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Thread: Istaria - The Comic?

  1. #1
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    Post Istaria - The Comic?

    I know that Istaria is needing some help on the advertising issues, getting its name out there and such so that the company can make enough money to keep the game running and yatta.

    Well, I was sitting back thinking about how they have the help advertise the game through youtube, blogs, twitters, and so on. Then I sat here, looked at my writer(who I dragged into the game and she is my best friend(near twin)) and said, " know, why don't we do a comic about Istaria?"

    She and I you see are working on a online comic right now(one we may publish later) and we are gonna be doing another fan comic on the Megaman X to Zero universe.
    So the idea of doing a fantasy is very appealing to me and I've always been asked by people to do a comic with dragons since I can doodle them so easily(though I hate drawing the scales at times).

    I am not sure what the comic will be on, but probably along the lines of a group of adventures roaming around Istaria's world and in attempt to remove the blight from a section of the world, or something.
    I'm pretty sure will figure out something.

    Anyhow, I like to see what people think of this idea and if anyone is willing to contribute some lore for my writer to read over, so she can get a better idea of how the game's story works and so on.
    I also wanted to make sure it was ok with the company behind Istaria if I do this, since I know it is copyrighted to them, and though I would make no money off this(and I never ask to make money off it), if they give their ok.

    If you guys like to see some of my art..

    and the comic I am currently working on: (Yes, I update slowly, but this is because I am a a one art band and I take care of a ill mother)

  2. #2

    Default Re: Istaria - The Comic?

    Ooh, and Istaria webcomic could be really cool... but you'll need to be really careful about copyright boundaries since you'd be using their name and potentially some of the NPC characters. For my book, I ran it through Virtrium to make sure they were OK with it before it could be published, and it took *a lot* of editing/rewrite. I love the concept though, and I'd imagine that if you updated it often enough that it could qualify for the "spread the word" program.

    For the comic you are currently working on, can you put a direct link to the start of it somewhere on your home page? It seemed like a bunch of steps for me to get there. Nothing like a good chase scene to start things off... I'm curious now to learn what all is going on. Who was that guy, and who are the ones who intervened? Guess I'll have to follow it to find out, eh? ;-) Good start! :-)

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Istaria - The Comic?

    Yea, that is why I am kinda hoping one of the guys from VI will take a look here on the thread, but i guess if I don't hear from them by end of March, i'll email them and bother.

    Also thank you for the compliment. ^^ Mostly have to give it to my writer, she does a great job with the writting so I can easily translate what she is doing to art (since she doesn't write in script, but in story form so that she can write it with her vision of what is going on, and I can script it in my mind from what she sees by word to my form of art).
    I will also look into maybe doing that with the site as well. A few people have stated this, so I guess I need to give it the good ol' overhall! (It is also my first webcomic, so I'm learning alot of things o.o)

    But yea, I'll wait on to see what VI has to say, but I still like to hear what other fans of Istaria think of this and willing to drop some lore, at least that way if VI does give the ok, we got us a timeline.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Istaria - The Comic?

    I did find the wiki which I noticed has a load of lore and history on it, so we can probably snag much of the information we need there.

    I still like to hear more from the community of Istaria on this idea and hopefully, I will hear from the owners as well.

    Hate to have to track you guys down and poke with a stick.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Istaria - The Comic?

    I think this would be a wonderful idea! I would love to see a comic done by a fellow player. Good luck with this.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Istaria - The Comic?

    Awesome! I would love to see some Istaria related comics! I myself have been working on some fan comics. here`s a quick sketch of one or my main characters
    Attached Images Attached Images

  7. #7

    Default Re: Istaria - The Comic?

    i like that, Darkwing_Duck :-)

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Istaria - The Comic?

    Darkwing duck> That is cute. X3

    Cassira> And thank you as well. We have an idea already in order, mostly a small team with at least ofcorse one dragon who will start out as a hatchling and in the corse of the story kinda grow up. We also already talked about one scene, which is me attempting to poke fun at all the dragons who love to hang out ontop of those straw-roofed houses, because seriously, I doubt those could hold a Dragons wieght for long. >.>
    Also plan to make sure this group is all gifted and the story sorta explains what exactly are the gifted as well, since a few bits of information on that got lost on me somewhere in the game till I researched it up.

    So, we got plans, just have to get a few things in order.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Istaria - The Comic?

    For copyright reasons something like this needs to be discussed offline, rather than in a forum thread. The best thing to do would be to put together some samples and a formal proposal and submit them through the support system as a 'Community Issues'-type item. I can't promise anything, of course, but this does sound like a fun project.
    Klaus Wulfenbach
    Mithril Council, Chaos
    "Death is fleeting. Pride is forever."

    "Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it."-- Abraham Lincoln

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Istaria - The Comic?

    Quote Originally Posted by LaughingOtter View Post
    For copyright reasons something like this needs to be discussed offline, rather than in a forum thread. The best thing to do would be to put together some samples and a formal proposal and submit them through the support system as a 'Community Issues'-type item. I can't promise anything, of course, but this does sound like a fun project.
    Thanks for getting back to me on this and I understand. Though, as I stated, I expect no money out of this since for my own comic it takes me sometimes a month to two months in order to get one page out. (isn't easy working on the art end of things by ones own self).

    But I see what I can do and I do expect it to be a fun project since drawing is my thing and what better to draw, then a world already created where the concept of drawing something on scene is to go there in the game itself. XD

    I'll see what I can do then and Thanks again.

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