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Thread: Stuck loading into Dralnok's Doom

  1. #1

    Exclamation Stuck loading into Dralnok's Doom

    Constantly I have an issue with loading into Dralnok's Doom. When you first zone in everything loads around you 100% however your avatar never appears on your client, nor does the port pad. However others see you just inside the port pad. To fix this you can just recall and zone back in. This has always worked for me however recalling and coming back is a pain. Would be nice to see if this can be fixed. I have seen some others have this issue as well, waited ~10 minutes to load in. I do not use the load screen by the way ether.
    Ancient Azure - Dragon of Blight (Now Chaos) 100/100
    Khan 'Azure' the Patriarch - 1st Adult Dragon
    Too Much Hoard To Count.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Stuck loading into Dralnok's Doom

    1 relog should take care of it for the rest of the time.most people relog once while on the pad an never worry bout it again
    ^.^ *Speed Demon of order..*

  3. #3

    Default Re: Stuck loading into Dralnok's Doom

    Make sure clear World Cache is unchecked in both patcher and in game options.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Stuck loading into Dralnok's Doom

    and now this is even more of a pain .. because now for some reason we have to pay to get into dralnok's doom. so when this happens, we have to pay TWICE. tell me how that's a fun idea.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Stuck loading into Dralnok's Doom

    Speaking from personal experience, the first time I ported to the doom, the same issue occured, and as rizo said, just relog. It has never happened since. I would have thought relogging would be quicker than recalling/porting anyway, though I guess that might depend on where you are bound Hope it all goes well for you.
    --- iuvenilis --- [Officer of The Alliance]
    Demonslaying since July 2004

  6. #6
    Member Sigi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Chaos (Unity (Ice))

    Default Re: Stuck loading into Dralnok's Doom

    I've had that problem too. Totally annoying.

    Hurray! Mor
    rison is back at his house near Bristugo!
    And the wisps on wis
    p isle are moving again!
    If you can't see 'em, you know you've got proper invisible runes.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Stuck loading into Dralnok's Doom

    Every time I port into the Doom I have to relog, unless I'd already been there once during a play session.

    Big crunchy ancient dragoness of Order

  8. #8

    Default Re: Stuck loading into Dralnok's Doom

    i found it was only after maintenance or clearing my world cache that i got stuck in the doom port pad. not a biggie for me since i tend to bind to the delgarath shrine as a matter of course before going into the doom... i usually have to recall at least once before i finish whatever i'm after in there. :-/

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