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Thread: western deadlands..

  1. #1

    Default western deadlands..

    ok i was just wondering. WHEN THE HELL ARE THEY GOING TO FIX THE WESTERN DEADLANDS!!!!! its 1 big combat lag area there so almost impossible to fight, wich is shame since there are some nice mobs there, so it woudn't hurt of someone takes a look at that erea,

  2. #2

    Default Re: western deadlands..

    Before I start to fight there at all, i go to the shore and relogg and sometimes after a relogg, when lags comes back, I go to shore, write /loadui and then I can fight 30 more min before another relog.

    At Satyr isles, only one relog is nescesary before a hunt starts really. Well I did a relog after 3 hours at Elnath yesterday, wich is the largest Satyr Isle. I putted some markers at it too that will come with Map pack v2.4

    The RP guild Kushan Sogd at Harro, Unity Shard
    Download and install Pekkas Map Pack v2.9 today and HCC 0.26 Beta is there too

  3. #3

    Default Re: western deadlands..


    you know screaming at the players no matter how much will still not get you an should try asking nicely to the devs this it says in the game manuel (for reals) you catch more bees with honey

  4. #4

    Default Re: western deadlands..

    Try asking the devs nicely?

    Yeah that will work.

  5. #5

    Default Re: western deadlands..

    I hear the lag issue from many players, yet deadlands only issue for me is health bar not updateing, I get more lag from 1/2 the player cities than in deadlands vs 15 mobs. I hope what ever the issue is fixed as it's killing RoP for many hatchlings atm...

  6. #6
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    Default Re: western deadlands..

    Quote Originally Posted by Finduilas
    Try asking the devs nicely?

    Yeah that will work.
    If that was an attempt at sarcasm, it was uncalled for.

    If it wasnt, then i agree!

    Proud and loyal members of Battalion
    Xarii Ani - Dryad - Chaos shard
    Quazi Ani - Dragon - Chaos shard

  7. #7

    Default Re: western deadlands..

    Quote Originally Posted by Poony666
    Quote Originally Posted by Finduilas
    Try asking the devs nicely?

    Yeah that will work.
    If that was an attempt at sarcasm, it was uncalled for.

    If it wasnt, then i agree!
    Was that sarcasm too?

  8. #8
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    Default Re: western deadlands..

    no, for once i was being serious!

    Proud and loyal members of Battalion
    Xarii Ani - Dryad - Chaos shard
    Quazi Ani - Dragon - Chaos shard

  9. #9

    Default Re: western deadlands..

    When wekilled Kaa for a young dragon it wasinsane.. it waslaggy and the spawns were crazy there... I dont expect an average group of players to ever complete this part of the ROP...
    Frons Von Frik - Order

  10. #10

    Default Re: western deadlands..

    But Frons! I thought you were ofaverage power....

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Default Re: western deadlands..

    Quote Originally Posted by gopher65
    But Frons! I thought you were ofaverage power....
    That he is, but he said an average group of players, he is of average power...the power of a total average group! = P

    I find that any area that has walls either side of me, like a tunnel like situation causes me more lag, so yea teh spiral is laggy for me too.

    Proud and loyal members of Battalion
    Xarii Ani - Dryad - Chaos shard
    Quazi Ani - Dragon - Chaos shard

  12. #12

    Default Re: western deadlands..

    heh [B]
    Frons Von Frik - Order

  13. #13

    Default Re: western deadlands..

    I have been on 3 failed Kaa runs lately and it's crazy, but doable if the group is in constant motion...but someone always drops connection, and by the time they relog our staying in 1 spot for 2 mins thespawn rate goes into overdrive. They need an upper limit or its going be like Lem leading the wall of Bone death again.
    [ Lem used to keepattracting guards until every bone marrow that the area will spawn were his guards...*shudders*][:@]

  14. #14
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    Default Re: western deadlands..

    I too have atempted to help hatchlings down the spiral to get Kaa. Instant spawns, multitudes of mobs, and what the hell is a level 100 mob doing down there, let alone 5 or 6 of them in a group with wraiths? You use to be able to get down ther with a group of 5-6 50th-70th levels plus the hatchling and do alright. Now it takes 2 to 3 groups of 80+ toons just to get halfway down! Untill this is fixed hatchlings will be forever stuck at Kaa, causingsome to give up and leave the game entirely. No one should have to try to gather 20-30 people just to do one part of a quest, a group of 10 should be all that is required. Now my fingers hurt and so dose my head. Please Devs, take a look at the western deadlands and the spiral.
    Tamaracaran Thothalomadais: Dragon, As old as the world, Twice.
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  15. #15
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    Default Re: western deadlands..

    The Kaa spiral is a perfect example of a spawn gone wrong, if it wasnt a part of a quest i would love the place. At least there is a challenge in fighting there, rarly have i had such a good fight as when we helped a dragon get to Kaa. But, the dragons doing the quests are lvl 35+, come on, they have no chance at all. It used to be hard, now its near impossible.
    You need a good group, then you gotta keep moving cause the stuff instant spawns faster than you kill, move slowly all the way down and pray you dont die of healthbar lag....i applaud the challenge, i cannot understand the place it was put.

    Health bar lag is noticable in every deadlands as soon as you go in groups, solo is ok, but its not a very good place to solo now is it? It needs to be looked at very soon.
    "Baruk Khazad! Khazad ai-menu!!"

    Fhrain Fireheart
    Dwarven Berserker at Night, Paladin in the Day
    --Pain is Temporary, Glory is Eternal--

  16. #16

    Default Re: western deadlands..

    I did head out a lil time ago to kill kaa whit 8 lvl 100's we all died in 1 min!! COZ OF LAG!
    Onnidrah: Half Gaint - Retired
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  17. #17

    Default Re: western deadlands..

    I agree with ya i went to western deadlands other day i was dead when i walked in didnt even see a mob the lag was so bad. Before merger i could hack down to Kaa with just a healer and a hatchling. It's crazy now.
    100 Bezerker 100 Healer 100 Druid 100 reaver 40 ChaosWarrior 100 mage 100 spiritist 100 Weaponsmith 100 blacksmith 55 fitter and various others

  18. #18
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    Default Re: western deadlands..

    Quote Originally Posted by Onnidrah
    I did head out a lil time ago to kill kaa whit 8 lvl 100's we all died in 1 min!! COZ OF LAG!
    Yep, you gotta keep spam healing and perma stunning em to be any good there...bring some healers and shamans if you didnt[:)]
    "Baruk Khazad! Khazad ai-menu!!"

    Fhrain Fireheart
    Dwarven Berserker at Night, Paladin in the Day
    --Pain is Temporary, Glory is Eternal--

  19. #19
    Member Eleena's Avatar
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    Default Re: western deadlands..

    Just a small tip some of the dragons on Chaos have found in regards to getting Kaa.... we dont go down into the spiral. I know its not as fun but we have found that if we take a group of anywhere from 6-10 (2 being 100 dragons, a good healer, and the hatchling), the dragons can pull Kaa from the bottom to a safe spot outside the upper wall. If they time it correctly, we dont get the additions from the other levels on the way up. We are pulling to the opening valley that comes in from the tower and it has been successful for us on numerous occasions. Just in case someone wants to try it that way [;)]

    Eleena, Patriarch
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