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Thread: Lower Tier Anchors

  1. #1

    Default Lower Tier Anchors

    Would it be possible to add lower tier anchors to the world but make it so all the really high level players cannot fight them , this would add some content for lower levels also

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Sem / Last Stand

    Default Re: Lower Tier Anchors

    I belive there is some possibility of this happening (check the email that was sent out, or the 'Upcoming in hz:' in the 'General' forum).

    But making it so the higher lvl'd couldn't attack it would be cool. Nice treat, or challenge for the lower lvl'd chars.
    Truth is absolution - Killswitch Engage
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  3. #3

    Default Re: Lower Tier Anchors

    yeah i read it :)

    but we have the tierv and iv already so why not lower :)

  4. #4

    Default Re: Lower Tier Anchors

    They'll get to that eventually I guess, after tacking with the proposed level diminishing effect of the anchors. That is, for tier I anchors, all characters of levels 21+ will get reduced to L20, and so on. Curiously, this means tier I anchors are the most powerful artifacts of Blight as their fields are capable of removing up to 80 levels off you - 100 after level cap goes up. I'd think WA would want to protect their most potent artifacts with such effects instead of a dinky tier I anchor.

    Dragon adventurer 100 | Dragon crafter 100 | Dragon lairshaper 84

  5. #5

    Default Re: Lower Tier Anchors

    Tier II and III content is desperately needed for more players to enjoy the dynamic WA in Horizons.

    Don't restrict it to levels (too hard for game mechanics) but obviously if a high level player wipes out a tier II or III anchor (when other players plan to fight it OR are fighting it)then they are disrupting the normal gameplay and thus griefing and thus reported.

    It would make sense, though, for the WA to blight iron and nickel resources,pale and glowing wisp areas (as orbs are vital in all teching and much of construction). As long as tier III teching is more common for levels 40+, the WA should be targeting Glowing wisp areas (and might as well visit Shiny wisps too).
    Jaraiden -- Adult dragon, life mate of Shadowwalker, bonded 7/31/04 (Dawn --> Order)
    Adult 73/82 | hatchling 56/65 (70.8 days) [3/9/04 to 3/4/05, 4/12/06 to 4/13/07, Current]

    1. Fix what is broken. -- 2. Finish what is incomplete. -- 3. Add to complement lore.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Lower Tier Anchors

    i agree ith lower teir anchors too but i dont like the idea of blighted wisps and haveing almost everything blightd again remember when stuff like slate iron silver (i know of theese for sure) were by far outnumbered by blighted ones lets not get started with wisps too now i would like more blighted reasources in lower tiers AS LONG as it does not qipe out current reasources example there is only a small amount of granite at this moment if that goes blighted masons and such will not be able to exceed to higher levels (practically anyways) so dont kill limited reasources but add blightewd reasources in new places (i know there are plenty of wide open spaces) so blighted reasources are good but bligted outragously outnumbering non-blighted reasources is bad
    but yes content needs to be for all levelsand as for targeting the wisp areas alot of wisps should be out of there imeadiate grasp and well thats al i got to say for now anyways
    Do Not Meddle In The Affairs Of Dragons For You Are Crunchy And Taste Good With Ketsup
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  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Lower Tier Anchors

    The whole point of the blight is that it is an invasion, so if you dont want your resources bligthed you have to go out and fight or deal, its not impossible, i was working miner in the mith while it was blighted and i was only a lvl 29 healer, high adv. chars would have had even less problems, sure its annoying but thast the point.

    Also with the lower tiers being blighted the issue is not a huge because there are blighted forms etc. Infact i wish i had blighted resources to work off as a lower lvl miner as at certain points it woulda given better exp.

    The WA attacks should not be seen as an inconvienience but more of a threat, People take what they have for granted, you take that away and people will be forced to fight, sure crafters may complain that its ruining their gameplay, but there is always another path to take.

    As for the suggestion made, yes its come up before, there shuold be lower tier blight anchors to interact mroe with the lower lvl chars.

    However im going to throw in a little contravercy (probably spelt that wrong) just to spice things up a little as im sure most people will dissagree, anyways. A question to be asked is, why should there be lower lvl anchors? I mean if you are going to send out an attack you wouldnt send your weakest troops, you'd send your strongest to get the job done properly.

    Your argument may be "but why are there low lvl mobs in game atall then?" BUT the other mobs arent "attacking" they are simply there, you are attacking them by moving into "thier" territory. Ofcourse that can easily be argued down but eh, was worth a shot = P

    Proud and loyal members of Battalion
    Xarii Ani - Dryad - Chaos shard
    Quazi Ani - Dragon - Chaos shard

  8. #8

    Default Re: Lower Tier Anchors

    Im not here to argue with you but i do not see why lower levels should not be included in the dynaic blight after all we need tier I resources as much as Tier V so it would make sense for the WA to require the same wouldnt it :)

    id just like a limit on who can attack the anchor for a tier I anchor say the upper limit be 40adv?

    for us to succeed in defeating the WA ALL levels should be included

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Most likely in a crafting field somewhere

    Default Re: Lower Tier Anchors

    I agree that lower tier anchors should be included, i just added that last bid for debate sake = P

    However the problem with higher lvl chars not being able to attack the lower tier mobs is that, what if a higher lvl char was working in a lower tier field and all teh mobs jumped him, but he cant fight back.....just because hes a higher lvl doesnt mean he wouldnt die to them...if someone is at the low end of teh spectrum having just lost the ability to attack them, he may still be relatively weak(er).

    A quick solution to this is make it so the lower mobs cant attack teh higher lvl chars, however i dont think higher lvl players should be able to wonder around freely among monsters.

    If they could make it work, great, im sure they could come up with something.

    Proud and loyal members of Battalion
    Xarii Ani - Dryad - Chaos shard
    Quazi Ani - Dragon - Chaos shard

  10. #10

    Default Re: Lower Tier Anchors

    while i dont think the ai can handle level recognition one work around could be that whilst a high lvl adv can attack the mobs should they wander too close and vice versa they cannot actually hurt the anchor itself

    some routine could possibly be set up that checks the attackers level?

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Lower Tier Anchors

    The problem being that at this point i think there will end up being alot more higher lvl chars in game opposed to lower lvl, or atleast people dont stay in the lower lvl catagory THAT long compared to higher lvl (since once you hit your cap you have to stay there or drop your school)

    So basically we could end up with a whole bunch of lower tier anchors with no one killing them, hence making lower tier resources blighted, for lower lvl crafters who haev high adv. this would suck because they cant do anything about it. Or for higher lvl players who are helping low lvl crafters/making low lvl gear, having to deal with blighted resources knowing you cant do a ******** thing about it would suck.

    Proud and loyal members of Battalion
    Xarii Ani - Dryad - Chaos shard
    Quazi Ani - Dragon - Chaos shard

  12. #12

    Default Re: Lower Tier Anchors

    The blight propagates from the east.. it is moving west trying to cover the contenent.

    If the blight is being stopped in the east it makes little sense for it to continue spreading west. That is unless of course the blight can just appear randomly and start spreading itself in all directions.
    Zodias of Order
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  13. #13

    Default Re: Lower Tier Anchors

    I agree content needs to be accessable to all levels and blight is the only adv content atmin the current abscense of events [ which used to happen weekly and would vary tier, sometimes multi-tier quests ].

    I think that the easiest way to ensure only proper level players can affect the blight anchors would be to the anchor and it's minions immune to all damage unless the player hashad a "buff granted" that enablesthem to damage said WA. Have the Lv requirements for the buff be checked off highest adv class [ same as portals do ]. Have buff last 2hrs and it should be long enough to battle, yet short enough to prevent exploiting. While you could set buff to drop off once one levels past requirements, I feel that would be wrong for a player who leveled fighting the anchor to find themselves unable to continue, but still getting hit by the WA.

    Blight appearing randomly...always did pre merge and I really doubt it doesn't do so now, it is simply not allowed to go past a certain point. Though I am not inclined to monitor ever resource east of Aughundel to be able to say with certainty.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Lower Tier Anchors

    Quote Originally Posted by Poony666
    I agree that lower tier anchors should be included, i just added that last bid for debate sake = P
    You sure like to do that, but good to bring up possible situations (along with solutions)

    However it is rather simple - A tier II blight anchor appears in a tier II resource area. It is discovered, a call goes out . . .

    A. A force is being mobilized to combat it and patrol the area (thus content for proper levels - tier II is 20 to 40 with a few high level characters to be sure)

    B. No force, thus the proper action is to kill the WA near the anchor and destroy the anchor (chance was given to enjoy content)

    Are you sure, Poony666 that you want those large Spectre Blight orbs that radiate 2000 hp damage waves around Istaria? Those are their strongest knownforces after all (premerge). I sure don't.

    And Evilkarl is right - the Blighted areas East, West, and North should be expanding . . . toward towns and resources. Leave a few forces in towns for them shrine recallers.

    East - Dryart, Dralk'sObsidian, nickel, and cobalt areas, then oak and fan out toward Mahagra, Kirascent, Tazoon, Dalimond.

    West - Morning Light and island with Falathien, hitting resources, then fan toward Harro and south to Lorena and island (or expand from blighted area on that island)

    North - take over continent with goal of posting anchors at arrival pads then move on bridge toward Ice Island to connect with Western forces.

    Dead Pool - source of tier II anchors.
    Jaraiden -- Adult dragon, life mate of Shadowwalker, bonded 7/31/04 (Dawn --> Order)
    Adult 73/82 | hatchling 56/65 (70.8 days) [3/9/04 to 3/4/05, 4/12/06 to 4/13/07, Current]

    1. Fix what is broken. -- 2. Finish what is incomplete. -- 3. Add to complement lore.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Lower Tier Anchors

    Quote Originally Posted by Jaraiden
    Are you sure, Poony666 that you want those large Spectre Blight orbs that radiate 2000 hp damage waves around Istaria? Those are their strongest knownforces after all (premerge). I sure don't.
    Well from what ive encountered so far, if you want to avoid them, its not hard so unless they were LITERALLY everywhere it wouldnt be a huge issue. But i do see your point.

    However you also mention that the blight should spread logically, it doesnt seem logical to me that as they get into certain areas the mobs are suddenly alot easier. Although ofcourse the same argument could be made for current mobs and that certain areasseemto be forcertain tiered mobs.

    I am not familiar with the lore on this, but the question would be, where exactly are the WA attacking from? do they appear out of fin air? do them come from underground or do them simply spawn/evolve? My speculation would be that they come from the "deadlands" and therefore it would make sence if the anchors spread from those regions out.

    Anyway here is how it stands in my view, YES tiered blight anchors (lower) should exist in the way that high lvl chars cant jsut come and clear them out, its just finding a way to put them in game that makes sence.

    Proud and loyal members of Battalion
    Xarii Ani - Dryad - Chaos shard
    Quazi Ani - Dragon - Chaos shard

  16. #16

    Default Re: Lower Tier Anchors

    Quote Originally Posted by Jaraiden
    you want those large Spectre Blight orbs that radiate 2000 hp damage waves around Istaria? Those are their strongest knownforces after all (premerge). I sure don't.
    Spectre Blight Orbs are already have differentnames /strengthsfor anchors in T4-6 resources. I think it is a given that AE would do the same for T2/3.
    And Evilkarl is right - the Blighted areas East, West, and North should be expanding . . . toward towns and resources. Leave a few forces in towns for them shrine recallers.
    Why did the T3 WA in Northern Blight decide to stay out of the anchor business?
    How did theT5WA from Deadlands getto the T5 resources on other side of continent; and why? Makes no RP sense that the Elite T6 WA in East Blight regressed intoweaker WA or called for help because 2 resourceswere all they could handle. If that were the case why not grab some convenient Crimson Scourge to help.

    There are a lot more than 3 blighted areas, evenstarter islands have asmall blighted area. The anchors andminionscould come from smaller blighted zones or they could do as the WA have always doneand just show up.
    Blight has always blown across the land like the windand has never needed to march forces. Anchor and Orbsseem to be no more than concentrated Blight. Hypothetically dead people are buried all over. TheBlight can create forces anywhere, on demand.

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