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Thread: Farewell, Order

  1. #1

    Default Farewell, Order

    Hello everyone. I thought I might as well post this so my friends and family on Order know what is going on.

    Scaleeth, Snowheart, Cynderr, Astriel, and Taisha have all moved to Chaos. I decided that Order is no longer the shard for me, and when a very kind soul on Chaos said that he wanted to move four of my characters for me, it kind of sealed the deal.

    Order is filled with too much drama for me. I mean no offense, people who like drama, go for it. However, I have a lot of drama going on in real life for me right now, and I want to play Istaria to get away from it all, not to have more drama piled on top of me.

    The last time I logged on Order, on good ol' Scaleeth, I said hello to the different chat channels and to the guild. I got no reply. But when other people logged on, they at least got a hello and a "how are you" from the other players.

    I suddenly realized that, seeing that I play Istaria for the social aspect of it, Order was not the shard I wanted to be on.

    I logged on my Chaos character soon after this. I said hello to the different chat channels. There were at least 5 to 10 people who said hello back to me, even people who asked me how I was doing. That, to me, means a lot. People welcomed me to Chaos, while on Order, I felt as if no one wanted me there.

    Again, I mean no offense to anyone. I just wanted to explain my personal reasons for moving. I still have a couple of hatchlings over on Order. Maybe I'll drop in and say hello every once in a while. But that is unlikely, as long as Order stays in it's current state. I hope all my friends over on Order are not upset at me in any way for moving servers. I still love you guys. <3 Which is why I wanted to take a minute to explain.
    ~Proud owner of~ ~

  2. #2

    Default Re: Farewell, Order

    *hugs Scaleeth* I too moved Lantua to Chaos for many of the same issues.
    If I ever happen to see you on I'll be sure to do a flyby snowball attack

  3. #3

    Default Re: Farewell, Order

    Order is not what it used to be.

    i guess i'll be the old stalwart then, right beside C'gan, Saphire, Awdz, and Knossos.

    i have a hatchie on Chaos btw.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Farewell, Order

    *hug* I am very glad you have decided to try Chaos and not leave istaria all together And I am extremely glad I get to play with you now
    Sadly each shard does have its drama and by no means is chaos free of that but i do hope you find it more peaceful and a better fit for you
    especially with crazy ole Agua! :P

    Welcome to Chaos hun

  5. #5

    Default Re: Farewell, Order

    While I'm sad to see another player leave Order, I wish you good time on Chaos.
    I always try to greet other players back when I see them greet on the channels.
    About some others, when they aren't busy or afk, the reasons are given there:

  6. #6

    Default Re: Farewell, Order

    I`m with you Scaleeth, I too have had my fair share of being ignored. only a total of 5 people even greet me anymore, and that`s not even everyday!
    And even they are starting to get cold, and distant to me, I don`t even feel welcome on RP chat rooms anymore, so what`s the point? I`ll never transfer Reagle to Chaos just simply because of his guild, and what tiny shards remain of his family, but I do play him on Blight often, and I`m considering making a Reagle on Chaos.

  7. #7

    Unhappy Re: Farewell, Order

    Quote Originally Posted by Darkwing_Duck View Post
    I`m with you Scaleeth, I too have had my fair share of being ignored. only a total of 5 people even greet me anymore, and that`s not even everyday!
    And even they are starting to get cold, and distant to me, I don`t even feel welcome on RP chat rooms anymore, so what`s the point? I`ll never transfer Reagle to Chaos just simply because of his guild, and what tiny shards remain of his family, but I do play him on Blight often, and I`m considering making a Reagle on Chaos.
    I hope not to be included in these people? ... I think I remember greeting you and seeing you as a friend. *winghugs

  8. #8

    Default Re: Farewell, Order

    Quote Originally Posted by LungTien Temeraire View Post
    I hope not to be included in these people? ... I think I remember greeting you and seeing you as a friend. *winghugs
    No Lungtien you`re actualy one of the few remaining nice players
    one of the good 5
    aww! you consider me your friend? *hugs you tightly* thanks pal, makes me feel better knowing I got friends there, you`ve always been one of the few who are always willing to support me ^^ thanks bud!

  9. #9

    Default Re: Farewell, Order

    People not saying hello because of "RP reasons," in my opinion, is a very stupid excuse to not be friendly. If they don't want to say hello in RP, they can say it like ((this.)) No harm done! This is exactly one of the reasons why I didn't want to be there. Not only is most of the RP overly dramatic a lot of the time (Again, not saying drama is bad, it makes stories good! But I'm talking RIDICULOUS drama. I'm talkin' vampire/werewolf/dragons who are murderous monsters who have every emotional and mental problem in the book... who can ALSO turn into mist and/or teleport. XD Not that specifically, but you get the idea... Overly dramatic.), but often people put their RP WAAAY before they put the rest of the community. If they want to be that way, then they can go ahead. But I don't want to be around it.

    Definitely not saying all people on Order are like that. It's just FAR too common to get away from without completely secluding yourself. I want to surround myself with people, I want to be social and make friends, not sit alone for hours without anything even being said in chat. Again, these are just my personal opinions, I mean no offense to anybody.

    If it helps anybody feel better, I have several emotional problems myself. I suffer from depression a lot, along with being bipolar. (I suppose those kind of go hand-in-hand.) I moved for my own health, so I don't have any more emotional stress put on me. I still love you all and I really want to keep in touch with all my friends on Order. C:

    And to all the people on Chaos who are reading this, thank you very much for such a warm welcome! You guys are amazing and I have met so many friendly faces. <3
    ~Proud owner of~ ~

  10. #10

    Default Re: Farewell, Order

    Quote Originally Posted by Scaleth Drakescale View Post
    People not saying hello because of "RP reasons," in my opinion, is a very stupid excuse to not be friendly. If they don't want to say hello in RP, they can say it like ((this.)) No harm done! This is exactly one of the reasons why I didn't want to be there.
    Well typically if one says "Hey" ICly, people won't respond with saying "hey" OOCly, as that would be kinda silly. I know that I wouldn't, simply because for one: I don't respond to IC posts OOCly, and for two: I wouldn't have any idea that you were addressing the room OOCly because you made an IC post.

    However, if you're saying 'Hey' OOCly then there's little reason, character or not, to not say 'hey' back unless they're away from the computer.

    Unfortunately Order has been suffering from general inactivity and limited variety in RP lately.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Farewell, Order

    Combining Order and Chaos onto one server is long overdue. It's silly to have a designated RP server in my opinion, you can RP without that distinction.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Farewell, Order

    Quote Originally Posted by Jorev1 View Post
    Combining Order and Chaos onto one server is long overdue. It's silly to have a designated RP server in my opinion, you can RP without that distinction.
    You'd find the majority of Order would be against this. I would certainly be annoyed with losing my plot. (I'm sure Shian wouldn't be too happy losing her double grand hall lair in Drakul.)

    The designation is more important than you may think. Many role players use the designation to find like-minded people to play with.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Washington, land of shivering in June.

    Default Re: Farewell, Order

    Quote Originally Posted by Jorev1 View Post
    Combining Order and Chaos onto one server is long overdue. It's silly to have a designated RP server in my opinion, you can RP without that distinction.
    And yet, most MMOs have designated RP servers. I'm pretty sure the devs have already said they're not doing this anyway, so the issue is moot. I do not think I would enjoy playing on Chaos where the majority of players are not roleplayers at all, and probably many of the ones that are are not the same sort as most on Order.


    Aegis Shatterer - Scourge of the Scourge - Blight's Own Decay

  14. #14

    Default Re: Farewell, Order

    Quote Originally Posted by Scaleth Drakescale View Post
    People not saying hello because of "RP reasons," in my opinion, is a very stupid excuse to not be friendly. If they don't want to say hello in RP, they can say it like ((this.)) No harm done! This is exactly one of the reasons why I didn't want to be there. Not only is most of the RP overly dramatic a lot of the time (Again, not saying drama is bad, it makes stories good! But I'm talking RIDICULOUS drama. I'm talkin' vampire/werewolf/dragons who are murderous monsters who have every emotional and mental problem in the book... who can ALSO turn into mist and/or teleport
    To be fair, if you have been RPing on Order or at least sitting in channels, such things are not happening much at all any more. Thankfully, that vampire craze has been over for a very long time XD Most rp now is awesome
    "State your case, but do it well. I do not suffer fools gladly." ~Sereamha Balla-dor

  15. #15

    Default Re: Farewell, Order

    i agree with sereamha, rp is getting better recently and i have also reappeared again :P
    100/96/21 32.2 mill hoard Killer 87% socializer 47% explorer 40% achiever 40%

  16. #16

    Default Re: Farewell, Order

    The rp tends to come in cycles. The last cycle of supper-bad rp + unnecessary drama (Every dragon was blighted and supper powerful , and everyone was getting offended for the littlest things, it seemed) was finally too much for me to handle.
    I still have a few alts and I pop in from time to time, the last few times I've been to Order folks were friendly - if a bit quiet.

    It seems that most of the major sources of drama (note: not the kind that makes a story good) seemed to have moved on or went into hiding.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Farewell, Order

    Quote Originally Posted by Tcei View Post
    The rp tends to come in cycles. The last cycle of supper-bad rp + unnecessary drama (Every dragon was blighted and supper powerful , and everyone was getting offended for the littlest things, it seemed) was finally too much for me to handle.
    I still have a few alts and I pop in from time to time, the last few times I've been to Order folks were friendly - if a bit quiet.
    I haven't seen "supper-bad rp + unnecessary drama (Every dragon was blighted and supper powerful , and everyone was getting offended for the littlest things, it seemed)" for a very long while now, and I rarely saw more than a few people take things wrong. A large part of the Order community has always been, is still, and will stay friendly. This doesn't depend of the time or of the moment.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Farewell, Order

    Quote Originally Posted by Darkwing_Duck View Post
    I`m with you Scaleeth, I too have had my fair share of being ignored. only a total of 5 people even greet me anymore, and that`s not even everyday!
    And even they are starting to get cold, and distant to me, I don`t even feel welcome on RP chat rooms anymore, so what`s the point? I`ll never transfer Reagle to Chaos just simply because of his guild, and what tiny shards remain of his family, but I do play him on Blight often, and I`m considering making a Reagle on Chaos.
    i havent noticed this personally, and Reagle if i dont respond is only cuse im afk..your a good freind and unlick some seem to think i do not take rp personaly thank druklar for that eh...any how i hope to see you around
    Chrystalas Wolfbane (Saris of the Scions)..Just a normal lil kitty cat ...well maby a bit crazy..just a bit..

  19. #19

    Default Re: Farewell, Order

    yea the RP stuff always goes in cycles (wether in this game, or others, or on forums or IRL even)...

    I sit out the times when things seem to be getting "bad" to me, and then return once the cycle is complete...and then enjoy it while I can until the next cycle comes around =D
    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
    Iea has returned.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Farewell, Order

    I'm really not seeing these cycles, but I've heard a few talking about them. xD Order's population has been in a steady decline for years. Sure, RP may kick back up, but as I've seen anyway it's always with a lower total population each time, which would mean it's not truly a cycle.

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