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Thread: Idea for attunings like the ones added in the latest delta.

  1. #21
    Join Date
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    Washington, land of shivering in June.

    Default Re: Idea for attunings like the ones added in the latest delta.

    What is your problem with reducing the amount of chores in this game, Dragonboy? I just don't understand. :/ If you want to do it the old fashioned way, do it. I don't see why everyone should be forced to do it the hard way just because you, I, or anyone else did. Adding an NPC for this function will be appreciated by many and reduce chore in the game. That is the reason I'm in favor of it. I'm not gong to argue it with you anymore, as it's obviously pointless.


    Aegis Shatterer - Scourge of the Scourge - Blight's Own Decay

  2. #22

    Default Re: Idea for attunings like the ones added in the latest delta.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonboy View Post
    Do you think you are the only one with multiple characters? I have got 7 characters on Chaos those would be 1 Ancient, 3 Hatchlings and 3 bipeds.
    While currently only 1 hatchling and 2 bipeds are active at this moment next to my “I have it so easy re-attuning� Ancient Dragon do you hear me complain?

    I chose to make the Harro and Morning Light attunement the old fashioned way, by running from Aughundell and you know what? I survived and learned to be really good on the lookout for mobs.
    The same goes for the Draak attunement I did it as well as a hatchling (*sighs* at lvl 30 because that was appearently the minimal level requirement) and again you know what? I survived the whole solo trip from Harro, passed the Treants, through ED and to Draak safely without ever dying once.

    For all those in favor of wanting a Attunement NPC I would love to hear a different reason then “been there, done that� or “it takes to long to redo all the attunements�.
    Most places I have attuned to in a distant past be it Wind or Unity after that I haven’t been to in ages or at least since I have started playing on Chaos, who knows how many changes have been made to those locations without me ever seeing and I dare say that there will also be many locations many of you also haven’t been in a long time.
    Alright, I'm getting tired of this. I simply made a suggestion. The fact this is beginning to turn into a stupid fight is just beginning to piss me the hell off.

    Thank you, Amon, for replying. (Though some input on my original idea would have been welcome. )

    I am requesting for this thread to be locked due to not caring enough anymore. Sorry I even brought it up. Think I'll be staying out of the suggestion forum from this point on.

  3. #23
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Idea for attunings like the ones added in the latest delta.

    Considering this is the Suggestion part of the "Discussion" forum I think I am allowed to give my opinion about any suggestion made here as long as arguments are made as to why I feel that way.

    If the developers consider it necessary to place an Attunement NPC somewere in Istaria then they wont be turned away from that just because of me.

    I just don't like the idea.
    Rvlion- LvL 100:100:100 - 59.3M - Lunus Ancient
    Gallinthus- LvL 100:42:41 - 6.9M - Hatchling
    Lohasbrand– LvL 4:3:0 – 1.0M - Hatchling
    Sslion- LvL 25 Mage, 25 Warrior, 10 Cleric, 6 Druid, 6 Monk and a few Craft Schools

  4. #24

    Default Re: Idea for attunings like the ones added in the latest delta.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonboy View Post
    I just don't like the idea.
    This, right here. This is why there should be the option for you to run to Harro all the way from Augh. (Heck, do it from Kion if you want!) Whenever possible, there should be an option to do it uphill both ways in the snow. There should also be an option, for the people who do not think that is fun, to abbreviate it within reason. An NPC plunked down in Tazoon offering free reattunement for characters of a sufficient age (level, playtime, number of times they've used the Bristugo portal, whatever) would have been a nice compromise, to my mind. Want to do it the hard way? Make the run. Have fifteen alts who need reattunement and no interest in making the run? Talk to the guy, bam, go back to doing the parts of the game you enjoy.

    The most important part, to me, is it should not be a "only one choice or the other" affair. In a perfect world, anyways!

  5. #25

    Default Re: Idea for attunings like the ones added in the latest delta.

    I'm with Thickle - I'd prefer to HAVE the option than to not have it.

    Dragonboy you asked for reasons besdies "its annoying" (though why that isn't enough of a reason in a game that is meant to be more fun than a chore...) how about this..

    As you commented - "I have no idea how much those areas may have changed since I attuned" - welll guess what - unless its Tier I or II at this point they HAVE NOT CHANGED AT ALL (emphasis btw, not yelling). And unless its specifically Tier II - the major cities and other areas also did not change at all. (The Tier I revamp had no major city redo - just a moving around of resources - no city was overhauled like Dalimond has been).

    Now if they are player cities - yes those I imagine would change over time. If you have fun going to player cities to see how they have evolved - more power to you. I however don't find it all that interesting.

    Other reasons besides Annoying -

    It makes no sense - as someone else pointed out above - why aren't players autoattuned to their own racial cities to begin with (i.e. I had to attune to Chiconis after living there since lairs came out and playing since a month after day one for the first time ever...?).

    It makes no sense - since day one of play, players have at least been able to port to all major cities without attunement - why is this changing now? Why change a major game mechanic for no purpose? If there is a purpose, we've not been privy to know. In addition, why change a major game mechanic that just adds (for some) more grind and more chore? It didn't hurt anything before - it wasn't broken or exploitive or gave anyone an advantage over anyone else. Player cities to me are different, those are "optional" - you have a "choice" to bother to go out to one or not - to get an attunement or not. To me it doesn't seem much of a choice to never go to Chiconis, or Sslianis, or Augendale or to whatever other city attunements will get dropped each tier...

    *Your* experience may have been without issue - but others do not necessairly have the same experience. Others may try to make the same run as you and get wiped out repeatedly by mobs that suddenly go *poofies* on top of them, or they have bad luck, or they pause for a moment and turn away from the screen, or..well any myriad of reasons. Now, having made my own hatchling runs when I was but a babe - I remember these. Even when the server was full, it was a solo run - I remember singing Wierd AL to a patient Kumu in Dragonchat keeping me company while I did it . Did the activity itself add to my enjoyment of the game? No - but I accepted it was part of the necessity of player towns, it made SENSE, did it once, and was done with it.

    Did I die along the way? yes, yes I did. Was I frustrated - yes, yes I was. But not knowing any better, I got it done. Perhaps if I'd had other experiences under my belt, I wouldn't have hung in as much *chuckles*.

    Wanna know what I saw when I flew down the road for these attunements - nothing but terrain - no trees, no resources, no buildings. KNow why? The game doesn't load for me as fast as I fly. So while you can explore, I look out over emptiness. For other people the game crashes every 20 minutes, or random crashes out. The game is pretty dang stable for me, I rarely crash. But if I want to be able "See" what I'm flying over I need to land and literally WALK (not run) over the areas and wait for things to load even then. So the game engine isn't exactly the most - effieicnet - for exploration purposes. So even you're Logic of "it makes you explore" doesn't hold water for every player out there. How much fun would you find that run 20 times looking out at nothing but grass and some hills and a road? *snores* So there you go another "non annoying" reason.

    Most gamers "know better" now. Every single player that was here before the revamp launched "Knew better." This is not an improvement to a bad game mechanic, its an annoyance to a game mechanic that already worked just fine.

    NOW- like I said - and I would agree with what Male said about it being attunement for places that were never attuned before - this may be something that is the engines limitations. If so I wish a dev would explain it. That's easier to understand than just deciding to re-put attunements back in game for things that never needed it before.

    Understand Dragonboy - we aren't even arguing that we shouldn't have to attune. We're not saying that level 1 hatchy doesn't have to run to Chiconis, the FIRST TIME. So the exploration part is still there - the logic of exploring is still there.

    We're simply putting forth the argument that for players who have made those runs, those flies, those trips literally THOUSANDS (if not more..) of times - to have an *alternative* to being forced to go out of their way to do it again.

    If you chose to make the run, go for it. Those of us who would like to spend that time actually participating in the new quests, or crafting, or whatever - would like to have that option as well. They are revamping every tier - however many years this may take - wether or not ever revamp will get rewritten cities or just replaced resources - we can't say yet.

    But its clear that for future revamps, an option would be very nice and to me - its a nice compromise *shrugs* The new player still has to attune. The older player, for every logical reason under the sun, doesn't *have* to.

    And I dont know why you see this as a "stupid fight" Akrion - maybe you're reading in more vitriol or anger than I'm reading into these posts. Its a discussion, a back and forth, every thread in this entire forum does the same. *shrugs* I'm not seeing how its a fight...:/
    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
    Iea has returned.

  6. #26

    Default Re: Idea for attunings like the ones added in the latest delta.

    Personally, I'm in favor of this. Especially if there are constrictions of who can qualify. Say... the character must be level 100 and older than 200 or so days to qualify for a 'mass attunement' given out by the NPC.

    Then, it wouldn't be as if new characters would be able to take advantage of it. They'd still have to do it the hard way; one way or another and it'd probably be simpler doing it that way then shelving a character for that long. And if you're going to get to 100, well, you'll probably have passed the most important telly zones already or gone out of your way to get them.

    It only seems like a win-win kind of thing to me. Devs get what they want by making newer character runs around and explore, and older players who have already been to most everywhere at least once (or at least everywhere they've ever needed to be) don't have to go through the hassle of going everywhere again rather needlessly and put up with crashes, lag-fits, wastes of time, etc.

    Hrae's thoughts.

    Edit: It would also be nice if said NPC gave out tokens or marked your account so long as it had a character who met the requirements of a mass attunement. The token could be given to a newly made alt upon creation (like the golden grouper) and after a trip to Tazoon or wherever to turn it in, he would be attuned to all the major cities. If an old timer has done it once and doesn't feel like going through the hassle of doing it again, it'd be an option for him. Otherwise, he could delete said token and do it the hard way.

    Options are awesome.

  7. #27
    Join Date
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    Fort Wayne IN, USA

    Default Re: Idea for attunings like the ones added in the latest delta.

    Quote Originally Posted by Thicklesip View Post
    Whenever possible, there should be an option to do it uphill both ways in the snow...
    And while we're at it, let's clamor for a new weapon that all can equip.

    The three-ring binder!

    Unfortunately, it cannot be teched, and is only effective at killing bears.
    Dragon Scroll; BLIGHT~Anam, Ahleah; CHAOS~Veruliyam, Ceruliyan, Jaguarundi, Spinel, Ssussurrouss, Chon; ORDER~Aucapoma, Susurrus

  8. #28

    Default Re: Idea for attunings like the ones added in the latest delta.

    Erm .. perhaps I am missing something - but I think there is a bit more to getting re-attuned than just running everywhere .. although I am surmising, I suspect it is more in line with the Trandalar attunings where you have to go and do stuff to get attuned. .. hence .. if you never attuned to Trandalar, but are L100 - should there be a [hit this button to auto-attune]?

    I can understand that there might be some frustration in now having to go and do something to be able to get back to places which we have been freely going for years - but I can also understand that it might add new stuff to do - even if fairly easy for high leveled characters - and introduce changes to the landscape and monsters etc along the way.

    Personally I will wait to see how much work and how much fun is involved in reattuning to these places before passing judgment on whether it is a chore or not.

    I remember on Trandalar having to ask for help to kill some of the big monsters because they were too much for me at the time .. it may be that this adds some more community back into the game.

  9. #29

    Default Re: Idea for attunings like the ones added in the latest delta.

    i had fun reattuning after the t2 revamp. it really only took running to the different places and greeting the gatekeeper - could hardly be easier, and was a good way to get me out exploring the new changes.

  10. #30
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    Default Re: Idea for attunings like the ones added in the latest delta.

    yeah i am in the mix with this too...
    i do not appreciate having to reattune to places i should be able to access due to importance (i have no problem with attuning to suburbs and settlements and such, but i do not understand needing to attune to the racial towns and brist...i mean, for pete's sake, brist is the bind point for all my alts!)
    the actual attunement process, the run and the chat, was not difficult and was actually a nice way to check out the new terrain......even with my new satyr on order, only about level 6 advent but handled the run to brist with no probs.

    of course, i know when to use sprint and what to avoid stopping to look at, not quite so with a total newb....but that is what us elder players are for, to protect and to serve!
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  11. #31

    Default Re: Idea for attunings like the ones added in the latest delta.

    I came back and re-read my post and realized I never actaully said something that I thought was obvious. xD Figures.

    Anyway, I in my little musings there, I didn't mean for the mass attunement to encompass every place that ever required attunement. I just meant the racial cities; not including Bristugo. Brist is only a short run from Dalimond anyway. There's only, what, seven... maybe eight racials? That still leaves plenty of running around and exploring to be done. There are reaches of Istaria that are no where near towns and such.

  12. #32

    Default Re: Idea for attunings like the ones added in the latest delta.

    Quote Originally Posted by Valornyx View Post
    Erm .. perhaps I am missing something - but I think there is a bit more to getting re-attuned than just running everywhere .. although I am surmising, I suspect it is more in line with the Trandalar attunings where you have to go and do stuff to get attuned. .. hence .. if you never attuned to Trandalar, but are L100 - should there be a [hit this button to auto-attune]?

    I can understand that there might be some frustration in now having to go and do something to be able to get back to places which we have been freely going for years - but I can also understand that it might add new stuff to do - even if fairly easy for high leveled characters - and introduce changes to the landscape and monsters etc along the way.
    Nope, not for these attunements - just talk to the NPC and bam you're attuned. Don't have to do anything else.

    The arguments as to why that is "annoying" (and more) are the previous pages. I won't rehash them here lol.
    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
    Iea has returned.

  13. #33

    Default Re: Idea for attunings like the ones added in the latest delta.

    As much time has some of you have spent in this thread, you could have already re-attuned to dali, chiconis, bristugo, and sslanis already... on multiple toons.

    The ONLY way I would support something like this is if it only applied to the racial cities. And in that case, its not worth the dev effort. There's what 10 cities you may need to attune to. And chances are only a few will most people use all that often. So spend a few minutes and you've attuned to your most oft used destinations.

    Just make the trip already.

  14. #34

    Default Re: Idea for attunings like the ones added in the latest delta.

    I personally have about 10 characters of which 1 order character and the rest on chaos.

    Last week I ran the attunements on my order character and tuesday I helped my fiancee to get attuned. Each time I was suprised with the many changes made by the devs.

    I even found a new fav mob to obliterate, the skulks, and I know I'm going to have alot of fun killing them.

    Of course, we all have the option to attune or not, that is if you want to get attuned or not.

    I would advise everybody to do the attunement, it might even be a nice reason to create a new character and run the quest lines that have been created. I do not think you'd be dissapointed.

    Personally, I think there should be no need for some special NPC.

    If you would chose to put in some NPC then let this one give out a quest in which you can attune after doing some chores for the empire.

  15. #35

    Default Re: Idea for attunings like the ones added in the latest delta.

    I agree with Awdz.
    Re-attuning was much fun, and still is.
    Istaria has so much to offer, and that is a way to show. Esp. to new players.

    But I understand the annoyance if you have a bunch of toons to re- attune.
    There could have been a way to make that easier- but anyway- now its done-
    bite on your teeth- and run^^

    Yes Valornyx, attuning to Trandalar and later to Delgarath/DD is one of the nicest features ingame -in my eyes. There should be more of that.
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  16. #36

    Default Re: Idea for attunings like the ones added in the latest delta.

    Quote Originally Posted by Guaran View Post
    As much time has some of you have spent in this thread, you could have already re-attuned to dali, chiconis, bristugo, and sslanis already... on multiple toons.

    The ONLY way I would support something like this is if it only applied to the racial cities. And in that case, its not worth the dev effort. There's what 10 cities you may need to attune to. And chances are only a few will most people use all that often. So spend a few minutes and you've attuned to your most oft used destinations.

    Just make the trip already.
    They probably already have, Guaran. -___- On multiple characters, even. Comments like that come off as derogatory and degenerate the thread and debate...

    This wasn't about doing it or for every settlement there ever was; it was about doing it to ease the some of the 'chore' aspect that some people were experiencing. So there's 10 cities. I don't see how placing an attunement npc with 10 attunement destination links and adding a restriction to obtaining the 'quests' would be especially difficult or a waste of effort. It'd simply streamline things for those that wanted it. Once again, if you wanted to run across the face of Istaria 20 times, the option wouldn't be lost.

    Personally, I hate being forced to run to every place I've already been attuned to for years. I love looking at the landscape and digging into lore, but I want to do that on -my- time, not because I know that I'll be kicking myself in the arse later on when there's an RP gathering and everyone's getting together for a hunt, etc. If I want to look a remade landscape, I want it to be for pleasure, not a necessity. Quests offered by NPCs in an area should be what gets an individual out in the field and exploring what there is to be seen and learning what lore there is to that location.
    Last edited by Hraefn; February 18th, 2010 at 01:49 PM.

  17. #37

    Default Re: Idea for attunings like the ones added in the latest delta.

    I'm a little frustrated at the attunment thing, but not enough to be mad, what's annoying me is the fact that there are absolutely no directions, I made a new character a couple days ago , found out that the NPCs didn't say a thing about which way to go, so the only way to go is to rely on the map, which is apparently outdated and I'm very reluctant to travel to chronis because I can't remember is the creatures up that way are high enough level to kill me with one swipe, and I don't even know if the t2 dragon quests still need the same npcs after your done in kion.

    I'm also not that happy that the NT NPCs don't tell you where to go after their done training you, not as big a issue for someone who's played before the update, but I'm pretty sure it'll make things nice and hard for those that don't know where to go.

    So I'm rather more not happy with the fact that there's no info about where to go if your new or never taken the road before then the attuning it's self.

  18. #38
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Holland (Wind, Unity now Chaos)

    Default Re: Idea for attunings like the ones added in the latest delta.

    As of yet I really dont understand what all the fuss was about. the only racial towns I had to attune to was Sslanins, Dalimond and Chiconis. Bristugo as well, but thats a hub, not racial town. Dralk, Feledan, Aughundell, Tazoon all require no attunement. I did the attunement with 1 character in less then half an hour WALKING as khutit.
    Half of the time off the road considering the terrain never loaded which was the only real annoyance.
    Rvlion- LvL 100:100:100 - 59.3M - Lunus Ancient
    Gallinthus- LvL 100:42:41 - 6.9M - Hatchling
    Lohasbrand– LvL 4:3:0 – 1.0M - Hatchling
    Sslion- LvL 25 Mage, 25 Warrior, 10 Cleric, 6 Druid, 6 Monk and a few Craft Schools

  19. #39

    Default Re: Idea for attunings like the ones added in the latest delta.

    Well, having done some of the re-attunement on Blight, I have some more sympathy for the denigrators... there really is no benefit to it and it does take some time .. given that I have something like 15 characters - I could conceivably spend two whole days just getting them able to go where they can currently get to.

    For my 2c's .. make the attunements quests - rather than go see Bill and ask him to let you attune here.

    Get the peeps out exploring the new lands that have been created and mashing the new mobs there.

  20. #40

    Default Re: Idea for attunings like the ones added in the latest delta.

    Quote Originally Posted by Valornyx
    For my 2c's .. make the attunements quests - rather than go see Bill and ask him to let you attune here.
    For the most part, in a way they are quests, in that many of the attunement NPCs also offer up other quests.
    Quote Originally Posted by Random Poster
    I'm gonna post in this one too!

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