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Thread: Order Server and Lack of Roleplayers

  1. #21

    Default Re: Order Server and Lack of Roleplayers

    I'd see no problem to RP with you, Akrion, and I don't think to be the only one. Some could react wrong, but that doesn't meant that all of the channel players are the same...

  2. #22

    Default Re: Order Server and Lack of Roleplayers

    Quote Originally Posted by Akrion View Post
    It's weird, becuase I never experienced this through the first half of 09. There were quite a number of deep RPs that I recall happening, and I managed without too much issue to progress my character from almost no involvement to major part of the RP thanks to it being in DC at one point and time.

    SSiscor, Sereamha, Kandrin, Selarth, Tsargoth, Amethyr, Daeza, Maekrux, Sigvard, Slee, DharSii, Seventh and Polydore, Vesper, Kaelisorai, Xeffer, Hraefn, Siivyra, Malestryx, Vhazshyn, Vaega.. I could probably list more if I thought longer about it, but all these characters had some form of deep RP for many various reasons that all crossed through DC occasionally. I was able to get Akrion not only to the point of having a major part in their RP, but also become close to many of them. All from absolutely zero involvement, and mostly because they came through DC at one point or another. It was an amazing time because many of these characters seperate RPs cross connected between eachother.

    Unfortunately, a little more than half that list has faded away, mostly due to leaving players or players that can't currently play. Personally I feel that it's the lack of deep RP that's currently hurting DCs ability to progress back to the more active and interesting locale that it used to be.

    I used to spend most of my time in DC. But around mid 09 many of the vet roleplayers that I roleplayed with started recieving more and more crap about one thing or another. Many times due to reasons that Raptress pointed out:

    Because often a hailstorm of yelling would spark afterwerds. Or it might be reasons similar to what Nambroth said:

    I stopped coming into DC consistantly back in July of 09 for all of the above. Not because I just wanted nothing but deep RP, but because I knew I could expect a warm OOC welcome with those that I'd RP with privately no matter what. Despite what one may think not all of the RP in the group I'm with is always deep, a good deal of it winds up just as casual as DC.

    Almost all of Akrion's development, minus back story for him to have something after creation, has happened over time from much of the RP in DC for the first half of 09, and privately. I've done very little to actually aim my character in a specific direction, and just went with the flow.

    I was able to do this because I always found a way to get involved in RPs going on, no matter what their topic or depth. A very small portion of those RPs pulled my character in without much effort on my part. If so few people are willing to make the effort to push their character to get them involved in an RP that's going on, then why would I wish to continue making the effort to actively attempt extending my current RP out in hopes for people to get in on it? That's more than I usually ever got, as it was often entirely on my shoulders to get my character involved with something.

    To me it all just sounds like excuses, honestly.
    I am quite new to the server but ever without knowing who Frith-Rae is, his/hers responses to this thread are what a few friends i know in order had complained about.

    What irks me a bit is on another response you mention of vet rpers who have took time to develop their characters getting mad at a new comer who decided to make x type char similar to what the vet has done and the vet is angered due to it.

    For me its a matter of choice. No one forced the Vet rper to spend months to covert his regular char into an X type char. That was his/ her choice to do so and does not give them any right to govern or complain of someone else making an x type char from the getgo.

    Creating a backround of your char can be done in a day or two and not months if one chooses so. Ill give an example. When I came back to Istaria, on chaos, has one of the few rp guilds Timeless. I did not log on my main char and said "hey Im back" No i made up a new character, once logged in , that same day i managed to get into timeless without no one knowing who I was, made up a story on how that char was involved with my main, and what was needed to do to recover a lost friend. That character , Relkun was given a personality, a story, once blighted then returned in a frail state back to the living. he explained his Backround where he came from, what he did to how he was there today. All made up in those few days he lived. He did the ultimate sacrafice of giving his life to free my main char. Guildies wanted me to save him, bring him back. Shartan, who held him as he died really wanted to see relkun again. a char made who only lasted 3 days was missed and wanted back in some way.

    Point is, an rper can create a personality and backround of their char without the need to spend days developing it. I am an rper who will even use secondary and tritary characters in my rp. If i start and adventure, leads us to a town or somewhere I am bound to make a secondary character or more, give them a personality even if they die or if their contact with my char and whoever is rping is minimal at best. They will have a backround on the fly. I do seperate their talking usine different brackets []{} <> .Some of these secondary characters become quickly likeable causing me to have them tag along if the adventure continues. Since i have more than one character i will involve my other chars as a secondary char whithin my chat.

    If i can create personalities, backrounds and the like on the fly, i dont see how others cannot do it.

    it all ends as a matter of choice. your desisions should never get in your way if someone decides to make a similar character who has only played for a day or so. 2 of my friends were victims of this behavior which should have not happened.

    Now i created my character on the order server with my friend who created hers. We do feel a bit alienated in chaos due to the magnitude of our rp. we also did not want to govern the guild char as rp is casual. hopefully soon we will find our place in order.

  3. #23

    Default Re: Order Server and Lack of Roleplayers

    To me it all just sounds like excuses, honestly.
    Actually - I agree with this statement. I just think it applies to both sides.

    People got their respective weaties pooped in and took their ball and went home - wether left the game or are now only RPing in channels they feel stay respectful (for whatever that means) to them and what they want to do.

    Those of us who are left, who care about continuing a RP community, are left to try and pick up (again I might add) and move on.

    And I say again, because this has happened several times already in my life In Istaria. This is only the most recent blowup/incarnation. And I see the healing has begun as well.

    I do continue to discuss it though cuz I"m a forum junkie and I'm home bored...
    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
    Iea has returned.

  4. #24
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    Default Re: Order Server and Lack of Roleplayers

    Quote Originally Posted by Frith-Rae View Post
    I do continue to discuss it though cuz I"m a forum junkie and I'm home bored...
    Curse the home boredom and yes, it is easy to sit around and stare at the forums all day.

  5. #25
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Order Server and Lack of Roleplayers

    Quote Originally Posted by Zanukk Sytheclaw View Post
    What irks me a bit is on another response you mention of vet rpers who have took time to develop their characters getting mad at a new comer who decided to make x type char similar to what the vet has done and the vet is angered due to it.
    It's less the lack of build up in these cases as it is the relatively low level of skill that usually accompanies the "insta-evil" type characters. If someone wants to make a character that has a full, well-thought-out backstory on day one, then more power to them.

    The conflicts start happening when well-established and well-thought-out darker characters start getting crap about their characters because another evil character that's not played very well is annoying everybody else.

    It's almost always with evil or dark characters that this conflict arises. In my opinion, the biggest reason is that it takes a great deal more skill to play an evil character in a way that does not start to grate on everyone's nerves. Which is why it annoys the "vet RPers" with evil characters when one of these "insta-evil" characters pops up: because they are going to get some of the blame for that aggravation.

    Wouldn't anyone be annoyed if they started getting crap for things they didn't do, but someone somewhat similar to them did? That's the basis of discrimination, right there, but few seem to think twice about lumping all evil characters together.


    Aegis Shatterer - Scourge of the Scourge - Blight's Own Decay

  6. #26

    Default Re: Order Server and Lack of Roleplayers

    Quote Originally Posted by Raptress View Post
    It's less the lack of build up in these cases as it is the relatively low level of skill that usually accompanies the "insta-evil" type characters. If someone wants to make a character that has a full, well-thought-out backstory on day one, then more power to them.

    The conflicts start happening when well-established and well-thought-out darker characters start getting crap about their characters because another evil character that's not played very well is annoying everybody else.

    It's almost always with evil or dark characters that this conflict arises. In my opinion, the biggest reason is that it takes a great deal more skill to play an evil character in a way that does not start to grate on everyone's nerves. Which is why it annoys the "vet RPers" with evil characters when one of these "insta-evil" characters pops up: because they are going to get some of the blame for that aggravation.

    Wouldn't anyone be annoyed if they started getting crap for things they didn't do, but someone somewhat similar to them did? That's the basis of discrimination, right there, but few seem to think twice about lumping all evil characters together.
    That is wrong, indeed. But not every new ones don't try to make an evil character, and not all of them complain of the experienced rolepayers. That's what I think.

  7. #27

    Default Re: Order Server and Lack of Roleplayers

    Quote Originally Posted by Frith-Rae View Post
    Actually - I agree with this statement. I just think it applies to both sides.

    People got their respective weaties pooped in and took their ball and went home - wether left the game or are now only RPing in channels they feel stay respectful (for whatever that means) to them and what they want to do.

    Those of us who are left, who care about continuing a RP community, are left to try and pick up (again I might add) and move on.

    And I say again, because this has happened several times already in my life In Istaria. This is only the most recent blowup/incarnation. And I see the healing has begun as well.

    I do continue to discuss it though cuz I"m a forum junkie and I'm home bored...
    Point is, I've made my efforts. There was only 1 RP in Akrion's history that pulled the character in without much effort on my part. But otherwise everything was entirely up to me. I understood this. No RP was too deep for me to become a part of, no RP too old and full of older RPers that I wasn't able to become a major factor in. It took a LOT of effort, sure, but I never had an instance where deep RP in DC made me turn away. In fact it made me more intent on succeeding.

    My hand was rarely ever held when I wanted to try and get into an existing RP. When I go out there and try to offer that hand to others (without breaking character to do so, anyway) so they might get involved in a long established RP and it's either ignored, I hear that people felt ignored for "(excuse)", or I see people talking about how little people are trying to bring RP back into DC, it quickly makes me unwilling to put forth more effort when I see so many (Not all, I know you would have Lungtien) unwilling to put out anywhere near the effort that I had to in order to get my character involved in anything more than casual RP.

    I still occasionally enter DC, but I'm taking a break from my efforts to re-start things in the channel until I see more initiative from others.

  8. #28

    Default Re: Order Server and Lack of Roleplayers

    Quote Originally Posted by LungTien Temeraire View Post
    That is wrong, indeed. But not every new ones don't try to make an evil character, and not all of them complain of the experienced rolepayers. That's what I think.
    Raptress is not talking about everyone. Ofcourse everybody doesn't make insta-evil characters, but the ones that do bring up problems for the experienced RPers that play evil characters, almost every single time. So when faced with the option of an experienced player to "Join DC and receive crap about their character and RP" vs "Only RP with those you know and not receive crap" the choice starts to get a bit obvious.

    It's either experienced RPers with evil characters get a bad rep from the insta-evil players, and thus get their RP grouped in with "you suck just because you're evil" or they get yelled at for trying to tell these new insta-evil characters how they can go about making their character less aggravating and more acceptable. SO what reasonable option is left for them other than to just stop going into DC?

  9. #29

    Default Re: Order Server and Lack of Roleplayers

    Quote Originally Posted by Akrion View Post
    Raptress is not talking about everyone. Ofcourse everybody doesn't make insta-evil characters, but the ones that do bring up problems for the experienced RPers that play evil characters, almost every single time. So when faced with the option of an experienced player to "Join DC and receive crap about their character and RP" vs "Only RP with those you know and not receive crap" the choice starts to get a bit obvious.

    It's either experienced RPers with evil characters get a bad rep from the insta-evil players, and thus get their RP grouped in with "you suck just because you're evil" or they get yelled at for trying to tell these new insta-evil characters how they can go about making their character less aggravating and more acceptable. SO what reasonable option is left for them other than to just stop going into DC?
    They can RP with who they want and where they want, I'm not denying this... the issue is only that they shouldn't stay away, closed even to any try to open and develop OoC relationship and friendship... I think.

  10. #30

    Default Re: Order Server and Lack of Roleplayers

    Quote Originally Posted by LungTien Temeraire View Post
    They can RP with who they want and where they want, I'm not denying this... the issue is only that they shouldn't stay away, closed even to any try to open and develop OoC relationship and friendship... I think.
    Why shouldn't they stay away? They tend to get harassed about their RP when they don't, so they have every right to not want to deal with it anymore and just RP with established friends.

  11. #31

    Default Re: Order Server and Lack of Roleplayers

    Quote Originally Posted by Raptress View Post
    It's less the lack of build up in these cases as it is the relatively low level of skill that usually accompanies the "insta-evil" type characters. If someone wants to make a character that has a full, well-thought-out backstory on day one, then more power to them.

    The conflicts start happening when well-established and well-thought-out darker characters start getting crap about their characters because another evil character that's not played very well is annoying everybody else.

    It's almost always with evil or dark characters that this conflict arises. In my opinion, the biggest reason is that it takes a great deal more skill to play an evil character in a way that does not start to grate on everyone's nerves. Which is why it annoys the "vet RPers" with evil characters when one of these "insta-evil" characters pops up: because they are going to get some of the blame for that aggravation.

    Wouldn't anyone be annoyed if they started getting crap for things they didn't do, but someone somewhat similar to them did? That's the basis of discrimination, right there, but few seem to think twice about lumping all evil characters together.
    While i do understand there will be people who will play a char bad or mary sue themsleves to hell and back, or force their rp on a communuty on joining order.
    I know types like these can cause some damage. HOWEVER. its more the community at fault if they are jumping on a well establish well thought out character. If said character is well establish that means that char is well known. And if the community is going to sterotype an action on x type of char because some new out of the blue person decided to mock or play their char bad, is well bad on the communities part. well establish chars , thus well known whithin the community should not be pushed around by the community that way. Hence i can see the community at real fault here especially of other types of chars are bushed and problems ignored if some joe comes and plays that type of char bad.

    It just sounds more of a community that seeks control on x or y types of chars. Especially if well establish chars have been targeted due to playing x type.

    i see it as this. well established char is a lets say Mummy dragon. the story behind said char is well known within the community. thus many people know the player. Here comes Joe, like the idea, Rolled a "mummy dragon" forced rp, gave some of the community hell causes the community to go against"mummy dragons" and gives the well known and established player hell.
    just bad.

    In your words you say this affects mostly those "evil, dark types" Thus i can easly assume if someone played a "nice dragon or biped race very bad, this action would have been ignored most of the times and that "nice race" is not looked down at ect.

    That is really a community problem right there, smells downright that there are some who want to control how rp is done.

    I may be wrong but that is how im picking it up right now. I just go by the many should never be judged by the action of the few.

  12. #32

    Default Re: Order Server and Lack of Roleplayers

    That is really a community problem right there, smells downright that there are some who want to control how rp is done
    I think putting it into "they just want to control how RP is done" is making it seem too black or white.

    I also think this blurrs into "Is the evil character lore-plausible", and thus bleeds into the "Are these RPers ok with lore-bending or lore-breaking or "what the heck is lore?" RP"

    So many times (not always) when I see the "evil dragons" they are beings that simply don't exist in Istarian'Dragon world. So then it becomes not just a question of wether or not the person is RPing in a good way or even if their character back story is 200 pages long - it becomes a call as to wether they are around people who will simply accept that the character can exist.

    Some players will, some won't, and some will accept variations on a theme...

    And if a person is RPing that "questionable lore" character in a public forum vs. a private guild or group of friends - then they are more likely (I would say) to come across peole who just don't want to RP with someone who can't exist. And so they won't interact rather than interact and possibly make people mad (I.e. their characters don't believe the other character, or hteir characters are ignoring them because they can't exist or however else you can RP with a character that to your character in IC doesn't exist..).

    I think people find it easier to RP a "evil character" by making them a blight dragon, or a vampire dragon, or a demon dragon, or a someotherbreed-dragon here. But then you run into the conflict of perhaps others just aren't responding to your RP because they don't agree with the character concept...

    Just yesterday I found myself squirming in dragon chat not because the RP was bad, or annoying, or anything but plesant. I was squirming because I wasn't sure how I could continue to RP politely with at least two creatures whom IC - 1-would not exist in Istaria and 2-would be KOS to Frith if they were indeed how they were describing themselves. I didnt' want to cause any issues so I just didn't interact with those characters and let others in the room RP directly with them.

    Its not that I'm against evil characters at all (I've had blighted dragons in guild with me and Frith has been driven insane by a blight-essence in the brain before), its just that it seems the vast majority of them are played by characters who shoudln't exist in the first place. Now they can have a year long-RP story they've developed where it all makes sense - that's great. But the person on the other side of the chatroom who wasn't involved in that year-long development doesn't know that.

    And thus the "well developed/played" characters get lumped in with the "wth?" characters, and pepole just throw up their hands and go "screw all blight dragons" or "screw all demon dragons"

    I think the real challenge, where you see the really good RPers, are those playing Evil characters that still fit within the Istarian Lore. Its just rare that you find those. I've seen only a handful in my entire existance in Istaria, but they were fun to be around.

    There's also a line between "evil character who can still be accepted and interact with others" and "evil character who is so evil that noone wants to even talk to them". Sometimes players (both OOC and IC) go too far with their "evil" and just turn into downright JERKS that turn everyone off from their interactions. Then the evil character gets angry that people don't want to be around them - wihtout accepting that its the natural consequences to their way of RP.

    Which is a whole other rant - "people accepting the natural consequences of their RP"...zomg don't get me started on THAT one .

    Oh and Akrion, while I feel your pain - I too have put forth great effort time and time again to not only start RP up, but to continue it, and to be involved in others RP - I just can't agree with the "well noone else works as hard as me to get into RP so why should I RP with you/include them/or even try" attitude that I seem to read from what you said.

    I try and try - and then when that falls flat. I keep trying. But that's me - I crave RP but I don't have the schedule (anymore) that allows me to really login night after night to run with a single-group of Rpers developing a storyline. So I'm gonna keep trying to create and support and build RP whereever possible.

    And when I stop, I'll quit the game. Because there's no other reason for me to play anymore if I can't PLAY Frith.
    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
    Iea has returned.

  13. #33

    Default Re: Order Server and Lack of Roleplayers

    I'd surely enjoy to RP with you, Frith-Rae, if you want
    I have personally no problem about the idea to make my RP character interact with an evil one.

  14. #34

    Default Re: Order Server and Lack of Roleplayers

    Quote Originally Posted by Frith-Rae View Post
    Oh and Akrion, while I feel your pain - I too have put forth great effort time and time again to not only start RP up, but to continue it, and to be involved in others RP - I just can't agree with the "well noone else works as hard as me to get into RP so why should I RP with you/include them/or even try" attitude that I seem to read from what you said.
    To me it's as simple as; If someone who talks about not having RP/feeling ignored/whatever doesn't care enough to even try making an effort to join in my RP that I'm intentionally stretching to make it as join-able as possible just for reason "*excuse*", then I'm going to quickly stop bothering.

    Through almost all of 09, I had to constantly push my character forward into RPs to get him any. I was always having to think of some way and reason why my character would be getting involved, sometimes it took a few days to a week to put out some really solid reasoning. But accomplish it I did, and there wasn't any roleplay I couldn't get my character a major part of. So any reason someone gives for why they can't join an RP, to me, sounds like nothing but excuses.

    For a brief example, one character had a seething hatred for Sslik Bloodmages. By all logic and reasoning Akrion, who is my Sslik Bloodmage, should have never gotten into any deep RP with said character because he'd be avoided so much. I could have easily used that for an excuse to why Akrion couldn't RP with them. But alas, even though it took just over 6 months to gradually push him closer, Akrion is not only in consistent RP with the character but has become one of the characters closest friends. Now when I hear from someone reasons why their character couldn't even say a word to the confrontation RP that Raptress and I brought into DC, perhaps you can understand why I see it as nothing but an excuse.

    It's good to know that you keep trying to get people more RP whenever given the chance, Frith, but for me I find it hard to keep trying after a while and eventually just turn back to where I know I can get it without being aggravated by, well, excuses. x3 I still go into DC, but it might be a while before I make another active effort to open my RP as much as possible let alone even have an RP that I could do it so well with. I've been seeing an increase of initiative from some people lately, so that's good news at the very least.

  15. #35
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    Default Re: Order Server and Lack of Roleplayers

    Quote Originally Posted by Zanukk Sytheclaw View Post
    its more the community at fault if they are jumping on a well establish well thought out character.
    Indeed, it is. The player that made the badly-RPed evil character isn't really to blame for that, it's just that they started the problem, and as soon as any vet RPer tries to assist that player with making that character better, less annoying, more accepted, etc., that vet RPer gets jumped on for trying to "control someone else's RP" and gets called a hypocrite for having a similarly dark character.

    The whole point I was trying to make is that that's one of those reasons that a number of experienced RPers just don't bother very much with trying to kickstart DC or teach new players how to RP better. Because we get jumped on, and if the community's going to do that, why bother trying to give apparently unwanted help?

    Quote Originally Posted by Zanukk Sytheclaw View Post
    In your words you say this affects mostly those "evil, dark types" Thus i can easly assume if someone played a "nice dragon or biped race very bad, this action would have been ignored most of the times and that "nice race" is not looked down at ect.
    That is often true. The reason, I think, is because evil characters stir up drama. Drama can either make RP exciting or it can make it very aggravating. The line is thin, and an inexperienced RPer is more likely to stir up the wrong kind of drama.

    Quote Originally Posted by Frith-Rae View Post
    I also think this blurrs into "Is the evil character lore-plausible", and thus bleeds into the "Are these RPers ok with lore-bending or lore-breaking or "what the heck is lore?" RP"
    Imo, you almost have to be okay with a little lore-bending in this game as oftentimes we're given soooo little to work with. But really, you can't only pick on evil characters with this one. Half the time I see a new hatchling, they're star dragons or have some ability that a normal dragon just wouldn't. Honestly, it's very hard to RP at all in the current game without accepting some lore breaking.

    Besides that, it's not entirely fair to just lump someone who may seem lore-breaking in with "Wth?" characters without knowing some backstory. Perhaps they have a backstory that very adequately explains what they are and why they can exist. So I must say that I don't agree with disregarding someone's RP just because you don't know their backstory that may make sense of things.

    Quote Originally Posted by Frith-Rae View Post
    There's also a line between "evil character who can still be accepted and interact with others" and "evil character who is so evil that noone wants to even talk to them". Sometimes players (both OOC and IC) go too far with their "evil" and just turn into downright JERKS that turn everyone off from their interactions. Then the evil character gets angry that people don't want to be around them - wihtout accepting that its the natural consequences to their way of RP.
    That's another problem with the whole "insta-evil" new character thing, as oftentimes those are made by newer RPers because they think evil is "cool." They don't understand that A) OOC must be kept very separate from IC, B) that an evil character could easily become hated, C) that no one is obligated to get into RP they don't want to, and finally, and this is big, D) that player of that evil character must be willing to either have their character killed or pacified in some manner. An unkillable and/or unstoppable evil gets old past a certain point, and there can be no closure to any RP acts that that character has committed.

    Imo, no one should make an evil (or even very feral) character until they've got some experience and know what they're doing and what to expect, or at the very least, have gained some understanding of the possible consequences and how to make sure that everyone is OOCly okay with their RP.

    That's also a very good thing to remember for anyone RPing anything: make sure that everyone is OOCly okay with the RP. I've seen a lot of "power play" in DC lately, people auto-connecting hits and whatnot. I just try to RP around it, e.g. "So-and-so jumps up and pins [my character] to the ground." and I reply "[My character]'s reflexes are far too fast for So-and-so to catch them offguard like that, and so dodges to the side." Sometimes even that doesn't work, and I have to take it OOC. All I can do then is hope the power-player gets the message, as I daren't step in and say something for fear of getting told off.


    Aegis Shatterer - Scourge of the Scourge - Blight's Own Decay

  16. #36

    Default Re: Order Server and Lack of Roleplayers

    I agree with you Frith (as I often so do, even if I don't say so).

    Additionally, I personally find it unfair that anyone would even have the nerve to insinuate that someone new to RP or less skilled at RP than another is of less value in a public RP channel. Everyone starts somewhere, and skill in any craft (including RP) must be developed. (I am not saying anyone should feel obligated to stay or participate with them, but it just seems a bit elitist to me to rag about them.)

    As for evil characters, I suppose it fair to say that in any community/world, real life or otherwise, some percentage of the population will be evil. (Sadly) There does seem to be an inordinate number of evil characters in our world, (at least to my mind), however. While I would never condescend to god mod another's RP, I do not typically join their RP. Maybe I am the one being elitist here, but I just don't find violence particularly entertaining (nor admirable), and I don't care to engage in it in my recreational activities. (I teach Middle School. I witness enough of that in real life at work each day! )

  17. #37
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    Default Re: Order Server and Lack of Roleplayers

    Quote Originally Posted by aine View Post
    Additionally, I personally find it unfair that anyone would even have the nerve to insinuate that someone new to RP or less skilled at RP than another is of less value in a public RP channel. Everyone starts somewhere, and skill in any craft (including RP) must be developed.
    ...Did someone here say that? I must have missed it. Most of what I'm saying is that it seems to be expected of experienced roleplayers to try to teach newer ones how to get better, but when we try, we get told off, so why bother?

    I never said anything about newer roleplayers being of less worth. We need new blood around here, I want to see new players. The only thing I said anywhere near close to that is that I find it hard to engage in RP in Dragon Chat when so many are inexperienced roleplayers that I can't correct for fear of getting yelled at. :/

    Maybe I am the one being elitist here, but I just don't find violence particularly entertaining (nor admirable)...
    A character doesn't have to be violent to be evil. :P That, and I'm not only talking about pure evil characters in my posts. I'm talking about darker characters, who often get lumped with evil just because they're not out playing with puppies and frolicking in the meadows. You can have a dark character without having a super-villain.

    I don't think violent characters set out to be "admirable" either. Obviously, you're not going to share this opinion, but I personally have no real qualms with violence or its results.. when I think about RP, I think about a more "realistic" world than a world where nothing bad ever happens. I find gritty books much more entertaining than ones that have few conflicts.

    I RP to write an engaging story rather than to kick back and "hang out", I suppose is a more succinct way to put it. Some people, perhaps yourself, enjoy RP as "hanging out" and having few real conflicts, and that's fine. You're perfectly entitled to that. It's just not what I enjoy. Rest assured that I never bring much in the way of violence into public places like Dragon Chat. I know better than to thrust gore into a public place. What I find unfortunate is those people who don't seem to grasp that.


    Aegis Shatterer - Scourge of the Scourge - Blight's Own Decay

  18. #38

    Default Re: Order Server and Lack of Roleplayers

    I don't really have anything new to add, since Raptress and Akrion are already doing an awesome job in setting the facts straight. I thank them both, especially Akrion, for defending the development of characters. (I love you guys <3)

    Indeed, I 100% support the growth and development of characters of any kind, through their experiences in the Istaria world. While yes it is our choice to do so, I'm sorry, but If I continue to see people come in with 'evil' hatchlings, I am going to say something. It isn't fair and it isn't FUN to everyone else who really puts effort into their RP to get where they are today. Also, more developed 'evil' characters tend to be a lot more bearable than insta ones, because they actually have more depth and personality than just angry looks and "I'm better than you and I can kill you with a single swipe" mentalities.

    Quote Originally Posted by Frith-Rae
    Just yesterday I found myself squirming in dragon chat not because the RP was bad, or annoying, or anything but pleasant. I was squirming because I wasn't sure how I could continue to RP politely with at least two creatures whom IC - 1-would not exist in Istaria and 2-would be KOS to Frith if they were indeed how they were describing themselves. I didnt' want to cause any issues so I just didn't interact with those characters and let others in the room RP directly with them.
    As its been stated, things just wouldn't be as fun or fresh if there weren't some lore-breaking here and there. Myself and many of my friends have characters who don't abide by Istaria's lore completely, but they're by far the ones whom I have the most fun RolePlaying with, and almost all of them are developed and believable characters.

    However, I understand your frustration and disturbance, and to a point I even feel it myself... I've seen far too many "Wolf" dragons lately, and other creatures that are just a little -too- unbelievable for Istaria, and it makes me cringe. Despite my character's differences to true Istarian dragons, I RP her in a way that, for the most part, makes her seem just like any other dragon, just a bit... quirkier. Returning to my point, this is why myself and others have often stepped in to say "Hey, maybe you should give your character a bit more thought before you throw them into the public", because quite frankly I think its a miracle my character isn't twice as insane after seeing all the "Freaks" and oddities that have passed by. Not only that, but as I've stressed many times before, the quality of RP that we all have available to us in DC and around the game's world, is extremely important. I'm tired of being around blight, wolf, 'dark' dragons all the time. I do honestly think this is among the many reasons why you hardly see the more advanced RPers in public anymore, we want SUBSTANCE, we want something tasteful and immersive. Not the same old stuff we're being fed at an increasing rate. We 'hardcore' RPers need a more balanced diet =O

    Quote Originally Posted by Aine
    Additionally, I personally find it unfair that anyone would even have the nerve to insinuate that someone new to RP or less skilled at RP than another is of less value in a public RP channel. Everyone starts somewhere, and skill in any craft (including RP) must be developed.
    Who said they were of less value? All that was said, from what I've read here so far, was that its frustrating to have to deal with RPers that godmode and don't listen when you tell them its rude, or when your only choice of RP is the hatchling controlled by the devil himself to the left, or the Super Saiyan hatchling to the right. Thats why other players step in and try to 'control' the situation, to help the new RPer learn and make it a better experience for everyone.

    Moreover, -I- personally find it unfair that someone would have the nerve to step in and kill the RP between other people because they don't personally have a taste for it, when good RP is already scarce as it is, but I think we're all a little guilty of some form of selfish interference in other's gameplay, aren't we, Aine?

    I'll end my post by saying that if any new RolePlayer in the game truly wanted to learn and better develope their skills, they would listen to us vets and more advanced RPers rather than act like spoiled 6 year olds and throw our advice back into our faces, as they so often do.

  19. #39

    Default Re: Order Server and Lack of Roleplayers

    Well, my name was mentioned, so I guess I'll take a swing too.

    The main reason I'm not around is mostly because of training. I just don't have the time or the energy to come around as often as I used to. And to be honest, successfully finishing my training is more important to me than any kind of "RP" I'll find these days. (I still love you, Xeffer. :P )

    However... the other reason I'm not around as much is about the same as Akrion and Nam's. I went through that nasty little spectacle, and I have no desire to do it again. I also don't have the patience. I am sorry, but the military has taken away whatever niceness and politeness I had. What I have left is reserved for friends and people who deserve it. We earn stuff like that in my world. (And it's something as simple as a push-up. If you can do basic PT or at least make a dang good attempt despite whatever physical injury you're suffering from, you're a "hooah" soldier and will get treated with more respect than the slacker-punk who thinks he's too cool to do menial tasks.)

    Other than that little bit, I echo everything that Akrion, Raptress, Nambroth, and Xeffer said.

  20. #40

    Default Re: Order Server and Lack of Roleplayers

    Quote Originally Posted by ScaleIron View Post
    Well, my name was mentioned, so I guess I'll take a swing too.

    The main reason I'm not around is mostly because of training. I just don't have the time or the energy to come around as often as I used to. And to be honest, successfully finishing my training is more important to me than any kind of "RP" I'll find these days. (I still love you, Xeffer. :P )

    However... the other reason I'm not around as much is about the same as Akrion and Nam's. I went through that nasty little spectacle, and I have no desire to do it again. I also don't have the patience. I am sorry, but the military has taken away whatever niceness and politeness I had. What I have left is reserved for friends and people who deserve it. We earn stuff like that in my world. (And it's something as simple as a push-up. If you can do basic PT or at least make a dang good attempt despite whatever physical injury you're suffering from, you're a "hooah" soldier and will get treated with more respect than the slacker-punk who thinks he's too cool to do menial tasks.)

    Other than that little bit, I echo everything that Akrion, Raptress, Nambroth, and Xeffer said.
    One of these days, I will be able to catch your character with mine. x3 I've not given up! >

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