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Thread: Looking for a Guild, Order

  1. #1

    Default Looking for a Guild, Order

    Greetings, Istarians.

    We've just started playing a couple of weeks ago, learning the ins and outs if you will, exploring, (and getting killed in some very fascinating places I might add), and now that we're not completely clueless anymore (hehe) we are looking to join a guild.

    About us ~

    Anzha, Dryad
    Adventure School - Undecided, but something magical
    Crafting School - Spellcraft (of a sad, pitiable low level for now), possibly Alchemy, its just hard to justify levelling something for the sole purpose of making my clothes prettier (yes I know its not all about dye, but that's not the point.)

    Scoffer, Half-Giant
    Adventure School - Undecided, but something with a large stick
    Crafting School - All of them probably. For now I think he's confined it to tinkering/blacksmith/armorer for the most part.

    We're both mature adults (most of the time), looking for a guild of knowledgable people who don't mind a lot of questions while we're still getting adjusted to the game; though you have to watch out for Scoffer as he's got a quick wit and clever sense of humor that often gets the best of him. Most of the time we will be crafting, in fact, Scoff refers to this as "The Crafting Game" and I think the entire "Adventuring" part is only a means to get tech resources. I on the other hand am NOT addicted to crafting. At all. Really. And no, I didn't name my cargo disk.


    We don't really know anyone, as we are new, when fluttering through New Trismus I sometimes stop and admire the pretty dragons but they seemed embroiled in a rather intricate drama of their own and a couple of them seem to consider me a winged toy to chase about, and one of them even referred to me as food! :sulk: Hopefully there is a guild out there for us that is a safe place for a little dryad to not become dinner

    Respond here or find me on Order; we're in US-East Coast & UK timezones, respectively, though in a few months we will both be UK. (Getting married, joyous joyous ;P).

  2. #2
    Member velveeta's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    le palais du fromage and industrial complex, cliffside, shepherd's mountain, blight

    Default Re: Looking for a Guild, Order

    first off, most welcome home, you 2!
    second, congrads on your upcoming wedding!

    okay with that out of the way....
    guilds are great and finding one is important. (i won't even touch the mature part, cause i don't think we really have too many mature adults - at least not on the forums..... ). you are on order, so the players there are a little more serious out 'being' in character (in case you didn't know, order is the rp shard). even the briefest of forum searches will bring up several threads detailing how seriously order takes it rp.....i would def stay in the public chatrooms until you get the hang of that shard.
    (even then, prepare for some interesting convo, apparently - hope you guys aren't too shocked or harrassed until you get your bearings)

    yeah the crafting is awesome and the dragon pc is the way kewlest, but what makes horizons tick is the community. ask ingame or here in the forums, you will usually find many peeps willing ready and able to assist - either with goods and service or just with info.

    should you find order not to your liking, there is chaos for regular gaming and my realm, blight, to come to. please know that blight is the test server and your alts info is not guaranteed to remain intact. however, there has never been a complete character wipe, and only one rollback that i remember (or at least that i have proof of.... )

    glad to have you 2 here with us and hope you stay for the millions of years!

    (ps - please remember to try searching the forums before posting a new thread, unless of course you are sure it is not to be found.....)
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  3. #3

    Default Re: Looking for a Guild, Order

    Thanks Velveeta

    I've been reading the forums a lot and trying to learn things myself with the wiki & such so haven't posted anything here except some questions I couldn't find elsewhere and this guild post, hehe.

    We decided to play on order because we do both like the RP aspect; have had nothing but good experiences on Roleplay servers in other games in the past because I find that there's less...nonsense ;P

    I actually was considering blight, but the fear of impermanence scared me away ;P

    I did play this briefly, LONG time ago (years and years) but then upgraded my computer to Vista and it didn't work anymore. So periodically I'd check, and once I saw the VISTA NOW SUPPORTED thing I got all excited and redownloaded it at once ;P


  4. #4
    Member Gengel's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Originally from Palmyra, now "South Selen".

    Smile Re: Looking for a Guild, Order

    * The dryad hears the distant din of a Young One prancing about *

    Welcome Home Anzha. If you be needing a word or two on the Spelling magicka, please feel free to ask away! I be awake most days, or you may come visit my Guild-Family, the Annatar's.

    ~< Gengel >~

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