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Thread: Warning to those with public lairs/plots

  1. #1

    Angry Warning to those with public lairs/plots

    There`s a robber loose on the Order shard. someone`s stripping lairrooms, halls, and libraries clean. Reagle`s only public chamber, his T6 lair room. was stripped clean of everything including the storage pouches. so lock your lairs and plots, and secure your storage units.
    my lair is no longer public. I will be locking most of my silos as well, a few will remain public, but I`m not allowing robbery, so until the robber fesses up, and stops, it`ll be friends ONLY. I`m sorry for this inconveniance, as I wanted my lair open to all, but seeing someone out there is greedy, and doesn`t care about others, I`m forced to take this action.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Warning to those with public lairs/plots

    Wow, that's some pretty repulsive behavior. I hope the little rodent gets caught soon, and punished accordingly.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Warning to those with public lairs/plots

    i don't get it why people steal in this aint hard to get the things you need...some of you may remember a couple years ago there was a thief then too.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Warning to those with public lairs/plots

    I agree with everything that has been said there. It saddens me to see there is still robbery in this game, as I heard about this sort of things in the past...
    Do you remember what you had stored in this public chamber, Darkwing Duck? if yes, I'll help you to get it again.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Warning to those with public lairs/plots

    We had that before.

    But you should write a ticket, devs can find out who it was, and take appropriate measures.
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Holland (Wind, Unity now Chaos)

    Default Re: Warning to those with public lairs/plots

    Quote Originally Posted by LOVWYRM View Post
    We had that before.

    But you should write a ticket, devs can find out who it was, and take appropriate measures.
    I hope they can... Thievery should be banishment from the game permanently.
    Rvlion- LvL 100:100:100 - 59.3M - Lunus Ancient
    Gallinthus- LvL 100:42:41 - 6.9M - Hatchling
    Lohasbrand– LvL 4:3:0 – 1.0M - Hatchling
    Sslion- LvL 25 Mage, 25 Warrior, 10 Cleric, 6 Druid, 6 Monk and a few Craft Schools

  7. #7

    Default Re: Warning to those with public lairs/plots

    My library was stripped clean this week too. Most formulas I can replace easy as I have two other libraries full of dragon formula, but I was naive and put some lairshaping formula in there as well.
    Most I had to grind to get. Not fun and will be an utter pain to replace.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Warning to those with public lairs/plots

    You may not like it, but I find it rather offensive that you want the developers to punish this person.
    What is the point of having different access settings on your property? If you set the access option to "open to all", then by definition you are saying anyone can help themselves and therefore it cannot be considered theft.

    One thing I do admire about EvE Online is that the developers do not enforce such moral judgements. If the person did not hack their way to steal your stuff, then too bad for you. Don't be so trusting, lesson learned.
    Last edited by Jorev1; February 12th, 2011 at 04:00 PM.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Warning to those with public lairs/plots

    A good reason why I don't play EVE. Too much stress worrying about being ganked all the time.

    It would be different if there were better plot permissions so as not to hinder our own characters trying to get something from our own storage that we pay $15 a month to get.

    I don't feel that people should be punished other than replacing what they took.

    That aside, I enjoy having a public library. Often if someone needs help with something I am far too busy to help. It enables people to get the formula they need without me having to stop what I'm doing.

    Istaria has a very trustworthy community: something no other game has and these bad apples are very rare. Hence why there is such uproar and shock when it happens. I won't let the one bad apple change my ways. I cherish this community and the strange ways it has.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Warning to those with public lairs/plots

    Yes, banishment might be a bit too harsch... anyway, it depends of what the concerned player is doing. If he needed all of these items for hoard, or other uses, and didn't manage to see Darkwing Duck online, that would be the soft case. But if the player spends his/her time entering lairs and plots and taking everything he.she can to sell it, without looking for the owner's agreement nor inform him/her about it, this is another matter. So, we'd better let the developpers see and decide about what to do, I think.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Warning to those with public lairs/plots

    Exactly! if I could set certain rooms to "friends only" so my alts could use em I would. the whole reason for having it public was also for my alts. and I had pouches in there labels "feel free to take charms" and hoardables, so those I`m not too concerned about as I set them there for other players, but to just go, and strip it completely clean? that was extremely greedy. :P you`d think they`d at least have the respect to take only what they want/need, and save at least something for other players, but taking even the pouches? I found that severely disrepectfull. I had a few cargo discs in there too, since I don`t have any high level tinkerers, I can`t as well easily replace the level 5, 10, and 15 discs. :P I do have a couple deeper in my lair, but only Reagle, and his guildmates can access them :P almost afraid to even leave my silos public now, if I`m busy lairworking, use my silos, get another load, and the thief`s online stealing, I could have my silos robbed while I`m working on filling them >.>

  12. #12

    Default Re: Warning to those with public lairs/plots

    Don't let one bad apple ruin you. Think of all the times where people used your public facility and didn't screw you. That I think makes it worth it to not be paranoid.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Warning to those with public lairs/plots

    I have the formulas for beginner flying cargo disks and beginner Nielenoss' cargo flyers. Tell me which ones you'd need, I'll be happy to help.

  14. #14
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    le palais du fromage and industrial complex, cliffside, shepherd's mountain, blight

    Default Re: Warning to those with public lairs/plots

    on blight, we have mostly an old and well known to each other population.
    but even we have been hit by thieves, especially during the time of troubles.
    it is a hard lesson to have to relearn, but you just can't leave personal storage open to all.
    should the thief be punished, yes. by banishment, no.
    with istaria's close knit community, it would be punishment enough to make him or her known to all. with luck, the resulting and earned public shame would drive them from the game into self excile....
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  15. #15

    Default Re: Warning to those with public lairs/plots

    Really. There is a pretty big difference between taking something you really need from a public place (though it's really much more polite to ask first) than going through and taking everything off of all of someone's public access buildings. Or as it sounds like this time, pretty much raiding a bunch of folks across the server.
    Our permissions options, as mentioned, are limited and often buggy.

    Big crunchy ancient dragoness of Order

  16. #16

    Default Re: Warning to those with public lairs/plots

    Quote Originally Posted by Jorev1 View Post
    If you set the access option to "open to all", then by definition you are saying anyone can help themselves and therefore it cannot be considered theft.
    You're obviously from a different community, but here, if everyone suddenly locked up their plot/lair our life would become very difficult.

    We depend on people keeping silos open to ease the burden of crafting and so we respond in kind by leaving ours open. This requires a bit of trust on all ends, but it is something that is built and becomes a way of life.

  17. #17

    Default Cannot help

    I cannot help but feel this person HAD to have done this somewhat maliciously. There is no reason to grab the pouches and what not. It just makes no sense to grab all of that stuff unless you intended to do it to be a Troll if you will.

    I am not sure banishment is appropriate but I do believe that some punishment and replacement would be in order.

    As to the EVE thing... EVE is set up to be the Killer's Paradise (Killer as in one of the "Styles of Gamers" in this case the one who likes to ruin things for others, hopefully without challenge, in order to get self gratification. AKA Trolls by other names) whereas Istaria is the Killer's Nightmare. I think we should keep it that way. Istaria is about working together as a community to fight the Aegis not about fighting and stealing from each other.
    "Nothing Is Never Not... everything is never."-Vacuus, Lord of Nothing

  18. #18

    Default Re: Warning to those with public lairs/plots

    Holy crap, that's horrible to hear about this thief.

    I totally agree that public use is for the benefit of the entire community and something that's been built on trust over past efforts of BUILDING that trust.

    I've used Reagle's crafting tables many times and probably wouldn't have finished my RoP so early without their use, and for THAT much I'm extremely grateful. Thankfully so far for me I don't have my lair built lol, so I can't store anything. Hah. But I do use Stars' from time to time if i need to, or to help him build more on his own lair.

    What I normally use is the public silos like in Nulatha(sp?) or something during a crafting run. And if a thief is lurking there, that would quickly tick any normally calm-demeanored crafter off. Hours of crafting going down the drain so suddenly. I'd be pissed too.

    I'll keep my eye out as I'm sure others will as well, to try and find this thief.

    I don't think banishment is quite the best method of punishment, but it certainly isn't off the list. Moreso public knowledge of who it is would suffice as the humiliation and shame from it would be probably worse than a boot out the door.
    Githinji Koray son of Starstilanxs-Order Shard, Raml Koray son of Githinji-Order Shard
    Every man has a price to charge and a price to pay. Yeah, I've paid mine in ♠spades♠.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Warning to those with public lairs/plots

    The very same thing happened to Icabald's Libraries some two years
    ago. Both Libraries (T4 Lunus and T4 Helian) had a complete collection(s)
    of Expert Scale and Spell formulae for Dragons. There were even
    T4 & T5 techs for Dragons in them.

    The Libraries were "quietly" public, with only friends being told
    to peruse the libraries and take what they were lacking.
    Those Libraries got cleaned out, with not a single item left in
    them. This Thief goes looking for Public storage and steals all
    he/she can find.

    Icabald has since closed his libraries.

    To me, that means it is malicious intent and Greed. Pure and
    simple, this person is a low-life and needs to be banned.
    It is most regrettable that this great community has such a WORM
    crawling amongst it.

    Andaras- Speaking for Tarrant and Icabald

  20. #20

    Default Re: Warning to those with public lairs/plots

    It might be the same person, with another character or account... but it might be a different person. So, I am not sure banishment would be the best option, and I think we should let the developpers decide and act.

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