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Thread: Goodbye

  1. #1

    Default Goodbye

    I'm afraid my time here is through, at least for the foreseeable future. I very much regret that... this game no longer holds any interest for me. The thing that drew me in was dragons... the thing that made me stay was the community. Over the past year and a half I have watched that community slowly erode...and finally there is not enough left to keep me interested in roleplaying, when three fourths of my friends from Istaria are not only gone from the game, but I've contact with them over skype! Still there are a couple with whom I would like to maintain contact and might now and again drop by... but for the most part, I am going to be gone.

    If you have any relation to my characters, then I leave you with these excuses for their absences:
    Essera: The Sleep.
    Asua: Unknown, disappeared. (She does that from time to time.)
    Eidolen: Gone to search for his Father in Taeillo, to put him to rest. Despite the risk, this is something he 'must do alone'.

    ...well that should about cover the characters who have relations to players who are still around, I believe. I hate to see Istaria degrade to such a state where I can no longer bear to stay after only a year and a half... but that's the way it is. The RP community is on its way out and the game besides that was a lifeless husk to begin with.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Goodbye

    I am sad to see you go, Essra I hope to see you come back one day... *winghugs

  3. #3

    Default Re: Goodbye

    I hear you, Essra. Hope all is well in the future for you.

    Big crunchy ancient dragoness of Order

  4. #4

    Default Re: Goodbye

    I'll miss you~!

  5. #5

    Default Re: Goodbye

    *serves Essra a farewell serving of klava presented with a towel and a curtsy*
    hope to see you in istaria again someday!

  6. #6

    Default Re: Goodbye

    Ouch, as a long time player I hear your pain on losing more friends
    than remain. My friends list has names from 7 years ago that I
    wish would wake again.

    I hope you find reasons to return and enjoy Istaria and those friends
    that do remain.


  7. #7

    Default Re: Goodbye

    Sorry to see you go Essra! I know I'm one of the ones that went poof and I still fight to get back in at this point, but I always enjoyed our RPs and will be sad to no longer have that opportunity with you in the future.

    Frithy will miss seeing you guys around . Take care and may the wind always carry you home!
    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
    Iea has returned.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Goodbye

    *Reagle sniffles, and wing hugs Essera farewell*
    I always had fun RPng with yah. sorry to see you go.
    But I understand the sadness of loosing friends. so many of mine have quit the game as well, and I`ve had my share of RP disappoinments.

    Hope you feel better, and maybe even come back. I know the Reegster would be happy to see you
    take good care of yourself *huggles*

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Delaware, USA that little state no one knows about XP

    Default Re: Goodbye

    Is everyone leaving now? ): It's been fun though. Be sure to check in with us every now and then!
    Anariah, Callihan, Selarth, Osiron, Asandra, Azayan, and Zefani of the Order Shard
    Want a pic of your character? Click here!

  10. #10

    Default Re: Goodbye

    *huggles all*
    I didn't realize how many people would actually care if I left! ^^.
    Heh... yes, I will check in from time to time. Pay 'yall a visit. I tried to a couple days ago, but nobody was on. Like, -nobody-. Even in Market. O.o I guess it must have been just after a server restart or something. But it wasn't on a normally scheduled restart day... meh, oh well.

    I enjoyed RPing with all of you... this community was what first introduced me to roleplay, and will always hold a special place to me. Who knows... maybe one day I will return?

    And, to Frith-rae specifically:
    I had long hoped to see you in the game again! But... a year later I kinda stopped thinking you ever even planned on coming back; thought you were just hanging around the forums. XD.

    Frith always was one of Essie's favorite elders, along with Maekrux. ^^
    Truly a shame neither of you could come on more often!

  11. #11

    Default Re: Goodbye

    sorry to see you go essra, i always did have fun rping with you, so yes once you can please return.
    100/96/21 32.2 mill hoard Killer 87% socializer 47% explorer 40% achiever 40%

  12. #12
    Member velveeta's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    le palais du fromage and industrial complex, cliffside, shepherd's mountain, blight

    Default Re: Goodbye

    fare well, ess, and we will be here to welcome you home with open arms!
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

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