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Thread: The Eyes of Istaria - Recruiting

  1. #1

    Default The Eyes of Istaria - Recruiting

    We are especially looking for returning players.

    If you are looking for a stable guild that has been here from the start, please send a tell to Aamer, and let's talk.

    If you are a totally new player we would love to get to know you and and find a place for you as well.

    Shoot, even if you have returned only to find the rest of your guild has stopped playing and you would like to folks to quest, craft and chat with, we would love to talk to you too!

    Holler anytime you see me in game.
    Aamer Khan : The Eyes of Istaria : First Herald of Istaria
    Helper to those in need, Guide to the newly gifted, Friend and neighbor to all.

  2. #2

    Default Re: The Eyes of Istaria - Recruiting

    Might want to mention which shard(s) you are on.

    N.B.: I reserve the right to be wrong and exercise it frequently.
    AzureFire - Spiritist - Chaos
    Glormf Sulfurous - Hatchie - Chaos
    Ruddy Bloke - Reaver - Chaos

  3. #3

    Default Re: The Eyes of Istaria - Recruiting

    That was my question when I first read the post, too. I hope Aamer doesn't mind if I answer -- Eyes of Istaria is on the Chaos shard as I just joined the guild last night.

    Thanks again for having me!

  4. #4

    Default Re: The Eyes of Istaria - Recruiting

    I was (am) a member of that guild - now on hiatus for a while... but back when I played, there was a great bunch of people in that guild. Real friendly, laid back atmosphere, and a lot of fun

  5. #5

    Default Re: The Eyes of Istaria - Recruiting

    The Eyes of Istaria is a long time guild that started back at the beginning of release on bounty. We have been continuously in game since then, helping build Istaria and providing assistance to all. We are a somewhat craft centric guild, but enjoy showing the Whithered Aegis who is the REAL boss.

    We are very relaxed, but don't tolerate drama well. Our rules are very simple, just respect the play styles of all members and be respectful and kind. Advancement is by guild quest, and self-sufficiency will be rewarded.

    We have had the pleasure to invite a number of very nice players to the guild in the last few weeks. It feels so good to see an upswing in membership and interest in the game.


    If you are totally new and need more experienced players to learn from, or if you are a returning player looking to jump back, or even if you are just lonely in your current situation...

    Please Talk to any of our members on Chaos, and they will help you all they can, and if you are interested in The Eyes of Istaria, just Contact Aamer.
    Aamer Khan : The Eyes of Istaria : First Herald of Istaria
    Helper to those in need, Guide to the newly gifted, Friend and neighbor to all.

  6. #6

    Default Re: The Eyes of Istaria - Recruiting

    As a newer member of the Eyes of Istaria, I'll second Kerech's "great group of people" comment. You'll be hard pressed to find a better bunch of folks in an MMO.

    I'll also second Aamer's comment in that if you find yourself on Chaos and need help with something, find an "Eyes of Istaria" guild tag or feel free to pester the big white Dragon 'Kaeliss' - I'm always available to help out.

  7. #7

    Default Re: The Eyes of Istaria - Recruiting

    Thanks for such kind words!

    We are in the midst of an influx of new players it seems. New or returning players looking for a very active and stable guild that has a very mature group of folks, should talk to either Aamer, Harraldson, or Kudako to see if we fit what you need in a guild.

    Our rules are very basic and simple...

    Respect others and their playstyles, and we do not tolerate drama makers.

    Other than those 2, we just try and have fun together! We are a very casual and friendly guild where you can play when and how you want. Play a little or alot, Just play!

    Please feel free to look us up or hang out with us on the New Player Assistance Channel!
    Aamer Khan : The Eyes of Istaria : First Herald of Istaria
    Helper to those in need, Guide to the newly gifted, Friend and neighbor to all.

  8. #8

    Red face Re: The Eyes of Istaria - Recruiting

    I'm pleased to announce the opening of our newly re-designed guild website. If you are interested in learning more about us, please feel free to stop by! We'll be working on fleshing this site out with Istaria information and guides as time allows!

  9. #9

    Default Re: The Eyes of Istaria - Recruiting

    Very nice website Ive been w/o internet (skimming from work hehe) due to a move... but hopefully soon (monday!!!!!) Ill be back online.. I hope you like Bi-peds ... if you do i would love to join this guild ... hope to hear from you Niknak... ingame will be a different name...

  10. #10

    Default Re: The Eyes of Istaria - Recruiting

    Thank you! Glad you like the website!

    Bi-peds and dragons are both more than welcome in EoI! Feel free to drop me (Kudako), Aamer or Harraldson a tell when you get online. Any of us would love to chat and answer any questions you might have about the guild.

    Hope to see you in game and welcome!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Australia, NSW, Port Macquarie, house, back yard. lol

    Default Re: The Eyes of Istaria - Recruiting

    WooWoo!!! for a friendly guild, i have recently returned as a player and i'm overwhelmed with our new players and they are an AWESOME bunch thanks for joining us your all awesome..

    also If you like crafting it seems this is the place to stop, if you like hunting it also seem to be the place to stop, if you don't like my funny jokes or humor then well this is the place to stop hahahahaha..... great to see you all returning players or new players joining in the fun

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