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Thread: Issues with Storage Structures

  1. #1

    Default Issues with Storage Structures

    I've been having a reoccurring issue with non responsive storage structures that began since the first smaller patch to the Chaos server. I decided to wait until the larger patch had been applied and test it again before reporting the issue. It's happened again multiple times this morning.

    I've only had this issue happen in guild towns. It has happened with all types of storage houses - silos, libraries, guildhouses and tents.

    There are times when I need to access a number of different storage structures across our guild towns. Often, I can open two or three storage structures just fine, interact with them and do everything normally. But after a short period of time, if I try to open another silo or guild house, they are completely unresponsive -- I cannot click on them to target. I cannot double click to open. It is as if the structure does not even exist. I can, however, go back to a silo I've previously opened and use that without an issue.

    Sometimes recalling and coming back to the previously untarget-able structure works. But more often, I have to completely log out of the game to be able to open any other structures. I can travel to different plots and different guild towns, and none of the structures can be targeted or opened.
    Often, I may have to log in and out of the game multiple times just to access 5 or 6 storage structures!

    I'm not sure if anyone else has had this happen. I do know that I never had this issue prior to the patch and now it is happening every time I need to access multiple storage structures. Clearing the cache and doing a full scan hasn't helped.

    Thoughts or suggestions are appreciated! Thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Washington, land of shivering in June.

    Default Re: Issues with Storage Structures

    I did have that happen once some months ago with one particular silo on a plot right next to Aughundell, again, on Order. Same problem as described: could not click on the structure, as if it did not exist. It only ever happened with that one silo though, nothing that widespread.


    Aegis Shatterer - Scourge of the Scourge - Blight's Own Decay

  3. #3

    Default Re: Issues with Storage Structures

    Experiencing exactly the same issue here. Also Chaos server.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Issues with Storage Structures

    i can attest to this as well. i cannot pinpoint the cause, and it isn't a certain plot. it seems rather random as to which plot will become 'ghost'.
    you cannot interact with any structure on said plot, and can walk thru them, almost as if they haven't finished loading. the only solution i have found thus far to fix it is to relog. chaos server as well

  5. #5

    Default Re: Issues with Storage Structures

    Best i can come up with so far is 'human' type buildings, dwarf houses, saris houses etc always seem to work fine for me. alch buildings and mills go out too, they have the same look as human GH's

  6. #6

    Default Re: Issues with Storage Structures

    I have the same probelm, no matter what racial kind of building it is. After a certain point -all- buildings that load have a "ghost" issue. I, too can walk through them as if they are not there. So far, I have only seen this happen in the guild towns.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Issues with Storage Structures

    Are you running the game with the loading screen turned off?

    It could be you aren't allowing enough time for the zone to load. This can be a problem particularly in densely built up areas, and the plots right nex to aughundell battlefield (if they are all built up on your shard) fits the bill, for example.

    Next time this happens, give it a minute and try again. It sounds like your world cache isn't fully loading.

    Dev's working on client issues have pointed out that leaving an area before it has fully loaded can cause issues... perhaps this is happening in a zone where you arrived, loading screen is off, you teleport or recall away before everything fully loads, come back and begin trying to interact with silos, issue occurs.

    Turn your loading screen on, relog, and see if the issue still happens.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Issues with Storage Structures

    It's not loading screen, at least not in my case. I have it turned on.

    The problem is just specific storage structures, and I have waited over an hour at times, trying to select a silo every few mins before giving up and relogging. There is no pattern to it that I can discern.

    Agree its probably a cache bug, but how to fix it? that's the question. I Clear my cache every day, both manually and through the patcher

  9. #9

    Default Re: Issues with Storage Structures

    Hmm. Try not clearing it so often. I only clear mine when they mention it is needed in patch notes.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Issues with Storage Structures

    I keep the loading screen on as well and do not clear my cache unless I'm really having issues. I did clear it for the big patch (deleted the whole folder as instructed). Still have the same problem.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Issues with Storage Structures

    I am having this issue as well. If it helps to figure things out, I can tell you that one toon logged on, from one computer can experience the 'ghost structure', while another toon, logged on from another computer at the same time can access the same structure normally.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Issues with Storage Structures

    Don't mean to revive an old post, but I did want to follow up to say this issue is still an issue for me, as of today. I continue to have to log out of the game pretty much any time I wish to use storage on guild community plots. This happens with more than one character on the account, too. So it's not just limited to my main.

    Any thoughts would be appreciated!

  13. #13

    Default Re: Issues with Storage Structures

    I havent encountered this bug so I can't say for sure whats causing it.

    Have you logged a support ticket? I've read thru the entire thread and I can't see any mention of a ticket being logged?
    Chaos Shard
    Scarlet Dawn

  14. #14

    Default Re: Issues with Storage Structures

    Sometimes it happens to me too, a relog seems to solve it.

    Doesn't seem world cache related as storage contents aren't stored in the world cache.
    Dakoren Ironhand - Multiclassed Half-Giant
    Krondel Bloodclaw - Ancient Dragon

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