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Thread: Where's the Adventure anymore?!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Deep in the Heart of Texas!

    Lightbulb Where's the Adventure anymore?!

    I'm a much older player that's returned recently.. and I've noticed in my time being back.. No one really hunts anymore... its a solo grind on multiple(IF you can handle multiple.. Mages, yeah your SoL there) monsters hoping to just get to 100 so omg yay we can craft now!

    Istaria has turned into a craft-oriented game.. which is nice.. but does anyone remember Feledan? Among other craft AND adventure events... and listen up here, I've seen many older members agree with me, and a few newer say they'd like it too...

    More Adventure and Craft events.. and when I say 'and' I mean an event needing both.. maybe more adventure maybe more craft... but whatever the case, enough of this solo grindfest! This is what every game out there is nowadays... Grind grind grind... It's no wonder not many people play anymore...

    and yes I am one of those, but I was one who liked the hunting parties, liked the adventures, and especially the events.. they were the best part of the game... and devs claim this is a type of game you need to rely on others to help you do what you need to get done, players complain about being lv 80 in a craft and lv 15 in their adv.. and no one wants to group with anyone because they're too caught up in their own crafting...

    My point is really clear to those others who know it... I like crafting, but this is for one: A community game and for two: an adventure game too! so more quests other than go kill 10 of these 7 million times before you level and go get me 5 trophies at a time, 50 thousand times to level would be nice... VERY nice! and I'm saying this from a gamer's point of view, I've played everything from Ultima to Aion (soon to play Rift also) so I'm speaking from an honest view of several games I've played, the successful have varied quests in both.. Quests here have no storyline, or even anything to catch the quester's eye... It makes no sense to quest this repetitively with no work at all in the storyline...

    I understand my ideas are all over the place, but I've spoken to many new and old players in istaria itself that have agreed, we all miss the old times of hunting parties, varied levels and ratings getting together to help eachother.. rather than being selfish jerks and not caring about others no matter what's offered... and yes it's happening everywhere in istaria! So I'm just suggesting something new, something adventurous that spices up the gameplay a bit! I love this game and everything about it, I just don't want to see it fall even lower than it already has.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Where's the Adventure anymore?!

    I'm a very new player (about a month, now), who's not returning, but is experiencing all of this for the very first time. Maybe it'll make you happier to know that I've already found that it's a *whole* lot better, and, a heckuva lot more fun, to go out on these quests together. I went out on the Dragon Defender of Trismus quest with another hatchie, and together we handled it. As a slightly higher-level player, I went along with two other hatchies, watching their backs and tossing in the long-range fire to draw the critters in for 'em.

    I've been very fortunate to find some really great higher-level players who are more than happy to come along with me when I'm trying something new, and who are willing to offer advice and suggestions.

    It's a blast when you can have two or three or more players all working together towards a common goal...and, let's face it, it's a LOT more fun, just having someone around to talk to and laugh with. More cooperative efforts, as you say, with mixed levels and skills would *have* to be even better.
    Always speak politely to an enraged dragon.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Where's the Adventure anymore?!

    This is exactly the same thing I posted the other day (see lvl)and your right about some of the player. I have posted for help and have only one reply.I have also post about bi-ped only guild for newby again no reply.
    Order Just A Babe In Woods

  4. #4

    Default Re: Where's the Adventure anymore?!

    I miss the good group adventure. When I made my first hatchie about 3 years ago I was always in a group with great friends who also had just started and we did tons of quests on NT and Kion together and then our ROP's. It was the singularly best MMO experience I've ever had. The group adventuring is what kept me hooked to Istaria. Now I really don't ever find people out in groups taking down baddies. So, I really don't log on anymore and probably won't renew my sub.
    Glindor Occulus - Ancient Dragon - 100/80/25 - (Chaos)
    FaffyMuncher - Half-Giant - 86 ELAR 30 RNGR 20 KNOC 30 OUT 25 BLK 15 MAS - (Chaos)

    Cave draconis.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Where's the Adventure anymore?!

    Quote Originally Posted by Clearbrooke View Post
    Quests here have no storyline, or even anything to catch the quester's eye... It makes no sense to quest this repetitively with no work at all in the storyline...
    Have you gotten to Tier 2 (Sable Shore / Bristugo / Dalimond) ?

    There's quite a few "story-based" questlines from there
    - Kesqui - Formerly of Ice, now of Chaos, lair in Liak
    First Rebirth 12-12-2003 / Ascended to Ancient 12-12-2010

  6. #6

    Default Re: Where's the Adventure anymore?!

    Clearbrooke, I can sign what you`ve said.
    I`m a vet player too, who never stopped playing in more than 7 years now.
    And though I am always busy (most of the time crafting, or raising a new char),
    and though I can ask my friends if I need assistance with a hunt, we hardly get a group together (here on Order) for a boss mob hunt, a rift run or a Queen hunt.
    Many things have changed to good, and there are lots of new questlines that need a good group- but we never find enough players for one or even countinous hunts. Too few players interested in. Or a time- zone prob.
    I really don`t know
    and yes- I also miss what you are writing about.
    Seems Istaria`s population prefers another way of gaming.
    Maybe events could change something- but I would not bet on this.
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  7. #7

    Default Re: Where's the Adventure anymore?!

    Though I`m still fairly new, and sadly missed out on a lot of major events, I too would love to see more adventure/crafting events, and not just for level 100+ but all teirs.
    keep the game fresh, so to speak it`s far too grindey in it`s current state, course I still enjoy plot, and lair building, can play all day making up stuffs for my plots ^^ but having group events to join would make things so much more interesting.
    my poor Reagle`s been neglected of a good ol` guild/group hunt in the doom or deadlands D:

  8. #8

    Question Re: Where's the Adventure anymore?!

    Looks like maybe we have a small group that might get together.What done you think?
    Order Just A Babe In Woods

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Deep in the Heart of Texas!

    Default Re: Where's the Adventure anymore?!

    My characters are all in New Rachival and Mahagra, so they're passed the supposed storyline stuff.. and yes if you get extremely lucky you can find a group.. but like I said, and a few have said it here... They're too caught up in crafting to really notice what else is out there... If anyone agrees and is on Chaos I'd be more than happy to get together, whether to help catch them up to me or level together...

    I'd love to see things get more active out in the world of baddies.. They wouldn't be there if they weren't meant to be killed...

    and yes it's improbable that the devs will make new events.. That's why Istaria isn't very known anymore... You always hear people yammering about Wow, Rift and Aion because they change their events up, they have holiday stuff, or seasonal things... Its good to see Developers are interested in doing new things..

    this game came out in 2003... Its 2011 people... There's been time for improvement and creativity... Is it really going to hurt if there's one event that everyone can attend? Its a win win really.. Its summer now.. have a summer solstice type event! Make some kind of fire elementals come out and 'destroy' small areas of town, that'll make adventurers want to kill the elementals and crafters able to remake the small areas(Only specific buildings yada yada) of the towns! Different towns, different leveled elementals, different tiered crafting!
    and I'm not saying a constant respawn right inside of town, constantly obliterating newbies to the town.. I'm just saying maybe once every hour or so have a wave come in and do some damage until players come to do something about it... Then the crafters can come in and do their jobs!

    Are we really that scared to try something new?
    ~Clearbrooke~ *Riverpaw*
    lv 60 Elemental Archer on Chaos
    Raaliquiryn Vaerkaldra, previously Kirya Al`Taraya (Mistress of the Blighted Guard!)
    lv 100/40/34 Dragon on Chaos

  10. #10

    Default Re: Where's the Adventure anymore?!

    the game has improved much, Clearbrooke.
    There is lots to do for a good group. At any level.

    The devs know that we want events and saisonal things,
    we do tell them regulary
    Amon explained why its not that easy (can`t find the thread atm)
    but I`m sure they are aware of this.

    Until then- (as you play on Chaos I can`t offer you to group with us)
    test and explore all the new content/quests/areas.
    Lots you can do alone, until you find companions for a hunting party

    Happy gaming
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  11. #11

    Default Re: Where's the Adventure anymore?!

    Quote Originally Posted by GlindorOcculus View Post
    I miss the good group adventure. When I made my first hatchie about 3 years ago I was always in a group with great friends who also had just started and we did tons of quests on NT and Kion together and then our ROP's. It was the singularly best MMO experience I've ever had. The group adventuring is what kept me hooked to Istaria. Now I really don't ever find people out in groups taking down baddies. So, I really don't log on anymore and probably won't renew my sub. (awwwww ::sniffles softly, her ear fins flicking a few times::

    the highlighted part saddens me a lot!!! but the rest of the quote speaks volumes in what the devs could try to implement more frequently.

    I also am a newish player, a little over year playing the game and Glindor was my main dragons mentor. He assisted my hatchlings growth to becoming an adult. Now I do the pay it forward routine. I assist other hatchlings when they need it. To be part of a group, to share the frustration of fighting and yes, earning those dp's, to the joy of success and earning a new title or our wings.

    I also would like to see whole world group based events, to not only bring the community together, but give istaria a face lift where she needs it. And lets face it, there are plenty of areas that could be made new or functional if a group came together and worked on it. I have spent many solo hours lvling my dragon (and that was okay because I also understand that RL does get in the way), but I am fortunate enough to be part of a great guild and have a group of friends that is always willing to assist when called upon.

    Patience is the key thing. enjoy the solo moments and be ready for group moments. they will happen, just takes time. Most importantly, enjoy the game itself and what it has to offer.
    Chaos - Kinrath - Ancient, Crafter, Lairshaper,
    Ashlind - hatchling, Corinnia - training biped
    Sparkled Sunbeam - hatchling

  12. #12

    Default Re: Where's the Adventure anymore?!

    I appreciate your concerns and feedback. To those who say there is no adventure, I say you need to go out and look for it! There is lots of adventure. Try creating a new character and doing all of the New Trismus, Lesser Aradoth and Dalimond Peninsula quests. Or, take your high level character to Aughundell, the Imperial Outpost and Delgarath and do the multitude of quests there. There are now hundreds of quests in Tiers 1, 2, 5 and 6 and many are story-based including some epic ones in Dralnok's Doom and the Dalimond Peninsula.

    As far as Events, as we mentioned in our Developer's Desk earlier this year, we are working on bringing back the holiday events because we know that people like them so much. But, for the other events (such as the big story driven events of 2004), I am afraid it is not likely they will come back any time soon. The reason is because they take a lot of development time to produce, time that could be spent working on content that has more lasting impact such as revamping Tier 3, adding new dungeons, or new items, etc.
    "Alea iacta est" -- Julius Caesar

    Toot shouted, voice shrill, "In the name of the Pizza Lord! Charge!" (Jim Butcher's Dresden Files)

    "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spends it whole life believing that it is stupid." -- Albert Einstein

  13. #13

    Default Re: Where's the Adventure anymore?!

    I don't know if I could be as bold as to propose anything (after all, I am free to play user + new to the game), but I would try to post some thoughts about quests.
    Well, some of cool quest lines are just well hidden. It was only by chance that I found "Vandus militia" quest line. i really enjoyed. it. Travel from point A to point B; find some outpost while triggering several "trigger points"; even bureaucracy while running to some NPC to get his signature. So, everything is not as bad as it may show.
    Speaking about quests, I think some improvements may be made:
    1. Race-only adventure quests. I mean, quests that may be done only by certain race (Dryads, Humans, Elves...)
    2. Choices within quests. In one of "Vandus..." quest player needs to find Human outpost and speek with 2 persons here. One says they need supplies and other speaks something about first person's mother in Dalimond. There, player may have choice: to deliver news to the mother of that soldier OR to deliver news about outpost to the officer who gave the quest. The choice may lead to different endings. For example: if player delivers information to mother in Dalimond, player receives big sum of money (no xp, though) and some side quests from NPCs in Dalimond at the price of failurie to continue "Vandus..." quest line; if player delivers information to the officer who gave the quest, player receives big xp, but little money and the ability to continue "Vandus..." quest line at the price of ignore by certain Dalimond characters and very little cash. So, it is up to player to decide: big cash and profitable side quests line or big xp and not so profitable main quest line.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Where's the Adventure anymore?!

    Quote Originally Posted by anonimas View Post
    Well, some of cool quest lines are just well hidden. It was only by chance that I found "Vandus militia" quest line. i really enjoyed. it. Travel from point A to point B; find some outpost while triggering several "trigger points"; even bureaucracy while running to some NPC to get his signature. So, everything is not as bad as it may show.
    Really? Hmm, that is news to me. I will see what I can do to improve the links within the Dalimond Peninsula.

    2. Choices within quests. In one of "Vandus..." quest player needs to find Human outpost and speek with 2 persons here. One says they need supplies and other speaks something about first person's mother in Dalimond. There, player may have choice: to deliver news to the mother of that soldier OR to deliver news about outpost to the officer who gave the quest. The choice may lead to different endings. For example: if player delivers information to mother in Dalimond, player receives big sum of money (no xp, though) and some side quests from NPCs in Dalimond at the price of failurie to continue "Vandus..." quest line; if player delivers information to the officer who gave the quest, player receives big xp, but little money and the ability to continue "Vandus..." quest line at the price of ignore by certain Dalimond characters and very little cash. So, it is up to player to decide: big cash and profitable side quests line or big xp and not so profitable main quest line.
    Choices are good, the only main issue is that if players find out they could have done quest B instead of A and gotten a better reward then they get upset. So, you have to tell them up front what the rewards are for A and B and let them choose based upon that.

    Case in point, we did this sort of thing with the Free Grant quest series several years ago. If you talked to Grant first then you got a certain reward, but if you spoke to the banker first you got a different reward. We had some people who got upset cause they weren't informed about the choices before-hand.
    "Alea iacta est" -- Julius Caesar

    Toot shouted, voice shrill, "In the name of the Pizza Lord! Charge!" (Jim Butcher's Dresden Files)

    "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spends it whole life believing that it is stupid." -- Albert Einstein

  15. #15

    Default Re: Where's the Adventure anymore?!

    One thing that could be done about the quests on Dalimond Peninsula (Tier 2) would be to replace the current level requirement (they vary from current adventure 20 up to 40) with a rating requirement of 21. That way you would see all of the quests available to you even if you couldn't do them fully because the monsters were too hard. Cause I'm thinking that some of the issue may be that you aren't high enough level to see some of the quests and so it may look like there aren't any. This way you could consume the quests as fast as you could do them. Thoughts?
    "Alea iacta est" -- Julius Caesar

    Toot shouted, voice shrill, "In the name of the Pizza Lord! Charge!" (Jim Butcher's Dresden Files)

    "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spends it whole life believing that it is stupid." -- Albert Einstein

  16. #16

    Thumbs up Re: Where's the Adventure anymore?!

    Quote Originally Posted by AmonGwareth View Post
    One thing that could be done about the quests on Dalimond Peninsula (Tier 2) would be to replace the current level requirement (they vary from current adventure 20 up to 40) with a rating requirement of 21. That way you would see all of the quests available to you even if you couldn't do them fully because the monsters were too hard. Cause I'm thinking that some of the issue may be that you aren't high enough level to see some of the quests and so it may look like there aren't any. This way you could consume the quests as fast as you could do them. Thoughts?
    I like this idea.
    SiLang Drag 100, Dcra 100, Dlsh 100 100M Hoard Ancient Dragon of Flight of the Order Shard
    Parcasta Storm Disciple 44, ARM 88, BLK 100, CRP 25, ENC 23, FIT 88, GTH 80, JWL 40, MIN 80, MSN 82, OUT 100, SCH 100, TLR 10, WPN 88, WVR 21

  17. #17

    Default Re: Where's the Adventure anymore?!

    Quote Originally Posted by AmonGwareth View Post
    We had some people who got upset cause they weren't informed about the choices before-hand.
    With the introduction of more "sandboxy" offline games - like Mass Effect - where choice is a major feature of the game... maybe this wouldn't be such a negative now? I know I like games where my choices affect what I can do in future.

    Maybe introducing a couple of "little" ones which don't have vastly disparate rewards or separate quest trees, to see how it goes (i.e. you can choose a quest that gives an ice-based tech, or the opposite-side quest that gives a fire-based tech) and then see how the players as a whole react?
    - Kesqui - Formerly of Ice, now of Chaos, lair in Liak
    First Rebirth 12-12-2003 / Ascended to Ancient 12-12-2010

  18. #18

    Default Re: Where's the Adventure anymore?!

    Well, there may be some hints inside story. Example:
    NPC 1: "Please bring this information to the Town Marshal of Dalimond!"
    NPC 2 (nterrupts): "[Player name], Town Marshall has lots of things to do, go to my mother in Kion instead to inform that I am alive!"

    Quest window (Ctrl+Q):
    "Speak with Town Marshall in Dalimond
    Speak to [NPC] in Kion".

    Another decision - NPC tells the player:
    "We have a situation here. [evil mobs] are attacking us and we do need some help from the Empire. Deliver this letter to the Town Marshall of Dalimond in order to supply us with weapons or bring it directly to Kion Militia so that they can send us reinforcements".

    Quest window - the same: "Speak with Town Marshall of Dalimond OR Speak with Kion Militia officer".
    The player would clearly see he/she must make a choice.

    p.s. As I enjoy "Vandus..." type quest line - if you plan more quests, please plan something like this...

  19. #19

    Default Re: Where's the Adventure anymore?!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kesqui View Post
    With the introduction of more "sandboxy" offline games - like Mass Effect - where choice is a major feature of the game... maybe this wouldn't be such a negative now? I know I like games where my choices affect what I can do in future.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kesqui View Post

    Maybe introducing a couple of "little" ones which don't have vastly disparate rewards or separate quest trees, to see how it goes (i.e. you can choose a quest that gives an ice-based tech, or the opposite-side quest that gives a fire-based tech) and then see how the players as a whole react?

    It sounds good in theory, but in my opinion, the idea behind this is to lengthen the gameplay so that you basically complete to game again choosing the different path(s). I don't think this would be a good idea here and I personally would be very much against this, as it is simply not possible to do. It would basically mean starting a new toon and for many (especially heavily multi-classed peds such as myself ) is simply out of the question.

    But back onto the actually topic (Where’s the adventure), if you’re on Chaos there is often Epic hunts occurring where we try in vain to kill Valkor, Reklar and SoG hunting their drops. But as you said, general hunts are not as common. Sometimes you just have to holla, but it does depend on the reason for hunting sometimes. If you’re after experience, some of the more eager hunters might not be able to help in that department since our ratings are considerably high and exp is not going to happen. If you’re after comps or techs or forms or whatever, I’m sure there are plenty about who would be willing to lend a hand there. Since I’m not sure the OP has posted since, I’m not sure what server they are on, but I’m on Chaos and in Australia and I still have a small hunting group who are often up for some mayhem, so I can only bet that at peak US times, the server has more hunters about.

    Happy hunting all, see yas in Istaria
    --- iuvenilis --- [Officer of The Alliance]
    Demonslaying since July 2004

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