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Thread: Homesteading on Genevia island

  1. #1

    Default Homesteading on Genevia island

    *A simple note is affixed to the post-board of the local tavern. Upon it, in very flowing script of the common trader's tongue, is a simple announcement*

    Greetings traveler!

    I, Kayden Talonspark, student of the Prime and Helian apprentice, do hereby announce the rehabilitation of Genevia Township and the surrounding island.

    All are invited to visit and view the scenic countryside and ocean vistas, enjoy the warm days and cool evenings, and partake of the bounty that is Genevia.

    For those seeking a new home, or those merely looking to be amongst friends, Genevia offers a vast selection of locations for Dragon and Biped alike as well as easy access to entry-level materials - all conveniently located one free portal from New Trismus.

    Of special note for Dragons; the Ancient, Sssargon, has graciously made his personal crystal shaper available to refine the abundant Viridian Azulite on the island, and thereby has made the crafting of your new lair require far less travel and expense.

    Some lair and plot purchase assistance is available. Contact me for details.

    Thank you for your time,

    ~Kayden Talonspark



    In the last couple of weeks I've spent a lot of time traveling about Istaria looking for a new home...

    I initially purchased a lair outside Chiconis near the iron golems, but trucking materials that far quickly became an issue as well as the feeling of isolation. My next lair purchase was a mere 200 feet from the portal in Tishlar, but building materials were now expensive to transport and required specific discs to get through the portal...

    After speaking with many people in Dragon Chat, it was mentioned a few times that Genevia was a good place as all of the T1 materials are there on the island and, with Sssargon's public crystal shaper, all of the tools were there as well... No more Kion volcano-to-Dralk runs!

    So I went to take a look and Genevia is everything folks said it was - it was only missing one thing... People.

    Now I have decided to try to get the word out and see if anyone looking for a
    home, or looking for a home where other people are, would be interested in Genevia. I have moved into the lair just south of Sssargon's lair, which is on the Northwestern corner of the town of Genevia, and should have some T1 storage available in the next week or so.

    This morning it sounded like two other Dragons were going to make the move as well, and I have two friends (a Dragon and a Satyr) who are also looking and can be convinced fairly easy to move just about anywhere.

    Ultimately, my goal is to simply try and form a bit of a community on Order, where people can actually ply their trades and help each other out, have a nice place to hang out between hunts, and a place that feels a bit more like the living races actually live there.

    It also has the added benefit of showing new players that, yes, there are people in Istaria, we really do build things, and it isn't just a large collection of empty plots and disembodied voices in the public chat channels.

    And, lastly, my apologies if there is already such a place... If there is, someone please clue me in and I'll get behind it 100%.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Homesteading on Genevia island

    Indeed, Genevia is a wonderful place to live!
    I already have 2 plots and a lair, but I visit Genevia regulary to relax at the
    little pond and I love to visit the butterflies,the ants, the waterturtle and the fishes

    Would be nice to visit friends there soon
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  3. #3
    Member Unicorn's Lady's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Mad Nellie's & the Saucy Saris on Order

    Smile Re: Homesteading on Genevia island

    Active communities? Yes, there are a few.

    My personal favorite is Carmo, but of course I'm very biased. (A constantly active village since the Autumn of 2004.)

    Acul, Aiya, Arua, Defender's Gate, Forest Guard, Last Stand, Mia's Edge, Mithril's Anvil, Nuthala, Rihki (Battlefield to us old folk), Toku; all are full or mostly full (Ochre hasn't even drunk her way across Shepherd's Mtn, the Saritova islands, or Scorpion island yet) and Selen is growing.

    Apia, Brandon's Shelf, Bristugo, Harro, Heather, Old Oaks, Snowfall, South Gate, Summit, Wolf's Paw have a few folk and room for more!

    But it is grand to see an active interest in Genevia! It is a lovely community with a pad and portal, and as you've said many tier 1 resources nearby. (Perhaps someday there'll be a tavern again there and I again can add Genevia to my tavern list)

    Nellie Lovett & Ochre Tekton,
    Original settlers of Carmo on Order
    English doesn't borrow from other languages. English follows other languages down dark alleys, knocks them over & goes through their pockets for loose grammar. -=Paraphased from James Nicoll=- Unicorn's Lady's Dalliance

  4. #4

    Default Re: Homesteading on Genevia island

    Ahh, thank you for the information and I'm glad to hear there are settled places out there... I was beginning to worry, but then again I've not ventured too far East for fear of being eaten.

    Apparently Dragon hatchling is quite the delicacy amongst the higher level critters out there.

    So, in your travels, is there a place that stands out as a good place for the newer player to set down roots? I ask because, for example, this morning Istaria was labeled as 'creepy' by a new player due to all of the ghost towns... If I could refer the newer players to a common location where it at least appeared to be active, this might improve perceptions a bit.

    For Dragons this will always be tricky because we don't tend to flock apparently and there never seems to be more than two or three lairs in a given location. Compounding this is our need for a very specific machine that either requires the lair of a kind Elder Dragon, or a trip to Dralk or the outskirts of Chiconis to find.

    Fortunately we eventually get to fly, which compensates for nearly any perceived injustice on the way there.

  5. #5
    Member Unicorn's Lady's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Mad Nellie's & the Saucy Saris on Order

    Smile Re: Homesteading on Genevia island

    Hmmm... a place for a newly Gifted to set down roots.

    The villages of Lesser Aradoth are a bit lonely right now although Parsinia does have a couple of folk and Sslauron has The Cook's Nook.

    If you get a few more to settle Genevia, then that will look more inviting to someone new. But for this moment, I'd suggest Bristugo. It is easy to find for someone new, has a few villagers already, has some Imperial amenities including a bustling portal plaza, and is near to an Imperial town (Dalimond) and some tier 1 & mainly 2 resources.

    For those of a draconic ilk I'm not as well versed (Ochre hasn't been counting how many available lairs as she has been staggering from tavern to tavern and she hasn't been visiting the dragon only communities since they don't have taverns.), but Acul, Brandon's Shelf, and Harro are known to have a fair number of lairs. Mia's Edge too, but I think those are pretty well all claimed. Outreach on Lesser Aradoth has four lairs and just down the road from Sslauron. Pleasant Valley is now only lairs and I think Spire's Gate is now that way too.

    If you want a show place to get a look at what a community can look like, have the newly Gifted go to the Bristugo portal plaza, go to the central portal on the north side and look up Carmo. I think they'll be in for a treat. (We even have a chessboard plaza and a maze!)

    Nellie Lovett, Proprietor of Mad Nellie and the Saucy Saris in Carmo
    Ochre Tekton, a Guild Builder for The Annatar
    English doesn't borrow from other languages. English follows other languages down dark alleys, knocks them over & goes through their pockets for loose grammar. -=Paraphased from James Nicoll=- Unicorn's Lady's Dalliance

  6. #6

    Default Re: Homesteading on Genevia island

    2 plots left in Mia`s, 2 in Aiya, much more in sheperds mountain- all very nice communities
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  7. #7

    Default Re: Homesteading on Genevia island

    Toku is also a pretty filled up town but that be the scions guild town.

  8. #8
    Member C`gan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Acul, Trandalar and Tagath's in Mala, Genevia Island

    Default Re: Homesteading on Genevia island

    Tagath's Weyr is in Mala.
    C`gan Weyrsinger, blue Tagath's rider, WorldProjects Team Lead Emeritus
    Tagath, blue Lunus "for the breath weapon"
    Located in sunny Acul on Trandalar, Order shard

  9. #9

    Default Re: Homesteading on Genevia island

    Ive been doing a fair bit of work in bristugo at the plot under construction there. I moved my bind to the shrine there and it was bothering me that the plot that I saw overhead everytime i recalled was just bairly under construction.. so appointed myself to the job of compleating it.

    I am still debating where to settle once i find out if my old account be able to be retrieved and sub'd (just on demo atm) or if i just need to sub my demo so i can build somewhere..

    Im the green dyed human youve probally seen running around with disk in tow working on plots.. im a slate mason and bronze fitter and cedar carpenter. I just like construction, alot.. its more fun the hunting.

    If anyone needs biped work done and is willing to pay a little or is near resources so i dont need to drag the disk through the portal. Id be willing to help out. Ill probally end up going close to broke to finish the one plot in bristugo over the next few days due to portal charges with a disk.

    Anyway if anyone needs me contact me either here or pm or in /builders.

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