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Thread: How happy are you ingame?

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Pacific NW, USA // Order

    Default Re: How happy are you ingame?

    *Looks around - Looks over shoulder* - Hope one of the coming changes is not the "Straw that breaks the Camel's Back" for me or for one or more of my in game breakers can be difficult to sense before they take a toll.


  2. #22

    Default Re: How happy are you ingame?

    What is the point of a shared timer on two different buffs, anyway? Sure Promote Vitality and Promote Intellect have a lot of technical details in common, but I always use both of them and I'm sure many others do as well.
    "Ohoh...someone is actually trying to sell something, I see an attunement coming. LOL" - Teto Frum

  3. #23

    Default Re: How happy are you ingame?

    I'd sure like to know what happened to this 'end of year' event that was promised after skipping Halloween AND Christmas? I was especially ticked off when we got in trouble for being upset about no Halloween event, and then get nothing anyway?

    As Xoshara said, I only log in to roleplay with my friends. Other than that, I sit around and stare at my big draggie butt before I log out. :/

    Sheriff of the Order Roleplay Police Squad

  4. #24

    Default Re: How happy are you ingame?

    if it weren't for the ridiculous deathpoint timer, i would play every day. It is simultaneously incredibly infuriating and horribly despiriting to suddenly have a week+ worth of death points because XYZ crap happened and a day's hunting went wrong. I used to love hunting, but the new DP system causes an unnacceptable frequency and length of "go sit in the corner" if i'm not performing on the bleeding edge or if my hardware is having a fritzy day.

    the new DP timers wouldn't be so bad, if maybe dragons wound up with a confectionary school as well. But we don't have one, so after a couple deaths, i have to either A: sit in time out, B: run to a biped for help, or C: not hunt for about a week. For various reasons, option B is entirely unnacceptable to me.
    that leaves taking increasingly longer time-outs while i hunt, or taking a length of time of at least three days off of hunting, depending on how long i decided to put up with the time-outs. In both cases, it is a serious slap in the face to me.

    I hardly ever play anymore, because the only thing i can do that doesn't end with me wanting to throw my laptop through a wall is lairshape. The only reason i even bother maintaining a sub at this point is because i would be crushed to loose my lair. I am, however, little more than a hair's breadth from deciding i simply don't give a crap anymore, i have enough stress in my life without worrying about some game who's owners seem determined to drive it into the ground.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Holland (Wind, Unity now Chaos)

    Default Re: How happy are you ingame?

    The fact that Nadia is removed is not so bad, it forces me to get of my lazy behind and hunt for component. The fact that some component drop rates are challenging to say the least makes it fun for players lvl <100, since as soon as a dragon reaches the magic 100 its over… finished… every bit of experience he or she receives is lost, not to mention that Marketplace channel has deceased only it doesn't know it about itself yet..

    The one thing that has annoyed me for a long time is the massive nerf of Ambrosia.
    I don’t want biped food, I don’t care about biped food. I would rather buy Ambrosia for 50s a piece then a similar coins worth of biped food, those timers are freaking annoying, for every DP to remove I remember eating for an hour of more.

    A thing that I love and at the same time hate would definitely be Lairshaping. I love the actual completion of a chamber. I hate the fact that I can have Master formulas for Maelstone, Flowstone, Crystalline Lattice scribed and used while I still only have Journeyman for Primal Essence, Imbued Bars and Excorriation and as such force me to start T5 construction of my T6 Lairchamber with the 3 component Units (which also require 100 skill more) until I finally reach lvl 80 and can do the quest for the other 3. The first quest is logical to give formula’s, but after that a dragon knows how to make those 3 items, so why force us to keep making that stuff in order to get the formula’s. Unless the formulas are suddenly sold without me knowing.

    While I would not call the Labyrinth an event, since events are temporary… I only recently started with doing “some” quests concerning that content and I must say it is well done. Only I think that the Beetle spawn should be upped slightly, the highest amount which spawned for me was 2 so far. While there is no shortage of any of the other mobs… Well maybe the maggots, but who in hell would want to kill them…

    Overall I am quite happy with the game in general, perhaps some jealousy here and there about biped abilities, but I will learn to live with that become a better dragon for it I guess
    Last edited by Dragonboy; February 5th, 2010 at 05:42 AM.
    Rvlion- LvL 100:100:100 - 59.3M - Lunus Ancient
    Gallinthus- LvL 100:42:41 - 6.9M - Hatchling
    Lohasbrand– LvL 4:3:0 – 1.0M - Hatchling
    Sslion- LvL 25 Mage, 25 Warrior, 10 Cleric, 6 Druid, 6 Monk and a few Craft Schools

  6. #26

    Default Re: How happy are you ingame?

    Quote Originally Posted by Phillip View Post
    There is no issue with balance in this game. There never was except for the ped vs. dragon mumbo jumbo. The more effort you put in, the better you become - end of.

    The exact same concept is working crafting side too - except they don't get nerfs left and right.
    Ok . I was attempting to stay out of this topic, but after some of the more ungrateful players posted hear looks like i should put my 2 copper sense in.

    First addressing Phillip's quote.

    A Fully classed biped can and will take an ancient dragon out back and woop him

    Mage maddening trick kill kill kill Mage maddening trick rince repeat till you got a death point and the duel is over .

    another way Area spell bind. Unless the Dragon is smart bipeds have a clear advantage over Dragons .

    but this is not a drag vs ped post back on topic.

    First and for the record. I was and still am ageist the food system. True confection needed help desperately, but now we dragons are dependent on bipeds . (We must get over it the changes where made the deed is done )

    How ever the death point change is Justified by the following line logic. For thows of you warriors and adventurers that do nothing but fight hear my words and think before responding .

    A true warrior and adventurer be an uber ped L33t dragon what have u ... should know his/her limitations in combat and should not die to often. If you do... you did not take the time to truly learn your Ped /Dragon in its development and now are stuck with the consequences of throws actions.

    Before this change when things had little to no resistant we all where griping that the game was to easy, and out of balance. The devs Heard us! did some research as to what needed to be tweaked and did so .

    So my question is why is every one so shocked that the Devs Heard us and did something about it?

    You clam that your Uber l33t or master of adventurers. Prove it and retrain your self's ! You did it once andCan and will do it again in time.

    Instead of these so called Nerfs see them as Changes.The devs would not throw something at us that we can not handed.

    How quickly we all forget what happened 3 years ago when EI / Pixelmagic/ Noobs that did not have a right to be on a computer let along run a game with such a rich deep history that horizons dose. They drove the game to the brink of Destruction.

    Sure some things we might not understand, and as you see the devs are working hard 4 us. Willing to talk to us, and ask for the community's help. we told them that cot change was to much. they reevaluated and changed it so its now not an over powered ability but still Usefull. The way i see it is the devs want to see more groups forming and going after the big boys . or parting for the sake of having a good old fashion hunt like it was 4 years ago.

    Also i do agree i miss the raids of old andGM EVENTS ARE GREATLY MISSED !!!


    ask your selfs this what would you rather have a slue of events that make us happy for a short time


    Fixes and changes that are long over due

    I am reminded of the retiring Carpenter fable should give it a good read but i will post the end of it for forms sake

    " Think of your self as the carpanter . Think about your house .Each day you hammer a nail Place a board,or erect a wall. Build wisely, it is the only life you will ever build. Even if you live it for only one more day that day deserves to be lived graciously and with dignity.

    The plaque on the wall says, Life is a do it your self Project ."

    Who could say it more clearly ?

    Your life today is the result of your attitudes and choices in the past your life tomorrow will be the results of your attitudes and the choices you make today.""

    and with that said Lady V i think and vote that this topic be ether locked or moved to rants Istarian style
    Last edited by lightning claw; February 5th, 2010 at 06:10 AM.
    Face forward and you should be able to hear it now the only thing plugging your ears is your own fear. There is only one enemy and one of you so what is there to be afraid of ? Abandon your fear turn and face him, Don't give an inch. Now advance Never stop If you retreat you will age Be afraid and you'll die NOW SHOUT OUT YOUR NAME !!!

  7. #27

    Default Re: How happy are you ingame?

    Quote Originally Posted by Shur
    the new DP timers wouldn't be so bad, if maybe dragons wound up with a confectionary school as well. But we don't have one, so after a couple deaths, i have to either A: sit in time out, B: run to a biped for help, or C: not hunt for about a week. For various reasons, option B is entirely unnacceptable to me.
    Really? I think you'd find the amount of time required to gather all the resources, level up 2 craft schools to be able to prepare and make all the t5/t6 dishes would be far far more unsatisfying to many players than taking 10 odd minutes to eat away a single DP; it might be less now.
    Quote Originally Posted by Random Poster
    I'm gonna post in this one too!

  8. #28

    Default Re: How happy are you ingame?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonboy
    Only I think that the Beetle spawn should be upped slightly, the highest amount which spawned for me was 2 so far.
    I believe Amon asked for feedback on spawns in Delgarath/Doom. This observation would be excellent in that thread.
    Quote Originally Posted by Random Poster
    I'm gonna post in this one too!

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Confoederatio Helvetica

    Default Re: How happy are you ingame?

    The way i see it is the devs want to see more groups forming and going after the big boys
    ah well, more groups.. its impossible at the moment on order.. we have not the nessesary number of players to create a sinlge good group for the queen or even a rift run.. players are asking but no one is able to help...

    i see, dragon-only players are crying bipeds are overpowered.. did you try to play a biped? its not so easy to get to level 100 with only 1 class.. second class even harder, 3rd harder again because you dont get that much xp like the first class.. at the end.. u can only leveling through trophys.. and thats takes a long long time

  10. #30

    Default Re: How happy are you ingame?

    i have 3 Bipeds on chaos

    i know that there are "Levels of hell " but game is supposed to be challenging

    as for the condition of order

    cant realy comment on that other than the economy sucks and with our current presedent at the helm i dough it will get better . how ever more players are comming in to the game so it might be a "Changing of the guard "
    Face forward and you should be able to hear it now the only thing plugging your ears is your own fear. There is only one enemy and one of you so what is there to be afraid of ? Abandon your fear turn and face him, Don't give an inch. Now advance Never stop If you retreat you will age Be afraid and you'll die NOW SHOUT OUT YOUR NAME !!!

  11. #31

    Default Re: How happy are you ingame?

    First of all lets consider, that the T2 revamp is essential for our game.
    We need new players.
    And we all now that lots of dev-resources are bound with that atm.
    So please lets wait until this big patch- the biggest in the history of Istaria.
    And please do not expect it to be perfect!

    Let me say thank you to VI for all this efforts,

    OK on topic:

    CoT/dragon evasion:
    Lets see how it turns out- thy Amon for listening.
    At least I can live with that.

    food /taverns:
    Though I hated that at the beginning, I now love that system.
    Thy to our cooks for all that delicious meals, thy to all who build t6 taverns where we can get together after a hunt, and talk about what we did wrong^^

    I agree with Shian:
    In my eyes its the wrong policy not to fix bugs FIRST of all.
    We lost too many players due to that. Those who try to hold the community together feel left alone, when we have to answer for the 1000. time:
    No, still no anchors, no keys do not work yet, aso.
    Its our credibility which suffers if you still have to say so after 6 month

    Yes Vasilios,
    there lots of little things that would enjoy our Istarian hearts,
    maybe patience is the key- lets see what is next after "THE PATCH"^^

    Yes Creme.
    I sign that all, esp. the easy button thing

    *sadly nods to Knossos*

    market place
    I`ll stay cool and polite with that:
    We are not enough players on order, who help others with their needs.
    please read market again, and look where you can help

    as we have no economy- its fatal for some players.
    Those who have good friends are able to beg them together.
    And feel bad about that.
    But others can`t- its fun to play without teched gear and spells

    underestimated by the VI?
    Events are the key: Panem et circenses^^

    So how do I feel?
    If we (Flame and me) feel good we have up to 6 subs.
    We have 3 atm
    Last edited by LOVWYRM; February 5th, 2010 at 07:55 AM.
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  12. #32
    Join Date
    May 2007
    EU - Chaos - Dralk

    Default Re: How happy are you ingame?

    Also about new players.
    They comes to Istaria and usually leaves after 5 mins - 2 days.
    Main reason of that is VERY bad default interface.
    New players coming to Istaria , logging first time and what they see ?
    Black dunno what , totally unpractical interface , most of new players
    even don't know someone send them a message couse they simply don't see it...

    I would strongly recommend to devs changing default interface , even changing interface to be more transparent would be a great change.

    Also auto-joining to channels like Dragon, Market Place would be good change too, couse new players don't know how to do it too , and they usually won't know that until they ask someone ...

    Interface should be used fully.
    By default there are no Player Lists and no Group window, it would increase new player gameplay too, couse they could add ppl they met to they list.

  13. #33

    Default Re: How happy are you ingame?

    I totally agree to that Mitar,
    it would safe us- vet-players, precious ingame time,
    cause we have to explain to them the how-to.
    Would have been more urgend than changing things that worked perfect.
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  14. #34

    Default Re: How happy are you ingame?

    Look, I really don't care on the CoT nerf, it doesn't affect me any. I DO CARE for my friends who are affected will pack up and leave. The fact that VI don't care for these elder players is wrong. The fact that many of us players don't know when these nerfs are ever gonna stop or what's gonna be nerf next hence we really don't give a crap about how we go about things is wrong.

    First addressing Phillip's quote.

    A Fully classed biped can and will take an ancient dragon out back and woop him

    Mage maddening trick kill kill kill Mage maddening trick rince repeat till you got a death point and the duel is over .

    another way Area spell bind. Unless the Dragon is smart bipeds have a clear advantage over Dragons .
    First, this game isn't about pvP or dueling.

    Second, why is it always drag vs ped for you?

    Third, there's no balance in dragon development, or understanding or logic in comparison to the biped adv or craft system - that's not our fault never was never will be.

    Fourth, the only way to make it right is to introduce dragon multiclassing - something they did have since beta but scrap the idea since making single class to compete with multiclass is too awesome of a gamerisk/headache to pass up.

    First and for the record. I was and still am ageist the food system. True confection needed help desperately, but now we dragons are dependent on bipeds . (We must get over it the changes where made the deed is done )
    I've never wanted interdependency in this game because they will nerf one side into depending on the other because that's the culture of development.

    A true warrior and adventurer be an uber ped L33t dragon what have u ... should know his/her limitations in combat and should not die to often. If you do... you did not take the time to truly learn your Ped /Dragon in its development and now are stuck with the consequences of throws actions.
    A true warrior or dragon shouldn't feel that sitting around eating food and waiting is annoying because they just shouldn't have died in the first place?

    Before this change when things had little to no resistant we all where griping that the game was to easy, and out of balance. The devs Heard us! did some research as to what needed to be tweaked and did so.

    So my question is why is every one so shocked that the Devs Heard us and did something about it?
    By nerfing us all over? lol

    You How quickly we all forget what happened 3 years ago when EI / Pixelmagic/ Noobs that did not have a right to be on a computer let along run a game with such a rich deep history that horizons dose. They drove the game to the brink of Destruction.
    So it's ok to nerf or make things annoying and call it develoment? Isn't that how the game got this way to begin with?

    and with that said Lady V i think and vote that this topic be ether locked or moved to rants Istarian style
    Yeah because threads like this isn't about the concerns the players have with the game. No it cannot be.
    Last edited by Phillip; February 5th, 2010 at 09:55 AM.

  15. #35

    Default Re: How happy are you ingame?

    Quote Originally Posted by Veya View Post
    I'd sure like to know what happened to this 'end of year' event that was promised after skipping Halloween AND Christmas? I was especially ticked off when we got in trouble for being upset about no Halloween event, and then get nothing anyway?
    I suspect the devs wanted to roll out the tier II changes earlier and figured the holiday event would be a perfect celebration to go with it, especially since the halloween event is centered in the peninsula under renovation. In hindsight, it's easy to see the changes took longer and that a subdued event would have been nice. I just remind myself that it's still winter in the northern hemisphere, so the winter festival can still come... *ever the optimist*

  16. #36

    Default Re: How happy are you ingame?

    Quote Originally Posted by awdz View Post
    I suspect the devs wanted to roll out the tier II changes earlier and figured the holiday event would be a perfect celebration to go with it, especially since the halloween event is centered in the peninsula under renovation. In hindsight, it's easy to see the changes took longer and that a subdued event would have been nice. I just remind myself that it's still winter in the northern hemisphere, so the winter festival can still come... *ever the optimist*
    Correct. Our plan was for the Tier 2 revamp to be released in late fall. But that didn't work out unfortunately. And due to the way which updates are done in Istaria once the revamp was well underway we could not separate it from other content/changes so they all have to go to Blight and then Live at the same time.

    Think of the events this year as celebrating Chinese New Year, instead of Western holidays.

    In my eyes its the wrong policy not to fix bugs FIRST of all.
    MMORPG development cannot occur this way or you would never get any new content at all.

    underestimated by the VI?
    Not underestimated. But we recognize the amount of time that it takes to prepare and conduct events even if many players sometimes do not. Players can consume new content 10x faster than it can be created. And don't forget, live events in-game require us to login and be present. That takes time away from doing other things such as fixing bugs or creating new content.

    Plus, live events invariably result (as we have seen many times in the past) in complaints about lag and availability of players and lack of reward for difficulty. Issues that are all very difficult to solve. THat said, we are not against live events. But we can't spend lots and lots of time doing them each week.

    And sadly it is nearly impossible to get live events on the scale of the Dryad, Satyr or even Imperial Outpost scale at this time.

    Ambrosia and Confectioner and DPs
    I am open to discussion about these systems. But not in this thread please. Open a new thread and I'd be happy to discuss it in detail.

    Dragon Evasion -200
    This actually didn't happen and isn't going to now. I reported it in a patch note that Evasion was being lowered by 2 points per level, but it turns out on checking that I mistakenly lowered it on a Dragon Aegis school, not the Dragon Adventurer school. So we just left Dragon Adventurer getting 8 per level. Dragons will still get Dodge at level 1.
    "Alea iacta est" -- Julius Caesar

    Toot shouted, voice shrill, "In the name of the Pizza Lord! Charge!" (Jim Butcher's Dresden Files)

    "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spends it whole life believing that it is stupid." -- Albert Einstein

  17. #37
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Holland (Wind, Unity now Chaos)

    Default Re: How happy are you ingame?

    Quote Originally Posted by Creme View Post
    I believe Amon asked for feedback on spawns in Delgarath/Doom. This observation would be excellent in that thread.
    I read the thread indeed, although I thought that this thread was more towards the spawn rate on blight and my limited experience is what I had on 1 day of Doom on Chaos.
    Because of this I never considered posting there.

    Perhaps later I will check the spawn again and post in the thread eventhough I checked it on Chaos.
    Rvlion- LvL 100:100:100 - 59.3M - Lunus Ancient
    Gallinthus- LvL 100:42:41 - 6.9M - Hatchling
    Lohasbrand– LvL 4:3:0 – 1.0M - Hatchling
    Sslion- LvL 25 Mage, 25 Warrior, 10 Cleric, 6 Druid, 6 Monk and a few Craft Schools

  18. #38

    Default Re: How happy are you ingame?

    I heard you Amon
    Thank you for taking time to explain and discuss things with us.
    Much appreciated
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  19. #39
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Confoederatio Helvetica

    Default Re: How happy are you ingame?

    i know that there are "Levels of hell " but game is supposed to be challenging
    well, you say "levels of hell" isnt that hard enough? its challenging and even harder if they reduce some "helpable" abilities.. and makes players frustrated if its too hard..

    in fact, CoT don't change anything.. but you need do more "click, click, click"
    this change is going to anger the real druids and rangers.. don't care, there are not so many druids here, so what? nobody cares.. just do the change...

    but i think they don't want understand

  20. #40

    Default Re: How happy are you ingame?

    This is being worked on. But the team's resources are quite stretched right now. The issue is that we discovered after release of keys that we needed a new type of damage behind the scenes (that prevented unintended damage conversion and that better allowed us to control when you could do certain types of damage and who/what would be vulnerable to it).

    We've run into some snags with the new damage type... in particular dealing with DoTs. That is the problem that remains with keys. They work, but you can still bypass them. FYI, using DoTs on chests is exploiting a known bug in the game and is against the terms of service.

    in fact, CoT don't change anything.. but you need do more "click, click, click"
    this change is going to anger the real druids and rangers.. don't care, there are not so many druids here, so what? nobody cares.. just do the change...

    but i think they don't want understand
    Vasilios, we do understand and we do care. Perhaps you should login to Blight, check our the changes for yourself, and report back to your friends. The only real difference now in CoT is that it breaks on damage received. The buff could theoretically last longer than before the change.

    Main reason of that is VERY bad default interface.
    I am curious about this. Feel free to elaborate what you feel is bad about it. Without feedback, since new players don't seem to be posting about it, we can't fix anything.

    If you feel something is wrong with the game or with parts of the interface or something, tell us. And include enough details that we can actually evaluate whether or not changes/fixes need to be made. We work hard to make the game good and enjoyable. We wouldn't respond to tickets or posts if we didn't. We wouldn't develop new content if we didn't. So please, help us out and tell us.
    "Alea iacta est" -- Julius Caesar

    Toot shouted, voice shrill, "In the name of the Pizza Lord! Charge!" (Jim Butcher's Dresden Files)

    "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spends it whole life believing that it is stupid." -- Albert Einstein

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