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Thread: EI - New Worlds - Pixel Magic Entertainment, etc. Bad Company Rant

  1. #1

    Default EI - New Worlds - Pixel Magic Entertainment, etc. Bad Company Rant

    NOTE - (Stuff I write or my personal opinions will be in ( ) parenthesis)
    (Everything else is taken from other places)

    (Hello everyone.)

    (Like alot of you'll I quit about the time that Tulga sold to EI and had a bad experience with them. Most of us know how bad of a company they are. They are crooks, liars, bullies and downright bad people. So where are they now? They're still out there, they had opened a new game called Immortals Online or ImmortalsUSA and just like they did with Horizons their signup was on a non-secure server. They have never used a secure server for any vital info. If you use one of their cash shops then your credit card info is on a regular webpage and not a secure one. I find it odd that they keep changing their name over and over. About the time that people figure out who they are then they change their name either that or they take everyone's money then file chapter 11 and don't have to pay anyone back. I don't know I just know that Ed Andercheck CEO of their company is a horrible person. Here's some info on them including a post I made at warning people to stay away from this company. Here's that post)

    (Here's something I found when looking them up. I don't know if it's still owned by them but figure it probably is. If so then this is their new site)

    (If that is them then they changed their name again.)

    (Here's from an old post here)
    This was taken from

    Horizons: Pixel Magic Aquires EI Interactive on (

    Pixel Magic Entertainment Corporation announced today their acquisition of Enhanced Interactive Communications Corporation. Enhanced Interactive Communications Corporation is the parent company of online game publisher EI Interactive.

    E I Interactive publishes online interactive content products. This includes casual games through an online game portal, gaming review and information sites, and massively multi-player online games (MMOs). EI owns and operates a portal access site for MMOs, which is one of the fastest growing markets in the interactive entertainment industry.

    (Notice how and mygamehaven is no longer there. I guess it didnt' grow to fast, hehehe)

    (Here's a site I found that I DO NOT think is related to New World Games but they have the same name and their copyright time at the bottom is about the time when Pixel Magic changed again so I don't know. It's owned by a company called Zayloo I think, anyway this may not have anything to do with EI/PixelMagic/New Games Worlds but I thought Id post it just in case.)

    (Well that's it. I just wanted to give everyone a heads up so that you can avoid these games from this horrible company. If you don't know about the whole EI Interactive/ New Games Worlds/ Pixel Magic Entertainment fiasco then just google it or read that first link from my post at It will explain some of it. They are a really bad company with a "unresponsive" listing with the BBB. They are crooks and use strong arm tactics in their games. They let "friends" moderate and be GM's and they bully people around. Heck, they were still billing me for Horizons months after they were no longer owners of it. I had to call my credit card company and block them. I reported them to the BBB among other places. At one point in time had a warning up to tell people to avoid Horizons because of their billing problems - not having a secure server - double/triple billing people/ not being able to cancel your account - heck their was a link to cancel but they took the page down. They deleted all of our forums and disabled unity without ever helping them merge. They nearly single handedly destroyed this game and we're still suffering from it. Tulga had really built this game back up and had even announced a Expansion for it right before they sold it and had offered their services to EI but EI fired everyone and screwed it all up. Anyway here you go. Sorry for the long post but I will never support anyone involved with Ed Andercheck and EI or whatever their name may be this month. Stay away from them, bad bad bad. Lol. Take care everyone. Sorry for the long post.

  2. #2
    Member velveeta's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    le palais du fromage and industrial complex, cliffside, shepherd's mountain, blight

    Default Re: EI - New Worlds - Pixel Magic Entertainment, etc. Bad Company Rant

    while i hate you for bringing back horrible memories (j/k, med! ), i thank you for posting this.....
    i wish i could relate to new players just how bad things got under the ebil company whose name i will not speak.......

    i think that is why we older players are content to let the true gods of istaria speak and act in their own time. because we are confident that we will be spoken to and that the devs will act when they feel the time is right........

    this may be a prejudice and i try to force it down (unsuccessfully, it seems), but i personally consider those of us who lived thru those times and still remained with our beloved game, rather than fleeing for better pastures (and perhaps finding that those 'better pastures' did not really exist), a bit more.....trying to find a word that will not enflame anyone....horizons that others.
    its easy to come (or come back) from other games with bigger devs and more players to this lil niche game and see all the road still ahead.
    but its only when you see how much of the broken, bombed out, hurtle laden road that is behind us, that you truly know that you are home and in good hands again.

    i welcome everyone who is looking for a real different mmo and wants to find a new home or return to the home they love. i ask you to respect us elder players and the devs, because however you think the current owners are working, believe you me - it could be much much MUCH worse......
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  3. #3

    Default Re: EI - New Worlds - Pixel Magic Entertainment, etc. Bad Company Rant

    I sign what you say, Vel.

    You on Blight and me on Unity- we know what can happen worst case.
    And it did happen.

    And makes me more than sad to see, that vet players are flaming towards devs and VI atm.
    There are many different reasons
    but they flame- not in forum, but in small groups, and it is like a virus.

    And they leave the game- or will leave.
    I resent them, that they do not leave in a way, the game, their former passion for it or only decencey demands.

    I am unsatiesfied with a lot of things atm- but if this would make me leave
    (noways^^ will I leave) I say: "I leave because of this and that. Its a personal decision" and I wish all (players and VI) only the best-and encourage new players /returning players/players who stay to play this wonderful game and hope they learn to love it, and that they will have all this wonderful experiences I had here 5 years long.

    I say its bad style and irresponsible to try to persuade others who enjoy,
    that the game is a mess atm.

    Besides that, we still have the- hmm- old wellknown probs on Chaos- and dramas on Order. And people leave the game cause of that too.

    Watch out Istaria

    We were proudly and loudly proclaiming that we are a special community- that we work together with devs and management, that we help each other when its needed-
    I can`t see this atm.
    As said- if you stay or leave- take the responsibilities that are YOURS to support the game.
    If you have to leave, do it with decency.
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  4. #4

    Default Re: EI - New Worlds - Pixel Magic Entertainment, etc. Bad Company Rant

    Quote Originally Posted by LOVWYRM View Post
    I sign what you say, Vel.

    You on Blight and me on Unity- we know what can happen worst case.
    And it did happen.

    And makes me more than sad to see, that vet players are flaming towards devs and VI atm.
    There are many different reasons
    but they flame- not in forum, but in small groups, and it is like a virus.
    Firstly, thanks med. Was interesting to read the garbage and dirt on that other game they made (I suspect they stole the old servers) and scratch my head at how some people support them, mind you, they're probably friends of the infidels. (Okay I wanted to say something else but I'd probably get edited so no).

    Second, I would love it if I didn't have to read flames. What happened to the community? We were all friends bound together against the enemy and upon our liberation, some members seem to have fallen into virtrium being an enemy when they make a mistake... sheesh.

    Ever consider Virtrium staff are, mayhaps, humans too, not robots? They likely have feelings. Imagine if you had to come to a forum and read two dozen people flaming you because a bug made X monster despawn or one person derailed a thread because they didn't like what color a new item was and made everyone else hate it suddenly too, or any number of things. I'd think you'd probably get depressed trying to look over a bunch of people throwing flaming sharp comments at you after a while.

    Just remember they saved us from you know who and knowing how much work just tweaking a texture can be, imagine having to deal with a billion other things too.

  5. #5

    Default Re: EI - New Worlds - Pixel Magic Entertainment, etc. Bad Company Rant

    Whjile I agree with other things said on here - being one of the "old players" who still remains unsatisified with some of the things not done on the game (but yes still glad VI took over)...

    I realy don't agree with the attitude that senior players just outright deserve anymore respect than newer players - on forums or in games. Now if you're asking for advice or guidance, that makes sense - but when it comes to just expressing one's opinions - there's nothing inherent in subbing to a game (alive, dead, or barely holding on) that makes what you say more deserving of respect.

    The rest I can agree with,, the implication I read in that comment just struck me in the wrong apologies if that wasn't the intention.
    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
    Iea has returned.

  6. #6
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    le palais du fromage and industrial complex, cliffside, shepherd's mountain, blight

    Default Re: EI - New Worlds - Pixel Magic Entertainment, etc. Bad Company Rant

    yes it is a character flaw, i admit, and one i do try to struggle with....
    it is not my intention to disrespect anyone, at least not consciously......
    however, those who live thru hard times should be a little respected by those who haven't, i feel......

    anyway, no apologies - from you frith or anyone else here - are needed by me. we are all entitled to our feelings and opinions and mine are indeed no more or less valid than anyone else's. tempers wouldn't flair and feelings wouldn't get bruised if we didn't care.

    however, just as i need to listen and pay heed to others' thoughts, others should also accord me the same. my feeling and opinions - colored as they are by the past - should not be sneered at or belittled or thought of as trolling/flaming.

    anyway, let us all just try to have as open a dialogue as we can. i promise to try to be less nostalgic if we can all agree to try to be less disrespectful to each other.
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  7. #7

    Default Re: EI - New Worlds - Pixel Magic Entertainment, etc. Bad Company Rant

    Hey I'm allll about keeping the respect...(unless you're in a rant forum then it just depends which rant forum you're at *chuckles*)

    No worries. I get where you're coming from - and while Frith-Rae will demand respect from any dragon she comes into contact with - I try hard to remember not to be the dragon in the forums .
    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
    Iea has returned.

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