Druid, Spiritist. Grand Master Biped Crafter.

  6. #46
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    le palais du fromage and industrial complex, cliffside, shepherd's mountain, blight

    Default Re: Hypocrytes...

    Quote Originally Posted by Amerelium View Post
    LOL that scene is SO silly - he could have walked through that door upright, but does a Shatner instead
    and not even well, either.........

    as a paper rpg'er of many more years that i care to state, i agree with xos...
    most of the time (and this includes me - who had not one but 4 demon princes (from 'the worm ourobouros') as some of my first characters), super hack and loot alts are created by inexperienced players who haven't got the real rpg concept.
    to me, at my age, it is better and easier to play an ordinary alt that makes themselves extraordinary thru personality. not to be egotistical (sorry but i got no other alts to talk about!), but that's how vel started -
    just an ordinary, young, and knownothing newcomer. look at her now - the self proclaimed 'queen of blight' and we ain't even a rp shard!

    but i would expect that folks would be able to talk things out before escalation. can't have any kind of rp without all participants being on the same page. on the other hand, if everyone seems on the same page and then changes their minds, i have no idea how to comment on that. one would hope that most peeps would not base split second decisions on some outsider's comments, but peeps who would were prolly not into the rp in the first place.....

    anyway, i wasn't there and i don't know the story, can only comment on what i think about what is posted,
    and i don't think soraii should let other peeps drive her away from a game she likes to play. there are 2 other shards to play on, and i can tell ya this - may not be much rp on blight, but we usually have a pretty great time when we all get going! if the rp shard isn't fun anymore, i would try starting over on chaos or blight before i left the game itself - at least you will find out if its you or the game that is incompatible rather than players.....
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  7. #47

    Default Re: Hypocrytes...

    I"m going to say two points here - and I think both are important in the health of the RP of the shard and this community.

    All of this nonsense could be avoided by people allowing people to PLAY HOW THEY WANT - within reason (i.e. perhaps in private vs. public, OOC vs IC channels, etc.).

    Even as I am coming back active into the game, I see A LOT of unhappiness within our community right now. And you know why? Its because of only a FEW. I've seen this happen again and again. A few people literally ruin the game for dozens of others - because they're beling bullied out of channels, harrassed out of RP, Harassed out of asking questions. Because a select FEW who think they are better than (for some unknown reason) everyone else, feel they can tell everyone else how the shard needs to go.

    And yea, I'm speaking of recent Dragon Chat issues as well. I personally know of at least 3 dragons who no longer go inot that channel because they feel they were ATTACKEd and HARRASSED out of it due to asking OOC questions.

    RIDICULOUS! You have no idea how pissed off this makes me when I hear that.

    But perhaps its time we had a cleansing - I've seen it happen several times before. The community implodes, we lose a few good Rpers - but usually we lose the crap-harrasers too. And those who are left (myself included so far...) rebuild the communiyt and for awhile everything is good again.

    Until the cycle repeats itself. Because invariably a few people start playign the game who feel they have the knowhow-brilliance-whatever to tell everyone else how the game should go.

    If you see this happening, in dragon chat or elsewhere in public - stand up and take a hit for the community's survival for Drakar's sake! Don't let other people harrass others out of playing the game - stand up and say "HEY! This isn't your game - go off, RP how you want, talk how you want elsewher e- but this person has as much right to be here and speak how they want as you do.."

    And if I could cuss right now, I'd call it as I see it...

    Now, having said that - I myself will not play with vampire/halfdemon/mutant/peopleactuallydragons/dragonspregnantwithdemons/wtateverthehell you came up with - IN ISTARIA - with Frith-Rae.

    I am all about lore-pushing, I am not into lore-breaking. I feel the same way about all the half-vampire-demon-pregannt-with-lich-king-baby night elves in WoW.

    And you know what, if you're a vampire/half-demon/half-naka extra-terrestial ET PHONE HOME dragon who has etheral abilities that have never existed in Istaria - you might as well be that night elf...

    But you know what - you go ahead and you RP that way all yiou want. But if you come up to Frith-Rae Rping like that, she's going to look at you like you're looney - ignore any and all actions that can't actually exist in our world - and think you're just hallucinating.

    Cuz there are RP ways of handling things .

    So yes, you can RP all you want - but realize that others can RP back with you OR NOT - all they want. If you RP a lore-breaking creature, you need to expect that only a minority will be ok with that. You go ahead, you find those people OK with that, and you RP to your heart's content. But if you do it in public, people ARE goign to take offense - because you're existance cannot exist in the game realm. And there are going to be people who tell you as much.

    Hence why its better to do these things in private...

    Now, I think I get what hte OP was upset about - not so much about lore-breaking but more that all of this RP was fine for months until one day bam - they got crapped on (if I understand it correctly). And I'd be mad too. However, I also don't realy care for "planned out" RP outside of just loose ideas.

    If you've got a whole script planned out, and how everyone else is suppose to act and perform in your script - you're going to have issues. Everyone RP's how they want, they aren't going to necessarily RP the way you want them to - to support or defy your character how they want *shrugs*. Loose ideas - general directions for your own character are good - and then develop the rest through other's free-form RP.

    But now for my second point...

    I seperated Atlanna from DC and a good portion of the RP community because I was tired. I was tired of DC being dominated by the drama/rp of two to three people, the OP being one of them. My character became MS. Support McSupporterson for these characters who constantly had to be consoled of something as they were constantly depressed about something or had SOME drama happening to them EVERY SINGLE DAY that I logged on. Thus leaving it hard for others to develop their own stories. As Kandrin has so eloquently stated here, so I chose to leave.
    I'm quoting this not because of its talking about any specific players.

    I'm quoting this because THIS destroys more great RP-areas than anything else I"ve seen to date.

    I've seen RP group after RP group self-implode because THIS happens. I've seen THIS community taken to the coals again and again, because something like THIS happens.

    And I agree with Atlanna - its ridiculous and its stupid.

    But I see it happen over and over - within already established groups. There are always those who want the spotlight on them. There are always players who, unless the plot centers aroudn them and their select few buddies, throw a big ol'fit and/or just don't interact. I've seen it happen to myself, with the old Ye Olde Pub - an old RP chatroom that use to have great RP, great RP drama, great storylines - until it became evident that all those stories had to center around 2-3 people. If ANYONE else started up their own RP venture-direction - then these people just didn't participate - but expected you to stay glued to your seat for theirs.

    RP is a GIVE AND TAKE ya'buncha'mo's... You have your ideas and stories you'd like to see your characters go - but guess what - SO DOES EVERYONE ELSE. And for every "storyline" where you take lead, or its about your character - you need to be involed in someone else's for theirs.

    As already stated, so will quote
    In a small community like Order's, the mere existence of a character causes ripples. Maybe it's only directly involved in a specific group at first, but then associates of that group get drawn in somehow, rumours spread, and soon even the most removed persons must acknowledge it.

    Look at your Roleplays with your friends. Look at how much you're the main character - vs how mucyh you're a "supporting role" in other people's RPs.

    You have no idea how much your "supporters" get tired of playing that role. They want their own development, not just to be patting your character on the back or supporting them or whatever. Give everyone a time to create.

    I see it coming, Order - I see a meltdown of the community coming (again). And perhaps its too late to do something about it - perhaps the selfish RPers, the crazy-lore-breaking- Rpers aren't to be stopped (here I mean in public, not in private). But by golly I'm at least going to try.

    Unless I read too much of this crap and just quit out of being sick of the whole cycle.

    And guess what, blight dragons have been around since day one - I've RPed with several myself before most of you were in game. Its pretty common. And a "blight dragon" at least to me is just lore bending - so its possible.

    But don't for a second think that you're vampire/demon/star/ET dragon is original - or even desired. It doesn't matter if there's 5 or 45 of you - most RPers don't want to play with someone that can't exist in the given world. And its that way ACROSS games (tabletop included). Don't think that just being special makes drama.

    Frith-Rae's your pretty avarage dragon (just a few special contacts with Drakar in dreams in her story), but trust me - I can make drama with the best of them . Maybe I'll get aroudn to posting her story in the forums, all of which was developed in RP - so people can see that "normal" characters can be just as interesting, exciting, and engaging...
    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
    Iea has returned.

  8. #48

    Default Re: Hypocrytes...

    Well said Frith, I've never been in dragon chat in my life since I'm not a dragon, but i can tell you it's the only place i've ever heard multiple players say it's turned them off game or they just left it to avoid being driven out of game. That's the real legacy of all these guys, not the long remember great entertainment they think will be rehashed by its participants for years.

  9. #49
    Member peladon's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hypocrytes...

    Elder and wise...

    My words are but the whisper of a forgotten wind. Let them be lost or found as suits the seeker.

    Quote Originally Posted by Teto Frum View Post
    Well said Frith, I've never been in dragon chat in my life since I'm not a dragon...
    Scales and wings I bear, wise one.. but I have never walked or flown those halls in all my waking.

    And the winds that blow from those halls have never tempted wing or feet.

    But then... I be but a Fool... and what would a Fool know of such things?

    In words that are not those I heard once, but close... ' Oh, would some power the gift to give us, let others be and our selves be us...'

    Let others be as they feel they must. There is no need ye believe their dreams and nightmares... and ye can walk or fly about them as suits ye best.

    My words are but the whisper of a forgotten wind. Let them be lost or found as suits the seeker.

    Sephiranoth, called by some ShadowSeeker
    Nobody and Nothing ever, save The Five do Feast
    A Fool that walks among the Wise

  10. #50
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    Default Re: Hypocrytes...

    I respectfully disagree and here are my thoughts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Xoshara View Post
    Your experience may differ, Kodey, because of the freeform nature of that IRC RP, but in my mainly MMORPG-based experience people who choose to play abnormal characters are usually of low roleplaying skill.
    There is no difference between chat-based RP and MMO-RP from my experience from mIRC, UO, EQ or WoW. There are tons of characters in Istaria that exceed the limits of their own character models with elaborate descriptions that no simple dragon model could do justice. So the 3D portion of this is moot. Otherwise I'm not sure what you're getting at.

    Creativity/Imagination does not equal low roleplaying skill.
    Horrible roleplayers equal low roleplaying skill.

    Personally, I have no problem with bizarre characters played well. I interact frequently and closely with two demons, a...thing, another thing, a couple of dragons who have fur, et cetera. Their players are brilliantly skillful, and I respect the hell out of them. I can only hope to learn from their examples, as I'm quite beneath their aptitude. But collectively they're an exception to the rule.
    I think what some of us would like to know what the underlying ruleset that is deemed appropriate for people of Order to adhere by. It has yet to be announced in it's entirety. I would like to know so I don't inadvertently get placed on the ignore list for 10 years worth of creativety. You and others have exempted a few people from this biased opinion you guys harbour (I know who the exempt are, I know most of them personally who probably disagree with me wholey, including yourself D:) and I would wonder what actually kept Taylus from this exemption list as well. She was a friend to some afterall, and I'd think this were grounds enough to tolerate the character.

    Generally I feel well-founded in suspecting an abnormal character to be made out of laziness, a misguided sense of "cool", and a desire to have something powerful, heroic, and/or frightening. Single-player games, movies, and books inculcate an expectation for this type of character to be the ideal, to be viable in any setting. But in roleplaying, much more so in a massively multiplayer online environment, everything ought to be designed with the other players in mind.
    My thoughts on this would be that people should not be put down for using their imagination. The same imaginations that made fuzzy-dragons or demon-dragons or even plant-dragons. Online is a good outlet for people that want to "be/feel" how they otherwise cannot "be/feel" in real life, be it cool, powerful or otherwise. I think it's unfair to automatically think someone who is being creative so far beneath you and the others with such broad statements that not only have effected Taylus personally, but anybody that chooses to play an abnormal character.

    In a small community like Order's, the mere existence of a character causes ripples. Maybe it's only directly involved in a specific group at first, but then associates of that group get drawn in somehow, rumours spread, and soon even the most removed persons must acknowledge it.
    I would suggest just dropping the RP with any party you didn't want to associate with. It would create a rippling effect in your benefit.

    It's been suggested that one can simply have their character disbelieve an anomalous ability or condition. How often does that actually work in practice? The players who do choose to let their characters believe and be affected will vastly outnumber you, and when a dramatic RP arises centred on the freak, things quickly complicate and become impossible to rationally deny.
    Actually, I wouldn't suggest having a character disbelieve an ability/condition until appropriate OOC took place to rectify any inconsistencies with the character and everybody could move on. In private and not over Dragon channel for other people to point fingers.

    With so many people with crazy characters, it makes me think you guys actually have a distaste for Taylus herself/himself and not actually the characters. Or maybe the way he/she roleplays his/her characters. If any number of you had truely been friends, how did this flip so upside down that you guys couldn't work this out privately and now someone is leaving over it? :/

    There are only a few people that irritate me because they can't differentiate their characters from the player behind the computer and hide being being a "lunus" or being "evil" as an excuse to be a jackass to anybody with a different opinion OOCly. Or think they're really dragons in real life. Which is frustrating in itself. To me, those are the real nuisances.
    Last edited by Kodey; August 4th, 2009 at 11:22 PM.
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  11. #51
    Join Date
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    Buffalo, N.Y. (Order)

    Default Re: Hypocrytes...

    Double-post deliciousness. <3
    __________________________________________________ __________

  12. #52

    Default Re: Hypocrytes...

    Quote Originally Posted by Kodey View Post
    I think what some of us would like to know what the underlying ruleset that is deemed appropriate for people of Order to adhere by.
    In the strictest sense, since gifted characters recall restored to full health/abilities, only those with standard characters in normal health fit the official game design. It can be hard to roleplay within those limitations if not accustomed to it.

    I have fun as a gnome taking an "alternative" view of things, and sometimes trying to put together things that never quite work right the way a gnome would picture it. I do not roleplay relationships much mainly because I have a really hard time keeping track of who is related to whom and how. However, inter-character dynamics can get very interesting no matter what the race... although the visuals of how they respond may be described differently, anger from being insulted or happiness at a pleasant surprise can be portrayed by all.

    I do not expect all to roleplay within those relatively tight guidelines. I hope that those who do and those who do not can find some reasonable balance through which to coexist happily.

  13. #53

    Default Re: Hypocrytes...

    Talk to me in PM about the lair Tigris. I need to get stuff taken car in it incase this quit turns into weeks/months off. However my Wifi antenna has gone down the toilet and have as of yet been unable to stay in long enough to get things cleared out. Not to mention right now I don't have much at all desire toget on that server anytime when real people are in. I wont allow it to be reclaimed, and I wont decon it, but I will need to take measures to clear it out before giving it away. If you dont feel that is reasonable, I apologise.

  14. #54

    Default Re: Hypocrytes...

    Quote Originally Posted by Kodey View Post
    There is no difference between chat-based RP and MMO-RP from my experience from mIRC, UO, EQ or WoW. There are tons of characters in Istaria that exceed the limits of their own character models with elaborate descriptions that no simple dragon model could do justice. So the 3D portion of this is moot. Otherwise I'm not sure what you're getting at.
    The difference I was referring to was freeform vs. established world. The IRC RP you described had a very loosely-defined setting, it sounds like, whereas most MMORPGs have specific histories.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kodey View Post
    Creativity/Imagination does not equal low roleplaying skill.
    Horrible roleplayers equal low roleplaying skill.
    There are other ways to express creativity and imagination than making up powers and mutations. Guess why I have so many alts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kodey View Post
    I think what some of us would like to know what the underlying ruleset that is deemed appropriate for people of Order to adhere by. It has yet to be announced in it's entirety.
    No, you (in the general sense) don't want to know.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kodey View Post
    biased opinion
    All opinions are biased.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kodey View Post
    I would wonder what actually kept Taylus from this exemption list as well.
    I don't know them and don't care to since they probably reside in Dragon chat.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kodey View Post
    My thoughts on this would be that people should not be put down for using their imagination. The same imaginations that made fuzzy-dragons or demon-dragons or even plant-dragons.
    Not the same imaginations.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kodey View Post
    Online is a good outlet for people that want to "be/feel" how they otherwise cannot "be/feel" in real life, be it cool, powerful or otherwise.
    Sandboxy single-player games like Oblivion or offline story-writing are better outlets.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kodey View Post
    I think it's unfair to automatically think someone who is being creative so far beneath you and the others with such broad statements that not only have effected Taylus personally, but anybody that chooses to play an abnormal character.
    You're probably right. I respect that you're such a kind, tolerant person. Once upon a time I wasn't so unlike you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kodey View Post
    Actually, I wouldn't suggest having a character disbelieve an ability/condition until appropriate OOC took place to rectify any inconsistencies with the character and everybody could move on.
    Sounds like what Xeffer tried to do.
    "Ohoh...someone is actually trying to sell something, I see an attunement coming. LOL" - Teto Frum

  15. #55
    Member peladon's Avatar
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    Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Or somewhere else...

    Default Re: Hypocrytes...

    Actually, I wouldn't suggest having a character disbelieve an ability/condition until appropriate OOC took place to rectify any inconsistencies with the character and everybody could move on. In private and not over Dragon channel for other people to point fingers.

    Elder and wise... that which I believe, or do not, is shaped by my spirit, my nature... by that whioch I am. It comes first, ere ever converse with another. Converse may shape it later... but not be its progenitor.

    Or so I believe... .

    Sephiranoth, called by some ShadowSeeker

  16. #56

    Default Re: Hypocrytes...

    Blah forget it, no point in even further pointing out what most people already know.
    Last edited by A'Sasha; August 5th, 2009 at 03:11 AM. Reason: No point really, the very intention of this thread is hypocritical
    Order Shard - Atlanna Embergaze 100/100 Adult:
    A'Sasha Windrider - Member of Keir Chet k'Eilerten

  17. #57

    Default Re: Hypocrytes...

    You talk to me rationally, and calmly, Talk stays that way and things can be worked out easily. You start off tossing fowl language and yelling out your views. And I am far far less disinclined to listen to you. When I am upset or yelled at or made defensive... well, I get belligerant or stubborn. Call me a mule I guess. You try to force me to do something I will likely end up defying it and going the opposite direction; you ask in a respectfull way and are not condescending or forcefull, and I have no problems listening.... I find it hard to respect someone when they couldn't care less and are just there to cram their views any way shape or form.

    As for special or not, I find plenty of ways to make a normal character playable, generally it is through rp with friends. And as for my personal "abnormal/normal" mix on order...

    "normal dragons" Rayas, Rayos, Ryca, Soraii, Taysia

    Alaysar was modified slightly to deal with RP circumstances at the time but since then really has not bothered to worry about the "abnormalities" which consisted of just a barrier of snow so certain rp abnormal characters could not permakill him at a whim.

    Taylus Started as a vault mule I had no intention on playing, as I had no care about the character and it would be no loss, I rp'd a bit with selarth.. then I applied some novians it had on a friends lair. Oddly this "vault mule" sort of took on a life of it's own, gained a small subset of friends. Then there was that blight episode, but I referr you to my first paragraph. I had all intentions of leaving it for a bit then letting it go. However people started forcing stuff on him IC and OOC, and I saw a rather odd phenominom. This character ended up getting chased threatened and harassed, which IC was fine, but the ones that started that way get looked at and shrugged. It went from an intention to cure him after a bit of poking to find the rather easy little cure, to defying those that were waving the finger. I decided to take him in a direction, one not normally followed by the openly blight characters. He would not be evil and would not attack or harm anything. Aswell as I did everything in my powers OOC to limit Taylus IC so he was in no way over powered...

    Having super powerfull godly characters are often and generally as boring as having super generic plain ones. Often times the character flaws are more interesting then the possible benifits those abberations incrue. Taylus' trying to accept and be productive were likely my favorite aspects instead of the running around spitting balls of blight for fun.

    Quote Originally Posted by Xoshara View Post
    There are other ways to express creativity and imagination than making up powers and mutations. Guess why I have so many alts.
    I dont create my characters to be super powered or mutations, check that list of characters above, not one of them initially started out with the intent of "powers" They evolved as RP did. This rp that got snuffed was the only one that I ever thought of from the beginning a certain way, and my own thoughts alone would not have brought it to fruitation. I had discussed it with most of my friends, and several thought it was an interesting idea just building on existing roleplay arcs. An idea that could stretch no further then the arcs themselves dictated. Did I talk to the people I dont really consider direct friends about it? Well they could care less...

    Quote Originally Posted by Xoshara
    Originally Posted by Kodey
    I would wonder what actually kept Taylus from this exemption list as well.
    I don't know them and don't care to since they probably reside in Dragon chat.
    ...About my plans or ways I enjoy the game, as such, I didnt bother telling them.

    Quote Originally Posted by Xoshara
    I think what some of us would like to know what the underlying ruleset that is deemed appropriate for people of Order to adhere by. It has yet to be announced in it's entirety.
    No, you (in the general sense) don't want to know.
    Oh I do feel that if it is a ruleset that affects us, everyone should know it. Not just have it brought to bear on us whenever the beared feels the urge.

    Quote Originally Posted by Xoshara
    All opinions are biased.
    All people are as well.

    Quote Originally Posted by Xoshara
    Originally Posted by Kodey
    My thoughts on this would be that people should not be put down for using their imagination. The same imaginations that made fuzzy-dragons or demon-dragons or even plant-dragons.
    Not the same imaginations.
    Completly true.. the other imaginations were from people that were respected. The people that get put down, generally aren't. Dont even give a chance to see if it is kept to an acceptable level, because of lack of respect it is immediatly said "no". More then likely, if the "exempted" players imagined it, there would be no problems and it would likely be accepted by those opponents.

    Quote Originally Posted by Xoshara
    Originally Posted by Kodey
    Actually, I wouldn't suggest having a character disbelieve an ability/condition until appropriate OOC took place to rectify any inconsistencies with the character and everybody could move on.
    Sounds like what <name snipped for forum rules> tried to do.
    And might have worked if she didnt start out at me in an angry hate filled tirade. True, it was later said that this was not intended as such... I have in the end forgiven Xeffer and Nyya. But the underlying issue still stands. You want the quality... sometimes you need to be helpfull and nurture it... not neccisarily just sound like you are scolding them or telling them they and their idea is crap.

    I honestly admit, I am not a "good" rollplayer, My mind does not seem to work fast enough to create those elloquent visual text walls. I had been trying to challenge myself and get better, a slow process at times.

    As much as you see me complaining about their views and actions in this set of situations... I do highly reguard and respect their ability to do textually stunning RP at the speed they can, and that mostly covers all the people in that group... I DO look up to the likes of Xeffer and Ser and Shag and most the others in requards to being able to RP in circles around me, I did strive to use their abilities as roll models of such. I though am still cross at the treatment that seems to come out of some of them when they themselves dont seem to respect the other person.

    Apparently The one I had the tell conversation with is just very heated and spirited and forcefull, and said they really did not meant it afterwards. And as I am not real well spoken with them dont know their foibles, dont know what is and not actually as typed, it has to be taken at face value. And likely will be by other people that dont know them well enough.

  18. #58

    Default Re: Hypocrytes...

    Soraii, I sincerely apologise for the lack of clarity in my comments and complaints about abnormal characters. I was referring not to you or yours but to a generality.
    "Ohoh...someone is actually trying to sell something, I see an attunement coming. LOL" - Teto Frum

  19. #59

    Default Re: Hypocrytes...

    Not ranty enough...

    I get giddy when the Demon-Vampire-Blighted-Space Dwarf Princess morphed into a dragon has some godly power they "say" can instantly vaporize an Ancient, and goes out and racks up 5 or 6 DP from a lvl 20 small grass beetle. That's like finding an extra prize in the Cracker Jack box.


  20. #60
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Buffalo, N.Y. (Order)

    Default Re: Hypocrytes...

    Quote Originally Posted by Xoshara View Post
    The difference I was referring to was freeform vs. established world. The IRC RP you described had a very loosely-defined setting, it sounds like, whereas most MMORPGs have specific histories.
    Freeform just means your character can take any shape, that says nothing for the established world and histories that go back further than 12 years ago.
    There are other ways to express creativity and imagination than making up powers and mutations. Guess why I have so many alts.
    Rightly so. Your exact words earlier were, "If your character is drawn into RP that involves drama and flashiness, stick to your guns but allow some development and evolution to occur." For some people, they aren't even given much of a chance for this to happen before they can prove the background, personality, subtly and depth that you require in their characters.
    No, you (in the general sense) don't want to know.
    I'm met with a wall here, as we pointedly do want to know with much eagerness.
    All opinions are biased.
    Unnecessary statement.
    Not the same imaginations.
    I am not attacking you. My thoughts met with such sarcasm like I'm some random stranger. We talked a lot a while back, I thought I was able to talk freely.

    I just don't see where the logic is in people that invent their own variation of dragons with mutations and powers are acceptable whereas a few others that invent their own, are not. How can this be vastly different, unless they were extremely over the top? I thought the plant dragon was pretty neat, whoever played that.
    Sandboxy single-player games like Oblivion or offline story-writing are better outlets.
    This is a strange statement. We wouldn't have as many forms of art as we do now if people were just funneled into the few acceptable ones for their outlets. Roleplaying is an outlet for me. It's as relaxing as drawing or making music.
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