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Thread: Male n Female dragons.

  1. #1

    Default Male n Female dragons.

    Hmmm another one of those topics. Well once again hear me out.

    I know making a difference in between the looks of a male n female dragon would be a daunting task and alienate some people from their exisisting dragon they are attached on.

    Now I was thinking after hearing a few people complain that some think their dragon is female due to name or color ect. So why not allow players to choose the sex of the dragon but the dragon model is the same.

    This will allow people to know mr y dragon is female after doing a search and mr z is male. no need to change textures or any exsisting models. just to choice to choose to be either male or female.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Holland (Wind, Unity now Chaos)

    Default Re: Male n Female dragons.

    Of most dragon players I have no way of knowing if they are male or female, but considering I do not Role Play and simply have fun playing. I have no need to know these sort of things. As far as I am concerned all players are equal under Drulkar.

    However I can understand that some people would like to know this sort of thing.
    It would be some work, but right-click on a player currently gives:
    1. "Invite to group"
    2. "Invite to chat"
    3. "Trade"
    Add another option called "Player profile"...
    Which opens an ingame window with information the player wishes to let you know.
    1. Name
    2. Race
    3. Gender
    4. Guild
    5. Description (for adding your RolePlay story of how you came to be and who you are)
    Rvlion- LvL 100:100:100 - 59.3M - Lunus Ancient
    Gallinthus- LvL 100:42:41 - 6.9M - Hatchling
    Lohasbrand– LvL 4:3:0 – 1.0M - Hatchling
    Sslion- LvL 25 Mage, 25 Warrior, 10 Cleric, 6 Druid, 6 Monk and a few Craft Schools

  3. #3

    Default Re: Male n Female dragons.

    thats not a bad idea.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Male n Female dragons.

    i found the client side files files that define gender, a bit of work. but not impossible. i tinkered with adding gender for dragons on client side. but thier still that server side info that defines your toon in the database as Male female or neutral

    and my thoughts on how to get it defined for existing players is make a npc that lets us talk to them and choose are gender with a link in the chat

  5. #5

    Default Re: Male n Female dragons.

    Heyyy its been a minute since this was suggested! LOL

    (one of those things that should be added to that sticky thread of - stuff the devs already answered lol).

    Many have requested/suggested the idea of having it show male or female (or neutral still) on the player search window, as part of the info displayed. Its a request as old as the game is itself.

    Most response are, "dragons know what they are, perhaps its part of their private nature they don't want everyone else - especially non dragons - being able to tell" or whatever associated reason there.

    But I have never heard anyone really against the M/F/N tag being added to the player search/info window. As long as the option to stay neutral (like Sslik are as well I believe) is left in for those who want to display that - it would be a nice thing to have.

    But it isn't game breaking either, just one of those :that would be nice: things . heh.
    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
    Iea has returned.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Male n Female dragons.

    Quote Originally Posted by Frith-Rae View Post
    Heyyy its been a minute since this was suggested! LOL

    (one of those things that should be added to that sticky thread of - stuff the devs already answered lol).

    Many have requested/suggested the idea of having it show male or female (or neutral still) on the player search window, as part of the info displayed. Its a request as old as the game is itself.

    Most response are, "dragons know what they are, perhaps its part of their private nature they don't want everyone else - especially non dragons - being able to tell" or whatever associated reason there.

    But I have never heard anyone really against the M/F/N tag being added to the player search/info window. As long as the option to stay neutral (like Sslik are as well I believe) is left in for those who want to display that - it would be a nice thing to have.

    But it isn't game breaking either, just one of those :that would be nice: things . heh.
    What blue reccomended would be the best idea. a quest by an npc given for the neutral races to choose a gender, and prob back to neutral if desired.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Male n Female dragons.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zanon View Post
    What blue reccomended would be the best idea. a quest by an npc given for the neutral races to choose a gender, and prob back to neutral if desired.
    There is where it gets tricky, "neutral races". The sslik are by lore neutral, neither male nor female. It would not be appropriate to include them in a generalization of "neutral races" for choosing your gender listing.

    But for all the years I have played my dragon, the only place it really bothered me was the guild manager listing. That should be optional though too if the dragon wishes their gender to be known. (Considering how many years it has been the way it is currently.)


  8. #8

    Default Re: Male n Female dragons.

    I agree with what is stated. Some of us dragons would like to have our gender known. It's a bit awkward when those of our own species mistake gender. The guild list too is a good point.

    While good in theory, in practice this mechanic is often more trouble than is intended.

  9. #9
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    le palais du fromage and industrial complex, cliffside, shepherd's mountain, blight

    Default Re: Male n Female dragons.

    i go by name until corrected - i gots a 50/50 chance, after all......
    for instance, i would think that mourning wood is def a male name.....
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  10. #10

    Thumbs up Re: Male n Female dragons.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonboy View Post
    Of most dragon players I have no way of knowing if they are male or female, but considering I do not Role Play and simply have fun playing. I have no need to know these sort of things. As far as I am concerned all players are equal under Drulkar.

    However I can understand that some people would like to know this sort of thing.
    It would be some work, but right-click on a player currently gives:
    1. "Invite to group"
    2. "Invite to chat"
    3. "Trade"
    Add another option called "Player profile"...
    Which opens an ingame window with information the player wishes to let you know.
    1. Name
    2. Race
    3. Gender
    4. Guild
    5. Description (for adding your RolePlay story of how you came to be and who you are)
    I like this suggestion, a basic character profile where it's fully optional and even helpful for those of us that like to RP (mainly those on the Order shard).

  11. #11

    Default Re: Male n Female dragons.

    I would think it`d be more an issue on just the role play server then the others, but since people do roleplay on Chaos, and blight ocassionaly. it would be helpfull. can`t recall how many times Reagle was called a female when he`s a male RP wize XD so I type "him/his/he" often when I roleplay to verify gender. but an option to show gender would be handy for such situations.
    any can choose nuetral/herm (terrable at spelling for forgive me for shortening that XD) if the character Role play wize is.
    maybe even in the character creation window have available options you can choose. then when you do emotes for example it`ll specify him/her instead of it. I personaly find it annoying to have my poor draggie called an "it" O.o

    yes ssliks by lore are nuetar, but I RP mine as a male lol!

  12. #12

    Default Re: Male n Female dragons.

    I cant remember the last time i didnt accidently call someone a Female when they were really a Male. I think some type of Notification saying their a Female and or Male would be very nice. Like Bleakheart is my uncle, and when he used to be my dad (LONGGGG Story...) I called him mom. XD I kept forgeting gender...

    Like i said, this would be very nice. ^^

  13. #13

    Default Re: Male n Female dragons.

    Quote Originally Posted by dragonesskiara View Post
    I cant remember the last time i didnt accidently call someone a Female when they were really a Male. I think some type of Notification saying their a Female and or Male would be very nice. Like Bleakheart is my uncle, and when he used to be my dad (LONGGGG Story...) I called him mom. XD I kept forgeting gender...

    Like i said, this would be very nice. ^^
    *laugh* Sounds like an old Roger Miller tune.

    Dracaena Starfyre

  14. #14

    Default Re: Male n Female dragons.

    Hahahaha ^^ Its true tho :O

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