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Thread: "Men" in Hollywood, Part 2.

  1. #1

    Default "Men" in Hollywood, Part 2.

    Awhile back, I posted a rant about the lack of "men" in Hollywood, and in that thread, someone asked me just who I thought was a "real man" and went on to ask if I was talking about Stallone or Schwarzenegger.

    I was talking about this subject today with a co-worker, and after my recent discovery of Firefly/Serenity, I have a few more examples (some Firefly, some not):

    1). Nathan Fillion. He's not an overly buff or huge guy, nor does he tend to act macho from what I've seen of him. He is, though, without question, a man. He isn't a spineless wimp, doesn't have this girly look on his face constantly, and actually acts like he's got at least some testosterone in him.

    2). Alan Tudyk. Not exactly an A-list name, but anyone who has seen Firefly or Serenity knows who I mean. Even a geek, non-action guy can have a "manly" or "male" aura about him. He's not a total wimp, and he is definitely not feminine either.

    I'd mention Adam Baldwin too, but he goes that route that Stallone and Arnold do -- big, huge, macho man, so... we'll not mention him. But instead, going outside the Firefly/Serenity 'verse...

    3). Mark Harmon. Aka Gibbs from NCIS. Again, nowhere near the macho brainless guy, he's actually quite intelligent, but also quite manly.

    4). Gary Sinise.

    And many other guys from TV Shows out there, CSI, Criminal Minds (well, ok, Reid is a bit young yet...).

    So, why is it that these "men" are in several TV shows, but lately movies that have been coming out, have been somewhat lacking? The "guys" you see in some of these movies (Esp Vampire movies/shows lately) are so... ick?

    Is it just ladies these days don't like a guy that actually has a spine or something?

    Anyways, I thought I'd post an update, as someone asked me that question a long time ago, and this conversation I had with a co-worker today reminded me of that.

  2. #2
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    Default Re: "Men" in Hollywood, Part 2.

    after having watched the first 4 seasons over the past week, my vote for the type of man you are suggesting is dexter morgan.
    even if i didn't totally understand the character (so much so that it really does concern me a bit), even if he wasn't a vigilante serial killer, dex would still be my kinda guy, and i will show you why:
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  3. #3

    Default Re: "Men" in Hollywood, Part 2.

    Wait - it concerns you that you didn't understand how the mind of a sociopath works?


    LOL sorry that just struck me as funny .
    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
    Iea has returned.

  4. #4
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    le palais du fromage and industrial complex, cliffside, shepherd's mountain, blight

    Default Re: "Men" in Hollywood, Part 2.

    heehee no it concerns me that i do, all too clearly and well!
    guess i am getting too old to be a vigilante serial killer anyway, i missed my chance.....
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

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