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Thread: World of Warcraft and Blizz's Ridiculous Bans.

  1. #21

    Default Re: World of Warcraft and Blizz's Ridiculous Bans.

    Thank you Frith-Rae

    The Ice Queen has Awaken!

  2. #22
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    Default Re: World of Warcraft and Blizz's Ridiculous Bans.

    they use the same thing for extra authentication in intranets - i used to carry one when i worked at the call center.....
    they are pretty kewl, but when they get out of wack, you are soooo very skrewed......
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  3. #23

    Default Re: World of Warcraft and Blizz's Ridiculous Bans.

    Quote Originally Posted by velveeta View Post
    they use the same thing for extra authentication in intranets - i used to carry one when i worked at the call center.....
    they are pretty kewl, but when they get out of wack, you are soooo very skrewed......
    I don't know about the call center you speak of, but in Blizz's case, it just takes a call to Billing along with your account information, to get the situation worked out, though you may want to get another authenticator first, before you call so they can simply switch it over to the new one, instead of going unprotected for weeks until your new one arrives.

    The worse-case scenario, is that you go without WoW for about a week while you wait for your new Authenticator to come in the mail.

  4. #24

    Default Re: World of Warcraft and Blizz's Ridiculous Bans.

    Someything pointed out in another forum where we were discussing this...

    Be aware that here are phishing scams that send you email telling you your account is banned. They look extremely official, and are very well done - and if you're not paying really really good attention you will end up turning your information over to gold sellers.

    They look like legit links and take you to photocopies of the login site and unless you know about this stuff, would be easy to be taken in.

    So, not saying that's what happen to you Dhalin but - putting that out there for everyone in the thread.

    I've gotten emails like this from games I only trialed too - so its not just WoW.

    NEVER CLICK ON LINKS IN AN EMAIL!! NEVER!! IF it relates to a game you are in actively or not do NOT TRUST THE EMAIL!!

    Login directly to the game first - see if you're locked down.

    If you're not able to do that - go to the site through the address you know is the right one (NOT FROM THE EMAIL) and check your info there.

    Just because you get an email from "Blizzard" telling you your banned does not mean its in fact true...or Cryptic..or Turbine...or any of them.
    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
    Iea has returned.

  5. #25

    Default Re: World of Warcraft and Blizz's Ridiculous Bans.

    Very true about the scam emails. I get at least 3 of those a week. What originally tipped me off on those was that it was for a account that didnt have my wow account tied to it, cause I apparently missed the obvious -_-

    They've also tried tossing me a "you got in the expansion beta" on that same account.

  6. #26

    Default Re: World of Warcraft and Blizz's Ridiculous Bans.

    Never trust the header, From:, subject or content of these emails.

    I can make and reproduce such email within what.. hour? Also, do not click "allow download of pictures for this email" as you may be just starting javascript which will DL a keylogger onto your PC. Now depending how strong your computer defence is, it may or may not be discovered.

    AVG is mostly top for free anti virus (contains AVG premium adverts), NOD 32 is the BEST stuff if you got some spare cash.. we use that in our SW corporation and its powerful anti virus. You also want to make sure a healthy amount of critical updates to your system.. Virus Conficker, currently holding "hostage" hundreds of thousands of PC's across the globe is still strong and this massive "botnet" (zombie computers) can be used for malicious deeds of all sorts (DoS, brutal-breach, Pass decoding etc.)

    Authenticator is only real defence, generating unique hash key every 1 minute. These keys are used primarily for Bank accounts, Share and stock markets, Financial institution of sorts. The battery in them lasts well over 3-5 years so no worry about that. You want to keep them in safe place, as the sticker on bottom is your unique identifier key if you need to remove the authenticator/update it/replace it. Disassembling will void and destroy it.

    In regards to Blizzard hack. Most of our hacks (in guild) get resolved within 24 hours. Our guild is one of the most hacked on server/in EU as we are 6th largest in world and teaching this bunch about security issues and such is a real deal of work. Having a guildbank full of epics, tons of gold and boasting with craft-able techs doesn't help either. However, GM's replaced all lost stuff within 24 hours to bank.. several times ... which is amazing.

    Stay safe!


  7. #27
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    Default Re: World of Warcraft and Blizz's Ridiculous Bans.

    Quote Originally Posted by Frith-Rae View Post
    And yea Dragonboy - as I said - I've known several players whose "dead accounts" were hacked; and unless you're using same pw information for something else (i.e. have an active keylogger) or they caught it back when you used it and sat on it (entirely possible) - we're not sure how that's working either.

    I still don't think its an "insider" job as that would be so bad for the company that I' imagine they have crapton of things in place to prevent that type of insider-job heh.

    Just be careful if you EVER want to play again - because Blizz can and does ban accounts using IP addresses, keeping any computer from that IP address, regardless of account, from being able to login to WoW again. (that would go to anyone not just you DB heh).
    While the game was "interesting" it did not keep my attention for quite long, could be because I was on a starting Island, but I did not really enjoy the whole "We are a group so screw you and your solo killing, we kill all" attitude, that was the biggest reason for not even finishing the complete trail and lasting for only a few hours. Lets just say that it was not the game for me, so I doubt that I will ever try to play the game again.

    Not to mention that I do not like the nerves of Blizzard to kick people out just for having software on your computer (used or unused). How can they legally know anyway? Unless they hack your computer and check... Which I doubt is legal.
    Rvlion- LvL 100:100:100 - 59.3M - Lunus Ancient
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  8. #28

    Default Re: World of Warcraft and Blizz's Ridiculous Bans.

    Not to mention that I do not like the nerves of Blizzard to kick people out just for having software on your computer (used or unused). How can they legally know anyway? Unless they hack your computer and check... Which I doubt is legal.
    The game's launcher does a quick scan for running processes I believe. Nobody knows the full, complete details, but supposedly, the launcher quickly scans your computer, and I *think*.. not sure... that it is supposed to warn you if you have a piece of software it doesn't like.

    But the only software it is supposed to warn you / flag your account over, is "illegal" stuff like hacking tools, and other various things people use to gain an unfair advantage in the game.

    I have my doubts that it scans your entire HDD, and finds software that isn't running -- that would take a decent amount of CPU power (ever tried typing *one* file name into Windows Search? You can hear your HDD buzzing for several minutes. Imagine checking the entire HDD for 50+ files). Not to mention, one could merely just change the filenames. Instead of, say, "wowglider.exe", you could rename it "warhelp.exe" and it wouldn't know the difference.

    But either way, just to be safe, there's really no reason to have things like game hacking tools on your computer in the first place -- are you really going to complain about getting banned for cheating on Online Games? Those who get falsely banned (like my mom did) have a valid reason for complaining about it. However, those who do knowingly break the rules do not.

  9. #29

    Default Re: World of Warcraft and Blizz's Ridiculous Bans.

    Forgot to say - many people get falsely banned, even my friends.

    Reason? Addons.

    They download addons from not-trusted AND trusted web sites.

    Curse-gaming is regularly hacked website with many malicious addons about to steal your account.

    So I recommend to NOT use addons and stick only to those 100% trustworthy, which are used by the masses. Going too much into individual way can cost you dearly!


  10. #30

    Default Re: World of Warcraft and Blizz's Ridiculous Bans.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheGolden Dragon View Post
    Forgot to say - many people get falsely banned, even my friends.

    Reason? Addons.

    They download addons from not-trusted AND trusted web sites.

    Curse-gaming is regularly hacked website with many malicious addons about to steal your account.

    So I recommend to NOT use addons and stick only to those 100% trustworthy, which are used by the masses. Going too much into individual way can cost you dearly!

    A better way to re-iterate this, is to never, ever, ever install any addon that has an executable file (.exe, .com, etc) in the .zip that you downloaded.

    AddOns should all have .lua extensions, with sometimes other files like .jpg and such that are non-executable.

    Also, I advise against using things like the "Curse updater" etc... just download the .zips manually, IMO.

  11. #31

    Default Re: World of Warcraft and Blizz's Ridiculous Bans.

    Quote Originally Posted by Frith-Rae View Post
    Just be careful if you EVER want to play again - because Blizz can and does ban accounts using IP addresses, keeping any computer from that IP address, regardless of account, from being able to login to WoW again. (that would go to anyone not just you DB heh).
    IP address banning is just a bad idea these days, you're better off with GUID banning (GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) numbers are associated with your computer) because it means someone essentially needs a new computer in order to get around the ban.

    The problem with IP banning is that many ISPs use dynamic IP addresses, which essentially means that the IP address you were banned on will eventually change users, giving whoever had their IP banned an unbanned IP. The other problem with this would be someone gettting an IP that was banned because of someone else.

    Quote Originally Posted by Frith-Rae View Post
    I've gotten emails like this from games I only trialed too - so its not just WoW.

    NEVER CLICK ON LINKS IN AN EMAIL!! NEVER!! IF it relates to a game you are in actively or not do NOT TRUST THE EMAIL!!
    Just look at the emails source, you'll be able to see the real email address associated with the email. If you get an email that claims it is from "[email protected]" for example, and check the source, you'll see something like this|| From: <[email protected]> "[email protected]" ||if it's an illegitimate email. (It can change depending on your email provider).

  12. #32

    Default Re: World of Warcraft and Blizz's Ridiculous Bans.

    Thats not the case nowadays.

    With the equipment I got right now, for legal corporation purposes, I can send you email as [email protected] and it will be real address including reply, all links will be generic and fully authentic. (heck, I can send myself an email from my boss saying that I got a promotion and feel a little better for a day )

    I am myself a victim of these emails on daily basis and its very easy and cheap to do something like that.

    Only if you use better email client, like Googlemail, you will see that the email was generated at a specific gateway (you get From, CC, BCC, Then Passed-gateway address). Now you would also have to know a bit of IT or at least be aware of this stuff.

    Phishing is more frequent than actual fishing nowadays. Fishing also costs more money AND you get wet. (well, you can get wet while phishing if police knocks on your doors too I guess..)


  13. #33

    Default Re: World of Warcraft and Blizz's Ridiculous Bans.

    eh no need to make it so complicated or difficult..

    If you ever get an email from a video game (you sub or NOT active sub to, if it was a site you ever had to login to for ANY reason..) go to the actual game website and login to your account from their official pages.


    That's the only way to be safe and secure. Never, ever, ever click on the links in the email. If you're in doubt, or wonder if your stuff is closed/hacked/whatever. Just go to the real account site with that Game (not through the email) and check.

    Blizz has this as their frickin login announcement half the time - "GO TO YOUR ACCOUNT PAGE AND CHECK" it will always have the details (i.e. if you're invited to beta, hey its there!).

    If nothing is there - then no worries. The email is irelevant.
    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
    Iea has returned.

  14. #34

    Default Re: World of Warcraft and Blizz's Ridiculous Bans.

    Quote Originally Posted by Frith-Rae View Post
    eh no need to make it so complicated or difficult..
    Nothing about it is very complicated or difficult. *shrugs* Maybe it's just me. :P

  15. #35

    Default Re: World of Warcraft and Blizz's Ridiculous Bans.

    What Frith says is generally the best way to go:

    Never, ever, ever click a link in an email that takes you to a login page.

    Legit Blizzard emails always do one of two things:

    1). They have a verification link (you click a link with lots of numbers and letters to automatically verify something. These will NOT ask you for Username/Password.)

    2). Link you to policy, ToS, EULAs, etc.

    They NEVER, EVER, EVER link you to a "Enter your Username/Password here" login screen.

    If you get an email about _anything_ .... beta key, etc, a legitimate email from Blizzard will merely notify you that you were selected for the beta, and will NOT have a "Click here to login" link. If you were banned (I should know...), they will link you to the ToS and the EULA, as well as FAQs, but NOT a "Enter details here".

    If you have a suspicion that you were banned, or if you think you were selected for the beta, or what-not, manually type "" (assuming you're in the USA) into your browser window and hit the enter key and log in from there. All the information will be there.

  16. #36
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    Default Re: World of Warcraft and Blizz's Ridiculous Bans.

    no legit biz of any kind will use a login page. no bank, no utility, no store, etc.
    anyone asking for your private personal info over a phone or email is not legit and should be avoided.
    if in doubt, always contact the customer service for whatever! keep an eye on your rents or anyone you know that is not tech savvy - my rents constantly get calls and emails asking for such info, and they are fast approaching the age where they are not as judgmental as they should be....just had a big problem with our cell phone service due to peeps trying to exploit my mom's (lifelong and depression era privations inspired) fears....
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  17. #37

    Default Re: World of Warcraft and Blizz's Ridiculous Bans.

    Quote Originally Posted by velveeta View Post
    no legit biz of any kind will use a login page. no bank, no utility, no store, etc.
    anyone asking for your private personal info over a phone or email is not legit and should be avoided.
    if in doubt, always contact the customer service for whatever! keep an eye on your rents or anyone you know that is not tech savvy - my rents constantly get calls and emails asking for such info, and they are fast approaching the age where they are not as judgmental as they should be....just had a big problem with our cell phone service due to peeps trying to exploit my mom's (lifelong and depression era privations inspired) fears....
    I'm going to quote this, in my reply, because I think it just cannot be said enough.

    No legitimate company/institution/etc, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever contacts you wanting private details or account information, etc.

    The only, only time you should ever supply these details, is if _you_ initiated contact. If _you_ call Customer Service, if _you_ opened your web browser and navigated to their login website, if _you_ emailed their tech support.

    _Them_ contacting _you_ requesting to know things they should already know if they wanted to know 100% fraudulent/phishing/etc. Face it, there's no reason Blizzard should ever ask you what your UN/PW is; they should already know it. All they need is your account name/email. They can find your PW if they want to know it, they should know everything in your account, as the info is right there on their computer screen while they talk to you, etc.

    So, like I said, this can never be said enough:

    Never give out any sort of details unless _you_ contact them first through known legitimate channels (their official website, their official phone numbers, their official emails, etc).

  18. #38

    Default Re: World of Warcraft and Blizz's Ridiculous Bans.

    Done a bit of tracing on one of these phishing emails today.

    Surprise surprise the ones I'm seeing are being spoofed off Hotmail Mail servers.
    Chaos Shard
    Scarlet Dawn

  19. #39

    Default Re: World of Warcraft and Blizz's Ridiculous Bans.

    Yea I meant for my words to just be a "simple" rule - not just from blizz emails but from ANYONE ANYWHERE ONLINE!

    I never, ever open up attachments or click on links period from email. From anyone. Period. Just going to a site can infect you if you're not protected or updated. So no need to find out if they are asking for info or sending you to an official EULA.

    Just go where you know is safe. Period. Anywhere on the internet. lol.

    Cuz like I siad I get "banned" "free" "account update" whatever emails from OTHER games I've ever played, NOT just WoW (so far no fake Hz/Istaria mails though lol).
    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
    Iea has returned.

  20. #40

    Default Re: World of Warcraft and Blizz's Ridiculous Bans.

    Quote Originally Posted by Frith-Rae View Post
    I never, ever open up attachments or click on links period from email. From anyone. Period. Just going to a site can infect you if you're not protected or updated. So no need to find out if they are asking for info or sending you to an official EULA.
    I think that's kind of silly. You are more likely to get hit by a trojan by going directly to a legit website than accepting an attached image that a friend you know sent you. I'm just curious how your friends might feel if/when they're told you won't download something they sent you via email because you think they might be sending you a virus. A malicious link, for example, isn't going to be any different in an email than it would be anywhere else. Even legit websites can get hacked and redirect people going there.

    Besides, emails aren't as horribly vulnerable compared to the rest of the internet as you seem to think. Sure, someone who really knows what they're doing can make an email seem 100% legit, but trust me when I say that if they're that good that isn't the only way they'll be able to get you, it's just one of the easier ways. If not properly secured, it's possible to get hit by malware imbedded within an image linked on the forums, or hell, displayed on the forum its self.

    Emails are by far not the only way someone can get to you, and if you treated the internet as a whole to the extreme that you seem to treat email, then you might as well disconnect your modem.

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