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Thread: Azu's Deviations

  1. #1

    Default Azu's Deviations

    ((About Azu: A hatchling who, through addiction to crystals, ends up having the ability to absorb knowledge of crystals. Subsequently, the blight reesidue present in crystals found on undead also proved she could eat the memories attached to blight and over time came to become an expert connoseur of consuming undead minds. Especially mages. In this fashion the hatchling who has limited capacity to learn anything outside these methods gains intelligence and expands her abilities and spellbook.

    This unfortunately makes this character hard to play, as azu has gone the path of evil. Not just any evil, but the evil you could expect from a super villian from james bond or comic books, or even from D&D's chromatic dragons. This is not the bully and kill maim and burn everything you touch evil. This is the devious, scheming, plotting sort who would ponder for days how to start a war between two peaceful nations, try to make your mother believe she isnt your mother, and attack you at any weak points that may come to light.

    Please keep in mind before posting that I am aware people may not enjoy taking part in the plots, and as always out of courtesy I always ask if they wish to participate beforehand, or go if they invite me, knowing well that they may have it in for them. If the other party is not in agreeance, I do not step forward.

    This thread will document any evil plans that come to light for your reading pleasure. Thank you to all who have played with me, it was hard, but fun.

    I present to you a prologue of why a previously decent hatchling has slowly fallen first, to be continued with the first plot.))

    "The insane, on occasion, are not without their charms"
    -- Kurt Vonnet Jr.

    Azu sat reclining at the shrine in new trismus. Looking around, she saw the sun was shining, the grass was green, the birds were singing and the insects buzzing about from plant to plant. Everything was so clean, pristine, and bright in contrast to where she had been for some time.. the blood red hatchling had either been camping in a deadland, turning the local residents into ashes and eating their mostly useless memoirs of life, or living inside her vault, perched upon her crystalline hoard (also now dust. The lack of crystals to consume made her go outside for a change).

    Her mind had been previously harder to organize. Normally up till that point she could just forget the memories she no longer needed, attached to a sickening fog she would exhale. The voices of memories became more blurred, many talking at a time, many minds colliding and grinding together in one head. And at any given time, she could only listen to one.

    For example, weeks ago, watching a cloud drift by, one voice noted "I hate clouds", while others chimed in simultaneousy "ooh, looks like rain!", "white, fluffy..", "block out the sun", "not bright enough outside", "too bright outside", "where's my sandwich...?"

    She simply found herself only a few days ago with a foggy mind, everything suddenly silenced, everything imploded together, melded, became a new overmind, which now was Azu's own again.

    Sadly, when you fill and create a mind with blighted memoirs and corrupted intentions, you simply cannot think straight.

    (to be continued below)

  2. #2

    Default Re: Azu's Deviations

    ((Before this: In the roleplay channel Azu met back up with selarth, and finding he was at odds with LungTien, she sat and observed. It appeared Lung had a new granddaughter... who then forgot who Azu was when she met again in new trismus.))

    First Deviation - "Web of Lies"
    "Lies are but a spider's web, made of threads so fragile and transparent, that insects cannot see it. However, if the spider is not careful and slips, it will soon become caught in its own web that it had spun." - An Elven Elder of Feladan

    Watching the world go by at the shrine, Azu was interrupted by a little voice. A familiar little voice.

    "Glit'sita! Want to go out hunting?" asked LungTien's granddaughter, Fierya.

    The mental cogs began to spin. Yes... I will play with this one... She is far too precious to her grandfather.

    ""Hmm.. yes. We shall." Azu purred, stalking behind the hatchling out to the gruok field. Fierya proceeded to kill one of the grulets. Azu turned around and used her personally modified drain bolt (modified to suit her intentions often with draining power and mind from something else) upon a gruok. Fierya had never seen drain bolt before.

    "Oh! Thats neat! What spell is that?" she asked.

    Azu, tapping her chin, quickly concocted a plan to take advantage of this opportunity.

    "Well... Its a secret." Azu noted.

    "A secret?" Fierya questioned.

    "Yes.. a secret. However, lets play a game and I might tell you the secret after." Azu purred.

    "Okay.. what game are we going to play?" Fierya said enthusiastically.

    "Its called... hide and seek. Your friend hides while you cover your eyes. Then.. you go find them. I will hide first... And no peeking." Azu grinned.

    ""Ok!" Fiera agreed, covering her eyes. Azu made no effort to hide, simply running over the nearest hilltop. She was shortly discovered.

    "Good.. now it is your time. Go hide somewhere better than I've hidden." Azu spoke calmly, covering her eyes and waiting. A short time later, it was time. If Fierya was not in a prime hiding spot, Azu took refuge in how she could go another round until Fierya had found one that would for for Azu's intentions.

    Thankfully, this round would work.

    Fierya had decided a suitable hiding place, when found, was a large cave. The roof had stalagmites (or is it stalactites?) hanging, undisturbed for eons and hanging precariously above. A sloping entryway to the cavern had a large boulder, fallen from the wall or the roof some time ago sitting precariously on an edge above the pocket fierya occupied.

    Hmm... Location, Location, Location... this requires a prime location and well... This is excellent as a choice upon her part... har har har... azu thought to herself. Looking around, a plan formed based on what she saw. Rock.. unstable. Accidental nudge will cause fall. Fall will block escape route. Fall may render cave roof structures to collapse to ground and seal exit... she concluded, setting it in motion as she padded down the ramp, lightly nudging the collossal, teetering rock.

    "Oh! There you are, I found you." Azu smiled to Fierya. The rock swayed on the edge more violently with every rock back and forth. Fierya chirped back "Oh! yes, this is my quiet spot when I need to think, its nice isnt it?"

    Crash. The rock toppled, blocking most of the exit from the pocket under the ramp. With a loud rumble to follow, the ceiling structures fell too, blocking the niche that would have allowed fierya to escape.

    "Ah! Help! I have to dig out of here..." Fierya shouted.

    Azu, thinking at the time of just leaving the hatchling, slyly spoke back: "One must learn to never trust the earth as it may hold harsh lessons for you."

    Fierya piped up from behind the wall, digging at the boulder with futility. "Well.. I guess thats true. By coming here I risked a cave in and now it has happened."

    Pause. Opportunity is knocking. You have some blight in your system, it may please Selarth and certainly annoy LungTien to convert this hatchling to one of the blight... Hrm. Azu thought, poking her nose into a tiny crack. "Well, are you okay in ther..." -- COUGH COUGH HACK -- Azu coughed up a corrosive blight fog, filling the pocket. Fierya's scales began to dull as it ate away it them, and breathing it in did no good, but digging, she took no notice to the toll on herself being done.

    "What is this fog?" She questioned.

    "Oh sorry.. I havent been well for some time. I cough it up a lot. Its nothing I think." Azu replied, starting to scratch and dig with no effort to the rock. She must delay releasing her from the initial fog infusing Fierya's body, preparing her for a larger infusion in the future.

    Minutes pass, both hatchlings digging at an immovable force between each other. Azu thought by now it might be time to release her.

    "This rock is too big... We can't dig through it... Just a second, I have..." Azu spoke. She finished the sentence in a manner like a mind lasher speaks when trying to access stolen memories, looking for a "Soften" spell as bipeds would use. "... an... idea... "

    Finally getting a hold of the spell, she cast it upon the boulder, which turned to sand, releasing the trapped hatchling.

    "Wow, thats a powerful spell!" Fierya piped up, examing the sand. "Lets get out of here... In case it caves in again." Azu noted, leaving the cave. Fierya couldn't help but agree.

    Outside the cavern, fierya winced as everything was bright outside. Her scales were coroded and worn, her insides felt like they were outside, and dizzy she took a rest.

    Azu looked to the hatchling again, coughing and hacking and sending a thicker, noxious fog her way. "Sorry again. I do wish I will be well in the future. Oh right, I owe you a secret." Azu noted with an almost poisonous smile.

    "A'na! What is the secret?" Fierya weakly inquired, feeling more ill by the second.

    "You see... the secret is that I use this modified spell to steal the life and memories of blighted things." Azu smiled evilly, casting the spell on Fierya.


    Fierya took a direct hit and passed out. Sitting quietly, Azu analyzed the block of stolen memories she took. And, she was pleased. She had stolen all memories of Fierya's family. She wouldn't remember her parents, grandparents and any siblings or cousins in her family tree. Now to try to arrange this to go almost unnoticed, Azu thought to herself, grabbing the now throughly blight poisoned hatchling by the tail and dragging her a distance to the new trismus blightland and leaving her a short distance away on a ledge. Azu then ran back to town looking for an adult dragon.

    Spotting Tarkaras, she ran up and pleaded with him for help. "Help! I found a hatchie and... and.. they're hurt! I don't know how to heal... They need to get back to town for a healer.. fast."

    Tarkaras at first was dismissive but being pestered for help he eventually agreed. Azu charged away, leading him behind her back to fierya, who by now had rotting scales. Looking around, he asked how Azu had come across this hatchling.

    "I came to kill ghosts.. and it was here... it looks hurt and sick..." Azu lied. Tarkaras nodded and slung her over his shoulder. Shortly, she found herself at the feet of the cleric trainer of new trismus. Azu couldn't help but ask many seemingly convincing banter ranging from "will it be okay" to "I found it at ghosts... it was hurt badly".

    It took several minutes to revive her and heal the wounds. When Fierya awoke, he eyes glowed green, she was foul tempered, didn't remember anything about her family, and felt a strong urge to hunt and kill. A friend of hers who had checked in to see her, upon hearing she had been at the healer was concerned and began pressin to see what happened, only to be met with the young hatchling's newfound temper.

    Azu walked up to Fierya, in view of many more adult dragons who had arrived to perch on the town rooftops.

    "I'm glad you are okay! You were beat up bad." Azu said with a smile reaching out to fierya to pat her on the head, but pulled her hand back seeing fierya might bite her instead. "NO BITEY!" Azu screamed, running backwards to the shrine.

    Well, might as well watch. she thought, no longer actively participating in the unfolding events.

    Tarkaras smelled a rat, observing Azu. She found herself quickly with her head behing held by him in the town square, being questioned.

    Azu began to tell a fake story after much coercing. Tarkaras, however, time and time again proved himself a formidable wit and defeated her time and time again.

    ((Sorry, I don't remember the stories specifically so I've shortened it D: But thank you tark for that epic battle of wits, it was awesome!))

    When at last Tarkaras cornered Azu, she decided she would have the last say, speaking like a mindlasher while trying to access her spellbook.

    "I... Have.. Placesss.... To... Be... " She said, disappearing by means of a mage's teleport with a puff of smoke.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Azu's Deviations

    ((Azu concocted another plan to test LungTien's intelligence, but couldn't pass up causing some damage. Fierya had been cleansed and returned to normal by this time as well.

    The trap she built is a crafted fortress of boulders, placed precariously and methodically so that if the structure is tapped, moved, or modified in any way, it collapses. It also has a magical component lightly cementing it as well. If the magic is dispelled, the boulders would lurch and collapse. A last component of the trap involves bait. Fierya served as the bait, magically chained to a rock at the back of the structure. Azu however, being the devious one she is, has engineered it all to try to trick someone into dispelling or breaking the chain, which then would cause a reaction and dispel the structure and cause the much desired cave in.

    Just noting again, I do ask before I do these things and communicate occly frequently.))

    Deviation 2 - "Watch for falling rocks."
    "Its always a trap..." - Common Sense

    Lately, Azu had become fond of a mage's cantrip. The ability to be invisible for long periods of time allowed for intelligence gathering and observations. Best yet, is that most dragons do not have a way to see invisible entities. Biedal mages might see through it as they had the training, but there were never many of them.

    She had planned hard an elaborate trap... now to set the bait. It wouldn't take much. Waiting some time, LungTien and Fierya arrived again in New Trismus. Azu created a little magic butterfly illusion, and began controlling it. The illusionary butterfly came to rest of fierya's nose before flitting around her.

    Few hatchlings can resist a flitting bug to chase, and Fierya took the bait.. easily. Before LungTien had a chance to notice the butterfly and scream "WAIT!", his granddaughter was rushing out of town. The butterfly weaved and flitted until it had led her to the rocky trap set for her, LungTien trying to chase her down all the way. It came to rest on the ground in the back. Content she finally would catch it, she pounced... and activated the magic that would have her now chained to the largest boulder in the back.

    Azu, still under her cloak, set herself upon a hill nearby to watch the chaos, and observe the ancient black's knowledge and ability to solve problems. This sort of intelligence is always useful when you make elaborate schemes.

    It didn't take long for Lung to figure out a way around the problem Azu had not anticipated. He simply cast a spell to hold most of the structure up before dispelling the chain to try to free his granddaughter.

    Azu was not pleased. Gritting her teeth in annoyance, she gestured with her left hand in an attempt to negate his spell. He took notice to the outside force and simply funneled more into himself, to which azu in turn also did so. A deadlock of mageries had been reached.

    Trying to distract him, Azu unleashed a patch of bramble, not once, but twice over time to try to distract him as painful thorns climbed up his legs and pierced skin. His attention did not waver, keeping the structure upright. Fierya was too nervous to walk into the brambles as they were indeed sharp and blocking the exit.

    Azu noticed then, that there was a flaw in the spell and ceased her attempts to dispel. LungTien thought that the other force has given up and ceased his channeling in order to painfully pull thorns from himself.

    She struck then. Gesturing powerfully, a mighty gale hit the structure and shoved the boulders toward Lung. Azu had noticed his spell had been holding it up, but it hadn't been holding it in place. Effectively, it was like pushing books off a bookshelf, it should topple over if you pushed the blocks off the magic shelves.

    LungTien had still been plucking thorns and loudly inquiring about what the thorns were that had sprouted to attack his legs. He was met alarmingly with the pile of rocks moving in his direction and ceased picking thorns to try to hold it up.

    "Fierya, get out of here!" He yelled at his granddaughter, who in alarm darted into the brambles under LungTien. "No! Get OUT! You are a fool to stand under me!" he shouted at her, holding the rocks up.

    Azu waved her hand again. Another gale struck the rocks.

    Lung's strength was failing under the increasing weight of rocks set to topple.

    "But..." Fierya begged.

    "No! Get away!" Lung urged. Fierya finally took heed and ran a distance away.

    With a sigh of relief to his granddaughter being okay, the rocks fell in on him. Both slided quickly into the deep sea.

    Azu was pleased with the results and left the area.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Azu's Deviations

    ((By now, LungTien started actively looking for the hatchling. He had sensed her perched before heading into the sea and questioned around. Word tends to spread when you ask everyone.))

    Deviation 3 - "Ghosts are not toys"
    "Don't call us. We'll call you." - Common saying among businessmen

    Azu sat patiently on a tree she had climbed. Opportunity struck at last, and she took a ghost's mind hostage, turning it into a puppet. Word had it LungTien was looking for her. He was at least a little angry. Time to make him angrier by providing him insult by not speaking to him directly. Rage tends to make people stupid... and stupid provides useful errors to take advantage of.

    It took some time, but the ghost managed to shuffle to the clearing most dragons gather to converse in, its mind kicking and screaming against the puppetmaster all the way.

    "Word.. Has.. it... you seek... hatchling.." the ghost moaned, shuffling slowly to LungTien.

    Lung growled. "What is this?"

    "You ask... around... word.. spreads..." the ghost stuttered.

    Lung peered at the apparition. "Azu?"

    "One... has brain... you... speak.. indirect... to Azu..." the ghost moaned.

    Lung was clearly upset at such an insult. "I WILL FIND YOU!" he roared taking off.

    "Yesyes... ou try to find... you ... will fail." the ghost jeered. Azu decided to leave her control there, allowing it to roam free. What became if that ghost is unknown, likely killed by another dragon. Lung didn't succeed in finding Azu.

    The next day a different ghost appeared, the puppetmaster silently stalking in and hiding upon a ledge above the group to observe.

    "... You.. no.. find... Master. Failed... hunt." the ghost spoke slowly.

    Lung was annoyed by the returning ghost. He did notice though that it was controlled again and cast a spell to slowly remove Azu's control.

    "Why do you need a puppet? Show yourself." Lung demanded.

    The ghost began to explain a difference between intelligence and cowardice. Azu wasn't afraid of the ancient several times larger than her. She simply thought the annoying toy was fun to play with.

    His finely tuned magical senses caught wind of her, and looking around as her ghostly control faded, he turned around to find her hidden in a dark spot on the ledge. "Azu, come out, I know you are there."

    "Oh, you found me. Excellent. By the way, your spell is breaking my control in three... two... one..." Azu spoke calmly.

    On que, the ghost reverted to your average spiritual terror, at first wandering aimlessly, but turning to attack LungTien's backside as he was closest. It was no match for him though, being cut down easily.

    Stepping into the light and pacing up and down the length of the ledge, Azu spoke again. "A shame you broke my toy... Now, you wished to speak?"

    Lung cleared his throat and made his request. "What shall it take for you to never come near my family again?"

    Hmm... I like this opportunity. she thought to herself coming to rest on the ledge in front of him, folding her claws up like a trader doing business would when discussing prices.

    "What's in it for me?" She asked.

    Lung tilted his head. "What do you mean?"

    "Well, if you go find me something.. valuable... for example, a large sum of money, a great deal of hoard, or some valuable magic bauble or trinket and give it to me... I may decide to leave them alone. This is my business proposition to you." Azu spoke. "In a sense, you can pay me to go away."

    Lung thought carefully. He concluded that someone like this couldn't be trusted. "Lets not do business. How about you just stay away from them?" he asked threateningly.

    "Tsk tsk, you wanted to speak and now here you are bearing threats." Azu said, waving a claw at him. "I am afraid I prefer my.."

    Lung couldn't contain himself any longer. He snatched the hatchling up by her neck before she could finish.

    "Well then, how about I teach you a lesson because I feel you have no plan to leave my family alone. Feel the pain you have inflicted..." he said, gesturing with his free hand. Pointing at her stomach, the spell began to inflict severe ethereal pain without causing damage.

    It was agonizing. Azu looked at lung and noticed in his eyes and his expression he expected her to show him how much pain she was in. Using her concentration, she attempted to deny him this pleasure.

    "Pain..? Let me share the love." She hissed, quietly recalling cloak of thorns. In shock at his his claw holding the hatchling tight suddenly feeling the same amount of pain he had cast, he opened his hand painfully. "What is this?!"

    Azu would not be free to get away though as some new magic force thrust her into, and pinned her to a tree. By now her concentration was running thin, the spell was powerful and her gut was wrenching.

    There is always one part of a plan Azu makes: an escape route. And it was now that this was important, for teleports would be too much focus. Recall would have to do for now. She would use the other half of her concentration to strike a blow to LungTien.

    Looking up to him, and yet still denying him most signs of the agony she faced, Azu began to speak. "You cause me pain... it does hurt much. I will not show you it hurts, you would like it too much. However... I take pride in one thing. I've turned you into me. At this time you delight in invoking pain to another. And this.. I take pride and delight in." she finished by not being able to hold her stomach, finally vomiting up a puddle of acid and using the last strand of focus to recall somewhere safe.

    Lung, watching her recall shouted "And there's more where that came from!".

    After she had gone though, he may have had some things to think about. Those words held some serious weight.

    ((Please correct me if I'm wrong, you did deflate yourself after saying you would need to think of how best now to rethink family protection stuff so going on what you have said lung, I have written the last bit.))

  5. #5

    Default Re: Azu's Deviations

    Nicely written, Runos
    About the last part...well, I though to make my character troubled by what had just happened, and by Azu's words, as he had never gone so far. He is now ready to start again if someone attempts to threaten his family, though.
    Besides that moment, I hope to have played well enough...
    Last edited by LungTien Temeraire; May 10th, 2010 at 09:04 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Order Instance of Istaria

    Default Re: Azu's Deviations

    (Oh oh, what's this? Could Maurger have found a queen? ;p)
    Maekrux Vythulhar, the Blue Phoenix

  7. #7

    Default Re: Azu's Deviations

    Quote Originally Posted by Kaerisk View Post
    (Oh oh, what's this? Could Maurger have found a queen? ;p)
    ((perhaps, although I only know very little of maurger ;P))

  8. #8

    Default Re: Azu's Deviations

    (tantalizing... but evil... hmm... reminds me of a character I've not really introduced into HZ, but I have created one... I think Maurger, Azu, and mine could have a bit of fun... I do love how evil mine can be... have used it a few times in MSN when playing with a friend... I just might have to bring it in)

    Ri'ta'ra'thi Is'mi'nei: Season 100 ADV/100 CRA/100 BLK(former)/100 LSH/ 1.11 BILLION hoard
    Kytitia Pyrrithia: Unparalleled Rating 212 Saris Sorceror, Rating 234 Crafter

  9. #9

    Default Re: Azu's Deviations

    I'd say the next time, LungTien will try to prevent any escape from Azu... she is now his enemy number one

  10. #10

    Default Re: Azu's Deviations

    ((LungTien no longer contain his frustration at failing to exact his ethereal tortures. As of late, Azu hadn't been active. She spent her inactivity constructing and playing with mechanical devices she had recovered from some gnomish undead, generally not coming close to any civilization.))

    Deviation 4 - "Gnomish Devices"
    "It is generally unwise to stick one's hand into a snake hole, and especially while the snake is present. You never know, it could be poisonous." - A Survival Handbook

    After the last encounter with LungTien, it had taken some hours to successfully dispel his ethereal torture. The hatchling had no intentions of going through it again. Not because of the pain, but more the annoyance in the process of removing it.

    "Sure I might have been a little rough with his precious granddaughter. Seems he likes to play rough though. I was right anyways before I left him there." She thought to herself.

    Perched high on a thorn branch, looking down at the undead skittering around as the clouds swirled overhead and a bolt of lightning struck off in the distance, she spotted one starting to move away from the pack.

    Straggler! her mind screeched in delight, rocketing herself to her feet. These particular undead were considerably stronger than her. If she were to attempt to consume one, it would alert the others in the vicinity before she was done. As it walked closer, it became clear it was of all things, the ghost of a gnomish scout.

    Yes.. closer... little bit more... Aha!

    Azu quickly lept into action, using her modified version of drain bolt to reduce the creature into ashes from atop her thorny perch. Silence ensued, no other undead would follow to support it. She carefully analyzed the memory portion gifted to her, and soon found herself in delight.

    "What... What are these?" She said, going over memories of blueprints and devices the once gnomish hunter used. Most were not the most useful devices, mainly being components for other devices, such as a gearbox, but Azu soon came across blueprints for hunting traps and snares, which were effective, yet simple. She couldn't resist... she had to build them.

    Figuring it might be best to go to someone who would know more of it, she went directly to the source: New Rachival. Sitting down with a gnomish tinkerer who hadn't the faintest idea of who she was, she drew out blueprint after blueprint for him, recalling them from memory. The tinkerer was at first a little resistant at the prospect of forging something so simple (he insisted it must have some devices with long strange names attached to a few of them). Azu then convinced him however, that the wolf problem outside of town was being overlooked. An immediate change of attitude on the tinkerer's part took place upon the idea that these items could be used for wolves, and shortly an arrangement fell into place. He could have the blueprints and produce traps to help control the rampant wolf population plaguing the road outside town, and Azu could have any she wanted, in any reasonable quantity, at any time.

    "Just to make sure nobody questions this deal, as you have brought me quite a device... you better sign this contract here." the gnome said, putting a contract on the table. Azu read it through three times over (as you know, gnomes are crafty and one must keep an eye out for hidden extra fine print). Feeling content, she dipped a claw into the inkwell and signed it.

    "Now make me all of these..." Azu said, selecting various patterns. "You may make them from scrap if you please, they effectively seem to be fine with cheap material... but these ones..." she continued, stopping to point at a bear trap. "These ones MUST be forged from strong material. I've no idea how much force this device exerts... I'd like one made of steel, one of cobalt, and one of mithril, if you please, so that I may test them. I will notify you of the results." she purred, turning and leaving for a few hours. She came back and collected her devices in a few hours.

    The simpler traps needed no testing. The simplicity of the design made their usage straight forward. The claw trap however, was another story. A fearsome spring with teeth designed to immobilize animals as large as arbotus, and possibly even golems and treants, initial tests of the steel trap were more than successful and somewhat frightening to set up. The trap had the power to snap the hatchling in half if she made a mistake in the set up.

    "If I set it like this..." she said, perched in an empty town overlooking the beach with a groan, pulling the massive jaws of the bear trap open. It was resistant and difficult, but soon gave way. "Hmm... if I recall I set the pin like this and do that... Ah, should be set now." She carefully backed away, taking up a branch as thick as her arm. When she was safely a distance, she hit the pedal on the trap with the stick, snapping it in two cleanly.

    Azu could only help but feel half delighted and half terrified of the device. It was hard to set for her because of its size, but overlooking that fact could make it useful. Especially if it had been.. enchanted.

    "I think I'll use this perhaps as defense if someone wants to come bother me. Could make this one turn LungTien slow and stupid if he feels like finding me again."

    Over the course of several hours and days, the steel trap had been laced with enchantments all over targeted at being the bane of a sorcerer for the desired effect. Content, she stuffed it into her pack next to a gearbox she had bought from the gnome to play with, some caltrops, and a white box with a flashbang in it.

    The next day she opted to go hide in a small hollow under some large rocks, minding her own business and tinkering away with little toys and devices that her gnomish friend had produced, ranging from the gearbox to a combination lock. The little devices were fascinating and she had taken a new liking to gnomish undead aside of mages for their occasional tinkering expertise. LungTien however, quickly appeared within vicinity.

    "Get out here!" he demanded, throwing dispels all over the area as he smelled magic.

    "No, I am quite comfortable in here. Are you not done yet with being me?" Azu inquired, mechanical clicking noises temporarily ceasing as she spoke.

    "No, I'm not at all done with you yet. Show yourself, Worm!" Lung roared.

    Azu couldn't help but roll her eyes in the hole. "Worm? Oh, like a maggot? I do believe you have a a species confusion in the statement."

    Metallic clanking ensued as, unknown to LungTien, she decided that it was time to set a defense. Out came the Bear trap. Different noises than the metal toys began clinking from the hole as Azu carefully pried it open and set the triggers, setting it a distance from her (safety first of course, for being snapped in half would be unpleasant) at the farthest one could reach into the hole with an arm. Stepping back, she continued tinkering with the gearbox. "Fascinating devices gnomes make.."

    LungTien singled in on Azu's rock pile. Convinced there was a magic trap, he threw his known counters around without actually knowing the target. A generally ineffective method to countering an enchanted mechanical device, fortunately for Azu. Convinced he was now secure... he reached in to grab her....


    Lung pulled his arm out with a surprised howl, trap attached to his claw. It had managed to puncture through much of the ancient's protective scales.

    "Er, oh yes, forgot to mention that. Its enchantment should be hitting you by now too." Azu noted. And it did... Lung found himself needing to focus to do much of anything, his mind was foggy.

    "You... you.. come.. there." Lung slurred.

    "Come there? How does one come there?" Azu inquired to the black outside.

    Lung used his other arm to reach in slowly. He didn't think twice like most intelligent beings that there could be other things like that which was attached to his arm hanging about in there. Azu couldn't help but roll her eyes again and sigh. "Oh, this again... Hmm... Anything else I got in here..." she said, shuffling through her pack and putting devices she had had lying about away. Caltrops wouldn't work here, but that white box might...

    She took it from her pack as the claw grabbed a hold of her and wrenched her out of the hole, holding it tightly with both claws. Lung couldn't stand the thing eating his other claw, taking a moment to melt it with breath of acid. The enchantment attached to it died as it foamed and bubbled away. Feeling his mental faculties return, he looked directly at the hatchling in his claw.

    Azu knew it was time. She had his undivided attention. Closing her eyes tightly, she opened the box. A trigger within it burst and set off the flashbang. Lung found himself temporarily blinded by the flash and deafened, noise ringing in his ears. And, as expected, he dropped her in his disorientation.

    He did realize what he had done, but it was far too late. An attempt to root her as soon as she hit the ground failed. After all, when one cannot see or hear much of anything for a few short moments, its hard to have perfect accuracy. Azu landed outside his rooting patch.

    "Well, I'll be off now, Toodles!" she said, vanishing out of sight.

    LungTien, looking around as his senses cleared, just couldn't believe she got away... again.

  11. #11

    Smile Re: Azu's Deviations

    - IC on - I'll get her, soon...I'll get her! - IC off -
    About that ethereal torture, LungTien thinks it's the only way he has to convince Azu to stay away from his family...

    I though, for the next round, that LungTien could catch Azu, then another one would have to intervene and stop this (if someone is interested). Just a suggestion, though.
    Anyway, nicely written again, RuneDragoon

  12. #12

    Default Re: Azu's Deviations

    I'm too lazy to write a story about it, but effectively she grows tired of sleeping with an eye open around towns, and needs some space to plan and think. She went off and bought a lair off in an area frequented by few, guarded by an eternal blizzard and aggressive beetles: The Titian Mines Lair.

    Hope you enjoy the work I put into the planning, it took quite a few hours before I ran through it while it was still planned, risking client crash to show it to you before hitting "build"...

    (I am sorry to germans, youtube blocked the video for you due to musical selections. )

    Warning: Nightwish music.
    Part 1
    Part 2

    And just to note: Its not designed to be functional, the only stuff round here to process is some ores and azulyte of two varieties. The mine probably has a crystalshaper there. Few rooms like the vaults and pawnbrokers (Rooms with the pretty dragon claw orb) will have contents activated.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Azu's Deviations

    Dang you gots lots of building for you! LOL! Looks great, I like the little charater touches (like the hidden passageway and using multiple orb rooms - and yes they are pretty!)

    That lair must have been a huge lot for you to get all that in there - I love seeing wierd-placed lairs (ala they don't follow any one direction).

    And yea, it is nice when you don't have to activate machines (or don't want to). My entire lair in Chic wasn't going to have a single machine in it, but then I ended up activating a couple because it made it sooo easy to have the smelter and scholar desk right there. So now, no machines below the 2nd level - all that will be just for looks and prettiness. And I too have glowly chambers to use as stairwells between levels .

    Though I think you SHOULD put in one of those scholardesks for IC reasons, because they also come with a "gazing orb" right next to it - and to me I really like the spinning orbs. Very magical and could be used for many IC purposes. If for some odd reason you don't know what they already look like, check out my lair behind the shrine in Chic - I have one off the spiral on the 2nd floor so its easy to find (go straight from entrance, drop down spiral, its right there ).
    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
    Iea has returned.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Delaware, USA that little state no one knows about XP

    Default Re: Azu's Deviations

    The lair looks AWESOME!! You certainly got a lot of lairwork cut out for you though. If you'd like a helping claw with it, I can pop on with LyAria and cook up a few units here and there. But it does look like the perfet lair for an evil dragoness!
    Anariah, Callihan, Selarth, Osiron, Asandra, Azayan, and Zefani of the Order Shard
    Want a pic of your character? Click here!

  15. #15

    Default Re: Azu's Deviations

    Quote Originally Posted by Frith-Rae View Post
    Dang you gots lots of building for you! LOL! Looks great, I like the little charater touches (like the hidden passageway and using multiple orb rooms - and yes they are pretty!)

    That lair must have been a huge lot for you to get all that in there - I love seeing wierd-placed lairs (ala they don't follow any one direction).

    And yea, it is nice when you don't have to activate machines (or don't want to). My entire lair in Chic wasn't going to have a single machine in it, but then I ended up activating a couple because it made it sooo easy to have the smelter and scholar desk right there. So now, no machines below the 2nd level - all that will be just for looks and prettiness. And I too have glowly chambers to use as stairwells between levels .

    Though I think you SHOULD put in one of those scholardesks for IC reasons, because they also come with a "gazing orb" right next to it - and to me I really like the spinning orbs. Very magical and could be used for many IC purposes. If for some odd reason you don't know what they already look like, check out my lair behind the shrine in Chic - I have one off the spiral on the 2nd floor so its easy to find (go straight from entrance, drop down spiral, its right there ).
    Cool, never thought of that. Gotta have somewhere to see what all those gemdragons are seeing. XP

    For those who had wondered, its a 96x160 lair, and 11 levels deep. Needless to say, I stopped trying to fill every crevice of the lair by about the third floor.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Azu's Deviations

    Nice looking lair I love its location and view. I must however warn you that everything that I have had to do with that lair on Chaos has been a nightmare. For some reason the structures on Chaos just don't delete properly which makes a connectivity issue in the lair. All that being said though. I wouldn't mind owning that lair on chaos I only know of one bigger it is a gem

  17. #17

    Default Re: Azu's Deviations

    Azu I don't know if this will change things around for you or not - or if you've already officially "placed" things so that they work for you..

    But using your idea with the orb rooms I tried to do with the libraries and re-discoverd you can only build one of each type of each teir of room. So - I couldn't put 3 t6 lunus libraries in a square on the bottom level of my lair

    I wasn't sure if you had already attempted to "place" your pieces or not, cuz if you haven't you may need to do some replanning. It will let you "view" the chambers and such but won't tell you you can't place them until you actually put in "build".

    As I found out :/. I can do a t6 helian and lunus together, but not more than one lunus of tier 6 .
    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
    Iea has returned.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Azu's Deviations

    Ah, thank you, I do know about this though. Everything has been set to build now too.

    When I was placing the rooms, in some cases the rooms that look the same are actually different tiers. For example, the cold rooms on the top are a T6 pawnbroker and a T5 pawnbroker. The rooms look identical, but the difference between the 6 and the 5 are available exits. Same for all rooms, you can have say a t3 or t4 room that look the same yet all that is different between them aside of machines are exits, the higher tier having more available.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Azu's Deviations

    Aye, that is what I was thinking I'd be doing for the libraries on the bottom (I really liked having three chained together to make a little square library hall in the corner).

    Just bites since Libraries are only every even its IV and VI lol. or..II IV and VI grrrr.

    But glad to hear you were able to place all that you were trying to do - as soon as I caught the problem I was like "oh no I hope Azu knows this!" XD
    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
    Iea has returned.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Azu's Deviations

    ((Bounties had been placed. Selarth had been supposedly detained. The story of the bomb-hatchling had been so skewed and changed up that it really didn't matter anymore who was telling what. I half expected everyone just to rip the character to pieces when I said 'go for it', but with the nature of what roleplaying is, it can go in ways you never thought and have your character evolve as a result.))

    Deviation 5 - "A Shade of Myself"
    "The only way to spot a mind lasher is how it behaves and even that is difficult to notice sometimes." - Valkoth

    It was almost ready. Drysten and Azu sat in a lair chamber, looking down upon the work of the night before. He had gathered some soul shards for her as well, and they were all that would be needed to make it even more convincing to a soul-eater or someone who deals in seeing spirits and all that.

    Starting with two shards and a small amount of arcane power to motivate them to do as was intended, she caressed them with her claws gently until they merged and became a small sphere-ish object. Adding single shards until all of the supply had been exhausted, the sphere grew larger and larger. In the end, she held a flickering, shimmering sphere.

    "Is... is there anything I can do to help...?" Drysten asked.

    "I need you to keep watch because I am vulnerable here while mastering it. This includes keeping any wayward, curious slaves from disturbing me while I work with it... if I am woken before it is done, the puppet will drop like a ragdoll. It will be a failiure." Azu spoke, her voice in a serious tone, looking back to the clone-puppet. "I... only get one shot with this."

    Drysten nodded. "Er... right... Who will be killing it?"

    Azu rolled the puppet to its back, and pushed the sphere into the chest of the empty shell. It soaked in and occupied the empty spaces a soul normally occupies a body with.

    "There is a bounty, and thus, whoever wants the bounty." Azu spoke quietly. "The control itself will tax me to the limits. I will not be able to fight back effectively, of course I have to try to put on a good show." she continued, waiting for the fake soul to finish melding.

    Drysten took a step toward her. "Then... What will happen to you after? How... How will you travel?"

    Azu looked to him quietly from her construct. "I don't. I will remain out here... Not only for the sake of this facade, but... I was also denied the right to ascend. Someone paid off the elder dragons with such a sum that even honest dragons couldn't resist if they tried."

    They had discussed it a few nights ago, this ascension business. Azu had expressed she could only say that yes, she wouldn't be able to based on the politics of it. And now he knew she was right.

    "I've no reason to return to their lands. It would seem regardless of action, good, dark, neither... I shall be persecuted. I had attempted to do at least one good thing for a change and was attacked for it..."

    ((Context note: Deciding that the bomb was way too dangerous, and a hatchling who swallowed it was even moreso, an attempt to do all she could to get him away from everyone was in order. Eld didn't like that idea. He attacked her for attempting to send the walking bomb to the realm of fire so he could explode safely, as he really didn't want to spit it up or hand it over. At least in her mind that was a good deed gone and punished. ))

    Looking down at the inanimate copy of herself, she spoke quietly some more. "I.. I've concocted a ritual... To create a space that acts like... an egg.." she spoke, almost with a sad expression on her face. It quickly changed into a more determined one. "Well.. right. That will be for another time. Lets go kill me, I suppose."

    Drysten had drooped listening to her speak. He had opened his mouth wanting to say something but closed it, and once again considered that she was right about it all. Just about as quickly his mind shifted to the task. "Yes... lets do it... I'm.. just happy I won't have to watch."

    Without a moment's notice, she had made herself comfortable and already gestured to the puppet to enact the control. Upon slipping into a sleep-like state or a trance, the real azu lay on the floor of the lair and the fake one rolled to its feet. It spoke, and seemed to be exactly the real thing. Only the most experienced of soul-eaters or others who dabble in such affairs might notice that this Azu was a little different in some way and that was a long shot.

    "There. It is animated. Lets hope this goes well... I will wake if it is destroyed or if I am disturbed. I just hope not the latter..." the clone spoke to Drysten. Finding it couldn't use its master's ability to recall, it turned and left the lair for where the dragons gathered.

    ((There is more to it than this, and I'm lazy to try to sift through every detail and reconstruct it))

    The clone arrived in the clearing, to many whom she expected to do her the favor on sight.

    "AZU?! What are you doing here?!" LungTien screamed to her as she sat.

    "I am sitting here." she replied.

    Much chaos and deliberating about who did what and lungtien living in past affairs of his granddaughter, azu figured out that indeed, the story had been retold several times over and was really a shade of itself.

    "Enough. I am here for two reasons." Azu announced annoyedly to the gathered. "Firstly, to say that because no matter what action I take part in, I am punished for it. I wish to say that I hate the ways of dragons and society as it is. I reject both helian /and/ lunus ways. I go my own way now."

    The clearing sat and wondered... only to return to the bomb topic again. Annoyed, some of her own personal emotions on the topic began to leak through, even if she hadn't intended it. Some of her past transgressions had dimly been on her mind and she really had wondered if they had been good choices for a while, always dismissing it. But in the discussions to follow she admitted, perhaps they had been some bad choices in life. That was not why she had come however...

    And so began the real reason of the facade.

    "If we could move away from this bomb everyone is so fascinated with... I've gone to accept the bounty placed. I refuse to exist in a world where I am not allowed to repent and be allowed to move on. I would rather die than exist here."

    ... And they just couldn't believe what they had heard.

    "I raised the bounty to two gold coins. Here is the second." she spoke, as the coin appeared from a claw.

    Somehow, LungTien was utterly moved somehow. "... I would now have you stand to be judged before a council of ancients to be redeemed. Everyone has a chance to be forgiven... The future is unwritten."

    ... Unexpected. Someone who had been up your tail any moment he had, almost like he had devoted himself to it was offering this? The pupper master was slightly confused by this. This was not the plan!

    "Thank you for the offer, but I refuse. You will be happy to know its been days of ritual to try to supress or remove the gift. When it is done... it is forever." the clone spoke.

    "Killing you won't do anyone good..." Lung insisted.

    A voice spoke up in the clearing. "If you really wish to... I will grant it. I just wish the elders to hear your account so I am not branded a murderer." Ruthalgis frowned.

    Azu nodded. "LungTien, if you will not do it, I will allow this one to." she spoke, stepping up to him. The dragon who had spoken knew that now, the approval had been given. All the while, LungTien pleaded.

    "This... this won't do any good! Please... Why are you doing this?! ... We must gather a council of elders to do something...!" he spoke.

    Ruthalgis spoke up. "Because... she wouldn't want to be paraded like a trophy in front of the council. Is this correct?" he asked, to be met with a nod.

    "That is correct. You are wise. I expect that you will be called a hero, a murderer, have some grand celebration when I will be gone for the fact I no longer exist. At least let me go in peace and honor." noted the puppet.

    Ruthalgis sadly looked around. "At... least tell me your name." he asked, LungTien futily pleading all the way. He was denied that from the puppet. Lung managed to blurt it out shortly after, much to her annoyance.

    They spent some time debating. Such seemed to be a thing of the night, how best to deal with it before she finally sat before Ruthalgis.

    "Azu... Had... had you ever had... had any friends? Had you... known of family?.." LungTien was near choking with tears. "... Had you ever known of love?... These... these are all worth living for..."

    The two hatchlings had lined up to do what was to be done. As Ruthalgis ran to strike, the clone spoke to LungTien, without looking his way.

    "No. I've been hated, reviled, and outcasted since hatching. The only one to even have half a heart to offer so much as a wing for me to hide under has been Selarth. And now you know. Goodbye."

    LungTien's heart sunk into a pitch black abyss. On que, jaws struck her in the neck and snapped shut. The puppet was no match for it.


    Back in the lair, Drysten had become increasingly more worried as he patrolled between the slaves and the sleeping lady. It had been more than twenty minutes... what was going on? Had something gone horribly wrong? He thought to himself, pacing off to check on the slaves working downstairs again to make sure they were not getting unruly or forgetting to work.

    He hadn't noticed tears welling up from the sleeper's eyes, creating a small pool under her head. Shortly after the clone was destroyed, she woke again in tears. She curled up and quietly cried in her spot.

    She had let too much of her own emotion into this one, her annoyance causing her to spout words. Half of it she had according to plan to convince them to kill the puppet, but the other half of everything spoken...

    LungTien had done the opposite of what she had originally planned for.

    Things seemed to have changed unexpectedly, and with it, her mind was split between the events that had occurred, and her original intent.
    Last edited by RuneDragoon; July 13th, 2010 at 01:15 AM.

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