I agree with you on some of the quests that you've posted earlier. But the Hardened Scales quest, I'm going to have to disagree with you on. Ferocious Gruoks range in level from 11 to 20. If your character is only lvl 10, then you can work to pull the lower level ones. There are places where just the sows and younglings will spawn without the higher level "male gruoks".

As for the boss mobs that wander the roads, I also have to disagree with you on whether they "should" or "should not" be there. In every MMO I've ever played there are those mobs, those places in the world that you simply know if you encounter them to soon, they're going to do a load of hurt on you... and then you come back 10 levels (or however many) later to exact your revenge. In fact, if memory serves me correctly, GUComics once did a panel that the text line was just that... "Revenge is a dish best served 10 levels later."

I'll look at the Sslanis quest to see if a description of salt rock and it's point in the world could be better described. As Amon said, please let us know any others you encounter so that we can evaluate if they are in need of help.