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Thread: Business as usual?

  1. #1

    Default Business as usual?

    It has been awhile since I left... seems like 1 1/2 to 2 years. During this time gap I have missed only 2 things about Horizons (aside from companionship with friends)... the multiclassing leveling at the flies and the ability to make customized armor (to help with multiclassing). For me that was the essence of the fun in Horizons.

    What I didn't like was the completely dragons only content for the couple years I played , and the fact only some people could have powerful boars masks , and of course the multiclassing nerfs.

    I figured I would come back by to see if they added any biped content (yes i saw there is a dungeon for *everyone*) or balanced out the biped racials to make us something other than just a generic "biped" class as opposed to the dragon race with all the perks (as well as flight, and now another breath attack and an epic? omg!). So yeah I came back to see if bipeds ever got their love too or if it is still, a couple years down the line, business as usual?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Business as usual?

    Best thing what happened meanwhile:
    We stopped that stupid dragon vs biped thing.
    The big challenges in Istaria we can only survive if we fight side by side.
    And that is what we do!
    Every claw, paw, hand is needed and pari passu.

    Right mates?
    (you better agree )
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  3. #3
    Member velveeta's Avatar
    Join Date
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    le palais du fromage and industrial complex, cliffside, shepherd's mountain, blight

    Default Re: Business as usual?

    first off and most importantly, welcome home!!!

    to continue, and these are my thoughts and opinions only (and does not reflect anyone else's opinions at all):
    being a player of both a ped and a hatchie, i find the game to be a totally different game for both. i am not one of those peeps who seek 'balance' - really, what is balance? each person has their own definition of what balance is, so can any game truly BE balanced? - because i am not into the techniques or being super uber.
    peds have their pluses and minuses - a multitude of skewls may seem like a plus, but so many choices can make it hard to decide how to 'best play' your character.
    draggys have their pluses and minuses - having only one 'path', as it were, to level is easy and being able to fly and change into ped form are convenient, but draggys, however old and powerful, can never get an overall rating higher than 100.

    everyone has quests and items and areas they can get to that the other race can. the idea is to have draggys and peds work together against our common enemy, not be envious of what the other races have or can do.

    you want immersion, its quite like real life, don'tcha think?
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  4. #4

    Default Re: Business as usual?

    Theyve added some quests for storm disciple which are kinda nice if ya use it as ya main class.
    ^.^ *Speed Demon of order..*

  5. #5
    Member Unicorn's Lady's Avatar
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    Mad Nellie's & the Saucy Saris on Order

    Default Re: Business as usual?

    Dragons still can't cook!

    I figure that's why they keep us around, like cats & dogs do.

    *After giving Lovwym's talon a big friendly hug, Nellie goes back to busying herself in her kitchen to prepare Mad Nellie and the Saucy Saris menu for the day.*
    English doesn't borrow from other languages. English follows other languages down dark alleys, knocks them over & goes through their pockets for loose grammar. -=Paraphased from James Nicoll=- Unicorn's Lady's Dalliance

  6. #6

    Default Re: Business as usual? is not Istaria... Although if a dragon cooked in Istaria, how much worse could it be than when I do not follow a recipe?

  7. #7

    Default Re: Business as usual?

    Quote Originally Posted by velveeta View Post
    first off and most importantly, welcome home!!!

    to continue, and these are my thoughts and opinions only (and does not reflect anyone else's opinions at all):
    being a player of both a ped and a hatchie, i find the game to be a totally different game for both. i am not one of those peeps who seek 'balance' - really, what is balance? each person has their own definition of what balance is, so can any game truly BE balanced? - because i am not into the techniques or being super uber.
    peds have their pluses and minuses - a multitude of skewls may seem like a plus, but so many choices can make it hard to decide how to 'best play' your character.
    draggys have their pluses and minuses - having only one 'path', as it were, to level is easy and being able to fly and change into ped form are convenient, but draggys, however old and powerful, can never get an overall rating higher than 100.

    everyone has quests and items and areas they can get to that the other race can. the idea is to have draggys and peds work together against our common enemy, not be envious of what the other races have or can do.

    you want immersion, its quite like real life, don'tcha think?
    Some want immersion I guess. Some roleplay more than others. Some like quests. Some like crafting. Some like sitting in Bristugo while they chat in MP for 12 hours. Me... I just liked making new sets of armor and enjoying playing new classes at the flies... learning how to weave the masterables together to keep control of a field pull... which after dropping down to level 20-60 can be challenging. However, after they tweaked up the flies to mess with the multiclass leveling out there (citing people powerleveling hatchies I guess ), and having a rating over 200 even on a low class, it was both hard to level solo and hard to find a group because the experience whack my rating gave. They should have left the flies alone. I find myself wanting to come back just for that... just for the field pulling and the group companionship. Now, if they had fixed up the experience gain to reflect how much tougher they made the flies, there wouldn't have been such a problem finding people to group up for it...

    If I may make a point here, if it is not about any balance, then why not give the peds buffed up racials? Many of the racials are worthless. When they changed half giant daze to be a single hit attack that hit all mobs that were right next to you, I was satisfied because it would help with pulls while leveling where single target attacks are not the difference between life and death. But, then they took it back away... said it was too powerful . If its all about fun... why not give all races a nice racial ability? It is not like it would take a whole lot of time and I waited a couple years to see that happen and it probably still hasn't.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Business as usual?

    Id really like to see buffed up racials but im sure thats not on the top of the list atm.
    ^.^ *Speed Demon of order..*

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Fort Wayne IN, USA

    Default Re: Business as usual?

    Can't cook?

    *breathes a column of fire into the air*

    Can't cook, heh. Right.
    Dragon Scroll; BLIGHT~Anam, Ahleah; CHAOS~Veruliyam, Ceruliyan, Jaguarundi, Spinel, Ssussurrouss, Chon; ORDER~Aucapoma, Susurrus

  10. #10

    Default Re: Business as usual?

    Concerning me: I`m happy if I do not end in Awdz`s cooking pot

    Never underestimate a smiling (gnomian ) cook
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  11. #11
    Member Unicorn's Lady's Avatar
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    Mad Nellie's & the Saucy Saris on Order

    Default Re: Business as usual?

    *Nellie grins wickedly at Lovwyrm and pointedly taps her cauldron as she holds a book titled, To Serve Dragonkind.*

    Giggle! Just kidding!!

    Nellie loves her racial, but of course she's a Gnome Scout.
    Last edited by Unicorn's Lady; October 6th, 2009 at 09:28 AM. Reason: Needed to add a line.
    English doesn't borrow from other languages. English follows other languages down dark alleys, knocks them over & goes through their pockets for loose grammar. -=Paraphased from James Nicoll=- Unicorn's Lady's Dalliance

  12. #12

    Default Re: Business as usual?

    "tu qouque Brute..?" (julius ceasar)
    you also Nellie??^^

    *hugs her down, eats that book- so Nelli can`t implement her dark recipes*

    uhmm sry derail- will stop that now
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  13. #13
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    le palais du fromage and industrial complex, cliffside, shepherd's mountain, blight

    Default Re: Business as usual?

    [derail on]

    heehee just watched that episode on syfy marathon.....i love how i think like rod sterling........i knew from the first it was a cookbook......

    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  14. #14

    Default Re: Business as usual?

    Quote Originally Posted by rizo/nawkia View Post
    Id really like to see buffed up racials but im sure thats not on the top of the list atm.
    Yeah... I have been waiting for it to get on the list for 4 years. Came on here to check and see if by chance it finally had. I don't get it... a lot of people play peds... yet they don't spend much time on developing them. I wish they did... at least buff the racials. The only competent racials I am aware of are sslik regen, dwarven toughness, and maybe dryad dazzle under certain circumstances and with evasion maxed. I do miss the game... especially the first year I played before a lot of changes. I just have to draw a line somewhere and that line came at no development for the other races. Sure a new dungeon and new bosses and quests are cool, but at least they should finish the existing stuff first.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Business as usual?

    Oh, elven leadership is a good racial too. Forgot that one. Seriously though, each race gets 2 racials... buff them both to make it something special to be that race... right now seems so generic.

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