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Thread: Always within and never without

  1. #1

    Default Always within and never without

    To those of Order

    It is with sadness that I write these words, how I miss you all and the time we spent together in the land, from the hunts to the raids, to the battles with the SOG, to the gods raining kwellens down apon us. Yes I have lived and have loved the realm in all its glory.

    I still slumber in Order never will I leave the gods take my offering each and every month and I enjoy the thought that one day soon I shall awaken and hunt with you all old and new.

    To my special friends there are to many to name, you all give me the hardest time in my choice to not log in. Always on my mind the land we made ours.

    It is with sadness that I write these words, and it is with hope that I will gain my composure to the loss that I feel deep within. I have lost the will to push a simple button to gain my freedom from slumber.

    I sit here now write these words and remembering the times we had, and it makes me feel happy and even though you know not my pain, I thank all of Order for giving me this feeling of happiness at the memories I hold.

    I wish you all well and I will again awaken, and I will again speak with my friends and have another round of Tea with SOG.

    Thank you all

    Don't cry because its over,Smile because it happend

  2. #2
    Member velveeta's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    le palais du fromage and industrial complex, cliffside, shepherd's mountain, blight

    Default Re: Always within and never without

    i did not have the pleasure of knowing you, war, but every loss - no matter how big or how small - diminishes us all.
    enjoy your rest and reawaken quickly, before we can deeply feel your absence.
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  3. #3

    Default Re: Always within and never without

    When you hear the cry of war, deep down from the Labyrinth, I hope you will hear it and return.
    We shall me there and fight side to side for the sake of our world.
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Always within and never without

    i too look forward to when you terrorize the labyrinth!
    *hands warsong an extra-large mug full of klava to tide him over until his reawakening*

  5. #5
    Member peladon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Or somewhere else...

    Default Re: Always within and never without

    Quote Originally Posted by Warsong View Post
    To those of Order

    It is with sadness that I write these words, how I miss you all and the time we spent together in the land, from the hunts to the raids, to the battles with the SOG, to the gods raining kwellens down apon us. Yes I have lived and have loved the realm in all its glory.

    I still slumber in Order never will I leave the gods take my offering each and every month and I enjoy the thought that one day soon I shall awaken and hunt with you all old and new.

    To my special friends there are to many to name, you all give me the hardest time in my choice to not log in. Always on my mind the land we made ours.

    It is with sadness that I write these words, and it is with hope that I will gain my composure to the loss that I feel deep within. I have lost the will to push a simple button to gain my freedom from slumber.

    I sit here now write these words and remembering the times we had, and it makes me feel happy and even though you know not my pain, I thank all of Order for giving me this feeling of happiness at the memories I hold.

    I wish you all well and I will again awaken, and I will again speak with my friends and have another round of Tea with SOG.

    Thank you all
    Elder and wise... friend.

    There is a space in the sky that is thine and ever thine... and it waits for thee. And that space I will bear with me, and that waiting I will wait... and well do ye know that waiting. There will be mountains worn to sand and sand turned to dust and dust blown to winds and winds long dead from their sighs and howls ere ever my waiting is set aside, Song of War.

    Ye be of The Razor, and ever of The Razor. Till ye wake, and DeathBane be Death's Bane once more, and while ye sleep and the Aegis count them of fortune that such be so... War's Song will be sung.

    Sephiranoth, called by some ShadowSeeker
    Nobody and Nothing ever, save The Five do Feast
    A Fool that walks among The Wise
    Last edited by peladon; May 12th, 2009 at 12:21 PM.

  6. #6
    Member C`gan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Acul, Trandalar and Tagath's in Mala, Genevia Island

    Default Re: Always within and never without

    I, too, will wait to hear your return. A mighty hand that keeps our eastern frontier safer for settlement is now missing. Another may take the place in the line, but not manage the battle as well.

    Safe travels, Threadfree skies, the wind always at your back, and may it bring your sails home.
    C`gan Weyrsinger, blue Tagath's rider, WorldProjects Team Lead Emeritus
    Tagath, blue Lunus "for the breath weapon"
    Located in sunny Acul on Trandalar, Order shard

  7. #7
    Member peladon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Or somewhere else...

    Default Re: Always within and never without

    Quote Originally Posted by Warsong View Post
    To those of Order

    It is with sadness that I write these words, how I miss you all and the time we spent together in the land, from the hunts to the raids, to the battles with the SOG, to the gods raining kwellens down apon us. Yes I have lived and have loved the realm in all its glory.

    I still slumber in Order never will I leave the gods take my offering each and every month and I enjoy the thought that one day soon I shall awaken and hunt with you all old and new.

    To my special friends there are to many to name, you all give me the hardest time in my choice to not log in. Always on my mind the land we made ours.

    It is with sadness that I write these words, and it is with hope that I will gain my composure to the loss that I feel deep within. I have lost the will to push a simple button to gain my freedom from slumber.

    I sit here now write these words and remembering the times we had, and it makes me feel happy and even though you know not my pain, I thank all of Order for giving me this feeling of happiness at the memories I hold.

    I wish you all well and I will again awaken, and I will again speak with my friends and have another round of Tea with SOG.

    Thank you all
    Long ago this was written. Let it be that it be set forth once more.

    When the Man comes around
    Johnny Cash

    When the War Song is sung

    Open (Spoken part)
    And I saw a one cast forth from a mighty Storm
    And it saw Blight and it stood with no fear
    And it's name it said on him was War
    And War's Song it was singing

    Someone walks in the Blight-blast and the rain
    And the Aegis find with blood he marks his name
    Forg-ed in Storm, long cast down, he is bane
    A new Song will be heard across the land
    War will sing, War will stand

    Bring SoG, bring Reklar, bring Valkor
    Let the Rawdge god seek to rend Aradoth
    Let them all come, let them dance, see them lost
    A new Song will be heard across the land
    War will sing, War will stand

    See a blade bright in the green-light
    The Withered Aegis, see them shattered
    Vexators, Abominations, all swift will fall
    Forms are looted, pieces gathered,
    Old arms crafted, new arms mastered
    Child, sleep soft, Song of War will stand the wall

    And the sky-twist is ever falling
    The Blight-spawn will stand at ev'ry gate
    The sky-twist is ever falling
    Eternal battle be the Gifted's fate

    Till the Aegis and the Blight no more are found
    Till the undead rise no more from green-cursed ground
    While the need of the weak still makes demand
    The Storm-lost one will make their voices heard
    War will sing, War will stand

    Whoever seeks to Craft, let them make craft most well
    Whoever seeks Adventure let them gain rank as well
    Whoever seeks a Guild let them be welcomed well
    Where is yet honour found in the land
    War will wing, War will stand

    See a blade bright in the green-light
    The Withered Aegis, see them shattered
    Vexators, Abominations, all swift will fall
    Forms are looted, pieces gathered,
    Old arms crafted, new arms mastered
    Child, sleep soft, Song of War will stand the wall

    And the sky-twist is ever falling
    The Blight-spawn will stand at ev'ry gate
    The sky-twist is ever falling
    Eternal battle be the Gifted's fate

    While there is but a single Foe to rend
    War will sing, War will stand

    Close (Spoken part)
    And I saw a one cast forth from a mighty Storm
    And it saw Blight and it stood with no fear
    And it's name it said on him was War
    And War's Song it was singing

    Sephiranoth, called by some ShadowSeeker
    Nobody and Nothing ever, save The Five do Feast
    A Fool that walks among the Wise

  8. #8

    Default Re: Always within and never without

    *dragoness is waiting at the gate to Dralnok`s Doom as promised,
    looking foreward to meet the Paladin, who is so much valued by
    the honorable Sephiranoth.
    "In all modesty-At your services, Warsong"
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

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