Erm .. perhaps I am missing something - but I think there is a bit more to getting re-attuned than just running everywhere .. although I am surmising, I suspect it is more in line with the Trandalar attunings where you have to go and do stuff to get attuned. .. hence .. if you never attuned to Trandalar, but are L100 - should there be a [hit this button to auto-attune]?

I can understand that there might be some frustration in now having to go and do something to be able to get back to places which we have been freely going for years - but I can also understand that it might add new stuff to do - even if fairly easy for high leveled characters - and introduce changes to the landscape and monsters etc along the way.

Personally I will wait to see how much work and how much fun is involved in reattuning to these places before passing judgment on whether it is a chore or not.

I remember on Trandalar having to ask for help to kill some of the big monsters because they were too much for me at the time .. it may be that this adds some more community back into the game.