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Thread: Calling for a council

  1. #101

    Default Re: Calling for a council

    (( np XD just waiting for Niv, and Banniet now, and Lungtien ))

  2. #102

    Default Re: Calling for a council

    (*is waiting for Niveus and Banneit)

  3. #103

    Default Re: Calling for a council

    *seeing the spellcasters have been taken out, he cracks his neck a little bit and turns his gaze to Lung and Ryzaak. He knew how ...touchy...Lung could get about being involved and getting his fair share in things, so Niveus decides to not begin casting the rather complicated spell yet. Clearing his throat, he calls to Lung* What do you plan to do with him~?
    "State your case, but do it well. I do not suffer fools gladly." ~Sereamha Balla-dor

  4. #104

    Default Re: Calling for a council

    ...something large rises through the air over the ridge. Something ancient sized, grey, and covered in primal markings. Without saying a word, Runos attempts to slam her full weight onto Ryzaak's back, spreading her front arms out. It looks like if he were to not be left crushed under her weight, she was ready to hold on tight for some reason.

    Both of her front claws have some kind of modified tool claw on them; each is made of mithril with an unusual addition of a scribing razor talon made of adamantium on the tips of each finger. It is almost a cross between a tool claw and a combat talon with only one purpose: writing on anything, even into stone.

    ((Should she connect, her primary goal is to start digging those razors into ryzaak's hide with a purification rune set on both sides. Either its going to eat the blight, or end poorly for blighted things should it be unable to remove it...))

  5. #105

    Default Re: Calling for a council

    (( ooohs! welcome Runos! Ryzaak isn`t blighted anymore thanks to Niv, and Romirez he`s been inbued with primal energies, thus only thing keeping him from decomposing away XD seeing he is undead not sure what Lung`s going to do with him yet though, maybe render him crippled, and Runos can take him out? ))

  6. #106

    Default Re: Calling for a council

    Temeraire is still standing ontop of the undead Ryzaak, struggling to immobilize his foe. As he attempts knocking the evil creature, LungTien peers back at Saphire and roars towards her: "Saphire! Heal Reagle! I will handle Ryzaak!". Then, hearing Niveus' question, LungTien turns his blue eyes to eye the elf. The black ancient knew Niveus would try and suck the undead dragon's soul, as he did for Selarth, Setlanron and others.

    The Helian primalist opns his mouth to reply, but he suddenly raises his head up to glance above him, having detected something approaching. Recognizing the form of a grey ancient diving right towards Ryzaak, and then, towards him as well, Temeraire blinks with surprise and his eyes widen. Maybe it was too late for him to react quickly enough, whatever he'd try to avoid being slammed.

  7. #107

    Default Re: Calling for a council

    ((I know an apology is not enough but I've been so caught up trying to make MyPaint work with a mouse, since I don't have a tablet yet (and failing miserably), that I forgot to check here ))
    ~Banniet hadn't used his admittedly limited healing yet and rushes over to Reagle casting an Improved Revitalize and Instant Heal on the wounded dragon.~ I hope this is enough. ~Once he finished casting the spells he turns his attention to the undead Ryzaak, a look of pointed hate and rage on his face, his spinefin completely spiked out. He wanted nothing more then to sink his sword into the dragon's skull and end his miserable existence.~
    ((A link to Banniet's almost completely accurate drawing would be good wouldn't it? I'll put it in my forum signature, just click his name.))

  8. #108

    Default Re: Calling for a council

    (( np Banniet XD been busy with work, and family myself so havn`t had much time to reply to posts XD anyways, before I have Ryzaak do anything besides respond to seeing Runos, I`m waiting for the others to get their replies in ))

    [Reagle] *After Banneit casts the heals on him, he instantly feels the wound on his throat begin to close, and heal, sighing in relief, he casts his own healing spells on himself to finish what the bipeds spells couldn`t do, and spikes his scales out 95%, snarling at undead Ryzaak, and charges, aiming straight to his neck wanting to snap it*

    [Ryzaak] *noticing the grip lessoned slightly he looks up, and sees Runos diving right towards him, his earfins pinned tightly to the sides of his head.* uh oh......

  9. #109

    Default Re: Calling for a council

    *Due to the size of the thrashing dragons, the elf can do pretty much nothing at this moment. He could offer his lovely eating services, but that is about it. Sighing, he folds his arms and keeps his distance as he watches the madness ensue, though he does have a stunning spell ready just in case Ryzaak amazingly was able to escape the two ancients*
    "State your case, but do it well. I do not suffer fools gladly." ~Sereamha Balla-dor

  10. #110

    Default Re: Calling for a council

    *she pins her earfins back completely and growls lowly in response to lungtien's shouting towards her she however remains where she is some distance away from everyone continuously baring her fangs, she had her scales still spiked at 95% which meant she was feralized at the moment, her scales being the indicator at her anger level and feralness*
    100/96/21 32.2 mill hoard Killer 87% socializer 47% explorer 40% achiever 40%

  11. #111

    Default Re: Calling for a council

    Her full weight misses the bulk of Ryzaak, but the advantage of being bigger and heavier means you are capable of abusing it in a fight. Her claws latch onto both sides (aided by the sharp points) and she heaves to attempt to subdue the dragon on his side, claws facing away and neck not easily able to crane around to bite her.

  12. #112

    Question Re: Calling for a council

    (Hmmm... Runedragoon, have you seen LungTien is standing ontop of Ryzaak and attempting to hold him down as well as knocking him out? I have just forgotten to add he tries to hit his foe's head with his left forepaw, intending to knock Ryzaak out.)

  13. #113

    Default Re: Calling for a council

    [QUOTE=LungTien Temeraire;272805](Hmmm... Runedragoon, have you seen LungTien is standing ontop of Ryzaak and attempting to hold him down as well as knocking him out? I have just forgotten to add he tries to hit his foe's head with his left forepaw, intending to knock Ryzaak out.)[/QUOTE

    ((Afraid I missed that. Could say that despite lung's position, runes has her own plan and would attempt to shove both of them over...))

  14. #114

    Default Re: Calling for a council

    (lol yeah he`s got Ryzaak pinned XD )

    [Ryzaak] *shuts his eyes tightly bracing for the impact, when Runos grabs him, both him, and Lungtien go tumbling sideways, he then tries clinging tightly to Lungtien, and Runos, until the stop tumbling, he opens his eyes, and looks semi dazed for a moment. He growls once he comes to his sences, and bites down hard on Runos` forearm, with enough strength to snap the bones*

    [Reagle] *stops mid stride, kidding across the dirt as he misses Ryzaak be mear inches as the three ancients go tumbling pinned together*

  15. #115

    Default Re: Calling for a council

    Even in an attempt to subdue him in a way that would prevent a bite, her opponent managed to turn their neck in a way that gets her in the right spot. Teeth snap down on the scribe's claw which is not designed to withstand combat stresses. The mithril hasn't been tempered, and even if it is hard, it still crunches like tinfoil. Unfortunately it also clamps onto the runic's arm, only aiding the injury as it nearly clamps the arm (with broken bone) off. Obviously, the ancient howls a moment but has to maintain her level of discipline.

    With that arm useless, she still rakes her other claw across ryzaak's hide in a calculated and quick pattern, a simple rune that reads as "Light Fire". When it activates, Ryzaak would be engulfed in white fire - but perhaps 'fire' is inaccurate. It instead is a sort of holy or life fire. Something that a zombie would rather not deal with. It burns all the same - just with added burningness to nonliving.

  16. #116

    Default Re: Calling for a council

    LungTien is relieved as he sees Runos land nearby, and not right on him, and keeps trying to neutralize the undead Ryzaak. As the primalist raises his left forepaw again to hit the enemy dragon's head with it, he gets shoved sideways with a gasp and staggers, almost losing his equilibrium. He still manages to not fall and keep a forepaw on Ryzaak, to keep him on his belly. Temeraire's eyes peer at Runos with a confused expression, before the black ancient exclaims: "Runos, wait. He can tell us where Cynny is!"

    *The primalist's goal was to immobilize the undead adult before asking him where was his close friend. He could still be destroyed after... LungTien tries, then, to move back above the false Ryzaak and to pin him down again with his left forepaw on the adult's neck, the other forepaw on Ryzaak's right paw. He tries, as well, to sit on the adult's back, attempting to not get him killed too early.

  17. #117

    Default Re: Calling for a council

    *as he watches the flames and Lungtien apparently sitting ON the flames, he begins to wonder just how far ahead that black dragon was thinking. Eyebrows raising as he does his best to hold in a snicker, he continues to just watch from the sidelines, avoiding being crushed to death. .......True, an ethereal paroxym on them all would be funny AND energizing for him.....buuuut he decides against it.

    Now tapping his foot and getting a little impatient, he calls to Lung* oh SURE, since we can TOTALLY trust what IT has to say, right~?
    "State your case, but do it well. I do not suffer fools gladly." ~Sereamha Balla-dor

  18. #118

    Default Re: Calling for a council

    ((I can't resist the urge to make Banniet have a total "badass" moment. ))

    ~The look of hate on his face was still there, however it was accompanied by a look of minor confusion once another ancient got involved, but only for a brief moment. His spinefin still spiked out about 90%, he sheaths his sword, closes his eyes and lifts his sword arm ((right)) so it was extended straight out horizontally. Flames begins to seethe from his paw as he simultaneously shouts and snaps his claws. "IGNITE!" Suddenly, his eyes open as a solid spear made of flames sprung forth from his paw, the flames writhe around his paw and forearm however they had no harming effect to his scales. He slowly strides toward Ryzaak, glaring at him with cold hatred, ensuring that he was quite serious. Upon reaching the undead dragon he pressed the spear against the side of Ryzaak's face, glaring at him with controlled fury and speaking with stern determination.~
    Wretched creature, answer him truthfully and perhaps I'll make your end a swift one! Nieo erdonne rei cal kor nieo d'eilet coer!

    ((External contact with the spear's flames wouldn't effect any normal dragon, however as Ryzaak is undead, I'm not sure if he would be immune, your call I guess. It's still a spear next to his face though. As for the Keir'chet at the end, it's basically what he said in common, simplified though. Intended translation: "You will speak the truth now and your death will be swift."))

  19. #119

    Default Re: Calling for a council

    *Just as LungTien starts sitting down on Ryzaak, he has to jump and step back as the adult is engulfed with white flames. The black dragon eyes Runos, then Banneit, then everyone else before sighing. It seems none of the others wanted to keep the false Ryzaak 'alive' long enough to make him say where was Cynny, so he finally desists. Temeraire takes a deep breath, the light from the flames making his black scales look grey, before releasing his own fire towards the undead adult, careful not to throw his breath too close of the ancient dragoness.

  20. #120

    Default Re: Calling for a council

    ((O.o I was under the impression that the "white flames rune" was only in place, not triggered. As for Banniet he wasn't killing Ryzaak only trying to intimidate him, trying to assist you in getting valid answers. At most Ryzaak would have a spear shaped burn mark on his face if he wasn't resistant to fire/fire proof, at this point.))

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