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Thread: Windows 7

  1. #21

    Default Re: Windows 7

    Quote Originally Posted by Dhalin View Post
    See, thing is, is that not all Windows7 machines screw up -- mine doesn't, other than the TexMem counter.

    I'm starting to think that this is probably a Hardware problem.
    If its a hardware problem you are talking about a large range of devices as there are, as you see, a large range of devices and multiple setups having issues with this.

    Even new PC's with Windows 7 preinstalled on it, ie Agua's laptop or even my own have this issue. If im bored enough ill get an instance of VB to run while playing Horizons and play a bit with the debugger. Saying its the hardware isnt a real excuse seeing the large range of players affected. Telling them to get new hardware aint working either as the setups i've seen here are recent.
    Dakoren Ironhand - Multiclassed Half-Giant
    Krondel Bloodclaw - Ancient Dragon

  2. #22

    Default Re: Windows 7

    Quote Originally Posted by Dakoren Ironhand View Post
    If its a hardware problem you are talking about a large range of devices as there are, as you see, a large range of devices and multiple setups having issues with this.

    Even new PC's with Windows 7 preinstalled on it, ie Agua's laptop or even my own have this issue. If im bored enough ill get an instance of VB to run while playing Horizons and play a bit with the debugger. Saying its the hardware isnt a real excuse seeing the large range of players affected. Telling them to get new hardware aint working either as the setups i've seen here are recent.
    Well, pure logic here.

    Like I said in my last post, if it were the OS itself, then wouldn't *all* computers running that OS have these issues?

    I notice that Most people reporting this, keep mentioning Intel CPUs -- I run AMD myself, on all 3 of my computers. Two of them are Win7 64, and one is WinXP 32.


    Oh, and I never installed AMD Core Optimizer, unless it came bundled with the OS itself. I never really had reason to, to be honest. Both of the Win7 machines have multi-core AMDs (I forget the exact model, I could look it up, but I'm thinking they are quads, or at least one of them is a quad-core).

    I never meant to tell everyone that they should all buy new hardware, or that their hardware was defective. Like I said before, we're running old software on new systems, glitches are bound to happen.

  3. #23
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    Thumbs down Re: Windows 7

    Quote Originally Posted by Guaran View Post
    You can try setting the affinity to a single cpu.
    I have Core2Duo and unfortunely it didn't fixed problem for me.
    Tested today , mobs almost killed me , was far from em but it was so lagged that they were attacking me long after I was far from em, also tried to use refreshing breeze , it took about 2 minutes to use it ...

  4. #24

    Default Re: Windows 7

    Could it be the version of Win 7 that is different for some people? I am using Windows 7 Ultimate (64 bit).

    I run 2 or 3 instances windowed all the time and rarely have any problems. Sometimes if all 3 instances have been porting a lot, it'll get laggy, but relogging clears it up.

    This is on a desktop with an Intel I7 and 8G ram, but I routinely run 2 instances on my laptop which only has 6G ram too.

    Only recurring problem I get is sometimes movement keys get sent to the wrong window, so chars will run off on their own...

  5. #25
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    Default Re: Windows 7

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerech View Post
    Could it be the version of Win 7 that is different for some people? I am using Windows 7 Ultimate (64 bit).
    I was testing on :
    Windows 7 Home Premium x64 and x86
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64 and x86

    was testing also with different drivers for graphic card , network card.

  6. #26

    Default Re: Windows 7

    I have Home Premium installed on two computers, and I played back during Win7 RC1 (I believe the RC was the same as "Ultimate"?), all 64-bit.

    Neither of these 3 setups had any issues.

  7. #27

    Default Re: Windows 7

    after cleaning up my pc a bit game runs a bit better. i have changed the graphic settings a bit i no longer see far as poss even though i wish i could. i got rid of a ton of acer crap like games/ ect other unused programs. and a friend helped me tinker with programs that run upon start up. game still needs relogs but seems to not happen so often.. still some what annoying and pretty regular instead of an hour pry about 2 now.

  8. #28
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    Default Re: Windows 7

    Tried Istaria on Win 7 SP1 and have identical problems as without SP1.
    When new terrain is trying to load from server it totally lags client and new terrain is not downloading , tells and all actions are delayed about 5-10 minutes.
    While "lag meter" shows there are 0 Unacknowledged messages.
    Don't have such lag on Vista SP2.

  9. #29

    Default Re: Windows 7

    Folks in the thread here:

    Please briefly list your issue (or lack thereof) with win7, if you're running in windowed or full screen, where your Istaria install is located (right click the icon on the desktop and look at the 'start in' field), and if you get a "User Account Control" popup for launcher.exe when you run the game.

    Additionally a dxdiag can help determine the hardware/software commonality for an issue. You can get a fresh dxdiag by typing dxdiag into the search bar in the start menu and pressing enter - it will take several moments for the application to step through all of the information, when the 'refresh' bar goes away, click "save all information" and save the file somewhere where you can find it.

    A DxDiag report is safe to post as it's just a list of things in your PC and how they are configured, but please look though it to make sure you're comfortable with folks knowing what is in your PC.

    So, for example:
    Play Istaria for hours - no issues
    Windowed mode
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Istaria"
    UAC popup when running the game
    dxdiag attached

    I'm going to bet it's the amount of ram in the system effecting the length of time someone can play, because win7 is a memory pig and the folks with issues sound like they're running in swap. (technical term for running out of memory and the OS is using the much slower hard drive as additional ram)
    Attached Files Attached Files

  10. #30
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    Default Re: Windows 7

    As I said in earlier posts , Istaria on W7 ( all versions x86 , x64 with and without SP1 )
    is terribly lagged. ( for me )
    Actions in game are delayed even few minutes ( this includes looting , sending tells & other chatting , mob spawning , fighting , simply everything ).
    Usually this happens when terrain is trying to download from server but usually it never loads or a little part will load after very long time.
    Lags also start after playing for about hour then moving to other terrain ( via teleport ).
    I never had this problem on Vista ( can play 24h without any lags ) , either 32 and 64 bit one.
    Also I am playing on windowed mode with UAC disabled.
    Istaria is installed on additional Sata HDD only with games to maximize performance.
    I have 4 GB DDR2 in Dual , usage even on Vista 64 rarely reaches 60 % with Istaria.

    I have tried all tricks I was able to think of when trying to get rid of this Istaria lag on W7.
    That includes :
    - Contacting Istaria support ( they are unable to replicate problem )
    - Network drivers changing ( new and old versions )
    - Trying to play on 3 different network interfaces and internet providers
    - Playing with DEP enabled and disabled
    - Playing with UAC enabled and disabled
    - Running Istaria on only 1 core set manually (affinity)
    - Playing with and without firewall
    - Playing with and without Swap
    - Lot of tricks with TCP settings ( registry fun )
    - Without antivirus at all
    - Messing with transport_client_config.ini
    - Messing with network driver settings
    - Running clean Istaria install
    - Updating Directx & Visual c++ redistributable packs
    - And probably more that I can't remember atm

    Was fighting with this for very long time without success.
    Don't have problem with anything on Win 7 except Istaria ...
    All other games runs ok for me.

    So heres my hardware ( won't be posting whole dxdiag )
    Notebook : Acer Aspire 7720
    Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo T5750 @ 2.00GHz (2 CPUs), ~2.0GHz
    Memory: 4094MB RAM
    DirectX Version: DirectX 11
    Graphic Card : NVIDIA GeForce 9300M G
    Display Memory: 2030 MB
    Dedicated Memory: 239 MB
    Shared Memory: 1790 MB
    Current Mode: 1440 x 900 (32 bit) (60Hz)
    DDraw Status: Enabled
    D3D Status: Enabled
    AGP Status: Enabled
    Hard Drives : ST9500325AS as System HDD and WD2500BEVS-22UST0 for games only
    My main Network Card : Broadcom BCM5784

    Not a speed daemon but ... have 30-60 fps in Istaria and can take it everywhere ^^

  11. #31

    Default Re: Windows 7

    Sounds like you have general client lag. This is actually normal, Istaria cache's information and downloads it from the servers, any location that you load into that isn't cached will be lagged, tells, actions, monsters, everything until the information is downloaded.
    Istaria seems to like to actually clear said cache randomly for me, so occasionally once I have everything downloaded and lag free, it will clear it all and I will have to redownload and recache the locations.

  12. #32

    Default Re: Windows 7

    Laptops have much slower Hardrives than a desktop.

    Slow hardrive, core 2 duo is the low end of intel cpus.

    What you mainly need for Istaria to run good is 1) fast hardrive, 2) fast cpu

    I run intel i7-920 (quad core)
    raid hardrive system
    nvidia gtx480
    Wiundows 7 Ultimate, 64bit

    I can run up to 4 copies of Hz, assigning each copy to one core. I even run all of them from the same install. Which could lead to file locking/sharing problems, but at the same time it lessens the strain on disk I/O.

  13. #33
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    Default Re: Windows 7

    Quote Originally Posted by Starstilanxs View Post
    Sounds like you have general client lag. This is actually normal, Istaria cache's information and downloads it from the servers, any location that you load into that isn't cached will be lagged, tells, actions, monsters, everything until the information is downloaded.
    Istaria seems to like to actually clear said cache randomly for me, so occasionally once I have everything downloaded and lag free, it will clear it all and I will have to redownload and recache the locations.
    fine , but ... I never have such lag on Vista , new terrain downloads from server and don't have ANY lag it downloads ultra fast.
    Only on W7 it lags for me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Guaran View Post
    Laptops have much slower Hardrives than a desktop.

    Slow hardrive, core 2 duo is the low end of intel cpus.

    What you mainly need for Istaria to run good is 1) fast hardrive, 2) fast cpu
    If I only had money ...
    I could build myself a true monster pc

    the point is ...
    ALL is fine for me on Vista with Istaria , it only lags like that on W7.
    Also Istaria is the only game I have problems on W7 , all others runs just fine.

  14. #34

    Default Re: Windows 7

    One thing to try is disabling TCP Checksum Offloading for your NIC. This is done in the properties for the NIC.

    Right click on your NIC and go to properties, and then click the 'configure' button for the NIC:

    This opens a new dialog. Select the 'advanced' tab and find the checksum offload item.

    From the drop-down, select 'disabled'. All NICs are different so you can expect things to be slightly different.

    If this doesn't fix it... Win7 has some strangeness with user permissions on the HD.

    I didn't see where you have Istaria installed, but try a clean install to the root of C:, for example C:\Istaria.

    The reasoning for this is that an installer has to be pretty clever to actually put things into \users or \program files due to the user installing the application having an odd relationship with the administrators group and this odd thing called 'TrustedInstaller'. While you can usually get the application to install, directories within the installation directory may inherit some bizzare settings from further down the tree... Directories such as your world cache, which is where the client is attempting to write the terrain files - and if it can't, you'll see results similar to those you report.

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