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Thread: You know you've been playing too much Istaria when...

  1. #21

    Default Re: You know you've been playing too much Istaria when...

    Quote Originally Posted by Magnus Bane View Post
    O_O Lawl~ Was caught in traffic yesterday (just before a car crash) and I screamed about the 'lag' on the highway~
    Wowsers, I hope you were not caught in the crash! And I hope everyone that was is OK, too.

    We went to get apples from an orchard today and it occurred to me that I'd forgotten to equip my bucket.
    Fortunately the orchard owners had already bagged them so we were all set.

  2. #22

    Default Re: You know you've been playing too much Istaria when...

    Was in a furniture store today. I'm looking around because I've lost sight of my Significant Other. A sales clerk came up to me with the usual "Can I help you with anything?"

    Of course I speak without thinking!

    "Yes, I seem to have lost my mate."


  3. #23

    Default Re: You know you've been playing too much Istaria when...

    Lawl~ Shian~

    I'm the kind of person who will burst out laughing in dead silence about something that happened yesterday.

    Don't knock on Death's door. Ring the doorbell and run; he hate's that.

  4. #24

    Default Re: You know you've been playing too much Istaria when...

    when... you wake up... and oh wait, you just went to bed and wanted to go get some sleep!
    Royall on Order / Royal_wind_unity, Royall on Chaos
    Dinsdag on EU-Evernight (LOTRO)

  5. #25

    Default Re: You know you've been playing too much Istaria when...

    When you randomly start hearing music from the game when the computer isn't even on....

    When you wake up the next day with the word "QWERTY" written on your forehead cause you thought you could handle an extra hour of questing/crafting......

    When you get all excited about meeting new people because deep in your mind you are silently hoping they might be a fellow Istarian....

    When half of your notes from school consist of drawing of dragons, ssliks, and saris....

    When you Google your main character's name......

    When you spend more time with your "friends" ingame than with your real life ones.....

    When you get emotionally attach to something that technically doesn't exist ie you so called "plot" of land....

    When you type /info and your response is: "Dang! I wasted that much time on my butt!?

    ....that's all I got-for now.

    I lurk within the depths of your mind, for I am INSANITY!

  6. #26

    Default Re: You know you've been playing too much Istaria when...

    Ah, Lawl~ I haven't googled Maggy yet~ Yet. And yes, I would love to meet a fellow Istarian, so much so that I greet people in draconic~
    I'm the kind of person who will burst out laughing in dead silence about something that happened yesterday.

    Don't knock on Death's door. Ring the doorbell and run; he hate's that.

  7. #27

    Default Re: You know you've been playing too much Istaria when...

    Quote Originally Posted by Xanthia View Post
    When you Google your main character's name......
    ....and wind up with more hits (and on-target ones, at that) than you do Googling your own (real life) name

  8. #28

    Default Re: You know you've been playing too much Istaria when...

    I dreamt about it.

    I have way too much free time.

  9. #29

    Default Re: You know you've been playing too much Istaria when...

    Welcome to Istaria, you now have no more free time!
    Last edited by Royal; September 10th, 2010 at 10:59 PM. Reason: typo
    Royall on Order / Royal_wind_unity, Royall on Chaos
    Dinsdag on EU-Evernight (LOTRO)

  10. #30

    Default Re: You know you've been playing too much Istaria when...

    Lawl~ Ya, no free time at all~

    Still, at least it's FUN time wasted~ I wouldn't call it wasted though, just put to some use for your sanity~
    I'm the kind of person who will burst out laughing in dead silence about something that happened yesterday.

    Don't knock on Death's door. Ring the doorbell and run; he hate's that.

  11. #31

    Default Re: You know you've been playing too much Istaria when...

    (*hugs Xanthia* love yours^^)

    -when you hug someone close you never met personally- first time you meet in rl
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  12. #32

    Default Re: You know you've been playing too much Istaria when...

    Ya, or have a dream about being in school, except everyone is speaking draconic~ And I'm horrible with draconic~
    I'm the kind of person who will burst out laughing in dead silence about something that happened yesterday.

    Don't knock on Death's door. Ring the doorbell and run; he hate's that.

  13. #33

    Default Re: You know you've been playing too much Istaria when...

    You know you've been playing too much Istaria when...

    This happens!

    Sigvard Nemena (Order) | Piano Forte (Order) | Lello (Order) | Vasken (Order) | Skreel (Order) | Ursala (Order)
    (Click names for biographies!)

  14. #34

    Default Re: You know you've been playing too much Istaria when...

    Lawl~! Is that a thing from a game~?
    I'm the kind of person who will burst out laughing in dead silence about something that happened yesterday.

    Don't knock on Death's door. Ring the doorbell and run; he hate's that.

  15. #35

    Default Re: You know you've been playing too much Istaria when...

    Hehe, yep! I'm a bit of a Word o' Warcraft addict. The Istaria addiction blended in a little!

    Sigvard Nemena (Order) | Piano Forte (Order) | Lello (Order) | Vasken (Order) | Skreel (Order) | Ursala (Order)
    (Click names for biographies!)

  16. #36

    Default Re: You know you've been playing too much Istaria when...

    Cool~! Never plaid world of warcraft~! Yes, that is a clue you've been playing Istaria too much~!
    I'm the kind of person who will burst out laughing in dead silence about something that happened yesterday.

    Don't knock on Death's door. Ring the doorbell and run; he hate's that.

  17. #37
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Daemonar - Order - Adult

    Default Re: You know you've been playing too much Istaria when...

    Or hissed at someone? XD

  18. #38

    Default Re: You know you've been playing too much Istaria when...

    *rofl* I was doing that long before I played Istaria...
    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
    Iea has returned.

  19. #39

    Default Re: You know you've been playing too much Istaria when...

    ...when thinking of Istaria while in class or somewhere and not at the computer and (if your character is an ancient or a wise-speaking person~) you answer 'wisely' such as: "On the contrary", "Perhaps, but I believe...", or if you are an evil character, which has happened before, but not to me~ "....And I care why...?", "Yes, you do that", "Very well, now be gone before I eat you", or even referring to them as Naka-duskael, bipedals, or two-legged~

    A friend of mine who used to play Istaria as a biped (litterally) ran into me in Target, and we recognized each other and fell into an old charade where I speak to him like I am a dragon (by threatening him with sayings of eating him, as we used to do this, and play Istaria, at a young age where we can still scream "I'm gonna kill you" and still be considered as play and not insane lunatics) and I soon forgot we were in public and began speaking in draconic and stuff~ Was fun, even if just to run into an old friend~! This was about a month ago, so yeah~ The people's faces were priceless, especially the clerk near the help desk which we were only an isle down from, and people could probably hear us a good three isles away~ :b
    I'm the kind of person who will burst out laughing in dead silence about something that happened yesterday.

    Don't knock on Death's door. Ring the doorbell and run; he hate's that.

  20. #40

    Default Re: You know you've been playing too much Istaria when...

    I just remembered something that happened last year. Had an oral examination for Japanese that I did not do well on. I get sooo nervous with these types of exams. It was a pretest. We were not supposed to do well, but I don't like not doing well >.< So I had a lot of homework.

    Subway was more crowded than I've ever seen it it was odd for the time, but I kept missing the "perfect transfer times" leaving me standing on a platform for longer than usual. I felt irritated, hungry and had Japanese conjugation running through my head in order to have it stick. Another person that was waiting there got too close to my bag and bumped me. What do I do?

    Whip my body around to face him and snarl a D'na to him. Oh boy... why did it come out like that? I saved myself by spitting out a "Don't touch my bag" in Japanese. For all he knows, it's the same language He rolled his eyes, said "sorry" and turned around to wait for the other train.

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