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Thread: How happy are you ingame?

  1. #41
    Member peladon's Avatar
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    Default Re: How happy are you ingame?

    My words are but the whisper of a forgotten wind. Let them be lost or found as suits the seeker.

    It be joy ye speak of? Delight? Pleasure? there have, mayhap, been some few candles melted to run wax since my first waking. There have, indeed, been no few gods. There have been changes to the land, and to those that wake about me. Some sorrow for those faces I knew well and see no more? Aye. But ever fond memory of those faces, and delight in those new about me.

    But there has not ever, nor ever is one single moment that the land and to wake in it has not, is not and ( as far as my poor eye may see) will not be joy.

    As the Lightning oft says... ' Joy of the day.' Joy of the day, joy of the Gifted about me, joy of the Lightning's smile.

    I do not, however, speak for any save one Fool. For even were I to believe I knew the minds of the many, those minds are not mine to speak.

    My words are but the whisper of a forgotten wind. Let them be lost or found as suits the seeker.

    Sephiranoth, called by some ShadowSeeker
    Nobody and Nothing ever, save The Five do Feast
    A Fool that walks among the Wise

  2. #42

    Default Re: How happy are you ingame?

    Quote Originally Posted by Creme View Post
    Really? I think you'd find the amount of time required to gather all the resources, level up 2 craft schools to be able to prepare and make all the t5/t6 dishes would be far far more unsatisfying to many players than taking 10 odd minutes to eat away a single DP; it might be less now.
    Really? I think you'd find that if you actually read what a wrote, you would see where my point of frustration on that issue falls, and could make a response that is less snarky and more useful.

    Or, to say it in fewer words: You thought wrong.

  3. #43
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    Default Re: How happy are you ingame?

    Vasilios, we do understand and we do care. Perhaps you should login to Blight, check our the changes for yourself, and report back to your friends. The only real difference now in CoT is that it breaks on damage received. The buff could theoretically last longer than before the change.
    yes it could and do theoretically (and practically) if you hunt one by one..
    but what if you want to hunt 5, 6, 7 or up to 20 opponents at same time? like mithril-, marble-, fireopal-, travertine golems and my favorite playground the rift's edge at ice blights or the new evil on dralnoks doom? i don't know how many peoples hunt like this, but a player like me affects really hard... and thats how i play istaria.. no other game takes that much fun..

    and by the way, it sounds like you need more testers on blight, right?
    maybe i can handle this and play more often on blight if you want..
    Last edited by Vasilios; February 5th, 2010 at 01:40 PM.

  4. #44
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    Default Re: How happy are you ingame?

    been here for a long time, proud to say that i can be considered at least a junior senior player ( ). lived thru a lot of changes. here are my thoughts, for those who care:

    as owners, vi has been as awesome, if not more, than any other owner. i highly doubt that even i could have held on to my love if the ebil company who shall remain nameless was still in charge - there wouldn't even be a game, i strongly believe.

    do i feel the same about the devs? well, prolly not, especially lately. the mighty illyist, may his name live for the millions of years, was the best dev ever - but that is because he was blight's own god, who lived among us and shared our troubles with us. we got very spoiled on blight and i, for one, have never recovered my joy in that, of course. the current gods are the gods we need right now, but not the ones i would rather have.

    let's face it, the biggest draw to elders these days is community. more and more of my dearest friends are infrequent to wake these days (where is sil? where is ry? when was colin last on? el, thanx god, still shows up, but much more infrequently than even a year ago.....), but there are new friends to make and be useful to.

    i have 2 plots. i have new emblems and things to shoot for. i have a hatchie to get into the 100/100 hatchie club and get his rop done (i hope that i will have old friends to help me with that, the eternal noob, or at least to come see mourningwood ascend....). there is always the possibility of new content that may seem easy to a superuber alt, but i have to say that i am proudest of my 'exterminator' emblem.....there is still lots of community building projects in addition to private ones that need doing.

    all that is great, but you want to know what really keeps me happy ingame? the fact that i am a big fish in a small pond. i ain't a queen in wow, no matter how much i craft or quest. no one cares if i don't login to play vanguard for months. no one is missing me now that i don't play rubies or whatever other games i have tried and forgotten. but here in horizons, i am a queen. peeps notice when i am gone. other peeps remember me when i am not in game. some peeps even respect me and my opinions (i know, poor deluded folk!). not only can i make a definable, real difference here, i have. NO other current game can do that for me - only one other game ever has. in istaria, i am all that and a chik-o-stik - and that feeds even my tremendous ego unto bursting.
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
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  5. #45

    Default Re: How happy are you ingame?

    Quote Originally Posted by awdz View Post
    As one who managed to have fun in game even when EI owned it, I'm still having a blast. The changes keep me paying attention instead of falling asleep... I'd love to have them in game all the sooner but I've learned to wait for Virtrium's roll outs because they're well worth it, IMO.

    *chuckles* Besides, if I'm thinking of the game's potential instead of what it does, I can always write up a story demonstrating that potential and submit it to Virtrium as an idea for future events. It's one more challenge of the game, figuring out how to do the fantastic things I want to within the existing parameters... and fun to role play in chats to see how plausible it is! ;-)
    Here here! Thank you, couldn't have said it any better! I too, still love this game, the crafting system is the best in Istaria, over other games even. The cot issue? As long as I can still use it, its fine with me. Keep up the good work! Or, would you folks rather have this game run by EI? Where they did absolutely nothing????

  6. #46

    Default Re: How happy are you ingame?

    Quote Originally Posted by AmonGwareth View Post
    The only real difference now in CoT is that it breaks on damage received. The buff could theoretically last longer than before the change.
    That's a good point, and suddenly I love the change to CoT. It means I no longer have to drop everything and run to hunt if some passerby casts it on me. xD
    "Ohoh...someone is actually trying to sell something, I see an attunement coming. LOL" - Teto Frum

  7. #47
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    Default Re: How happy are you ingame?

    Quote Originally Posted by Xoshara View Post
    That's a good point, and suddenly I love the change to CoT. It means I no longer have to drop everything and run to hunt if some passerby casts it on me. xD
    mate.. after changing CoT you will get CoT all the time unless you get 6200 damage or u die... the current CoT it will drop after 15mins..
    so why do you love the change? that makes no sense

    and amon.. i appreciate your work and its really cool you spend many time in this game to try to make it better..great work, btw... i don't want bother you but thats something i never understand...

  8. #48

    Default Re: How happy are you ingame?

    Quote Originally Posted by Vasilios View Post
    mate.. after changing CoT you will get CoT all the time unless you get 6200 damage or u die... the current CoT it will drop after 15mins..
    so why do you love the change? that makes no sense
    Because you don't feel a need to suddenly drop your cargo disk or whatever it is you are doing at the time and go hunting or hurriedly find mobs in that small 15 min window.

    Now it lasts forever until you actually find something worth fighting for. Especially useful for that elusive quest mob (Enraged Aregors anyone?) where it takes 15 mins just to get to and find the mob you are looking for.

  9. #49
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    Default Re: How happy are you ingame?

    Quote Originally Posted by Shian View Post
    Because you don't feel a need to suddenly drop your cargo disk or whatever it is you are doing at the time and go hunting or hurriedly find mobs in that small 15 min window.

    Now it lasts forever until you actually find something worth fighting for. Especially useful for that elusive quest mob (Enraged Aregors anyone?) where it takes 15 mins just to get to and find the mob you are looking for.
    if you are a druid you don't care to cast it every 15mins.. its like flame-,ice, energy attack, summon ice elements and some more.. it has a 15min counter too.. serious, this is an example of one by one fight... i talk about more than just one.. if you have 5 beetles at your tail you will get 5x damage and up.. fighting against at least 5 opponents you will get full multiple enemy bonus.. this is disturbing if you need click CoT after some seconds

    where it takes 15 mins just to get to and find the mob you are looking for.
    well, if you are no druid or maybe a dragon you don't need to care about CoT.. or ask a druidfriend to give you some backup...

    hurriedly find mobs in that small 15 min window.
    why do you need to hurry ? you do craft or you do hunt..

    mate.. after changing CoT you will get CoT all the time unless you get 6200 damage or u die... the current CoT it will drop after 15mins..
    so why do you love the change? that makes no sense
    shian, that post is pointed to Xoshara.. she said she loves the changes for CoT.. this way she dont need to drop CoT any longer... but after patch it goes the opposide way..
    and why did you dragon-players care about CoT? please try it yourself and post your experience as an active druid..
    Last edited by Vasilios; February 5th, 2010 at 05:13 PM.

  10. #50
    Join Date
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    Default Re: How happy are you ingame?

    Quote Originally Posted by Vasilios View Post
    and why did you dragon-players care about CoT? please try it yourself and post your experience as an active druid..
    Is the recharge time longer then average active time?
    Yes? the change is bad.
    No? You only have to cast more often, if that means you can no longer handle 5+ beetles you take on less and take on the new amount you can handle including the constant activating of CoT.
    Rvlion- LvL 100:100:100 - 59.3M - Lunus Ancient
    Gallinthus- LvL 100:42:41 - 6.9M - Hatchling
    Lohasbrand– LvL 4:3:0 – 1.0M - Hatchling
    Sslion- LvL 25 Mage, 25 Warrior, 10 Cleric, 6 Druid, 6 Monk and a few Craft Schools

  11. #51

    Default Re: How happy are you ingame?

    Okay, have people randomly buffed you in passing? Maybe it's a shard thing, but on order, sometimes we get randomly buffed.

    We see those buffs and without having access to a 'druid friend' because they are asleep when we are awake, this is a rare treat.

    Now is the pressure to go find something to kill in that 15 min window or the buff is gone. Drop everything and go hunt, hope you can get to it before the timer is up.

    I was echoing Vhaz's post and trying to explain it because I understand what she was talking about. With the timer gone, there is no need to rush headlong into battle and make errors, we can explore at our leisure.

    Yes it sucks that you now have to cast it more often, but there are good points and bad with each change.

  12. #52

    Default Re: How happy are you ingame?

    How happy am I in game? Lately, not very. My greatest and only joy comes from the few friends I have left that play, and talking or RolePlaying with them.

    This has nothing to do with nerfs, but other issues which I won't get into here because I don't want to rant. However it looks as if perhaps things might slowly turn around if the trend I've seen in the last week or so continues, and I have hope. I have to have hope, or I'd have already canceled my sub! XD

    My only suggestion to our devs: Please, we may be dummies at times, and we might ask too much collectively, but this game must mean a lot to us and our problems we experience in game, while they might seem slight or you might not easily be able to replicate them or fix them, those problems are very real to us and for many the response to those problems might be the difference between clicking that 'cancel' button or not. I think that you have a very patient group here (look how old the game is and some of the names that have been here for years) and no one expects perfection, but please, please, please... customer service and your choice of words and tone have a huge impact, especially when written only as text (and not spoken aloud where emotive properties are evident!). This alone has seemed to bother more people than even the worst 'nerf', in my experience. Just keep this in mind.

    Best wishes to everyone who is involved in this little gem of a game.

    Big crunchy ancient dragoness of Order

  13. #53
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    Default Re: How happy are you ingame?

    Is the recharge time longer then average active time?
    Yes? the change is bad.
    Yes, and NO...
    just i said.. it depends how do you fight.. one by one.. or one vs. many

    Okay, have people randomly buffed you in passing? Maybe it's a shard thing, but on order, sometimes we get randomly buffed.
    the only one i know randomly buffs other peoples is disintergrate... he stand most on bristugo pad and cast all players up..

    We see those buffs and without having access to a 'druid friend' because they are asleep when we are awake, this is a rare treat.
    well, i think we are on same time active.. and im a ranger or druid all the time.. you use the search button.. activate filter for druids and rangers and ask them with a tell... ask to help on something or just buff you up for a single target...

    Yes it sucks that you now have to cast it more often, but there are good points and bad with each change.
    yes, it sucks hard because you don't need to cast it because you are a dragon-only player...

    i don't care about dragon changes because i play both... but you don't need to cry if there is an nerf on dragons.. i say the same then to you!!!!

    Now is the pressure to go find something to kill in that 15 min window or the buff is gone. Drop everything and go hunt, hope you can get to it before the timer is up.
    why do you need CoT? you play as a dragon and dragons have a real advantage to single targets.. or even a small brother it calls "spiked scales"

    15mins duration is to prevent to fight longer combats.. and its still an druid ability.. other biped-classes have the same duration like dragons do and cannot cast..

    so you have a druid or you have no druid.. and if you want one, create one

  14. #54

    Default Re: How happy are you ingame?

    I was just trying to give you another insight as to why Vhaz appreciated the change. Why others might appreciate the change. As I said, there are good points and bad points to everything.

    Please don't bother asking someone to explain anything if you are just going to ignore them or shove their explanation back at them without even taking any consideration for how a change affects another side.

    As for the snide remark about crying about dragon nerfs, if you haven't noticed, I haven't said a word about these so called evasion nerfs yet as I like to look at the whole picture, not just a 'me me me' thing.

    Why do I care about COT? Easy, my young dragon is at the top of AI and has to kill "x" amount of creatures. If you've ever been to the top of AI or Elenath or parts of the ED, you should know there is no 'single target'

    If I ask for help hunting or gathering comps, I am usually met with 'I'm busy" or silence.

  15. #55

    Default Re: How happy are you ingame?

    Quote Originally Posted by Vasilios View Post
    the only one i know randomly buffs other peoples is disintergrate... he stand most on bristugo pad and cast all players up..
    He isn't the only one to buff everyone he meets

    Shian: "If I ask for help hunting or gathering comps, I am usually met with 'I'm busy" or silence."
    If you want help, tell me when I'm there, I'd be glad to help you

  16. #56
    Join Date
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    Default Re: How happy are you ingame?

    Quote Originally Posted by Vasilios View Post
    why do you need CoT? you play as a dragon and dragons have a real advantage to single targets.. or even a small brother it calls "spiked scales"
    CoT is/was very powerful. That's why dragons will drop everything and go hunt when they get it. Spiked Scales is probably one of my most powerful assets as a caster dragon, and it is only available half the time.. CoT? That was always up for 15 minutes and the times I'd gone out hunting with it up were definitely much easier than hunting without it, because I essentially had Spiked Scales up 100% of the time. Whenever Scales goes down, so does my damage output, rather dramatically.

    That's why I personally would at least consider dropping my disk and going hunting on a random cast of CoT.

    As for happiness ingame..

    I'm fairly happy, but it may just be that I tend to roll with changes anyways. I've been here since pre-merge, after all, only taking a hiatus when EI got the game.

    There are some things I'm not happy with, like all the attunement-requirements being added in the T2 revamp, especially to Bristugo, that I'm fearing will eventually lead to all of Istaria requiring attunement, the fact that Drulkar's Wrath requires Ancienthood, the attitudes that the devs sometimes take on these forums, the amount of "unattainble" items still floating around Istaria that an elite faction of oldies has, but the newer players cannot get (like the old dragon techs and the old crystals), the lack of holiday events last year, the drop rates on certain tech components in an already "challenging" (read: sometimes insane) area of the world, and what was done that obsoleted lore tokens.

    There are some things I am happy with: the amount of effort the devs are putting into developing the game, the new dragon spells and abilities in general, hatchie glide, a choice of interface schemes, Solitaire's work in general (you have fangirls, in case you weren't aware, Solitaire. xD), all the new quests and content, the efforts of the devs to improve spawn regions and fix long-standing bugs, the consolidation of consigners .. the list goes on.

    You have to take the good with the bad, and I cannot sit here and honestly say that there's more bad than good. I think it's just that the bad gets blown out of proportion compared to the good; how many players give a thank you over a good change? Now, how many will gripe about a nerf?

    Quote Originally Posted by AmonGwareth View Post
    Think of the events this year as celebrating Chinese New Year, instead of Western holidays.

    This actually didn't happen and isn't going to now. ... So we just left Dragon Adventurer getting 8 per level. Dragons will still get Dodge at level 1.
    I have questions concerning these, just to get a very clear idea of what's being said. So we are in fact getting the fall/winter holidays after all, even if mistimed? Is anything happening in relation to the contest entries? I missed anything about them in the delta notes, if there were any.

    As to the second: Is it actually going to stay 8/level or is it only staying 8/level until it can be fixed?


    Aegis Shatterer - Scourge of the Scourge - Blight's Own Decay

  17. #57
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    Default Re: How happy are you ingame?

    As for the snide remark about crying about dragon nerfs, if you haven't noticed, I haven't said a word about these so called evasion nerfs yet as I like to look at the whole picture, not just a 'me me me' thing.
    well, this was a quote from dragonboy.. but..

    but if you want to discuss about CoT, then send me a PM and we talk about it in private

    please Istarians, lets get back to the topic: How happy are you ingame..

    (derail was my fault too), sorry

  18. #58

    Default Re: How happy are you ingame?

    Quote Originally Posted by AmonGwareth View Post
    Plus, live events invariably result (as we have seen many times in the past) in complaints about lag and availability of players and lack of reward for difficulty. Issues that are all very difficult to solve. THat said, we are not against live events. But we can't spend lots and lots of time doing them each week.
    How about just once a quarter then? That doesn't sound so frequent that it gets old and not so far and few between that it's difficult to find a player that was at the event or over taxes dev resource. I mean.. how long was the Battle of Lerena (Grayling)? A mere couple hours?

    I haven't seen a live event since May or April 2008... I don't have the story in front of me right now, so I don't know the exact date but a new story of that caliber to tell would be nice.

    I could be wrong and there could have been some since then that I was not a part of, but surely news of such things would have reached my ears.

  19. #59

    Default Re: How happy are you ingame?

    Quote Originally Posted by Raptress View Post
    I have questions concerning these, just to get a very clear idea of what's being said. So we are in fact getting the fall/winter holidays after all, even if mistimed? Is anything happening in relation to the contest entries? I missed anything about them in the delta notes, if there were any.

    As to the second: Is it actually going to stay 8/level or is it only staying 8/level until it can be fixed?
    Yes, they are part of this update. Fall Harvest and Gnomekindle.

    Yes, Evasion will remain at 8/level.
    "Alea iacta est" -- Julius Caesar

    Toot shouted, voice shrill, "In the name of the Pizza Lord! Charge!" (Jim Butcher's Dresden Files)

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  20. #60
    Member peladon's Avatar
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    Default Re: How happy are you ingame?

    Quote Originally Posted by Vasilios View Post
    i see, dragon-only players are crying bipeds are overpowered.. did you try to play a biped? its not so easy to get to level 100 with only 1 class.. second class even harder, 3rd harder again because you dont get that much xp like the first class.. at the end.. u can only leveling through trophys.. and thats takes a long long time
    Elder and wise...

    My words are but the whisper of a forgotten wind. Let them be lost or found as suits the seeker.

    I speak no word of this or that, of too much power or two little.

    But these words I do say.

    Scaled I may be, and winged, but for reasons I will not detail ( those who know will know, and those who do not would likely set them aside ), of the path a two leg walks I know some little. Of the many roads a two leg may follow, and their walking, I know some. And this indeed is true. Is it a long patrh and longer? Aye indeed. But... do we wake that we may be at the destination, or that we may journey to it? My steps have followed the path of many paths a two leg may walk, though I have not walked those paths. And the joy, the delight, the loss and the victory of seeking and taking victory from that loss... came from the journey.

    Time? Long time? Why.. what is life itself, but time, and one hopes that time a long one?

    Wake. Dance. Live. Be!

    Sephiranoth, called by some ShadowSeeker
    Nobody and Nothing ever, save The Five do Feast
    A Fool that walks among the Wise

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