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Thread: Heyall!

  1. #1

    Default Heyall!

    Noo not back, just wandering the airwaves, although I am admittedly bored of all the other games I've played.

    At present I'm tinkering with a trial account on the side to weigh the options. See I've always been strong on the adventuring/killing side of things and while years ago I was big on RP, ... not so much any more, and my dragon's been 100/100(/84?) since practically the beginning.

    In other words he's BORED! So that makes it hard for this place to be a good choice to come back to!

    Oh sure I could create other alts, and I do have a few, but I've always stuck with one 'main' and the last time I re-joined Istaria about all I ever did was laircraft. (Oh yes, and built a confectioners shop right at bristugo too) But I could never really find anyone around to hunt with very often.

    I'm playing STO right now but I can clearly see that it will quickly fall into the 'exceptionally repetitive' scenario. (How many different ways can you change space combat so it feels 'new' every time, after all?) So I will no doubt have to find some other game, and fairly soon!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Heyall!

    Wait a min brother

    Istaria wants YOU

    Have you already played Dralkoks Doom?
    Does Mal have all those nice new dragon goodies, played all new quests?
    The dragon epic spell?
    Doesen`t you biped want to go through the miracles of the t2 revamp that is just patching??

    Our guild is growing, and you will find some old and new faces there.
    So come on- send me a tell when you are on, and I explain all to you
    Or better- come in our guild chat- and we all do
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  3. #3

    Default Re: Heyall!

    Well, when it comes to 'games I've come back to with a vengeance' I have to admit this has always been at the top of the list.

    Of course, I would pick the one time when they decide to install a patch that has Order down until Thursday!!

    Well, I guess this is as good a time to try out my feelers on Chaos then! Assuming it ever lets me in!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Heyall!


    You need to come back!

    ..PLEASE D:

    Sheriff of the Order Roleplay Police Squad

  5. #5

    Default Re: Heyall!


    You'd better get your arse back in-game, you have many, many hunting trips to take me on to make up for your abscence! >:U

  6. #6
    Member C`gan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Acul, Trandalar and Tagath's in Mala, Genevia Island

    Default Re: Heyall!

    You'd be surprised at Tagath's progress, Malendryn. For only a 69 hatchling, he's mingling it up with mithril golems and winning.
    C`gan Weyrsinger, blue Tagath's rider, WorldProjects Team Lead Emeritus
    Tagath, blue Lunus "for the breath weapon"
    Located in sunny Acul on Trandalar, Order shard

  7. #7

    Default Re: Heyall!

    I ... donno, I hopped back in, hooked up with some long time friends of many years and ... got a considerably less than warm welcome, for all the wrong reasons. They seem to have taken the concept of 'Roleplay' and extended it a good long ways past basic reality, such that it isn't even possible to joke with them on a totally OOC level without someone taking offense in an IC way.

    One of them offered a very interesting suggestion though, maybe it is time I switched to Chaos, or just up and leave and never look back. Sad that it came from the maw of one of my dearest and earliest friends but it left me with a very hurtful and hollow impression of the way things are nowadays.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Heyall!

    I dont`t know what to say brother

    So sorry that you`ve experienced Istaria like that.
    You are another victim of Order`s oh so wonderful rp.
    Not the first and not the last one.
    But I`m sick and tired to comment on this issue.

    I did not see you in "our" channels
    Maybe you want give it another try, and play with "us"
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  9. #9

    Unhappy Re: Heyall!

    Hello, I'm saddened to see that an old istarian player hasn't got a warm welcome, but I'm sure there is a large part who'd enjoy to play with you, Malendryn.
    For my part, I'm open to RP with you, if you want.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Heyall!

    Quote Originally Posted by Malendryn View Post
    I ... donno, I hopped back in, hooked up with some long time friends of many years and ... got a considerably less than warm welcome, for all the wrong reasons. They seem to have taken the concept of 'Roleplay' and extended it a good long ways past basic reality, such that it isn't even possible to joke with them on a totally OOC level without someone taking offense in an IC way.

    One of them offered a very interesting suggestion though, maybe it is time I switched to Chaos, or just up and leave and never look back. Sad that it came from the maw of one of my dearest and earliest friends but it left me with a very hurtful and hollow impression of the way things are nowadays.
    ...I thought we went over this, Malendryn. You seem to have gotten this out of context again. Everything that was said and done was taken OOCly.

    From what I remember, we discussed things civilly when it was made clear that your joking was just pushing it a bit too far and had become uncomfortable. I'd -thought- we had resolved this. :/ It seemed to me, when I left, that amends had been made and the misunderstanding was clarified. Apparently I thought wrong. That's unfortunate.

    Anyway. Whatever you choose to do, I hope you'll enjoy yourself. It was nice talking to you when the opportunity was there.

    Lovwyrm: So few people focus so entirely on the few bad aspects of RP (and this doesn't even have to do with it) that the good points are ignored. Close friends are made via RP. Good times, jokes, and luaghs are made through RP. RP exercises creativity and explores new ways of thinking and promotes social interaction. It's a shame that the few negative points are dragged into the light as soon as someone mentions the word in a foul color.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Heyall!

    Ahh, with you and with most of them it was, but not with everyone. I'm betting my logs still have the entry that suggested I switch to chaos, or leave alltogether. I wasnt commenting on the resolution of the problem. I was commenting on the fact the problem surfaced at all!

    The thing is, a few years ago, this kind of thing was never a problem. Nowadays things are considerably different, and I just don't see myself as being 'compatible' with things the way they are in Istaria today. What's really odd about it is my style of RP is considerably cooled off and more mellow than it was years ago too. And in general my OOC follows suit. Something like this would've never been an issue 'back then'.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Heyall!

    Quote Originally Posted by LOVWYRM View Post
    So sorry that you`ve experienced Istaria like that.
    You are another victim of Order`s oh so wonderful rp.
    Not the first and not the last one.
    But I`m sick and tired to comment on this issue.
    This wasn't at all the case as there was no RP for there to be a victim of, everything happened entirely out of character.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hraefn View Post
    ...I thought we went over this, Malendryn. You seem to have gotten this out of context again. Everything that was said and done was taken OOCly.

    From what I remember, we discussed things civilly when it was made clear that your joking was just pushing it a bit too far and had become uncomfortable. I'd -thought- we had resolved this. :/ It seemed to me, when I left, that amends had been made and the misunderstanding was clarified. Apparently I thought wrong. That's unfortunate.
    I thought this was resolved as well, especially after I played the middle man to calm things down on one of the ends while you settled things in the channel.

    Quote Originally Posted by Malendryn View Post
    Ahh, with you and with most of them it was, but not with everyone. I'm betting my logs still have the entry that suggested I switch to chaos, or leave alltogether. I wasnt commenting on the resolution of the problem. I was commenting on the fact the problem surfaced at all!
    I'm sure our logs have the same entry that suggested you switch to Chaos. What I recall happened, and I know I'm not the only one that will, is said person suggested you might have a better time in Chaos since you were saying that you don't RP much anymore and were only really around now to hunt.

    Anything this person would of said about you leaving altogether would have come after you cussed them, who you considered your closest friend in Istaria, into the ground.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Heyall!

    Quote Originally Posted by Akrion View Post
    Anything this person would of said about you leaving altogether would have come after you cussed them, who you considered your closest friend in Istaria, into the ground.
    ... I did? I'd love to see a copy of where I did this. Especially where I did this before it was even suggested that I leave alltogether! I remember everything about this conversation occurring in a pretty civil manner in fact.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Heyall!

    Malendryn, I think that the fact that you don't RP much now doesn't mean you should have to leave the order shard. There is a large part of players not RPing there, like on the 'happy hunt' channel.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Heyall!

    Thy Lung

    I really would ask with all politeness: Pls do not tell players (who have/make probs with rp) to leave order or even the game.
    This is not the way to make our game grow.
    As long as VI does not say other: Order is a shard for everyone, not esp. for roleplayers. Telling folks to switch to another shard or leave- is bad for the business, and the reputation of all of us.

    Besides that- I do not wait for the opportunity to talk bad about Order`s rp.
    I want us all to have fun and enjoyment with our friends in Istaria.
    I do not judge who is right or wrong (if that is possible at all)
    but fact is, that I lost too much friends (and meanwhile I can`t count them anymore) to rp-drama of all kinds. It does not matter to me if the prob was discussed within or without brackets.
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  16. #16

    Default Re: Heyall!

    Lov - You're judging by talking poorly about RP almost every time the situation is brought up. It does matter if it was or was not about RP, because you're pinning yet another mis-hap on it.

    Add to that that you weren't involved in the situation and saw nothing of it - or so far as I know. Sure. Offer your sympathies and well wishings, but maybe all the bad talk could be left out of it in spite of your spite and bias towards it.

    This nonsense should not have been brought to the forums in the first place for other people to badger on. RP or none, it was a failure of communication. That happens just as much between people who never RP.

    Shiney, happy perfection is -never- going to happen in this world with the way human beings are. No one can please everyone, but if you're going to point out every nasty detail you can every chance you get, I'd hope you could see the better ones and maybe recognize them somewhere in the scorn.

    Unfortunately, it's always the bad everyone remembers and the better points are forgotten in temper.

    Once again Mal (and everyone else who's shoving their nose in this) it's all the more preferred that you stay. It was only ever mentioned and suggested in a KIND, though slightly disheartened, way, that perhaps what you're looking for would be more readily available on Chaos.

    I apologize for my rough demeanor, but I find it upsetting that something of this sort was made a public business.

  17. #17

    Question Re: Heyall!

    Quote Originally Posted by Hraefn View Post
    ...Lovwyrm: So few people focus so entirely on the few bad aspects of RP (and this doesn't even have to do with it) that the good points are ignored. Close friends are made via RP. Good times, jokes, and luaghs are made through RP. RP exercises creativity and explores new ways of thinking and promotes social interaction. It's a shame that the few negative points are dragged into the light as soon as someone mentions the word in a foul color.
    I won't come back on the topic of the experienced roleplayers staying away from the ones who annoy them. But... can you tell me, then, how you can get new close friends, explore new ways of thinking and promote social interaction, while staying away from others, OoCly as well?

  18. #18

    Default Re: Heyall!

    I find it sad that anyone who was not interested in RP would be suggested they go to Chaos. Order is good for non-rpers as well. It certianly isnt prevelent enough that you HAVE to RP to play on Order.

    But the player count is larger on Chaos, so there may be easier ways of hunting there. I wouldn't know, I"m not high enough for the group content at the "end game" and I can pretty much play solo as I wish otherwise.

    But Mal I'm sorry you felt unwelcome, regardless of who or what the reason was. I'd encourage you to try again on Order but I understand the sentiment you're expressing. I've been going back and forth myself on leaving these last few months out of boredom and lack of productive RP...:/
    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
    Iea has returned.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Heyall!

    Quote Originally Posted by LOVWYRM View Post
    Order is a shard for everyone, not esp. for roleplayers. Telling folks to switch to another shard or leave- is bad for the business, and the reputation of all of us.
    Quote Originally Posted by LungTien Temeraire View Post
    Malendryn, I think that the fact that you don't RP much now doesn't mean you should have to leave the order shard. There is a large part of players not RPing there, like on the 'happy hunt' channel.
    Quote Originally Posted by LungTien Temeraire View Post
    I won't come back on the topic of the experienced roleplayers staying away from the ones who annoy them. But... can you tell me, then, how you can get new close friends, explore new ways of thinking and promote social interaction, while staying away from others, OoCly as well?
    Quote Originally Posted by Frith-Rae View Post
    I find it sad that anyone who was not interested in RP would be suggested they go to Chaos. Order is good for non-rpers as well. It certianly isnt prevelent enough that you HAVE to RP to play on Order.
    Will all of the above please go into detail about what happened? As I would love to see it since you guys seem to be responding with such clear cut opinions on the matter, so I assume you must then know all of what happened to be able to come to such positions in the matter. Though in reality I've got the feeling that you, in fact, do not. Which leads me to wonder why judgment has already been made about the situation.

    I've already gone out of my way attempting to personally resolve the issue on one side of this mess (As it was the only side I was able to do so with) and I don't know what's irking me more, the fact that such a personal matter (That I thought was resolved the day it happened) has been brought public in the first place, or the fact that there are people now making stances and picking sides on an issue they absolutely no knowledge of in the first place. Either way I'm now annoyed because prejudice is now pushing people into the 'bad side' (When, if you had ANY idea of what happened, you would know that there is no 'bad side' in this situation).
    Last edited by Akrion; March 8th, 2010 at 09:48 PM.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Washington, land of shivering in June.

    Default Re: Heyall!

    For Malendryn:

    I harbor no ire towards you, Malendryn. I see what happened as what it was: a misunderstanding. They happen. The choice to leave is your own, so if you're already set on it then I doubt anything I say will change your mind, but realize that it is your choice. It would be sad to see someone write Istaria off because of what happened one night.. it's not as if I haven't seen friends quarrel to the point where they don't speak to each other for a while before making up and becoming friends again.

    For Everyone Who Was Not There:

    Quote Originally Posted by LOVWYRM View Post
    I do not judge who is right or wrong (if that is possible at all)
    but fact is, that I lost too much friends (and meanwhile I can`t count them anymore) to rp-drama of all kinds. It does not matter to me if the prob was discussed within or without brackets.
    It doesn't matter to you whether it was IC or OOC, but it seems to follow that it also doesn't matter to you that you know almost nothing about what happened. The issue that Malendryn is bringing up here has absolutely nothing to do with RP. Not one thing. RP is not involved in any way, shape, or form.

    There was a big misunderstanding when some joking around went really, really awry. Harsh words were exchanged between both Malendryn and his close friend. It was not just Malendryn getting it. He is not some victim of "You don't RP? Get off our server."

    Malendryn's friend did suggest that he transfer to Chaos. I'm not that friend, so I cannot say if it was a totally placid suggestion or not, but it was not phrased unkindly. Malendryn however did blow up at this friend, to the point that she logged out of the game that night.

    Let me repeat this: This was a mutual exchange of harsh words, a mutual failure of communication.

    Please. If you were not there, you do not know what happened. Please refrain from passing judgment.

    Forgive me for my tone. The fact that this has been brought public and people who know nothing of what transpired are commenting on the matter (some of them even making some others look like the bad guys, when there are no bad guys in this issue) is.. quite annoying to me.


    Aegis Shatterer - Scourge of the Scourge - Blight's Own Decay

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