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Thread: what to do ..

  1. #1

    Question what to do ..

    ok .. i have a kitty by-pid and i'd like to play her but i fell soo lost ... So many sp point so many school ahh .. ok for now i plan .. to grind her in a healing school like clr for now but what do i put the sp point in to ...

    she has other school as well like ummm all the bace shools from war to ranger i think all to lv 1o or soo ... and drud . . soo she has many other skills as well to ues.. and buff and spell.... "falls over " .. whats the batter way to go about grinding up a by-pid it the player has play the dragon class .... for ever ..

    my main plan is to have her not only Tank but heal and do allsome spells as well.. is a lot lost on this XP and that one web sit thing . heh make me a littel more lost XD
    trying not to even think about crafting XD
    Hellenia hord 95869756, lv's 100.100.63 Staron hord 151402610 lv's 100.100.83 Josanna hord 2275812 lv's 100.100.87 Figes hord 126074906 lv's 57.34.00

  2. #2

    Default Re: what to do ..

    For Training points as a cleric , you may want to put some into life skill if you are going to use teched healing spells. As I remember my cleric could not use some of the teched heals at the lvl they become available without a few points in life.

  3. #3

    Default Re: what to do ..

    ok i am a little lost now i changed me mind going driud for now and i think in sp points i put in to nat and ... "thinking " .. some pow and ohc ?? ... if i plan to grind in dru tell umm 5o's ish or 1oo what shold one put ther sp ponts in to and ..... what side spells shold i ues ??? i know dur's main spell be natur .. and thay can ues fire. ice and ligting .."i think "

    juset trying to think of the right way to build her up ? i was looking at but i seem to get my self a little more lost XD

    juset trying to think on how to build her in a good way soo i no have to re- do her points XD "atm her main wep i have her ues be one hand Smack " with a sheld XD she be umm lv 23 rating ummm a bit hire than her lv XD

    i'm soo ues to play a dragon XD lets see me has ummm jo . hellenia and staron . all lv 1oo playing a by-pid is soooo difernt that a dragon i whant to play a by-pid but i cant seem to realy get me head around it XD
    if any one knows what to put sp points in to and what kind of "side " spell i shuld ues wiht the dur . skills ? " yes this be me longest post i have put XD"
    Hellenia hord 95869756, lv's 100.100.63 Staron hord 151402610 lv's 100.100.83 Josanna hord 2275812 lv's 100.100.87 Figes hord 126074906 lv's 57.34.00

  4. #4

    Default Re: what to do ..

    You might want to review the Training Points page on the wiki to try and work out what to spend your TPs on. If you are going Druid specifically then you may want to put some points into Nature, as this has the greatest impact for Nature-based spells.

    If you are also going for a melee character (like Guardian for example) you can either put some points into Strength, or do a crafting class like Fitter which will help to max out your strength points per level and increase your attack damage.

    Draggies are a pretty simple class to play when compared to the multi-classing combinations that bipeds offer, though they have their own unique experiences. Istaria is truly 2-games-in-1 IMHO due to this fact, 1 game for draggies, 1 for bipeds.
    Want to know more? Visit the Istaria Wiki!

  5. #5

    Default Re: what to do ..

    what about the spells to ues with the skills ??? .. her main battling is ohc . but she does ues spells as well ?? juset sooo many XD .. like i love the lighting ones """loves thunder stroms """ in sooo i ues that a lot XD . juset many asking what side spell shold i put on a skill bar and .... buffs ???? ... i know i may b asking a lot in this juset trying to get the rihgt way to build this up ?
    Hellenia hord 95869756, lv's 100.100.63 Staron hord 151402610 lv's 100.100.83 Josanna hord 2275812 lv's 100.100.87 Figes hord 126074906 lv's 57.34.00

  6. #6

    Default Re: what to do ..

    There is a (very large!) list of Druid spells on Chasing's site. You definitely want Ensnaring Roots, a repeater (Lightning Bolt/Improved Lightning Bolt), Patch of Bramble, Regrowth, and of course the "ultimate" Druid ability Cloak of Thorns. And heals as well of course!
    Want to know more? Visit the Istaria Wiki!

  7. #7

    Default Re: what to do ..

    ok woot i got Unaa to lv 25 dru . and 2o gather and umm some other crafting schools XD now i am windering ... shold i grind her all the way to 1oo or stop at lv 5o and do other schools ?? that go wiht dru ?? most of her sp point is in nat and foc and pow and engy .
    Hellenia hord 95869756, lv's 100.100.63 Staron hord 151402610 lv's 100.100.83 Josanna hord 2275812 lv's 100.100.87 Figes hord 126074906 lv's 57.34.00

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Fort Wayne IN, USA

    Default Re: what to do ..

    Twirling kitty?!?!?

    Dragon Scroll; BLIGHT~Anam, Ahleah; CHAOS~Veruliyam, Ceruliyan, Jaguarundi, Spinel, Ssussurrouss, Chon; ORDER~Aucapoma, Susurrus

  9. #9

    Default Re: what to do ..

    Quote Originally Posted by Veruliyam View Post
    Twirling kitty?!?!?


    hehehe dancings kitty XD
    Hellenia hord 95869756, lv's 100.100.63 Staron hord 151402610 lv's 100.100.83 Josanna hord 2275812 lv's 100.100.87 Figes hord 126074906 lv's 57.34.00

  10. #10

    Default Re: what to do ..

    Well my 2 coppers worth even though it may not mean anything, I have a saris who is a cleric. But first I got her to level 100 outfitter just so she could cloth t5 armor as a low level. She was still high in cleric then but after that I did Paladin, that is like a cleric/warrior. not sure how much this would boost your tank and healing ablitities but I am sure it would help, from there you could add many other schools depending on what bonuses you want, you could also do healer for more heals. and monk for evasion. mage is also good to do so you can wear your final armor because cleric does not get 10 points it only gets 9.
    A good place to put your TPs would pry be in what ever you use as a weapon like two handed crush ect. or life.

    good luck

  11. #11

    Default Re: what to do ..

    From my point of view, the first thing you need to ask yourself is: are you happy with your druid and the way you approach fights with the character? And secondly: are you primarily using spells or weapons for damage?

    If you are happy with what you have, there may be no reason not to keep going, you will level faster if you stay with a single school at high levels.

    If you want to change things:
    • If you want better weapon skills you could add levels of warrior and then maybe switch to Guardian (sort of a warrior/druid mix) and then level both Druid and Guardian.
    • If you want better offensive magic, shaman might help both with more offensive spells and with better power.
    • And has been said cleric/healer will help with healing and buffs.
    There are plenty of other combinations that make sense, I just listed a few of the ones that make sense to me (I am actually going the Druid/Guardian route on my newest character).
    Members of The Eyes of Istaria on Chaos; Swordmage on the Wiki.
    Bipeds: Gwendora and Flinq Armstrong
    Dragon: Gildenstern

  12. #12

    Default Re: what to do ..

    i find my self ether getting Smushed in battel " killed " or runing for me like " does'ent all way work XD " (( or getting booted and coming back dead XP )))

    i dont know if i shold grind up any other schools that whal rase me ratting ??? and i'l have to kill bigger mobs to get good xp ??? i think . ??? . shold i grind up some other schools wiht dur ??? i manly ues the lighting attacks and trying to root .. is that the right way to run a dru ???
    Hellenia hord 95869756, lv's 100.100.63 Staron hord 151402610 lv's 100.100.83 Josanna hord 2275812 lv's 100.100.87 Figes hord 126074906 lv's 57.34.00

  13. #13

    Default Re: what to do ..

    two things i found helped as druid:
    *always* use cloak of thorns
    keep lots of healing handy

    then, if things came hand-to-hand, the mobs would kill themselves on my cot while i healed myself of the damage they did. watch out for things using ranged attacks, though - they can hit even if rooted. techs on your spells for distance might allow you to hit them from just outside of their range while they're rooted; how good are you about checking distance to them via the targeting arrow?

  14. #14

    Default Re: what to do ..

    ??sooo . i shold grind up bother war and clr ?? war for hp and wep ues and clr for healing ??
    Hellenia hord 95869756, lv's 100.100.63 Staron hord 151402610 lv's 100.100.83 Josanna hord 2275812 lv's 100.100.87 Figes hord 126074906 lv's 57.34.00

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