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Thread: Silo Etiquette

  1. #1

    Default Silo Etiquette

    I know public silos are public, but please, people, can we shwo a little restraint? If you didn't put it in, don't take it out. That's all I have to say on the matter.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Pacific NW, USA // Order

    Default Re: Silo Etiquette

    If no one takes it contents out after a reasonable period of time the silo is no longer public. There are other threads on silo politeness so no point in saying everything all over again. When stuff is left in "public" silos overnight for the person placing it must be noted that we have players around the world some having days for other's nights.


  3. #3

    Default Re: Silo Etiquette

    that becomes an issue when there are limited silos in the area available and the person who put the items in has logged out and then the silo is no longer available to others. a simple and more polite policy is not to leave materials in a silo if you are logging off.

    this is the etiquette i learned

    Bah you beat me too it Knossos
    "Knowing others is intelligence,knowing yourself is true wisdom.
    Mastering others is strength,Mastering yourself is true power"
    by Lao-Tzu

  4. #4

    Default Re: Silo Etiquette

    For the incident triggering the post, the person was away for a half an hour, not overnight.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Silo Etiquette

    Quote Originally Posted by awdz View Post
    For the incident triggering the post, the person was away for a half an hour, not overnight.
    I've heard a number of people having their stuff disappear from public silos on Order while they're in the process of filling the silo up. (They put 1000 ore in, go to get more, and come back to an empty silo, for example). Every single case were people gathering materials for Mithril Bars at Mithril's Anvil.

    I know one person who had it happen 3 times, and two people who've had it happen once. But only ever at Mithril's Anvil.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Silo Etiquette

    This was different then, as it was working steel.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Silo Etiquette

    My personal stance is that, if I've logged out, anything I've left in a silo is up for grabs, so I usually make sure to clean out the silos I'm using before I do so, even if that means moving it to private silos.

    The one time I experienced resource theft was at Nuthala. I was only gone long enough to gather another load of sandstone, not longer than fifteen minutes. I wasn't invisible, my name should have been on the bricks I left in the silo.. I don't see any polite reasoning for resources to be taken in a fifteen to twenty minute span when I was online and easily contactable.

    It was.. frustrating as I then was unsure whether any further loads would be taken in the same manner, so it became a debate of "Do I actually do any lairshaping today or do I give up for now in case it happens again?"


    Aegis Shatterer - Scourge of the Scourge - Blight's Own Decay

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Silo Etiquette

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadina View Post
    I know public silos are public, but please, people, can we shwo a little restraint? If you didn't put it in, don't take it out. That's all I have to say on the matter.
    Right. That happened to me, I actually caught the thief steeling my stuff. I had just placed some t1 crystal in the silo as I got more and when I came back silo was empty and the thief poofed. But he was not fast enough, I saw his name before he had time to recall... He knows who he is.
    Was only like 400 t1 crystals, a lv 100 too. He could have asked and I would have gladly given it to him.
    Unfortunately, it only takes a few thieves to leave a bad taste. Tough I am glad that in Istaria 1 like him is the exception.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Silo Etiquette

    This is just a bad apple and there will always be a few, Istaria has the nicest most accomodating population I've ever seen when it comes to both keeping public silos clear and trying to perserve any left behind product, working around it. Always a shame when someone tarnishes something generally functioning so well amongst a diverse group. I hope the few times people get burned is offset by how nice of a public gesture public silos are of the plot holder. No amount of etiquette training will rehabilitate a thief.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Silo Etiquette

    Quote Originally Posted by Teto Frum View Post
    This is just a bad apple and there will always be a few, Istaria has the nicest most accomodating population I've ever seen when it comes to both keeping public silos clear and trying to perserve any left behind product, working around it. Always a shame when someone tarnishes something generally functioning so well amongst a diverse group. I hope the few times people get burned is offset by how nice of a public gesture public silos are of the plot holder. No amount of etiquette training will rehabilitate a thief.
    Quoting for great truth.
    In EvE Online, not only people are basically all nasty goons, in that came the even the developers support and highlight scamming, stealing, harassing, baiting... They won't even undo blatant exploits ("because the exploiters played the game smart so...").

    Imagine the feeling when logging in Istaria where all of the above is an exception that causes a reaction like this.
    Vahrokh Vain - Ancient dragon level 100 adv 100 craft 34M of untainted, fireworks and other crap free hoard.
    Isarion - Reaver Healer Spiritist, many craft classes.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Silo Etiquette

    To be fair in regards to EVE Online the game is quite upfront about it being a dog eat dog universe and was designed to channel the griefers into a role in the game. In no way do I think Istaria should be like that, but you have to admit being completely up front with it and giving the griefers the thumbs up to be pirates in the low security and no security areas of the game is an interesting way to handle the inevitable fact that every game suffers those types of people.

    And as to the nasty goons comment, I play EVE and 90% of my interactions are with people that are very stand-up individuals.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: Silo Etiquette

    My job in EvE is to audit third parties. Needless to say, I have met all sorts of individuals :S
    Vahrokh Vain - Ancient dragon level 100 adv 100 craft 34M of untainted, fireworks and other crap free hoard.
    Isarion - Reaver Healer Spiritist, many craft classes.

  13. #13
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    Default Re: Silo Etiquette

    my personal process:
    1) ask in chat/use /who to see if the crafter is online
    a) if the crafter is online, i ask if i can use the silo as well
    2) if not, i make a note of what is in the silo. i announce my intentions publically in the chat rooms, and leave messages with associates to pass on
    3) i craft and use what is in the silo freely
    4) at the end of my crafting, i replace the items that were already in the silo before logging

    according to the golden rule, this is how i would like to be treated in this matter.......
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  14. #14

    Default Re: Silo Etiquette

    By the same token, people that leave stuff in silos then log out for an undisputed amount of time needs to move their stuff before logging out. Too often I go to Nutalla to hopefully do flowstones one day when it is less busy.

    Nutalla is popular so the silos are almost always full. Today I looked online for the people whose stuff was in the silo. Not a single one online. Not even three hours later did they come online. (It is late by now.) I gave up waiting for them and throw stuff on nearby connie so I can at last use these silos.

    Why do so many people make sandstone blocks and leave them there? Same with slate spellshards and marble spellshards. If one is making them for XP, do us all a favor and take them out if you do not intend to make spells with them. Some of us can use those silos. I don't assume anything is 'up for grabs'. I know the minute I do, the original owner gets to scream 'thief'! the minute you touch them no matter how long the items have been there. (plot holder notwithstanding)

  15. #15

    Default Re: Silo Etiquette

    I concur with the OP .. but also with the prevailing sentiment .. there will always be bad apples .. but lets be thankful that they are a small minority and that people can open silos and connies free to the community and people can (generally) expect everyone else to respect that their stuff - (although technically open to the public - and available to them) is not really considered to be free and fair game therefore off limits.. But I also concede that people need to consider their fellow Istarians and not hog silo space that has been freely donated by various plot-owners.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Silo Etiquette

    People leaving their stuff in public silos when they are not crafting or have logged off is just as rude as taking things that aren't yours. So please, please, please, take your things with you when you log off. I have seen thing left for WEEKS at Nuthalla, which is such a heavily used spot, and it's just plain inconsiderate.

    The flip side to this is:
    If you see materials in a silo, check to see if that person is online/ in the area and crafting. If not, wait for a short period (in case the boot monster got them). If you use the materials and that person does relog or star asking, be prepared to replace them.

    I feel that is a fair way to play.
    Be the Dragon!

  17. #17

    Default As far as the plot owner goes

    I needed to work a good bit of cobalt recently. All the plots in Shelter Pass were empty (on Order) so I bought the big one and put up a vault, journeyman blacksmith shop and 7 silos. 6 of the silos are public. I think I left some ore behind when I was done with pushing a new armorcrafter through the cobalt age. Anything I leave behind in a public silo like that is up for grabs. If I really wanted it, I would have put it in the private silo or my vault.

    By the way, if you look at cobalt golems as mobile ore sources this is the absolutely best place to work cobalt. I was able to work cobalt as fast at shelter pass I did working steel out at Acul.

  18. #18
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    Default Re: Silo Etiquette

    shelter pass.....a noob question, where is that?
    i usually do my cob in the kira tundra (altho i believe there might be a public silo in the lair in the dralk field - been a while since i had to do cob), but there are no silos, of course....
    if things are that good there, maybe i should go see if anyone has any public silos on blight - will need some serious cob soon for the industrial complex....
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
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  19. #19

    Default Shelter Pass

    Shelter Pass is at roughly 22150,26900 (Southeast of the Floating Island). It’s a very small old-skool community. Definitely there pre-merger. No portal. Middle of nowhere. It does come with a shrine.

    The cobalt and nickel field is right up the hill to the northeast. If you are looking for the golem Isotope he roams this field. There is an Imperial Refinery even farther up the hill to the northeast. Pretty close to the jade golems.

    To move materials out you can A. load up you disks and run to Heather (bleh) B. stuff your vault and get it out again anywhere. That’s why you bought all those vault upgrades! C. If you absolutely have to move gobs of materials to a reeeealy remote location, build and deconstruct T4 silos to produce novians.

  20. #20
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    Default Re: Silo Etiquette

    hmmm, that naughty isotope is quite the wanderer....i always go looking for him in the kira tundra field......
    those of you been around know how much i adore isotope!
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
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