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Thread: Another "Customer" Rant

  1. #1

    Default Another "Customer" Rant

    So I like to rant sometimes.

    It helps me get steam off my chest, it allows me to say all of the mean, snarky things that lurk in my head, and I get to laugh and make fun of stuff/people that annoy me.

    I'm really not jerk type, actually, people have said that I'm kinda on the nice/polite side.

    But everyone has this limit of how much of some unpleasant thing they can take, until the nice and polite gloves come off, and they start dishing some in return.

    Well, with that said....

    Today, I was at work, and for those of you who recall, I work at a small family-owned grocery store.

    When I arrived, things were... not in ideal, or optimal shape. Suffice to say, I had my work cut out for me, and with my usual "lets get this *beep* done" attitude of mine, I rolled up my sleeves... well, not really. I wear short-sleeve year-round... anyways, I started, and went through my routine.

    I was into my produce stocking when my mind was wandering on what all I had yet to do, how much time I had, whether or not I'd have to sacrifice anything, to make sure the important stuff got done, what my priorities were, etc.

    I knew I wasn't going to get _everything_ done; there was about 3 hours of work, and I only had 2.5 hours to do it, so... yeah.

    Anyways, I was into my Produce stocking, when I was pushing a shopping cart with a bunch of produce stuff in it. There's this... guy... standing about 5 feet away, and I glance at him, but my mind was elsewhere. He takes one or two steps to the side, and as I'm passing him, literally a second and a half later, he says:

    "You're welcome".

    I didn't say anything in return, but "Huh!?" was the first thing that comes across my mind. Then I'm like "Ugh..." and I roll my eyes.

    Hey, I'm the type of person who is usually decent-mannered, and I am capable of saying thank-you, please, etc. I work as a freaking cashier, as well. I don't think I would be a cashier very long if I didn't say things like that.

    But honestly, this just tweaks my switch. It is one of those things I _cannot_ stand.

    To the guy who said "You're Welcome" in that snarky, sarcastic way, I'd like to say this:

    Okay, dude. You feel as though I am _indebted_ to you that I should suddenly be thankful, because oh how my life would suck if you didn't take the 1.5 seconds and the 3 calories it took for you to take a step to the side, that I should be thankful you were willing to sacrifice everything just to get out of lowly Me's way.


    Honestly. If you expect manners, you gotta give some yourself. I mean, come on... a second and a half? You could at least give me time to say it (not that I was, anyways).

    Giving me snark and sarcasm isn't going to make me suddenly stop and say "OMG, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to walk by you and not thank you for getting out of my way!" etc etc etc.

    I routinely do things for people all the time (like stepping out of their way) and I never, ever, ever asked or even expected a thank-you. I would understand if the guy went out of his way to help me, and I would indeed thank him for it, but come on? To thank someone for taking one step to the side? It is something that they should have already done in the first place without expecting a thank-you.

    Seriously, there's no reason to stand in the middle of the aisle anyways. If you see someone coming, it is a common simple thing to, uh, not stand in their way unless you have a specific reason for doing so.

    So, recap: Don't expect me to say thank-you for every itty-bitty little thing. If I fail to say thank-you for said itty-bitty little things, it isn't because I'm a jerk, it isn't because I'm impolite, it could be either there's a million more important things on my mind, or, I didn't see that the situation merited it. I'm a perfectly fine person, who is perfectly capable of manners when the situation calls for it.

    Getting snarky with me is only going to cause me to have very unkind thoughts in my head. I swear, one of these days....



  2. #2

    Default Re: Another "Customer" Rant

    I cannot recall if I have said this yet, but I absolutely enjoy reading about your misadventures at the grocery store. And while one part of me feels sorry about your frustrations.... the other part of me cannot stop laughing about the entire situation. (And I mean that is the nicest way possible, honest. ^_^)


    I lurk within the depths of your mind, for I am INSANITY!

  3. #3
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    Jul 2006
    le palais du fromage and industrial complex, cliffside, shepherd's mountain, blight

    Default Re: Another "Customer" Rant

    its a beautiful thing, eh?

    i confess that i too enjoy your rants, dha - i have been there and done that, and i am most thankful its not happening to me again.....forgive me my petty flaws, i pray......
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  4. #4

    Default Re: Another "Customer" Rant

    It must be the snark and sarcasm that I use in my rant posts... I try to make them funny, but yet still get the point across.

    It is how I release my frustrations, how I "blow off some steam"... I try to make some humor (at the expense of those who annoyed me of course).

    It is just my style I suppose... lol

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Cambridgeshire, UK

    Default Re: Another "Customer" Rant

    perhaps you misinterpreted him

    "You're welcome"

    - translation: "You are such a welcome sight to my sore eyes ~ an efficient, hardworking person (I don't come across many). I am in awe of your amazing ability to multitask while I'm sure you have better things to do. I'd be bowing, but all I can do is move out of your way so as not to impede you."

    we can hope didn't he realise actually in that situation, his snarky comment completely negated the simple courtesy that getting out of the b*dy way was..

    sympathise entirely with you Dhalin, and I'm so grateful I only have to deal with peculiar customers on the phone.
    Bobda Bilda (Chaos) - - what takes up most of my spare time now..

  6. #6

    Default Re: Another "Customer" Rant

    Quote Originally Posted by Arietna View Post
    perhaps you misinterpreted him

    "You're welcome"

    - translation: "You are such a welcome sight to my sore eyes ~ an efficient, hardworking person (I don't come across many). I am in awe of your amazing ability to multitask while I'm sure you have better things to do. I'd be bowing, but all I can do is move out of your way so as not to impede you."

    we can hope didn't he realise actually in that situation, his snarky comment completely negated the simple courtesy that getting out of the b*dy way was..

    sympathise entirely with you Dhalin, and I'm so grateful I only have to deal with peculiar customers on the phone.

    Now _that_ is sarcasm and wit. hehe.

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