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Thread: Drop Rates on Saytr Island and off Undead in General

  1. #1

    Default Drop Rates on Saytr Island and off Undead in General

    I am new to Istaria only been around just over a month but I have come far and seen a great deal of sights in that time. I have slayed many foes and crafted many a piece of armor and thus I have farmed a good deal of tech mats for me and my guildies.

    This leads me to one thing, for there difficulty the undead in any area do not drop tech materials enough. My latest adventures bring me to the saytr islands and it's not bad enough that I have wait for the right type of undead to show up but so far I have killed close to 50 veteran zombies and none of them has dropped a rib yet this does not bode well for the 16 ribs I need to collect.

    I have very few people on blight to call upon when I need such things we have no real economy and only the fact that the regular blight players are really nice has made it possible to stay on blight. I think that all undead have crazy low drop rates for how dangerous they are to hunt please do something help us out.

    I have recently heard of an NPC named Nadia that sold tech mats at high prices not sure if she was on every server when you took her out but she sounds like someone that would help blighters get by with the lack of economy.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Pacific NW, USA // Order

    Default Re: Drop Rates on Saytr Island and off Undead in General

    The problem is very much the same on Order Shard. Adventurers who do not yet have triple teched T5 Armor Weapons and Jewelry Sets are in most cases doing without and are settling for T5 Adventure Gear triple teched with T4 or with a combination of T4 and T5 techs. Similar situation prevails with Gear for the T5 Crafters. There are simply not enough T5 tech comps of the stated low drop rate variety being looted to meet Order Shard demand for same. I cannot speak for Chaos Shard as I do not play there. If the problem does not exist on Chaos Shard then fixing the problem for assistance to Order and Blight Shards would in effect be giving Chaos Shard an "easy button".

    Last edited by Knossos; August 18th, 2009 at 12:42 AM.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Drop Rates on Saytr Island and off Undead in General

    Virtrium needs to understand that making people GRIND and SLAVE AWAY for this stuff does not enhance the game and will not fix the economy.
    "Ohoh...someone is actually trying to sell something, I see an attunement coming. LOL" - Teto Frum

  4. #4
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    le palais du fromage and industrial complex, cliffside, shepherd's mountain, blight

    Default Re: Drop Rates on Saytr Island and off Undead in General

    ah the old argument.....sorry, i mean discussion:

    nadia used to exist on all shards, gun.
    she is greatly missed on blight, especially.
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  5. #5

    Default Re: Drop Rates on Saytr Island and off Undead in General

    The answer isn't Nadia. If the drop rates were simply increased, people could actually afford to sell T5 undead tech' components. As things stand, if you're putting yourself through the agony of hunting for them, you probably need them for yourself or a friend.
    "Ohoh...someone is actually trying to sell something, I see an attunement coming. LOL" - Teto Frum

  6. #6

    Default Re: Drop Rates on Saytr Island and off Undead in General

    I would be more then fine with just and increased drop rate. So far the only thing I am getting from Veteran Zombies are death points they fail to drop one of there many ribs (I know they got more then one).

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Dragons Roost, Bristugo, Blight

    Default Re: Drop Rates on Saytr Island and off Undead in General

    Xoshara, that may be fine for Chaos or Order severs, but not for Blight. At the most, we have maybe 15 to 20 regular players and no economy. We don't sell very much on Blight. We make what we need or someone else who can makes it and there is no charge for it. If we have the comps we'll even tech it for free, but we can't tech it if we can't get the comps. On Chaos, if someone needs comps you can get a group together and get them, on Blight it's another story. A lot of times there are only 4 or 5 players on and some of those aren't high enough level to go to the dead lands or Satyr Islands. If you need comps on Blight you go and get them solo.

    If they don't want to bring back Nadia then they need to radically raise the drop rate in the Dead lands and Satyr Islands. Getting 1 tech comp in 50 kills is totally unacceptable especially when it's all said and done, there is no way you're coming out of there without a slew of death points. That is not my idea of fun, it's a lesson in futility.

    They like us to test high level stuff on Blight, but then they make it almost impossible for us to get the comps to make good gear to test this stuff.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Drop Rates on Saytr Island and off Undead in General

    As usual when it comes to this topic: Count me in when you plan a revolution!

    I agree with all and everything said here.

    Especially what Xosh said :

    "Virtrium needs to understand that making people GRIND and SLAVE AWAY for this stuff does not enhance the game and will not fix the economy."

    VI:More people than you might know are very annoyed about that
    (pls consider, what Knossos said!!!)
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  9. #9

    Default Re: Drop Rates on Saytr Island and off Undead in General

    Quite a lot of the satyr island comps drop more than reasonably well. I find it difficult to complain about comp drop rates as I remember how terribly difficult it was prior to the shard merge and can only say that I think that 90% of them drop very well. The ones that tend to be more difficult I think are not so much because of their drop rate (with some very few exceptions), but because they are required in so many techniques.

    Some of the tedium is because the spawns are scarce, which means that most of the time involved is in locating the mobs/pulling them without getting the rest of the island chasing after you; however it CAN be done. I do find that to be difficult on occasion. There are, I will agree, some very few mobs that have low drop rates, but these do not include things like Zombie Ogres.
    Quote Originally Posted by Random Poster
    I'm gonna post in this one too!

  10. #10

    Default Re: Drop Rates on Saytr Island and off Undead in General

    Satyr's are difficult hunting grounds, I don't see that changing. Get some folks together, suck it up. I don't know what else to say...Blight shard seems to require more patience and more self sufficiency than chaos shard, due to the lower player population, it's your bed man.

  11. #11
    Member Sigi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Drop Rates on Saytr Island and off Undead in General

    Grinding and Slaving may not be fun (although is how you approach it, hunting with a group can be very entertaining) but if things are too easy there is no fun at all either. I can hear the complaining already about the lack of things to do. What's so bad about the need to work for something, in this case the best armor at the moment. The need for instant satisfaction is in my view not something to answer too.

    Hurray! Mor
    rison is back at his house near Bristugo!
    And the wisps on wis
    p isle are moving again!
    If you can't see 'em, you know you've got proper invisible runes.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Drop Rates on Saytr Island and off Undead in General

    Forgive me if I say so- I do not mean to be rude! :

    You folks of Chaos don`t know what you are talking about.
    I can only speak for order, but live here at least as long as I do-
    then you`ll understand. Order is not like Chaos, with a few more RPlayers.
    It`s something completly different.
    And the number of high rating players is low (those I used to play with left the game) same goes for ancient dragons. It sometimes takes weeks to get 6 ancients for an ARoP.

    So do not tell us how to play it, and do not say we just want it to have it easygoing. As I said: Walk in our shoes- then judge.
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  13. #13

    Default Re: Drop Rates on Saytr Island and off Undead in General

    Quote Originally Posted by LOVWYRM View Post
    Forgive me if I say so- I do not mean to be rude! :

    You folks of Chaos don`t know what you are talking about.
    I can only speak for order, but live here at least as long as I do-
    then you`ll understand. Order is not like Chaos, with a few more RPlayers.
    It`s something completly different.
    And the number of high rating players is low (those I used to play with left the game) same goes for ancient dragons. It sometimes takes weeks to get 6 ancients for an ARoP.

    So do not tell us how to play it, and do not say we just want it to have it easygoing. As I said: Walk in our shoes- then judge.

    I am not disagreeing with what you say.

    This tells me the problem is with the way updates are patched out.

    They can't implement different solutions on blight, order and chaos as they have to uniform.

    The problem to me here is that we have 3 different shards that need 3 different ways to solve the problem.

    If they make a change chances are that it will help one shard but to the detriment of the others (nadia removal on blight case in point).

    Until the system of delivering changes/updates is adapted to allow different updates to be pushed to a particular shard, this is always going to occur in various forms.
    Chaos Shard
    Scarlet Dawn

  14. #14

    Default Re: Drop Rates on Saytr Island and off Undead in General

    Last Night I got my first Veteran Zombie Rib after 55 zombie kills that doesn't count any of the ghost, mummies or abominations that I had to kill as well.

    I am not asking for a cake walk but I dread the thought of having to kill 850 total zombies to get half the comps needed for putting dex V on 8 items.

    Including the 4 deaths and run backs I have been at it for a 8 hours total slinking around trying not to agro too many baddies. So sorry if I am whining

  15. #15

    Default Re: Drop Rates on Saytr Island and off Undead in General

    Quote Originally Posted by Gunder
    Last Night I got my first Veteran Zombie Rib after 55 zombie kills that doesn't count any of the ghost, mummies or abominations that I had to kill as well.
    I have to agree that this number seems very high with very little yield. I was hunting them about 2 weeks ago and the drop rates were fair on them, I got a comp off every 5 or 6 zombies, on average. I have noticed that drop rates can vary--I have not figured out if it's time of day, how large the group is, or what color socks I'm wearing. Sometimes I can kill 20 mobs w/out a single comp, then I'll get 4 in a row. Were you getting Zombie fingers during that time?
    Quote Originally Posted by Random Poster
    I'm gonna post in this one too!

  16. #16

    Default Re: Drop Rates on Saytr Island and off Undead in General

    Quote Originally Posted by Creme View Post
    I have to agree that this number seems very high with very little yield. I was hunting them about 2 weeks ago and the drop rates were fair on them, I got a comp off every 5 or 6 zombies, on average. I have noticed that drop rates can vary--I have not figured out if it's time of day, how large the group is, or what color socks I'm wearing. Sometimes I can kill 20 mobs w/out a single comp, then I'll get 4 in a row. Were you getting Zombie fingers during that time?
    The drop rate varies because its based upon chance and probability. Something may have a 20% chance of dropping, but that doesn't mean it will drop 1 out of every 5 times guaranteed. It just means that each time the treasure is checked it might have a 20% chance of being there. But it has an 80% chance of not.

    Similarly, the odds are against you seeing 10 tails in a row when flipping a quarter, but it is possible.
    "Alea iacta est" -- Julius Caesar

    Toot shouted, voice shrill, "In the name of the Pizza Lord! Charge!" (Jim Butcher's Dresden Files)

    "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spends it whole life believing that it is stupid." -- Albert Einstein

  17. #17

    Default Re: Drop Rates on Saytr Island and off Undead in General

    So your saying that any given person can have a 20% or an 80%chance. the question is how do we alter that?

    i know im wrong but i always get different results from relogging
    ^.^ *Speed Demon of order..*

  18. #18
    Member Sigi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Drop Rates on Saytr Island and off Undead in General

    He says if you have a 20% chance it drops
    you have an 80% chance it doesn't drop

    but that is for every time you loot

    chances don't have a memory so it isn't like you loot 5 times you should get at least 1. If you're unlucky you could get 0 out of 100.

    on which the 20/80 is just an example, it could be 10/90 or whatever

    Hurray! Mor
    rison is back at his house near Bristugo!
    And the wisps on wis
    p isle are moving again!
    If you can't see 'em, you know you've got proper invisible runes.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Drop Rates on Saytr Island and off Undead in General

    Quote Originally Posted by AmonGwareth View Post
    The drop rate varies because its based upon chance and probability. Something may have a 20% chance of dropping, but that doesn't mean it will drop 1 out of every 5 times guaranteed. It just means that each time the treasure is checked it might have a 20% chance of being there. But it has an 80% chance of not.

    Similarly, the odds are against you seeing 10 tails in a row when flipping a quarter, but it is possible.
    Wow Gunder you must be the luckiest or most unlucky person in the the game currently. You flipped the quarter 55 times and had it land on heads once.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Pacific NW, USA // Order

    Default Re: Drop Rates on Saytr Island and off Undead in General

    As for Veteran Zombie Ribs - what would be the expected yield per 100 zombies to collect 100 of the ribs. Sample size should be meaningful I would think, and might give a clue as to reality of collecting these items. Gund's experience suggests that the drop rate for ribs or the spawn rate for vet zombies could stand some adjustment. In that these ribs are in demand, perhaps some hunters would be ready to assist with the testing of this speculation. Each of the 4 Satyr Islands feature these critters there should be enough of them to go around. The ribs should fetch a nice price so effort of testing be rewarded to whatever degree yield per hour of ribs might turn out to be.


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