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Thread: Azu's Deviations

  1. #21

    Default Re: Azu's Deviations

    Nicely written.
    I will just add that, LungTien having been turned into a female, she may have let maternal instincts appear towards the hatchling. Also, after these previous events, the ancient has learned to be less expeditious, and she didn't expect, at all, to see the red hatchling running towards her and ask to be killed. This has, somewhat, shaken her.

  2. #22

    Default Re: Azu's Deviations

    ((awee lovely read, Frith would approve. No matter how evil a dragon, they are still creatures with minds and to her means - they can always learn different. Wether they choose or not is a seperate issue. And yea RuneD Frith wouldn't have been able to stand for the ripping apart of anyone lol. Glad to see growth in RP always first and foremost )
    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
    Iea has returned.

  3. #23

    Default Re: Azu's Deviations

    ((Update of lots of things that happened since. Few notes to keep in mind is I've toned down or removed some character traits... they were too odd for my tastes now and making the character harder to use than it already was. Azu retains her blight siphoning abilities to rip minds, and uses it much like a shaman as a tool. Blighted things are her puppets and playthings, and a blighted apprentice would have a much easier time to learn the magical arts because of it.

    She no longer holds or retains blight. Her immune system has become overzealous about purging it... thus, she rips minds, and gains no taint or change to the toxicity of her blood. The green stripes are olive-tinged scars following major blood vessels.

    She claimed to have repented. Thus far, her actions seem to have held up to this claim. Characters shouldn't have to suspect foul play at all for speaking to them.))


    ... Life wasn't as intended. In fact, it was downright dull.

    She had spent all her time pre-ascension simply figuring out /how/. How could you trick your body into changing its shape? Jump start that massive jolt from hatchling to adulthood? What materials? Rituals? Spells?

    In the end, her ritual devised was a test in itself of her ability, and drysten's ability as a warrior. They succeeded together and wrought the reward of flight.

    ... Yet with that out of the way, all there was to do in a day involved rearranging books, reading another tome again, or barking at lazy slaves to pick up their pick axe again instead of trying to pass their portion of work to another slave who was unsuitable for manual labor.

    Her slaves had been digging for months (Well, most of them. The ones who were suitable for digging usually were males of various species). Her home was coming along smoothly and surely, bit by bit, it grew. Her library, much to her delight, had finally been completed. The slaves had begun working on a grand chamber for living space of slaves and some other residents at her command. Those who proved themselves to be unsuitable for heavy labor became hand-servants... those who cooked and cleaned and preened, those who did trivial tasks and runs into town for supplies, and those who saved the hides of the kills, tanning them into fine furs to sleep in, or to barter. The hides of the icy dire wolves were often sought after, and were treated like precious platinum as in essence, they were.

    The standard of life was higher than most slaves ever could hope of living (and even the diggers knew that, despite having to wield pickaxes and shovels 9 hours a day), which kept most of them content and focused in their assigned tasks. Those who revolted were surprisingly, attacked by their fellow slaves, before the wayward slave's master could find them pickaxed to death in a corner somewhere.

    Yep, mental games against slave minds working very well. Better than planned. What next?


    I don't know. So... boring. Only so many projects I could run around here with my supplies...


    In time to come, she would re-reveal herself to the world as 'living'. In all regards, she wasn't dead now, and had free reign to wander around again. Best of all, by having died, the bounty had been paid out already and legally nullified it.

    Cynny had caused her a great deal of inconvenience and problems when allowed into her home... And thus, was dealt with accordingly for her 'crimes', which in the domain of the Titian Mines, were quite dire things. When cynny was met in the clearing and slipped her tongue, Azu was more than pleased to have an excuse to rip all memories of the location from her mind. She no longer would know of its existance, nor of her time there.

    Another matter was of a ... hatchling. Cynny had brought it there for god knows what reason as one of those ovoid capsule things. It had to be dealt with too. Revenge can be sweet...

    Following the mind rip, Azu and drysten teleported into the location it was hidden at with a portal, closing it shut behind them. They were met by a hatchling and a dark stalker. A drak stalker normally was a fearsome beast; It ran tail between legs as it realized azu had formed a patch of razor sharp ice crystals on the ground in the path of its charge, nearly impaling it.

    Snatching the blighted hatchling up, Azu and drysten exited back through a new portal to the mines. At first she tried to kill it, hoping to just drop it in molten lava and let it burn away... but she could not. Something held her back. Handing it off to selarth, he just couldn't either.

    Azu also decided to do some other things. A spirit had been convinced to attempt to possess her, and Azu simply needed to say that she had found a 'blighted hatchling' in cynny's care, 'for all I know she probably blighted it' to send the mobs chasing after her.

    Its mine now... and I believe it shall become a fine apprentice... was all she could grin about malevolently on the inside.

    A few days later, after much caring for it as it was incapable of doing anything itself, let alone speaking, it decided to wander away into the blizzard. And explicitly, after being shown that outside was quite cold.

    What a numb-skulled little... Thought I explained it the most basic terms of letting it FEEL the cold that it would have learned... azu would fume over and over searching for it.

    She didn't find it. After a time, she assumed it had died in the cold, or was very very good at hiding, and gave up.


    Selecting a new apprentice is a real pain in the tail.

    Sure there are hatchlings all over new trismus but... I'll be damned if I can find a /dragon/ who meets the minimum requirements, let alone a dragon at all. Everywhere you see bipeds who seem like one of their parents was an animal, a demon, some entitiy you have no bleeding idea of. You also see dragons who are demons, possessed, abominations, undead, lizards that look like salad (euuuuughhhh... don't want to remember...), some half-twolegger, half animal, or drulkar knows what, and drulkar forbid, inbred.

    I looked for four days. I did not find a dragon hatchling.

    I saw possessed demon eggs that float around and seem to have an effect of getting others in the area to protect it. I saw hatchlings that talked like their head was screwed on wrong, ones that talked to air and stood up and swatted invisible bugs.

    But never any /dragon/ hatchlings. Ones that could be considered dragon enough, the ones who knew what their claws and a tail is, ones who could tell what a rock and a wolf is, and which one will kill you of its own accord (while yes, when I ask plainly what will kill you the answer is both, currently it is only the wolf. The rock is only used by another to kill you and is incapable of moving on its own).


    Closest I've come was a red and green who claims to have been reclaimed feral.

    ... Why cannot anyone be normal?


    Oh, stars is getting suspicious. Time to weave word tapestries... tell him I am conducting an experiment to see if real dragon hatchlings exist. Suppose it is the truth anyways, the way it has turned.


    Next time I see an egg glowing colors it shouldn't be, I'll kill it and anyone trying to protect it... for all we know, could be a timebomb waiting to happen.


    If only selarth and I could be gods like we joked one night out on my terrace, as we enjoyed the vista and one rare night of clear skies... we'd do the world a favour and just remake it without all the ... freakish things. And all the things we wanted to do too, however immature. Can't forget those.

  4. #24

    Default Re: Azu's Deviations

    ((This is making me want to write a story for Daemonar's previous ways~ Would be interesting, though not as great as this~ Great work, RuneDragon~! ))
    I'm the kind of person who will burst out laughing in dead silence about something that happened yesterday.

    Don't knock on Death's door. Ring the doorbell and run; he hate's that.

  5. #25

    Default Re: Azu's Deviations

    Azu's ascension ritual
    Originally ascended with Drysten, azu did all of the spell-stuff and drysten did all of the fighting and defense. It really was a great roleplay.

    Sitting in her library, a newly bound, empty book flops open on the floor.

    I ascended of my own accord... the question is, do I keep it to myself... or do I record it for a future generation to use and abuse as they please... she thought to herself, holding an inkless claw over the page. If I record it, should the aegis ever fall, this would be my legacy, or the cause of wars against whomever possesses it... If I do not record it, I alone would know a new way that dies with me.

    Slowly, thoughtfully, she reaches the conclusion to record her knowledge, as it would go against everything she had ever done. She had recorded far more terrible spells in the pages of tomes within her halls. Recording her method would perhaps, come to improve relations in the community of dragons. Of course, with drysten and her barrier artifacts around, she would not worry about thieves much.

    Holding her claw but a centimeter off the page and tracing the lines to form words and imagery, arcane power burns them into the paper forever:

    "The fruit of research and often sleepless nights lies before you, born of Azu. This is the ritual of ascension outside the Lunus, and outside the Helian. None should be denied the right to their wings. Thus it is, to the reader, that you now shall fly if you have been blocked, or the aegis is gone forever.

    To begin, review the following pages of theory, a product of this research so that you may understand more clearly how it works:"

    Flipping a page, she began to fill several with complex diagrams that most arcanists would understand. To a primalist, this would be near impossible. It was like speaking another language wholly. She continued to write after several pages.

    "The ritual in itself is a test, but you will require the assistance of a warrior. The warrior defends you whilst you perform your carefully prepared spells. Over the course of the ritual, you will summon four elementals and compact them into a very special essence orb. It is something that sounds simple, but it is not.

    To summon the creature, you must gain a focus item to lock onto it across the rift. You will need eight items to summon your four elementals. I will detail each elemental and its focus, one at a time. Each focus consists of an item, and a specially prepared piece of incense. I highly reccommend that you read the entire volume of this book and prepare all of your focus items before you begin, to prevent your elemental orb's power from degrading or spoiling over time.

    Another matter of spoiling, is to not cast any spells on it whilst it lives, and to summon it into an area that suits its type. Summoning a water elemental into dralk will leave you with a ruined, faint, tainted orb."

    More pages flip and are enscribed with spell-diagrams detailing the summoning spell for a water elemental.

    "You must go where there is water in great abundance, to boost its power and keep it pure. Venture forth into a raging blizzard on the coast of mahagra's domain, or of trandalar's endless shores. It must be on the seashore to produce the proper creature.

    To produce the focus, gather mint, pale essence, and chalk. Mix it together and infuse the energy of an ice spell into it. Leave the incense to dry in a single, smooth mass. Place the completed pellet of incense into a satchel with a water golem materia, to be fused before the summoning..."

    More diagrams explaining how to cast the spell to fuse the materia into the incense are written into following pages.

    "Once fused, burn it. It will smell like mint, clearly, and open your mind to the the plane of water. Cast the following spell on the next pages to summon it. Your warrior should be quick and sharp, he or she only need distract it. The water elemental is one of the more dangerous creatures, as if it catches your ally, it will envelope them and cause them to drown."

    The diagrams to follow are intensely advanced. One might have to study it for weeks to understand the summoning spell.

    "When it has been summoned, you as the arcanist shall cast a new spell. It is important to begin slowly, with every pass you will become faster ever so slightly. This allows you to slowly grasp its soul until it is firmly held and too late for it to realize. The completion of this spell creates a singularity. Your warrior should get out of the way when the creature wails or shrieks unexpectedly in pain... or face death."

    Oh dear. An arcanist could tell you this perusing the diagrams to follow: This spell is more complex than even the summoning ritual and takes more than ten minutes of casting straight. An absolutely exhausting endeavor in which your focus and willpower cannot trail off...

    "The spells detailed for the water elemental are similar for all others. Next I detail the most dangerous, the air elemental. They are invisible to the eye usually and breathing their vapour can cause problems for you. They will kill you just that way, and thus you must be prepared.

    To fight this creature, you need additional items... you must create a true-seeing pendant, a piece of crystal enchanted with that spell in order to see the beast. Second, a salve to keep it from entering your body.

    Creation of the salve simply entails salt, honey, opal dust, and a few pieces of star anise. It smells horrible and strong, and it will save your life. Do not even think of fighting without it, lest lose your life.

    Your incense is made of basil, cottonflower, dim essence, and sweetgrass. Infuse it with an energy spell. Prepare it as before, and keep it in a satchel with a wind golem heart. Upon fusion and burning, it has a lovely light smell to it. It will open your mind to the plane of wind.

    Your place of combat is on a high mountain near chiconis, where the wind is always roaring.

    Fuse your golem heart to the incense, and cast the spell and proceed as before, with these differences."

    Slight variations to get the wind elemental are explained in drawings and diagram arrays.

    "The fire elemental is a strange game of keep away. You cannot touch it, it will burn you. Yet you must keep it occupied as the warrior. Sadly, this means that your fighter may suffer several critical burns. Be prepared to render first aid.

    The incense is made of pepper oil, cinnamon, glowing essence, and jasper dust. Enchant it with a fire spell. It is to be paired with a fire golem materia. Upon burning, it will smell like hot, dry cinnamon. You must venture into the heart of char, where dralk lies. Here, in the land of lava pools and ash, will you summon your fire beast. The spell can be cast with the following changes..."

    As before, changes are outlined.

    "The earth elemental is misunderstood. It appears slow and lumbering, but it is, in fact, the most patient. It may at best, rise to look at you and approach with curiosity. Of course, it is best to keep it away as it doesn't care what several tonnes of rock feel like upon your warrior's frail frame.

    The incense is composed of clay, salt, bright essence, cocoa beans, almond oil, and cedar dust. Infuse it with a nature spell. Pair it with a stone golem's heart. Upon fusion and burning, it will smell earthy and of deep clay, and open your mind to the earthen plane.

    Go forth into the heart of the selen forest. It is deadly, but there are still quiet places without wolves around. That is where you shall call it into the world."

    As for the others, the needed changes to the summoning are outlined.

    "Once you have all of your orbs, you merely need a fifth. I realize perhaps I had said four, but four was the number of creatures called from outside the world. No focus is required, as this fifth comes from your realm. The last is a primal elemental. The summoning spell is different. And best yet, no traveling required (but spells still should not be cast at it) as the force of primal is everything and everywhere. As before, you should compact it into an orb.

    When you have called it with the following spell and defeated it, you have nearly finished everything."

    Azu carefully creates a set of new diagrams spanning over 7 pages. It details everything about the primal elemental.

    "Arrange the orbs in the precise pattern seen at the bottom of this page; placing the primal sphere in the center, with the air, fire, earth, and water placed around it in that order. Placing it in another pattern will weaken it and cause the ritual to be ruined. Use the altered fusion spell in the following pages to cause all four orbs to merge into the center orb. If you have done it properly, it will radiate a sickeningly potent energy."

    An altered version of the previous fusion spell is written down. It takes up twice as many pages.

    "Before using your orb, you must consider your warrior. While you can find the common spell in other books, you may duplicate the finished sphere in recognition of their part. And, they may use it for themself to ascend. This is important; do not forget your warrior nearly died more than once on your behalf.

    To use the orb, hug it to your chest and push it into your heart. It will absorb slowly, and fill you with a disorienting, uncomfortable surge of power. If you chose to use the tainted orbs after a failiure, you will simply perish. If your body is weak and cannot hold against the power, you will be obliterated beyond the gift. If you did everything correctly, you will feel the power explode out of your body... and you will awaken an adult."

    Her claw finishes the dance over the page. Reviewing her work, she nods and closes the book (Which now had come dangerously close to running out of pages). Shelving it on the highest shelf to keep it away from most twoleggers and hatchlings, she curled up and began to rest...

    ...And wonder: 'Was recording that such a good idea?'
    Last edited by RuneDragoon; September 24th, 2010 at 04:31 AM.

  6. #26

    Default Re: Azu's Deviations

    Intriguing. Really well done. :-)

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Order Instance of Istaria

    Default Re: Azu's Deviations

    Definitely better than Maurger's way of ascension. >.>;
    Maekrux Vythulhar, the Blue Phoenix

  8. #28

    Default Re: Azu's Deviations

    I've been training and studying fervently the past while. My favorite ice spells didn't really work against them... suppose I had a good time practicing with energy and fire for once. Pesky Nix beetles were becoming a hazard to the slaves, so they became experimental spell and practice targets. Discovered they can die in a shot if you hit just the right spots, either in a lightly exposed part of the connection between head and body, or a certain point of the carapace to utterly destroy it. Their population has been thinned. Thoroughly. Now we will not have to worry so much about the occasional burrower to dispatch and damages to repair.

    Spent countless days in the library pouring over tomes to attempt to derive a counterspell to the zealot's area-vacuum, in case it decides I've caused an unforgivable amount of trouble just sitting on my rump counting grass blades in the clearing. My issue however, is Drysten was rendered blind when it hit him and couldn't accurately describe how the vacuum is created. This is sadly important... it completely changes the spell to protect me from it based on how it works. If it pushes the air away from my person, I suspect a spell to compact the air around me would nullify it. If it simply makes the air around me vanish, completely different spell required... and if it suddenly drops the air pressure in an area, that also would be different too. Blergh... I need to go dunk my head in the ocean north of here, perhaps that should give some insights. I need more intelligence on this creature. I'd rather not have to experience this firsthand to discover how it works... I need my eyes and the spell I used to restore drysten took more energy and willpower than I had available... sent myself into a temporary coma, or as I like to think of it, a 'mana shock'. I hate getting those...

    Been keeping the slaves busy... they are aware of the situation and some have been reassigned in their duties. About as laborious as digging, but they're pleased with the change of scenery.

  9. #29

    Default Re: Azu's Deviations


    As I speak to Drysten about the events of the clearing, I can only feel utter bitterness for the world and some who live in it...

    Trying very hard to not think about killing her family before her. Kill her sister. Kill her mate. Kill her child. Watch her become enraged or fall to pieces... kill...

    Drysten... icebreath me again please. ... Aughcoldghrrrr.... ... Thank you.

    Suppose I've better things to do after this hell in a handbasket of a day. I left the clearing in a rage... and spat out about how I'll just make my own faction just to be left alone. I need to keep my mind off the burning desire to... ...


    If she attacks me again... I will.... I don't think I would be able to hold it in... that... bitter desire... I need more intelligence and hope that Daemonar isn't going to get bold and spread the word about how well she knows where I live, let alone share it with Zarla if they're all buddies...

    Where's my crystals... I need a new spike.

  10. #30

    Default Re: Azu's Deviations

    The slaves decided they wanted a break from that hall, not only out of needing a change of scenery, but it would seem they were forced to by coincidence. Someone hit an underground aqueduct in the rock... and it flooded what we had of the cavern so far. What's worse is its hot water too. Some of those who ended up discovering this heated water suffered some bad injuries... The hand servants are tending them fervently, and I am investigating alchemical salves to ease their pain.

    We sealed the leak up pretty well and now know that is as far as we can dig that way. On the bright side, the slaves had a nice hot bath and some swimming in the new hot tub... while it has confirmed I will perhaps have running water in my own chambers to come... running hot spring water. Cannot wait to bask in the warmth of flowing water and fine steam... so much more refined than lava and the spring minerals are so wonderful to one's scales.

    ... Anyhow, those who were not burned horribly by the initial gush of water went back to work after the water turned cold. They opened a different room up, one which I promised Selarth could live in until the residential hall was finished. I think he will be pleased to finally have some room to sleep, instead of cramming himself into a silo (which he has called his own for a while now. A little hoard pile of fur seems to have sprouted from the floor...). I've placed one of my artifacts from my dimensional pocket here... and left it inactive as per my original plan. I think it best to leave it as such for now, in case Selarth breaks it or sets off its other function, aside of generating barriers...

    ... Faction. Right. I've been trying to concoct a name for this new... faction... that I said so bitterly before leaving the clearing last... I seem to be unable to live outside this domain and I suppose I might as well do something with it. Come to think of it, if I become a new faction, as a diplomat I can still technically wander around to delegate and do all those things they do. AND if I am attacked while out on 'diplomatic trips'... well... then a certain zealot is breaking the imperial laws. Diplomatic immunity takes on a new meaning...

    ... last I checked, someone who attacks a diplomat of a faction is basically saying: "Yes, I would like a war now. Me versus the faction's dragons, and the imperial army..." -- minding my text may be several year out of date. Who knows, can't find that library in Tazoon anyways. Bleeding maze there.

    I've yet to find a name to start it, although 'Dasha'Khan' has crossed my mind (Ancient words of a magic language that either can cleverly translate to 'Clan of the Vengeful' or 'Clan of the Redeemed'... I love being so intelligent sometimes...). Organization of this faction however has been thought out. Both Drysten and I believe it will function well when the mages are not segmented away from the warriors, and those who are excelling at both can become mage-knights. Mrr...

    ... I have to make a last trip to both Dralk and Chiconis to speak to Valkoth and Semeneth of the new faction in the near future. They will be unhappy to hear of a new severing of dragons from the world (Or perhaps at least me until hatchlings choose to walk my path), but at least I go there to offer them a peaceful relationship.

  11. #31

    Default Re: Azu's Deviations

    First Drysten left. He felt with having converted and trained half of the sl-... servants into warriors... that he was no longer needed. Hasn't dropped by to visit since then, thus the only company I've been able to keep are the sl-.. ... servants ... and Selarth. He was enthused however. Selarth took Drysten's old room instead of sleeping in a silo or a construction zone and slept very well...

    Construction slowed by half speed when I relocated half of the workers... Tis a slow process. Horridly slow. May perhaps relocate half of the warriors back to worker status to keep their physique in check and speed up the work. A lack of a foreman also makes them perhaps a bit lazier. Aurrrgh.

    They (forget it, those two words I can't help but use interchangeably) are happy still, some have bonded and of course I was once requested with great insistence to preside over their .. ceremony. They knew for the longest while I would say no, but like a mill to grain, they ground me down over the course of the year to perform it. Don't get any thoughts! It was getting annoying every morning!

    I just couldn't understand it all. Such a silly process. And a stupid thing as families lead to trouble.... And I thought it grumpily through the whole thing as I declared them husband and wife. I then realized I had slipped into a state of feeling joy for them for a moment... But... why?! Aurrrrrgh That isn't me!

    I got up and immediately left for the levels below to attend to all my tomes. Tomes need reading. Yes. Stupid happy couples. Trying to trick me into thinking it doesn't cause pain...

    ... But now.

    Word has come back from the rumor mill that a certain elf has eaten Selarth's soul. I never needed him more than for just having protection and perhaps a little company once in a while when I became bored of tomes.

    Nothing more. No, it all ends in pain always I thought. Its always stupid and pointless and I cannot tie myself down to anything...

    But now that he is not here... I can't help but feel hollow. None of my serv-.. slaves? -- bah! ... fill the place he had here. It would seem even if I cared not for anything and told myself always, it has gone anyhow. I told myself it is all pointless and stupid to bother... just loose company is fine. But now that he is utterly gone... I can't help but feel like... I needed him ... always...

    I.. .. I will have vengeance if I cannot have his soul back... *The bottom of the scroll looks like it was incinerated in a sudden fit of rage. Just above the charmarks you can see a teardrop stain or two.*

  12. #32

    Default Re: Azu's Deviations

    (OOC- sounds like Romirez has finally made a true enemy, because he was there defending that elf... this is getting interesting. i haven't encountered Azu in game before. )

  13. #33

    Default Re: Azu's Deviations

    Quote Originally Posted by Romirez View Post
    (OOC- sounds like Romirez has finally made a true enemy, because he was there defending that elf... this is getting interesting. i haven't encountered Azu in game before. )
    ((One added to many -- Keep in mind that her attacks may not be direct, but instead involve a huge pile of manipulations crossed with patience to allow them to work.))

  14. #34

    Default Re: Azu's Deviations

    - OoC - LungTien wasn't there during the fight against Selarth, but he came after to heal the wounded. He also disposed of the blighted dragon's body, turning it into ashes and throwing them into the nearest volcan. He has removed Azu from his black list, after the last punishment (and not a soft one : p ), but he might put her back in, if he sees she is trying to make bad things to Romirez, one of his good friends. - OoC -

  15. #35

    Default Re: Azu's Deviations

    Quote Originally Posted by LungTien Temeraire View Post
    - OoC - LungTien wasn't there during the fight against Selarth, but he came after to heal the wounded. He also disposed of the blighted dragon's body, turning it into ashes and throwing them into the nearest volcan. He has removed Azu from his black list, after the last punishment (and not a soft one : p ), but he might put her back in, if he sees she is trying to make bad things to Romirez, one of his good friends. - OoC -
    ((... but she isn't after romirez...? ... There is a bit of time ahead before anything happens anyhow. Needs time to herself and all.))

  16. #36

    Default Re: Azu's Deviations

    Quote Originally Posted by RuneDragoon View Post
    ((... but she isn't after romirez...? ... There is a bit of time ahead before anything happens anyhow. Needs time to herself and all.))
    - OoC - Sure, it will be a long and devious scheme. Anyway, LungTien has other things in mind currently, and he'll get issues too. - OoC -

  17. #37

    Default Re: Azu's Deviations

    I'm having.. issues... with self control. I've screamed at a few of my ladies in waiting (although they do know the situation and at least are patient and understanding of what I am... experiencing) and about incinerated another who pushed a bit too far.

    I've never felt loss before. Never. It ends in pain and this pain is crippling my mental state. They suggested I should perhaps go get some closure or something, so I left.

    I went to see if it was still there. Perhaps I was too hopeful that they hadn't gone and moved it. If only it had been like some others that seem to go rotting away in the sun for days and none pay any attention to the stinking mass sitting right under their noses... No.

    I arrived there in that accursed place when few were present and those there in their tiny numbers were for the most part asleep. I looked everywhere. In the grass. Rock hollows. The brush. Pond. Nothing.

    LungTien was curious of my search at first and when I told him that I was looking for a large black dragon's corpse, recently deceased, he told me rather casually and without remorse that he threw it in a volcano.


    He. Threw. It. In. A. Volcano.

    I... I --- *The page has a gaping hole burned in it, taking a lot of text with it.*

    ... I cannot even get ashes from a volcano ...


    All she felt was something akin to a raging maelstrom of emotion after exiting via portal from the insult that was the clearing. She was in what was drysten's-now-his room staring at a shed black scale on the floor.

    The maelstrom became a deluge fairly quickly. The red crumpled in the flood and simply lay down, holding the scale tightly like it was the most precious piece of hoard in the world.

  18. #38
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Delaware, USA that little state no one knows about XP

    Default Re: Azu's Deviations

    ((Poor Azu... Kind of interesting (perhaps ironic) that even a person like Selarth had people (though very few) truly care about him. I wonder what Akrion would think about all of this.))
    Anariah, Callihan, Selarth, Osiron, Asandra, Azayan, and Zefani of the Order Shard
    Want a pic of your character? Click here!

  19. #39

    Default Re: Azu's Deviations

    - OoC - Might LungTien have, without realizing this eventuality, led a red dragonness to become, in the future, the greatest arch enemy he'd ever have in his whole life? Only time will tell... - OoC -

  20. #40

    Default Re: Azu's Deviations

    ((Well, at least Stars didn't do anything with it, he might have ripped it apart into several different peices! I think holding Sel down at the end was enough for him though. But.. poor Azu! Sounds like she isn't taking this well at all o.o))

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