Quote Originally Posted by Tcei View Post
As an outsider and not being very aware of what if anything -rp wise- led up to this, it seems to me this was done purly to spite some comments in another thread. Which Imho is a rather crappy and childish thing to do.

While I do agree that every player has a right to kill off their own character; I would think giving those players who's characters are family of your own a heads up or letting them be involved solmewhat with the rp leading up to the death (even if they ultimately fail to save you) would be the courteous thing to do rather than just say Ohyeah my character's dead now Kthxbia, and effectivly crippiling the rp of everyone around you.

Surprise deaths can be a good (and fun) rp event.

I was once apart of a group that was on an rp-pvp server. We all rp'd that we were part of a small close-knit band of the militia out of the local city. One night we were all gathered in a tavern (after a long day on patroll) telling stories when our leader was assassinated. It was quite a shock when two rogues appeared out of thin air and stabbed our fearless leader then bolted for the door (they didnt make it.). Even though we tried to save (rez) her, her soul was beyond our reach and she was permakilled.

The point is people were offered a chance to participate in her death. The RP wasnt left crippled, and there was a point of refference for those close to her to move on.
None of this - near as I can tell, is what happened in the story of your own character(s) Shin, thus why everyone is so upset.
^Title of post. You do not always get a chance to interact. You do not always get the luxury of trying to save the one who you cared for. You do not always get the luxury of knowing what happened to them. You do not always have the ability or chance to take revenge. That is life in the end.

Crippled? It has crippled nothing. I am not central to anything important. Shinkuu and Zarla are not Gods or Heroes of the Ages, or part of the Lore. They are not that important to anyone that they cannot move on and deal with it like they would any other loss.

If anything, let it be a wake up call to the complacent among those who would care. The Aegis are a deadly enemy who take no prisoners and want all of Istaria to die and wither away. Ignore them and this is the result. They take from you all you hold dear and never give it back. Some have forgotten that Istaria is in a War for its very life and soul. Forget at your own peril.