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Thread: How to become the monster

  1. #1

    Default How to become the monster

    After much tinkering around I believe I have discovered how to turn a player into a monster of their choosing! That is right! You can run around in the fur, scales and slime of your enemies- look like them, move like them and even sound like them! And all it takes is renaming a few files. Interested to find out how? Allow me to explain it all step by step.

    Things you need to know beforehand-
    • This is purely for aesthetics- you will not acquire any of the abilities and stats of the monster you become.
    • Only YOU will be able to see the changes. Everyone else will see your character as normal.
    • As always, you should make copies of any and all files described below and ONLY use the copies where modifications are required- you should leave the originals alone. This way should something go wrong you will still have the original file untouched.

    Step 1: Choose a costume.

    The first thing you need to do is pick one of the Halloween costumes that are available ingame. As you know, when used, these costume allow the game to swap your character's normal model for that of a specific monster. So the Satyr Zombie Costume will always turn you into a zombie satyr and only that.

    Essentially what we are going to do is make it so your costume of choice can be use to swap your character with any monster of your choosing. It doesn't matter what costume you decide to use- but I recommend choosing a monster that is not actively ingame. This way the change will not affect any monsters, npcs and/or players unless they are wearing the same exact costume.

    For the purposes of this walkthrough, lets pretend you chose the Female Satyr Zombie Costume.

    Step 2: Pick the monster you want to become.

    This step is pretty self explanatory. You can choose any monster you want, but to make it easier to explain, lets pretend you picked a Werewolf.

    So the idea here is we are going to turn Female Satyr Zombie Costume into a Werewolf "costume".

    Step 3: Change the skeleton.

    Alright now comes the fun part- renaming files! As stated earlier you should make copies of these files and use the copies- leave the originals alone. This is to ensure that should you accidentally corrupt or delete the file- you will still have the original safe and sound.

    Now before we can do anything we need to locate some files.

    Go to "My Computer" and click on the C drive.
    Click where it says "Program Files", scroll down and open the folder that says "Virtrium" (may also be called Artifact Entertainment or Tulga depending on how old your version is).
    Open the "Horizons" folder and there you should see a folder called "resources". Inside that folder you want to open the folder called "definitions".
    You should see another folder called "monsters". As you will see, it is filled with many more folders containing the files for each monster within the game.

    So in short the file path should look something like this:
    C:/Program Files/Virtrium/Horizons/resources/definitions/monsters

    Because we decided to become a werewolf in this example- open the folder that says "werewolf_m". What you are looking for is the character definitions file. (it's the file that ends with "_char"). In this case, it is the "werewolf_m_char". This file is responsible for the skeleton of the model- basically it tells the game where certain objects (like a weapon or shield) should attach to.

    Because we want to turn the Female Satyr Zombie Costume into the Werewolf model we have to switch the skeletons. Therefore, take your "werewolf_m_char" file and rename it "usatyr_f_char" (We find this name by looking in the monster folder label "undeads").

    Great! Set this aside for now.

    Step 4: Change the model.

    Like step 3 we need to look for the file that is responsible for the shape of the model- Lucky for us it is located in the same (werewolf_m) folder. There you should see a folder that says "body". Open that. What we need is the "geo_body" file for the monster we want to become. In this case it is the one named "werewolf_m_geo_body_n_n". And like before, we rename this file with the name of the zombie(undead) equivalent- which is "usatyr_f_geo_body_n_n".

    Set this file aside for later.

    Step 5: Change the texture

    Great- so far we've change the files responsible for the skeleton and the shape of the model. Now we need to change the texture- essentially the "skin" that goes over the model.

    To find this file, we need to go back to the "resource" folder. Open the folder labeled "entities". Inside you see another folder called "characters"-open that. Now you should see yet ANOTHER folder- this time called "monsters"-go ahead and open that.

    Inside you will note that there is a lot of files here. Each of these files are the different skins that all monster in Istaria wear. As you know- some monsters are essentially the same model but wrapped under a different skin- which is why there are multiples of entity files for the same exact monster.

    For now, let concentrate on locating the werewolf's skin. Scroll down and you should see 6 different files for the werewolf. ("werewolf00_m.ent", "werewolf01_m.ent", "werewolf02_m.ent", "werewolf03_m.ent", "werewolf04_m.ent", and "werewolfundead00_m.ent")

    The reason there are 6 is cause werewolves come in many different colors including black, red-brown, white, brown and "undead". For now, lets take the "werewolf00_m.ent" file (which happens to be black-fur werewolf).
    Rename this to "usatyr_f.ent".

    Last step: Put in the resource_override

    Alright, if you have done everything correctly you should have a total of 3 files- all which should have been renamed so they appear as such:

    All that is left to do is place them in the resource_override folder and start the game.

    Once the game is started- "put on" your costume (the Female Satyr Zombie Costume in this case) and assuming you did everything correctly you should now be in the skin of the monster of your choice!
    See picture below.
    Attached Images Attached Images

    I lurk within the depths of your mind, for I am INSANITY!

  2. #2

    Default Re: How to become the monster

    I only see three usable "undead costume" folders in the undead section:
    Saris and two genders of satyr. The other 4 are generic and the last only works on NPC dragons.

  3. #3

    Default Re: How to become the monster

    Quote Originally Posted by Shian View Post
    I only see three usable "undead costume" folders in the undead section:
    Saris and two genders of satyr. The other 4 are generic and the last only works on NPC dragons.
    I am assuming you are concerned that you are only limited to the 3 undead costumes? If that the case don't be. I only picked the satyr's undead costume as an example to make it easier to explain how you would go about modifying the files.

    Recall costumes don't just come in zombies- they also come in ghosts, skeletons and mummies. So you have several costumes you can choose from. (You should check and make sure you have all the required files in order to do this).

    Also are you sure the rest of those are just "generic"? Personally I think the folders "undead01" "undead02" and "undead03" are probably the remaining zombie costumes ....that for whatever reason someone decided to name poorly.
    As for the dragons ones only working on npcs- I'll admit I didn't bother testing this with the dragon costumes. That being said are you sure it is only works on NPC dragons? Yes, I see it says "udragon_u_sk00_cbase_npc" but that just a name. Doesn't necessarily mean it only works for npcs.
    Last edited by Xanthia; November 17th, 2010 at 02:44 AM.

    I lurk within the depths of your mind, for I am INSANITY!

  4. #4

    Default Re: How to become the monster

    Something you might wanna add is that there is no geo_body file in the undead dragon folder, because it uses the main dragon geo_body (just guessing here)

    and that there are 3 geo_bodies for dragons, Fat, Muscle and one normal one (dragona_u_geo_body_n_n) this last one should propably be used

  5. #5

    Default Re: How to become the monster

    Quote Originally Posted by meepsa View Post
    Something you might wanna add is that there is no geo_body file in the undead dragon folder, because it uses the main dragon geo_body (just guessing here)

    and that there are 3 geo_bodies for dragons, Fat, Muscle and one normal one (dragona_u_geo_body_n_n) this last one should propably be used
    Tested it and it....failed

    going to try the same monster on my satyr now (myloc queen is what I'm trying to get)

  6. #6

    Default Re: How to become the monster

    Shain's post
    I only see three usable "undead costume" folders in the undead section:
    Saris and two genders of satyr. The other 4 are generic and the last only works on NPC dragons.
    Quote Originally Posted by Xanthia View Post
    Also are you sure the rest of those are just "generic"? Personally I think the folders "undead01" "undead02" and "undead03" are probably the remaining zombie costumes ....that for whatever reason someone decided to name poorly.
    As for the dragons ones only working on npcs- I'll admit I didn't bother testing this with the dragon costumes. That being said are you sure it is only works on NPC dragons? Yes, I see it says "udragon_u_sk00_cbase_npc" but that just a name. Doesn't necessarily mean it only works for npcs.
    Argh I am so stupid! Please IGNORE my last post-I made a huge mistake and for that I apologize.

    I was thinking more about the matter of why it is that the "undeads" folder only has 3 folders for the zombie Saris and the two zombie Satyrs. And the answer is quiet simple.

    If you look in the "ghosts" folder you notice it has every single ghost model for every race (cept dragon). Yet the "undeads" folder appears to be missing a few and the "mummies" folder seems to have none.

    And then it hit me.

    Let me ask you this question: What is the difference between the ghost model of say....a Sslik (for an example) to that of a zombie? Think about it-does the skeleton change? No. Does the model's shape change? Nope.
    (Reminder we know from my original post the "_char.def" file is responsible for the skeleton while the "_geo_body_n_n.def" file is responsible for the shape.)

    It is the same exact thing- just a different skin! (the skin is affected by the ".ent" File)

    The reason many of these folders appeared to be "missing" from the "undeads" and "mummies" folder is because it is borrowing the files of the ghost versions!

    Confused? Lemme try to explain by showing you what I did to test this out.

    I decided this time to use the Sslik Zombie Costume for my testing. As Shian has already pointed out- there is no folder for the sslik zombie/undead. So it would appear you are missing the vital "_char.def" file and the "_geo_body_n_n.def" file. But in actuality the files for the zombie are the same exact files for the ghost- which are the "sslikghost_u_char" and "sslikghost_u_geo_body_n_n".

    To test this theory I decided to take "baby steps" and see if I can turn the Zombie costume into a mummy. Because the "_char.def" and the "_geo_body_n_n.def" are the same- I don't need to touch these.

    All I need to do is copy the "sslikmummy00_u.ent" (found in the entities folder) and rename it to "sslikundead01_u.ent". And it worked!

    Then I tried to turn the zombie costume into a ghost.
    Took the "sslikghost00_u.ent" file this time and renamed it to "sslikundead01_u.ent". And got this:

    Now you are saying "But Xaaaaan! We already have a costume for both of those! We don't need to edit those files to get them!'

    .......You are missing the point. The point isn't to see if you can turn yourself into these monsters.... it is to identify what happened to the supposed missing "-char.def" and "_geo_body_n.n.def" files for the zombies and mummies. NOW we know they share the same file with the ghost because I just proved that the only difference between them are the entity/skin files.

    Perhaps you aren't convinced? You want proof that I can turn this sslik zombie costume into something other than just a sslik with different skins? Fine you non-believers. This is what I did next:

    I took the following files:
    "mylocqueen_f_char"- (located in C:/Program Files/Virtrium/Horizons/resources/definitions/monsters/spiders/myloc_queen_f)
    "mylocqueen_f_geo_body_n_n" (located in the same place inside of the "body" folder)
    "mylocqueen00_f.ent" (located in C:/Program Files/Virtrium/Horizons/resources/entities/characters/monsters)

    I renamed them as follow:

    This was the result:

    (note her size- she is not as big as the real thing. Just use /setscale if you have it)

    Neat right? Lets try another one to really wow you.

    I took the following files"

    I renamed them as follow:

    And the results:

    (notes: While the Maggot Lord does have all his animations- he is a stationary monster. Meaning while he does have a "running" animation- he will run in place....So if you are going to change into him for a picture or something make sure you are already in the spot/location you want before putting on the costume.)

    Another thing to note is that you don't need to be that race in order to put on a costume- So you don't need to be a Sslik in order to wear a Sslik costume. My character Pam tested all these using the Sslik zombie costume and she is a Satyr.

    Now I am sure you dragon players have notice that I 've only been talking about bipeds and their costumes..... There is a reason for that. hard as I tried I can't seem to get the dragons two costumes to work. So as it stands- this is only good for bipeds. Sorry. I am not saying it is impossible- I just haven't figured it out yet.
    Last edited by Xanthia; November 17th, 2010 at 07:31 PM.

    I lurk within the depths of your mind, for I am INSANITY!

  7. #7

    Default Re: How to become the monster

    Quote Originally Posted by Xanthia View Post
    Shain's post

    Argh I am so stupid! Please IGNORE my last post-I made a huge mistake and for that I apologize.

    I was thinking more about the matter of why it is that the "undeads" folder only has 3 folders for the zombie Saris and the two zombie Satyrs. And the answer is quiet simple.

    If you look in the "ghosts" folder you notice it has every single ghost model for every race (cept dragon). Yet the "undeads" folder appears to be missing a few and the "mummies" folder seems to have none.

    And then it hit me.

    Let me ask you this question: What is the difference between the ghost model of say....a Sslik (for an example) to that of a zombie? Think about it-does the skeleton change? No. Does the model's shape change? Nope.
    (Reminder we know from my original post the "_char.def" file is responsible for the skeleton while the "_geo_body_n_n.def" file is responsible for the shape.)

    It is the same exact thing- just a different skin! (the skin is affected by the ".ent" File)

    The reason many of these folders appeared to be "missing" from the "undeads" and "mummies" folder is because it is borrowing the files of the ghost versions!

    Confused? Lemme try to explain by showing you what I did to test this out.

    I decided this time to use the Sslik Zombie Costume for my testing. As Shian has already pointed out- there is no folder for the sslik zombie/undead. So it would appear you are missing the vital "_char.def" file and the "_geo_body_n_n.def" file. But in actuality the files for the zombie are the same exact files for the ghost- which are the "sslikghost_u_char" and "sslikghost_u_geo_body_n_n".

    To test this theory I decided to take "baby steps" and see if I can turn the Zombie costume into a mummy. Because the "_char.def" and the "_geo_body_n_n.def" are the same- I don't need to touch these.

    All I need to do is copy the "sslikmummy00_u.ent" (found in the entities folder) and rename it to "sslikundead01_u.ent". And it worked!

    Then I tried to turn the zombie costume into a ghost.
    Took the "sslikghost00_u.ent" file this time and renamed it to "sslikundead01_u.ent". And got this:

    Now you are saying "But Xaaaaan! We already have a costume for both of those! We don't need to edit those files to get them!'

    .......You are missing the point. The point isn't to see if you can turn yourself into these monsters.... it is to identify what happened to the supposed missing "-char.def" and "_geo_body_n.n.def" files for the zombies and mummies. NOW we know they share the same file with the ghost because I just proved that the only difference between them are the entity/skin files.

    Perhaps you aren't convinced? You want proof that I can turn this sslik zombie costume into something other than just a sslik with different skins? Fine you non-believers. This is what I did next:

    I took the following files:
    "mylocqueen_f_char"- (located in C:/Program Files/Virtrium/Horizons/resources/definitions/monsters/spiders/myloc_queen_f)
    "mylocqueen_f_geo_body_n_n" (located in the same place inside of the "body" folder)
    "mylocqueen00_f.ent" (located in C:/Program Files/Virtrium/Horizons/resources/entities/characters/monsters)

    I renamed them as follow:

    This was the result:

    (note her size- she is not as big as the real thing. Just use /setscale if you have it)

    Neat right? Lets try another one to really wow you.

    I took the following files"

    I renamed them as follow:

    And the results:

    (notes: While the Maggot Lord does have all his animations- he is a stationary monster. Meaning while he does have a "running" animation- he will run in place....So if you are going to change into him for a picture or something make sure you are already in the spot/location you want before putting on the costume.)

    Another thing to note is that you don't need to be that race in order to put on a costume- So you don't need to be a Sslik in order to wear a Sslik costume. My character Pam tested all these using the Sslik zombie costume and she is a Satyr.

    Now I am sure you dragon players have notice that I 've only been talking about bipeds and their costumes..... There is a reason for that. hard as I tried I can't seem to get the dragons two costumes to work. So as it stands- this is only good for bipeds. Sorry. I am not saying it is impossible- I just haven't figured it out yet.
    dawwwww xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan, you beat me to it XD, anyhow, I recorded some funny stuff and uploading a vid at this very moment, will post it once it's done

  8. #8

    Default Re: How to become the monster

    aaaand it's here: My mod messing vid :P (with dragon totems ).

    also found out you shouldnt jump when you are a mob.....yeeeaaah

  9. #9

    Default Re: How to become the monster

    This is the maggot lord dance : p

  10. #10

    Default Re: How to become the monster

    Lol I never actually tried jumping when I was in the Maggot Lord model- didn't know that would happen. It's just a crying shame you can't move around while in it. *sighs*

    The reason I even made this mod was because ever since I heard about the "worgan" in WOW- I have had this unrelenting need to run around as a werewolf. And since there is no way I am going to pony up the cash to get the game and all its expansions, I figure I try to "fake it" here.

    Plus- I was bored anyhow-usually the case whenver I am mod making. And I figure this will keep me entertain for a few days.

    I lurk within the depths of your mind, for I am INSANITY!

  11. #11

    Default Re: How to become the monster

    What about fighting blighthound-made lava oastics near Dralk? : )

  12. #12

    Default Re: How to become the monster

    Oh well- if I want to fight blighthounds I just fight the real thing. :P

    I lurk within the depths of your mind, for I am INSANITY!

  13. #13

    Default Re: How to become the monster

    I was observing this, and indeed I believe it would be fun, a mod where you can run around in costume as a dragon, and I think I may have stumbled upon the reason you can not change it for dragons? (This is just a thought)

    Flight maybe? The myloc queen cannot fly, so if you change into her on a mod, what would that do to flight?

    Again, just one of my random thoughts ^-^ It's really late and I just had 50,000 marshmellows at a campfire less than an hour ago 8D
    I'm the kind of person who will burst out laughing in dead silence about something that happened yesterday.

    Don't knock on Death's door. Ring the doorbell and run; he hate's that.

  14. #14

    Default Re: How to become the monster

    Quote Originally Posted by Magnus Bane View Post
    I was observing this, and indeed I believe it would be fun, a mod where you can run around in costume as a dragon, and I think I may have stumbled upon the reason you can not change it for dragons? (This is just a thought)

    Flight maybe? The myloc queen cannot fly, so if you change into her on a mod, what would that do to flight?

    Again, just one of my random thoughts ^-^ It's really late and I just had 50,000 marshmellows at a campfire less than an hour ago 8D
    Heh well you guys are in luck- I figured it out and got it working..... for the most part.

    There is good news.... and there is bad news....

    Lets start with the bad:
    Turns out ...... the ghost and zombie share the "_char.def" and "_geo_body_n.n.def" with the npc/player characters. You are wondering why this is bad? Allow me to explain.

    It is alright if monsters share files with other monsters- it's no biggie and makes no difference. The key point here is it doesn't affect anyone else other than the intended costume you are trying to change. So npcs and players are not affected by it.
    BUT- because the ghost/zombie dragons are already borrowing the vital files you need- you can't help but affect them. And it is not pretty. While I was able to successfully turn a ghostly hatchling into Elial (a monster)- I ended up tearing apart the npc/player dragons. (To be specific their bodies disappeared leaving only their head, spine/tail, and wings floating in the air....)

    Not to mention the modification process to turn the ghost dragon costume into any monster you want is much harder and overly complicated. It can be done.....but it's pretty tricky to explain and understand.

    So now for the good news:
    I found an easier- less complicated way to modify a dragon into a monster- and you don't need a costume!
    In a way this is bad- because this means if you modify a dragon to look like a monster- they will all look like that monster. That means every dragon npc and player.

    It also will affect the dragon ghost/zombie monsters..... but differently. They will change into the shape of the monster......but they'll keep their own skin. Elial looks okay as a ghost..... not so much as a zombie.

    I also highly recommend that you modify the files for the hatchling, adult and ancient dragons together even if you only need one of the versions. Why? Because if you don't you'll will see the missing body-floating head thing I mentioned earlier on the dragon version you didn't modify- that's why.

    Okay - lemme explain how you go about doing this. And as you probably have guess by now, my monster of choice this time will be Elial.

    How to turn a Dragon into a monster (Elial in this case):

    First gather the following files:

    For the hatchling dragon, rename them as follow:

    For the adult dragon, rename them as follow:

    For the ancient dragon, rename them as follow:

    Place all 9 files into your resource_override folder. And assuming you did it right, you'll get this! *click attachment*

    (Jutjaw is my hatchling and the other three dragons are ancients. There was an adult there before but he left before I could take the picture. So you will just have to believe me when I say it worked on the adult as well.)
    Attached Images Attached Images

    I lurk within the depths of your mind, for I am INSANITY!

  15. #15

    Default Re: How to become the monster

    Quote Originally Posted by Xanthia View Post
    Oh well- if I want to fight blighthounds I just fight the real thing. :P
    Well, lava oastics are less dangerous than blighthounds, though. :P

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    It depends which server board I think is which.

    Default Re: How to become the monster

    Hmm.. why can't you change it so that Khutit Form would be "monster form"? =P Wouldn't that work~?

    Just a suggestion~


  17. #17

    Default Re: How to become the monster

    Quote Originally Posted by Racktor View Post
    Hmm.. why can't you change it so that Khutit Form would be "monster form"? =P Wouldn't that work~?

    Just a suggestion~

    Hmmm that thought never occurred to me actually.
    It does appear to have its own folder and files- so in theory it might work. I'll test it at a later date.

    I lurk within the depths of your mind, for I am INSANITY!

  18. #18

    Default Re: How to become the monster

    Quote Originally Posted by Xanthia View Post
    Hmmm that thought never occurred to me actually.
    It does appear to have its own folder and files- so in theory it might work. I'll test it at a later date.
    Okay...I tinkered with it and now I can give you the verdict.

    Short version: It's pointless to modify the khutit model to be the monster form- don't bother.

    That's all you really need to know- but if you want an explanation I'll provide one below.

    So I started out doing the same thing I've been doing so far.

    I chose the werewolf file again (since I know it works). Those are:

    And renamed them as follow:

    Simple eh? Surely this should work instantly.....Nope.
    Note to self: Never ever say "in theory it might work" again- it never is that simple. I login and instead of getting the werewolf that I wanted, I got an invisible character.

    Hmmm so what went wrong? I crossed out all the usual suspects. Since I have many many mods I figured maybe another mod might be affecting it. So I removed all my mods from the resource_override folder except for the files I am working with and tried again- still getting invisible character.

    Okay....maybe the khutit is sharing files with the ssliks? They are similar. So I modify all the sslik files to turn into a werewolf. I successful turned all the ssliks in Sslanis into werewolves.....but the khutit was still invisible.

    Alright- so its not another mod affecting it and its not sharing files with the ssliks....what then? Stumped I decided to stop modifying the khutit files and instead to head back to my last post-turning the three dragon versions into a monster.

    Now you would think that the hatchling, adult and ancient has nothing to do with the khutit and no influence over it right? If that is so I should be able to turn the three dragon versions into a monster- then change into khutit form and get a khutit the way it suppose to be.

    So I tested that. I installed the 9 files from my last post (dragons into Elial) and of course it turned all the dragons into Elial like it was suppose to. I already know this works. Then I transformed myself into the khutit form (leaving the khutit files unaltered at this time)- in theory what should happen is it will look like Elial is transforming into a khutit.

    Wrong again!

    What ended up happening was I got a khutit missing it body- leaving only its head and spine floating in the air. Sound familar? It should. That is what happen last time when I didn't modify all three dragon versions to be the same monster of my choosing.

    Apparently..... the dragons models do affect the khutit form. (WHAT!?!)
    So to prove this I took Elial's 3 files, renamed them to the khutit versions and added them to the resource_override file along with the other 9 files that are already in there. (So now I have a total of 12 files. Hatchling to Elial; Adult to Elial; Ancient to Elial; and now Khutit to Elial).

    Logged back in and sure enough I was Elial while in khutit form.

    What does this mean? In order to get the khutit form to change into the monster of your choice, you first have to change the hatchling, adult, and ancient models from my previous post to that same monster anyways! And really what is the point in that? You would essentially be transforming the monster into the same monster. (In this case because Elial was both the dragon form and the khutit form- I transformed from Elial into....Elial.)

    I lurk within the depths of your mind, for I am INSANITY!

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Washington, land of shivering in June.

    Default Re: How to become the monster

    Alright, here's one for ya..

    I've been trying to change into a skulk, and so far have not gotten it to work. Tried both direct model-swapping and the def/entities swapping described in the OP. The best I've gotten so far is an invisible character, the worst, really wonky looking elves and humans. xP

    Since I have little idea what else to do than try to change like.. every file for a biped race into the skulk files, I figure I'll ask here to see if there's anything simpler and less.. game altering, as bipeds look really awkward when you put a skulk skeleton on them.

    It seems the problem with doing this like the OP is probably that skulks have not only a geo_body file, but also geo_head files and a few other files that I'm not sure the function of.


    Aegis Shatterer - Scourge of the Scourge - Blight's Own Decay

  20. #20

    Default Re: How to become the monster

    Here is a lava oastic turned into another sort of beast, and setscaled to look taller:

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