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Thread: Who hunts the WA?

  1. #21

    Red face Re: Who hunts the WA?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dhalin View Post
    I think Stuns in general need a nerf. Is there any way that a debuff (well, buff) can be placed so that once you get stunned, if you get stunned again, it only lasts half as long until the buff/debuff wears off? That way, you have a fighting chance against stuff that likes to stun you. Maybe make it stack until eventually, stuns don't work at all (or last 0 seconds) until the debuff (maybe the debuff lasts 2 minutes or something and is refreshed when a stun is attempted again)?
    Such mechanics often exist for PVP spells, and other games have something like that for PVE as well.

    Actually 'dimishing returns' work the other way around too, as some games prevent players from perma-crowd controlling mobs. If you CC something for too long or too many times, your CC eventually stops working completely.

    I don't know how that could be implemented into Istaria though. Probably requires a lot of re-coding the game...

  2. #22
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Who hunts the WA?

    Chain stunning is a very cheap tactic. Nothing like coming in with brilliant tactics, a good strategy that is carefully planned out, good gear tailored to the damage the mob deals
    I find it's fair. There are schools with stuns and people multiclass exactly to get the most crowd control skills possible.
    Why would mobs be any different? Majority of pure whack-a-mole moronic outdoor mobs are one of the boring elements of WoW and other games.

    Knossos, its no secret that I hate to hunt on Satyr. And I hate to ask for the comps, like many others do, cause I have nothing to give in return.
    I don't know on Order, but on Chaos 20-30 silver will do

    And about the Stuns..... they aren't just stuns, but AoE Stuns as well!? Jeebus. That's even more cheap than I thought it was.
    Players also get and use AoE crowd control, are they cheap?

    I think Stuns in general need a nerf. Is there any way that a debuff (well, buff) can be placed so that once you get stunned, if you get stunned again, it only lasts half as long until the buff/debuff wears off? That way, you have a fighting chance against stuff that likes to stun you
    I am a dragon and miss a lot of tools the bipeds have to deal with WA mobs, but I did fine with no epics years ago and do fine today.
    So, it's challenging and if you bork something you die. What's the deal? Making diminishing returns like in WoW only achieves to castrate the few challenging mobs in game to the level of golems. Is this what we need? To get 238 levels and then go against golem alike jokes?

    Plus diminishing returns are used in PvP, much less for PvE.
    Vahrokh Vain - Ancient dragon level 100 adv 100 craft 34M of untainted, fireworks and other crap free hoard.
    Isarion - Reaver Healer Spiritist, many craft classes.

  3. #23

    Default Re: Who hunts the WA?

    Plus diminishing returns are used in PvP, much less for PvE.
    I've played games that diminishing returns were used against the players when it comes to mobs -- it'd work both ways. You can't chain-stun a mob, a mob can't chain-stun you. It is a cheap tactic no matter who uses it for what reason. Since you mentioned the "PvP, not PvE thing" I assume you were talking about WoW? Anything that you'd actually want (or need) to stun, is immune to stun anyways! Most stuns break when the target takes damage as well.

    There was this boss in FFXI. His name was Dynamis Lord. One of THE lamest bosses I've ever seen in any MMORPG period, as the only way to kill the stupid thing, was to get several red mages (who have a 30-second long ability usable once per 2 hours, that removes casting time and cooldown on all spells, including, yes, Stun). Have them all throwing stun repeatedly so he can't wipe out 60+ players in a couple seconds.

    I would rather they tone down his absolutely ridiculous damage, and remove the chain-stun thing to compensate. Keep his challenge level about the same, but remove the stupid "Stunlock him to death" crap.

    I'm not asking we turn WA and Undead into Zombies, but Good God, nothing is worse than watching your character die when you can't even freaking move. Your character just stands there while he or she gets beaten to death. That's not fun. It just isn't.

    There's plenty of other deadly tactics the WA use, we don't need the stupid chain stuns. What about all of their clerics, healers, spiritualists, etc healing each other when you're trying to kill them? What about the whole "ganging up" thing they love to do?

    Combine those with the sheer challenge in fighting the UI, and you got yourself a mess that just plain is not fun. Maybe if they'd improve the UI, allow you to cast healing spells on yourself without losing your target, maybe if they'd make it that you could reasonably loot your kills during combat before 10 more mobs spawn when you killed one, then maybe we could throw around a few more stuns and it not feel so ridiculous.

  4. #24

    Default Re: Who hunts the WA?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dhalin View Post
    There's plenty of other deadly tactics the WA use, we don't need the stupid chain stuns. What about all of their clerics, healers, spiritualists, etc healing each other when you're trying to kill them? What about the whole "ganging up" thing they love to do?
    DoTs, Snares, Roots, Healing each other, Stacking massive debuffs... there are plenty of other tactics that can be used that are just as annoying.

    In any other MMO, dazes and stuns are fragile things-they break on damage, they fizzle when an already stunned player gets stunned again, there is a period of time after the stun wears off where the player is immune etc.

    There are even abilities certain classes have to break stuns, resist stuns etc. None of that is present in Istaria. Granted, there are several mobs that chain stunning is the only way to kill them. Elial, Shaloth etc.

    WA already have several hundred abilities that the gifted don't ever get. So can't we get an ability that our enemies don't get to counter this stupid chain stunning mess? (Like an immunity timer once one of the longer stuns wears off?) Or at least tone down the AI so that they don't have the ability to flawlessly chain stun us?

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Dralk and in my lair, where else?

    Default Re: Who hunts the WA?

    Since you mentioned the "PvP, not PvE thing" I assume you were talking about WoW?
    No, why would I mention WoW to talk about PvP?

    I'm not asking we turn WA and Undead into Zombies, but Good God, nothing is worse than watching your character die when you can't even freaking move. Your character just stands there while he or she gets beaten to death. That's not fun. It just isn't.
    Dying is the penalty for big enough mistakes. I have yet to die due to anything but my own big enough mistakes. Don't overpull, don't over-stay there and you won't get 200 permastun mobs on your skin.

    There's plenty of other deadly tactics the WA use, we don't need the stupid chain stuns. What about all of their clerics, healers, spiritualists, etc healing each other when you're trying to kill them? What about the whole "ganging up" thing they love to do?
    I find it's really cool that few games (Istaria is not the only one) where players are faced to fight the very same mechanisms and tactics that they may throw at the mobs.

    If they remove mobs stuns then they shall remove player stuns as well. If they remove mobs AoE crowd control, they shall also remove players AoE crowd control.

    See a group of mobs? Well, the mobs got the spirit of a MMO better than players if mobs group so often and players always go solo against them.

    See healers? They add depth to an otherwise single sided fight where you press multistrike / gold rage and mobs die. Now you have to deal with additional challenges including prioritizing targets. What's bad in that?
    There's plenty of golems for those who don't want to bother with variety and challenges. But leave the players who love the challenges have them.

    In fact the proposed satyr isles nerfs were badly taken exactly because there are players who have a spine and play Istaria exactly for that.

    Combine those with the sheer challenge in fighting the UI, and you got yourself a mess that just plain is not fun
    EvE Online player reporting in. You cannot have a worse UI (actually, I was also a Darkfall Online player, double nasty, nonstandard UI survivor!).

    Istaria is ridicolously, obscenely easier than other games. We don't even have to deal with depletable mana / energy nor to take into account diminishing returns.
    How much easier mode do you want it?

    Maybe if they'd improve the UI, allow you to cast healing spells on yourself without losing your target
    That would be cool, in the mean time I press F1 (select self) and then heal up, then TAB (for me it's select nearest enemy, usually the one that was beating on me of the bunch). It works well enough.

    maybe if they'd make it that you could reasonably loot your kills during combat before 10 more mobs spawn when you killed one
    1) Make a select nearest corpse + loot macro. Takes a full 20 seconds.
    2) While fighting, when the mob is almost dead, do a step backwards.
    3) Press 1) and enjoy always correct, immediate corpse looting.

    There are even abilities certain classes have to break stuns, resist stuns etc. None of that is present in Istaria. Granted, there are several mobs that chain stunning is the only way to kill them. Elial, Shaloth etc
    To counter balance that, we can tech almost everything with cleanse and undo zillions of mobs abilities at an instant.

    Or at least tone down the AI so that they don't have the ability to flawlessly chain stun us?
    Istaria is how many hundreds of square miles large?
    And you just HAVE to nerf the few tiny dots where there are better mobs that provide a challenge?

    What about you don't resort killing the trillions of other mobs who don't do that and leave to other adventurers the challenging mobs?
    Vahrokh Vain - Ancient dragon level 100 adv 100 craft 34M of untainted, fireworks and other crap free hoard.
    Isarion - Reaver Healer Spiritist, many craft classes.

  6. #26

    Default Re: Who hunts the WA?

    Quote Originally Posted by Vahrokh View Post
    No, why would I mention WoW to talk about PvP?

    Dying is the penalty for big enough mistakes. I have yet to die due to anything but my own big enough mistakes. Don't overpull, don't over-stay there and you won't get 200 permastun mobs on your skin.
    Except, mobs in Istaria love to be invisible until you enter an area, then BAM, there's 10 of them right ontop of you. You might say "Enter an area slowly"... yeah, well I've done that. I KNOW there are mobs there, and I wait in the air, or 100+m away for several minutes and still no mobs. But dang, if I should dare walk into that area, WHAM. I'm getting mobbed by several of them that pop suddenly, all at once.

    I find it's really cool that few games (Istaria is not the only one) where players are faced to fight the very same mechanisms and tactics that they may throw at the mobs.
    Like I said, I wouldn't have a problem with this, if Istaria's UI were a bit better. More on this below. Oh, and one other thing: WA and Undead have tons of abilities players will never get already as mentioned before.

    If they remove mobs stuns then they shall remove player stuns as well. If they remove mobs AoE crowd control, they shall also remove players AoE crowd control.
    I never said "Remove". I said "Nerf". And sure, if you want to nerf perma-stunning for Mobs, then yes, Nerf it for players as well. As I said in my earlier posts: It is a cheap, ridiculous tactic that nobody (mobs OR players) should be able to pull off. When you have a Boss that *requires* Perma-stunning him to win, then you have a boss that is overpowered and/or poorly designed. When you have mobs doing it, JUST to make them more challenging, then you need to come up with more creative ways to make mobs hard.

    Perma-stunning and Chain-stunning is NOT the answer. It never was, and it never will be the answer.

    See a group of mobs? Well, the mobs got the spirit of a MMO better than players if mobs group so often and players always go solo against them.
    There are 50+ mobs in any given Ogre, WA, or Undead Spawn. It is pretty rare I see 50 or more players on a Server-Wide Player Search that are not invisible. And a lot of them have no interest in grouping with me, or they are busy with their own agendas. Of course, if I could reach into an invisible bag and pull out 9 group members any time I wanted, don't you think I WOULD do that? Do you think I want to solo WA? No, I'd love to have an army of players at my side... but it just isn't feasible most of the time.

    See healers? They add depth to an otherwise single sided fight where you press multistrike / gold rage and mobs die. Now you have to deal with additional challenges including prioritizing targets. What's bad in that?
    There's plenty of golems for those who don't want to bother with variety and challenges. But leave the players who love the challenges have them.
    That's why good games like WoW give players the opportunity to seek challenges, and challenge them. We could do the same. The problem is, WA and Undead mobs were required for quests (some of which were pretty darn important to a character's growth) and for Tech Comps (again, pretty important to characters' growth and progression). The Comps could be bought, but how many Fresh T5 characters can shell out 90s for a single comp? And do it repeatedly?

    In fact the proposed satyr isles nerfs were badly taken exactly because there are players who have a spine and play Istaria exactly for that.
    Then add some side-quests or challenges, or 'hard area' for them to go and do or something. *shrug*

    EvE Online player reporting in. You cannot have a worse UI (actually, I was also a Darkfall Online player, double nasty, nonstandard UI survivor!).

    Istaria is ridicolously, obscenely easier than other games. We don't even have to deal with depletable mana / energy nor to take into account diminishing returns.
    How much easier mode do you want it?
    I'd rather have DR and Mana/Energy/Whatever than to be lacking simple things like a Single Right Click to loot, or Cast Heal On Myself without deselecting mobs, etc yadda yadda.

    That would be cool, in the mean time I press F1 (select self) and then heal up, then TAB (for me it's select nearest enemy, usually the one that was beating on me of the bunch). It works well enough.
    Every stinking time I try that, if I have 2 or more mobs attacking me, my character ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS targets the wrong mob. Well, almost always. But way more often than he/she targets the correct mob. And I have to run around the mob group trying to grab the RIGHT target because the devs can't be bothered to make "Cycle Nearest Enemy" able to be keybound.

    Last I heard, the code exists in the game, and you can make a hotkey, but honestly, I ONLY have 10 hotkeys that I can access quickly by keyboard. I don't want to waste one of them on something so basic, you should be able to keybind it.

    1) Make a select nearest corpse + loot macro. Takes a full 20 seconds.
    2) While fighting, when the mob is almost dead, do a step backwards.
    3) Press 1) and enjoy always correct, immediate corpse looting.
    Again, only 10 hotkeys can be active at any given time. A Dragon, which has a lot fewer abilities than bipeds, needs at least 4 hotkey bars to cover everything. I really really don't like wasting a hotkey slot for something so basic, as looting. They really need to make a keybindable action that does that for you, or Something.

    To counter balance that, we can tech almost everything with cleanse and undo zillions of mobs abilities at an instant.
    If you can survive the packs upon packs of mobs to farm up the ice kwellen that is. And even then, what is it, like 35% chance for each spell to remove 1 bad effect? Go into Battle with 2-3 Undead. Within the first 5-10 seconds, you have at least 5 negative status effects on you. Assuming you got roughly a 1 in 3 chance of getting rid of 1 of those with 1 spell, you could cast up to 15 spells to get rid of them all. By the time you do, you have more on you. You'd spend more time casting spells and praying for successful cleanses than you would actually DPSing the mobs, or healing yourself.

    I'm not saying that Cleanse is bad, per-se, but it isn't 100% reliable, and isn't feasible to rely upon it to keep yourself fully cleansed. You're saying "Well their abilities don't matter because you can simply cleanse them off"... I'm saying that there are far too many things to cleanse off of yourself that you'd never keep yourself fully cleansed...

    Istaria is how many hundreds of square miles large?
    And you just HAVE to nerf the few tiny dots where there are better mobs that provide a challenge?
    Is there something stopping the devs from adding challenges to other places? Challenges that are NOT essential to a character's growth, challenges that are purely "For Fun" or maybe "Epic Gear"?

    What about you don't resort killing the trillions of other mobs who don't do that and leave to other adventurers the challenging mobs?
    Because Quest NPCs and Techniques keep asking me to kill the stupid WA mobs. Otherwise, I wouldn't touch the dumb things.
    Last edited by Dhalin; October 29th, 2010 at 02:29 PM.

  7. #27

    Default Re: Who hunts the WA?

    Quote Originally Posted by Vahrokh View Post
    To counter balance that, we can tech almost everything with cleanse and undo zillions of mobs abilities at an instant.
    I'm curious how to get this off if you are stunned?
    Or surrounded by 10+ enemies so they get all their attacks off, and yours just sits in the queue. There is a reason I'm not a spell caster. Most times I just sit there watching my life get beaten away while the spell just sits next in the queue and only fires if I do something else then try to cast it again. Most annoying and never reliable.

  8. #28

    Default Re: Who hunts the WA?

    how many Fresh T5 characters can shell out 90s for a single comp? And do it repeatedly?
    No idea. But when I sell Blue Fringes for 90s they always get bought very quickly.
    In the days of Nadia, people were happy to pay 180s for a single comp, and people were desperate not to see her removed from game. There's only a few comps that sell for around this price, just wait a few months for the next patch to go live and you won't have to complain about the price of blue fringes anymore.

    Dhalin, you continue to over-exaggerate the number of mobs that insta-spawn, the number of mobs in an area, and how bad stuns are, what abilities the WA have, how tough the WA mobs are etc etc etc.

    Many people are able to deal with this hunting. Some aren't.
    If you are unwilling to learn from mistakes, adapt, try a different approach, engage other players to teach you how to hunt successfully (I believe this has been done before) then I can't see why the game should be changed as per your suggestions to nerf it completely to hell.

    If you're complaining about these T5 Satyr mobs, it's obvious you've never spent time at the old Outpost north of Harro (mobs there are sadly gone now), or fought any Cenotaph guardian mobs.
    There you'll find much more to complain about like... mobs that rez, stun, mobs that multicast T6 Flame bombs. It's just a pity those mobs don't drop anything that's particularly useful or with a re-sale value.

    Please stop expecting that every mob in game should be a dumb target that spawns in a safe area on it's own and doesn't fight back.

  9. #29

    Default Re: Who hunts the WA?

    Quote Originally Posted by Vortura View Post
    No idea. But when I sell Blue Fringes for 90s they always get bought very quickly.
    Maybe by players who have multiple characters, etc. I think many "fresh t5s" you see nowdays are players who already have a couple 100+ rating characters, they just simply don't feel like hunting vexes, or they are like Me and Shian, and absolutely detest fighting the UI when trying to hunt for stuff like this.

    In the days of Nadia, people were happy to pay 180s for a single comp, and people were desperate not to see her removed from game.
    That's because 180s was better than fighting the stupid things in the first place. But hey, if we happen to see one for 90s, we'll take that gladly. But still, 90s still seems a bit steep for *one* tech comp IMO.

    There's only a few comps that sell for around this price, just wait a few months for the next patch to go live and you won't have to complain about the price of blue fringes anymore.
    I know that, I was merely giving a good example as to why I think this change was needed. One shouldn't have to drop a good 200+s into ONE piece of gear. Especially not if you're Fresh-T5 and probably don't have more than a gold or two.

    Dhalin, you continue to over-exaggerate the number of mobs that insta-spawn, the number of mobs in an area, and how bad stuns are, what abilities the WA have, how tough the WA mobs are etc etc etc.
    I'm exaggerating how bad the stuns are? Okay, there was this time I was in the WD... yes, the WD. Not the ED, not Satyr, but the WD. I was *trying* to get bone splinters for those breath quests. Of course, there's more stupid ghosts, zombies, and other undead and only a skeleton or two here-and-there, but on one near-death, I got stunned 5 times in a row. In the span of about 15 seconds, I was able to take exactly 2 steps. I kept spamming the Sprint key and by the time I was finally able to hit it and get the *beep* out of there, I had like 200HP left.. barely enough time to land up on a hillside and pop an Instant Heal before I died from having like 5 DoTs on me.

    When I landed there were only 2 skeletons. The other 10 or so mobs popped in the time it took me to gold rage one (killing it outright), loot it, and then Tail whip the 2nd, Silver Strike, Ravage it was dead. By the time I had looted it, there were 10 mobs attacking me. This is a common occurrence for me; I'll hover around an area for 5 minutes+ but yet I only see 1-2 mobs.... UNLESS I dare go down and fight one. THEN the rest pop.

    Many people are able to deal with this hunting. Some aren't.
    If you are unwilling to learn from mistakes, adapt, try a different approach, engage other players to teach you how to hunt successfully (I believe this has been done before) then I can't see why the game should be changed as per your suggestions to nerf it completely to hell.
    Well, obviously the devs think differently. The only thing I was asking for a nerf on, is the stuns. And maybe have mobs actually pop predictably, so that they don't just appear out of thin air while you're in combat or something. *shrugs*

    If you're complaining about these T5 Satyr mobs, it's obvious you've never spent time at the old Outpost north of Harro (mobs there are sadly gone now), or fought any Cenotaph guardian mobs.
    I'm only recently T5, and I'm seeing the Ugly side of Istaria... Ugly as in, Not Fun. As I said several times in my posts, I wouldn't mind hard mobs, if the UI was more friendly. I used to play FFXI, if you know anything about THAT game. I can have fun in a Hard game. Fighting the UI, though, is not something I find fun.

    There you'll find much more to complain about like... mobs that rez, stun, mobs that multicast T6 Flame bombs. It's just a pity those mobs don't drop anything that's particularly useful or with a re-sale value.
    Sounds like these mobs were designed when Groups in mind. Groups are a lot harder to get these days, and I *hate* begging for help. Especially when there's not much in it for those helping me.

    Please stop expecting that every mob in game should be a dumb target that spawns in a safe area on it's own and doesn't fight back.
    You know, I'm getting tired of people who say "Stop asking for White! We want our Black!" when I'm asking for GREY.

    I'm not asking for White.
    I don't want Black.

    Can't there be a freaking middle ground with any of you people? Honestly...

    I swear some people love absolute misery, and some people would rather there be no challenge whatsoever at all. But then, someone like me comes along, who wants something in the middle, and right away, the "Misery" people say "OMG, you want to turn this game into White!"

    No. I want something in the Middle.

    In. The. Middle.

    Can you understand that?

    No offense, but it seems like some people can only understand 0 and 1.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Pacific NW, USA // Order

    Default Re: Who hunts the WA?

    *listens intently for chorus of "In the Middle" requests"


  11. #31

    Default Re: Who hunts the WA?

    I didn't know this had to be a choice of black or white.
    I want this to be a fun and vibrant game full of many colours, catering for all types of player... and you just want to turn the whole thing to a dull grey because you think it doesn't work the way you want it to.

  12. #32

    Default Re: Who hunts the WA?

    Purple!! Make it all purple !!

    Sorry Dhalin, I have to completely agree with Vortura.

    Thaalia of Order

  13. #33

    Default Re: Who hunts the WA?

    Quote Originally Posted by Vortura View Post
    I didn't know this had to be a choice of black or white.
    I want this to be a fun and vibrant game full of many colours, catering for all types of player... and you just want to turn the whole thing to a dull grey because you think it doesn't work the way you want it to.
    First, you accuse me of wanting to turn the game pure white (that 'dumb target that doesn't fight back' comment), now you accuse me of wanting to turn it a "Dull Grey".

    Which is it?

    What I've been trying to say in this whole thing, is that I think the devs have the right idea -- make character Progression up until Endgame a little easier (not so easy that you fight only golems though) by putting tech comps on non-WA/Undead mobs. The Techniques themselves can be sold on the Consigner, giving a player an alternative method of gaining those.

    In its stead, they are putting "Broken Items" in the game. These should be the equivalent of "Epic" gear for a given tier -- you want Epic gear, go get it! You love challenge, right? Stick the huge chain-stunning mess of mobs in some out-of-the-way place, put the "broken item" drops on those mobs, and you can have all the fun you want to have, right?

    I'm merely saying that one's journey up to T5 and getting to where you can participate in T5, shouldn't require you to fight ridiculously hard stuff where you need groups (but can't find groups), or hours upon hours of grinding silver to buy expensive stuff off the connie.

    Like I said in another, earlier post of mine: Just because they are toning down the Satyr Isles doesn't mean they can't add more challenge elsewhere. They added Dralnok's Doom, I'm sure they can add other things similar to it.

    Edit: Afterthought:

    I want this to be a fun and vibrant game full of many colours, catering for all types of player
    You see, I want that too.

    We don't have that, because once you get to T5, you find that everything ramps up in grindyness. On the crafting side, making your materials suddenly gets ridiculous as you have incredible troubles of finding anything unguarded (forcing the pure crafter to level adv schools). To even work T5 at anything near max efficiency, you need Tech'd gear. To get Tech'd gear, you need to either make it, or find someone to make it for you. Either way, you need Tech Comps. Many T5 techs want things from Undead/WA Mobs.

    On the adventuring side, once you get up into the T5 range, you find that the gear with no techs, or the gear with the T3-T4 techs just isn't working out so well. Your character is having more and more trouble with killing mobs and you need gear that's tech'd properly, so you run into the "T5 Tech Comp Blues" just like the crafter does.

    Either way, you run into a problem:

    T5 Tech comps.

    There's only 2 ways to get em:

    1). Farm Em Yourself (involving the aforementioned chain-stunning, mass-popping, pull-your-hair-out frustrating battles)


    2). Farm the silver. If you're Fresh-T5, with no other characters leveled up, this is going to take you forever and a day. Probably best you can do is farm trophies to sell to a trophy vendor or maybe mass-crafting stuff. But, not many things actually sell well to PB that I've seen. I'm reluctant to mention one of the few I've found that yields a little money.

    Unless, of course, you get incredibly lucky and an extremely charitable person comes along... but this is nothing to rely upon. It is nice when it happens, but one shouldn't expect it to.

    Either way, a full set of T5 tech'd gear is going to take quite awhile to get. After the changes, well, it should be a lot smoother of a curve. Epic Battles should be for Epic Stuff. Endgame. Etc. Lv80-100 isn't what I call "Endgame".
    Last edited by Dhalin; October 30th, 2010 at 01:52 AM.

  14. #34

    Default Re: Who hunts the WA?

    I can tell you that there arent mysterious mobs spawning behind me and jumping me all the time, does it happen of course but not to the point that I've been hearing on here. And anyways it isn't beyond comprehension that things might sneak up on ya during combat.

    To the stuns.....nothing has changed about the aegis stuns that I've noticed over years. They appear exactly the same today as always, theyve never been a problem before either that I can remember. One of the greatest hunting attributes of Istaria is the large range of defenses available, most stunners in Istaria are on VERY predictable attacks patterns. Have ALL your defenses up when they are expected to stun, eat and load up the specific xtal against the type of attack the stun is, if stuns are your biggest weakness tech your stuff to prevent stunning not offense, learn where to pull too to avoid aggro.

    There is a lot more to MMO combat than punching hotkeys, plenty of us have figured out successfully how to hunt the aegis anywhere. Ive been hunting the Satyrs since I was a 90 war 70 cleric after comps to get my first set of of 91 teched armour, so its not a matter of must be uber. The stunners are dangerous solo for anyone ubers included, it takes patience and defense solo , intelligent group spacing if grouped.....but they are no where near the invisible surprise popping invincible mobs I'm hearing about and the UI operates a TON better than anything being described on here on my computer at least.

  15. #35

    Default Re: Who hunts the WA?

    Comps in the future wont ever need hunted again, any trimming of the number of comps into a lesser number will just continue to make all comps as generic and everywhere as hoard and blighted junk is now. We are talking about thousands and thousands of about to become obsolete comps being traded in for the new comps, some at higher than 1 to 1 ratios Dahlin comps will just join the long list of other worthless loot that there is no demand for, just one more thing to pawn.

  16. #36

    Default Re: Who hunts the WA?

    Dhalin what you need to think about in all your ranting about "it's too hard" is this:

    Istaria has been this way for 7 years and many of us are still here.
    Yes, it's hard! That's why we are still here!
    If you get what you want and everything is easy what's the point in playing?
    Playing online games challenges us, to think, to plan, to reach.
    To stick with it till you figure it out.
    And that's the beauty of the Satyr Islands. It's a constant challenge. And once you figure it out it's fun.

  17. #37

    Default Re: Who hunts the WA?

    Dhalin, you might remember the above thread. If not please read the parts that involved you and those who went well out of their way to help you at no cost to you.

    This next link is your thanks to the members of the community for helping you out in your time of need.

    Now we have your posts on this thread.

    Have you forgotten all of the community-pulling-together aspect of this game where we help out someone in need?

    Did you not put those moves into practice and sharpen those senses and abilities to turn yourself into a finely tuned hunting machine?

    What happened between that moment of hope we all saw in that thankyou post and now?

  18. #38

    Default Re: Who hunts the WA?

    Quote Originally Posted by Vortura View Post

    Dhalin, you might remember the above thread. If not please read the parts that involved you and those who went well out of their way to help you at no cost to you.

    This next link is your thanks to the members of the community for helping you out in your time of need.

    Now we have your posts on this thread.

    Have you forgotten all of the community-pulling-together aspect of this game where we help out someone in need?

    Did you not put those moves into practice and sharpen those senses and abilities to turn yourself into a finely tuned hunting machine?

    What happened between that moment of hope we all saw in that thankyou post and now?
    I remember those events quite well.

    And yes, fighting some of that stuff was fun.

    But then... I made a few, shall we say, unsuccessful attempts at some of the mobs wanted in a couple quests, and I started seeing some of the things I mentioned in this thread -- all the stuns being thrown around, having difficulties looting mobs, etc.

    I will always be thankful to those who helped me, don't get me wrong. I've never forgotten what Lov did for me way back when, and I will always appreciate those scales they had made for me.

    I'm not quite sure why you linked those two threads -- I'm not seeing what those have to do with Groups of Stun-Crazy mobs, or mobs that like to pop ontop of you. You guys claim it doesn't happen, but for some odd reason, it does to me a lot. Maybe it is my computer, maybe I have quite a bit of lag, I don't know.

    Either way, it has been quite some time since I logged into the game. I got my Dragon up to 97 and started the ARoP quest, but I suppose what happened, is I got to the part where it wants mobs (but gives you no clue where said mobs are). I got side-tracked on working on my biped, who's leveling is going much too slowly, and then I got side-tracked, again, on stuff out-of-game.

    Maybe I'll try logging in and killing some stuff again, maybe I'd feel better about all of this? I don't know.

    Still though... am I wrong to wish we had a better UI? Am I wrong to wish mobs didn't throw stuns out like candy? Am I wrong to wish for a little more soloability when it comes to making one's own armor? Is that a bad thing to ask for?

    I'm quite aware of the generosity of Lov and company, and I very much appreciate what they did.

    Still, though, I'm a very DIY person. I take pride in accomplishing something on my own. In MMORPGs, I'm the guy who has lots of different characters (or, in games like this, one character with all the schools leveled) so I can make anything I need, by myself. I am slowly (or was) trying to get both a dragon, and a biped, to max levels. The Biped, probably Warrior and Cleric, maybe an offensive caster, and all craft schools leveled so I can make it all myself, and not have to ask anyone to make anything for me.

    Having to rely on others' generosity is not something that I am accustomed to doing. I'm still trying to get used to it, and I still can't help my instincts of trying to do everything myself, first. I'm not really one to go out and make friends of complete strangers; if I get a friend, they usually approach Me first. It isn't that I don't like receiving help or making friends, it is more I feel helpless (or, with friends, I just... I dunno, I'm not a people person?) when I try, try, and fail and it becomes clear that outside help is required. It is a kind of "I should have been able to do that myself..." thing. I hate feeling helpless in a game. I hate feeling like I have to either beg, or pray that someone with a huge amount of generosity comes along to help me out of this insurmountable hole I find myself in from time-to-time.

  19. #39

    Default Re: Who hunts the WA?

    Dhalin, the more I read the more I disagree with you.
    The more I want at least 2 Satyr Islands to stay the way they are.
    A good t5 armor/equippment was worth more than 1 gold since the beginnings.
    And a "Fresh" t5 player should have to work hard- one way or the other to get it. Not because it took us a year to have our scale- set, but because its endgame content.
    The fact, that I hate to hunt on Satyr does not mean that I can`t or that I did not. I simply do not like it. And I do not have to. I got everything I needed, like comps or quests fighting there- and its not a Stupid fighting there. As said you need to be real good player to succeed there- or ask for help. And its not a prob of the game if someone prefers to play solo (in a mmorpg!) or does not want to ask for help.
    If there was not the bug prob- I`d say now: Do not change Satyr
    (uhhmm- was that me who said this??)
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  20. #40

    Default Re: Who hunts the WA?

    Quote Originally Posted by Teto Frum View Post
    if stuns are your biggest weakness tech your stuff to prevent stunning not offense
    This is all I wanted. There is not many ways to counter a stun. You can tech to prevent stun? How? Is this a biped only tech or something? Is there an ability that prevents stuns? Granted, I haven't seen all the new stuff yet, so it's possible there are some preventive things for stuns.

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